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  1. #41
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    Default Tsoh want! Tsoh want now!!!

    Give Tsoh Warlock form or Tsoh wil... Tsoh will.... goddamn it. Lol. Anyway. Thanks for making me read that. You're mean and I hope somebody teases you all day with a dollar on a string.

  2. #42
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    Default Unless I'm not understanding correctly....

    Quote Originally Posted by Munkenmo View Post
    1. Kinda Standard, kinda boring.
    2. Kinda Standard, Kinda boring.
    3. In elightened spirit, this is available in Core 2, why is this weaker version a third core ability? Why does the same core ability exist in two seperate trees?
    4. It's really boring now.
    5. I feel this is a little late
    6. Interesting ability. I like it.

    Tier 1:
    Consume: Will I get 2 procs against living constructs? Does this scale with spell power?
    Subtle Spell casting: I'm glad this exists somewhere.
    Taint of blood: is this a typed debuff? Does it stack with improved sunder?
    Daunting Presense: acceptable
    Hungry for Destruction: Seems a little powerful given that we have to wait till tier 2 in harper. Perhaps just give us a stacking +2 to our weapons instead?

    Tier 2:
    Greater Hunger: seems like a nice boost if consume is effected by spell power too.
    Stricken : Does the bane damage scale?
    Taint the aura: Swap this with Hungry for Destruction.
    Spell pen: how many ranks will this have?
    Somsume sight: Same DC as blindness?

    Tier 3:
    Greater Hunger is getting a little boring now, I can only use this ability once every 10 seconds and it's going to take up a whole line in my tree, how about putting a cooldown reduction on the base ability here and in tier 5?
    Weakened soul: Will this work on Red/purples? It seems like this is going to be useless against trash.
    Chained Blast: I like it.
    Burning Blood: fits with the theme for your tree.
    Cha/int : enough said.

    Tier 4:
    Greater Hunger: I really wish this ability that will take up a whole line in my tree could be made multi target somehow. Or has a cool on death mechanic like Judgement in Exalted Angel.
    Weaken Form: Again will this work on red/purples? In tier 1 it was ok vs trash, in tier 2+ it seems more like boss debuffs.
    steal lifeforce: will there be a melee / ranged version? This could be crazy powerful with improved precise shot.
    Immortal Will: Does the capstone ability count as a necromancy spell?
    cha/int : enough said.

    Tier 5:
    Supreme Hunger: At this point you've offered me a powerful single target sla, that's taken up an entire line in my tree. It's boring and I want something more than 1 powerful dot every 10 seconds.
    Greater Eldritch Chain: Does this replace the first toggle? Does the damage per proc decrease further?
    Feed on magic: This is so much weaker than Essense of the strike in Natures Warrior.
    Spell Tearing: Could possibly do with a boost?
    Finger of death: Nifty at 12, however the DC is quickly going to suck compared to even a sorc or druid (let alone a palemaster) This needs something to make up for the -3 caster levels.

    Add something to Core 1, it's underwhelming compared to all the other classes that have this and an additional bonus: I'd suggest making it give 0.75usp and +1hp per point spent. Since this tree now will grant hp, you don't need to dedicate 2 more core abilities to hp boosts.
    2: Your equipped weapons have lesser vampirism
    3. Your eldritch blast has a +5% chance to crit
    4. Your spells have a 5% chance to crit, your eldritch blast gains another 5% crit chance.
    5. Put something cool here, eg. eldritch blast/chain double strike?

    The consume / hunger line needs more. It's not going to be fun in to use or spend 2ap per rank on. I'd like to see this spread in the same manner that Judgement > Lay to rest > Judge the many does in exalted angel.
    This is still a caster with access to the other caster spells, right? If so, um, there's like 3 high level dots (um, acid, ice and.... um, um.... ah, elec), and quite a few low level spells. The warlock is still a caster, did I miss something saying Warlocks would not have access to the same spells as Wizards and Sorcs? If I did, this is in error and I apologize.
    However, if I'm not in error, any true DOT user knows you use a combination of DoT's for damage. Expecting 1 DoT to bring down an enemy is really, REALLY REALLY, limiting yourself in a very bad way as... lol, every other quest, your DoT is obsolete. There are force resistant enemies out there as well, so, and remember this is only if I was not an idiot that skipped where it said warlocks would not be using the established available spell lists, the warlocks eldritch blast, used in conjunction with a combination of DoTs is very (to me) appealing... and will prove to be what makes the class stand out as slingers that can rival the best fighters in DPS.

  3. #43
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
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    Default Aura/radius stuff

    Just a general comment, having caught up on some warlock reading today.
    Is there any thought to the "Fear" component being shifted into a permanent aura?

    Thematically, here's where I'm going with this -- we see Paladins give you "hope" or calm you in their presence, but it would seem appropriate that a Warlock would cause Fear in theirs to any mob gathering too close to them. Why not be immune to Fear but then also constantly cause Fear (w/a DC) to any mob gathering around you? Much like the green aura around skeleton mages, I was wondering if any thought had been given to permanent auras around Warlocks, perhaps in this tree, which are in a constant mode of causing Fear and potentially other negative effects to critters gathering around the Warlock.
    Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.

  4. #44
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsoh View Post
    This is still a caster with access to the other caster spells, right?
    Warlock spell books:
    • Comprise largely of existing DDO spells
    • Are unique and not exact copies of any other classes spellbooks
    • Generally don't have damage-dealing spells (there's some weird thematic exceptions and things like negative levels which aren't quite damage, or maybe have ability score damage, etc.)
    • Dip mostly into Arcane spells but also possibly Warlock-flavored Divine spells, though many of those spells also have Arcane equivalents. Doom feels like a Warlock-appropriate spell, right? (We know, no one is going to play Warlock for Doom, but flavor counts for something.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuclear_Elvis View Post
    Just a general comment, having caught up on some warlock reading today.
    Is there any thought to the "Fear" component being shifted into a permanent aura?
    For the moment Enlightened Spirit is our "aura" tree, which includes:

    • 20 AP, class level 12: Aura of Menace: Toggle: You project a 15 meter Aura of Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2.

  5. #45
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    For the moment Enlightened Spirit is our "aura" tree, which includes:

    • 20 AP, class level 12: Aura of Menace: Toggle: You project a 15 meter Aura of Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2.
    So any thoughts on updating the Aura of Menace to make up for the proxy nerfs since its original release?
    Munkenmo, Rangenmo, Kickenmo, Pastlifenmo, Nukenmo, Songenmo, Gimpenmo, Brutenmo, Favenmo, Forgenmo, Wizenmo

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  6. #46
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    ...For the moment Enlightened Spirit is our "aura" tree...
    Okay, I understand that tree and that theme. Just a thought - that any/all Warlocks could have some "Aura" about them, as long as the right theme/purpose were built around it. Even a puny Fear aura in this case (even if the DC were only effective in Heroic), and perhaps the other tree could have its own aura of some different theme/purpose. I say this because it seems auras are overlooked in their potential to either have small/single spell or multiple/conglomerate spell effects, and the Aura could "grow" with the core enhancement tree row in potential/effects if done as a progressive build.
    Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.

  7. #47
    Executive Producer Severlin's Avatar
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    Update tree based on player feedback:

    ~ Core 2 and 4 now give fortification and saving throws versus disease and poison to reflect the Souleater's move towards Inhuman.

    ~ Core 3 also allows the Souleater to inflict the Shaken effect on enemies. This will help with DCs.

    ~ Bumped up Hungry for Destruction a bit to aid multiclassing, adding another enhancement of it at tier two. Are these too powerful for Warlock splashes?

    ~ Increased the effectiveness of Taint the Aura to 2 per rank, stacking up to 5 times.

    ~ Removed Spell Penetration, added Sugar Rush.

    ~ Added Dark Feeding. PC members wanted more enhancements that felt vampiric. This multi-selector allows the Souleater to feed on an opponent's attributes and add those stolen points to themselves.

    ~ Steal Lifeforce is now a multi-selector for you evil... err misunderstood Pale Master types.

    ~ Greater Hunger and Supreme Hunger now boost Consume effects more to compensate for the loss of lower level boosts. Supreme Hunger lets melee and ranged attacks also stack the damage over time while Consume if active.

    Last edited by Severlin; 05-16-2015 at 07:04 PM.

  8. #48
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    The core abilities are really boring imo, the only ones I'm actually looking forward to getting are the final 2 cores. Core 3 is acceptable, as is Core 2, I feel the rest still need some work.

    Core 1 is still weaker than every other tree that grants +sp per point spent at level 1:
    PM: For each point spent in this tree you gain +0.75 Universal Spell Power and +0.75 Negative Energy Spell Power
    AM: +1 spell power and +2 spell points
    Savant: +.75sp and a bunch of caster level / damage modifers per element.
    Seasons Herald: +1 spell power per point spent
    Spell Singer : +1 spell power + boosts per core.

    Your core one is still weak and underwhelming, it's been pointed out already and you haven't addressed this. Are you deliberately making / wanting it to be the weakest core 1 ability for a spell caster? if so, why?
    Change Core 1: Boost the spell power to 1ap per point spent or add +1hp per point spent as well.

    Cores 1-4 really only apply the shaken ability to a mob. I'd like to see something else as an offensive property,
    Getting inhuman nature at core 2 is fine, getting it as my 4th core at level 12 is not, +25% fort and +4 to saves again at 12 is abysmal.
    Give me an offensive ability here,
    eg. Enervation is added as an SLA
    or: The shaken ability in core 3 is upgraded to Despair, additionally on vorpal your eldritch blast burns it's victims, (procing the burning blood spell)
    Last edited by Munkenmo; 05-16-2015 at 10:05 PM.
    Munkenmo, Rangenmo, Kickenmo, Pastlifenmo, Nukenmo, Songenmo, Gimpenmo, Brutenmo, Favenmo, Forgenmo, Wizenmo

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  9. #49
    2015 DDO Players Council InsanityIsYourFriend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Update tree based on player feedback:

    ~ Core 2 and 4 now give fortification and saving throws versus disease and poison to reflect the Souleater's move towards Inhuman.

    ~ Core 3 also allows the Souleater to inflict the Shaken effect on enemies. This will help with DCs.

    ~ Bumped up Hungry for Destruction a bit to aid multiclassing, adding another enhancement of it at tier two. Are these too powerful for Warlock splashes?

    ~ Increased the effectiveness of Taint the Aura to 2 per rank, stacking up to 5 times.

    ~ Removed Spell Penetration, added Sugar Rush.

    ~ Added Dark Feeding. PC members wanted more enhancements that felt vampiric. This multi-selector allows the Souleater to feed on an opponent's attributes and add those stolen points to themselves.

    ~ Steal Lifeforce is now a multi-selector for you evil... err misunderstood Pale Master types.

    ~ Greater Hunger and Supreme Hunger now boost Consume effects more to compensate for the loss of lower level boosts. Supreme Hunger lets melee and ranged attacks also stack the damage over time while Consume if active.

    Nonchalant towards

    Yes, thank you

    It is powerful, but not too powerful, with 6 point investment (if 1 per teir) that is +10% damage, great but not overpowered

    Yes, thank you

    uh.... sugar rush seems more childish than demonic, that said the actual ability... herm.... +X % = warlock level for a little while? since it is not permanent I would be almost willing to make it 2% per warlock level myself, that said it is nearly permanent....
    (name idea) the prey, flees
    I like the ability, I just wish there was a charisma version as well. Be warned that depending on what enemies are vulenerable to these attacks mental stats can be drained to 0 on some enemies quite easily making this a no save helpless tactic.

    Thank you for understanding

    consume being proc'd on melee/ranged could very well be powerful, making it proc % of the time may be better (though I am unsure)
    I am Falontani, Zeblazing, Zeholysoul, Zeshadowfist, Zesoulhuntah, Zedrunk, Singingblade, and many alts
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    Thanks for the report and Whoa.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    This is talked about a ton, and nothing is concrete at this point. Enter bugs with examples. Tons and tons of bugs. Make Gazebo cry.

  10. #50
    Executive Producer Severlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munkenmo View Post
    The core abilities are really boring imo, the only ones I'm actually looking forward to getting are the final 2 cores. Core 3 is acceptable, as is Core 2, I feel the rest still need some work.

    Core 1 is still weaker than every other tree that grants +sp per point spent at level 1:
    PM: For each point spent in this tree you gain +0.75 Universal Spell Power and +0.75 Negative Energy Spell Power
    AM: +1 spell power and +2 spell points
    Savant: +.75sp and a bunch of caster level / damage modifers per element.
    Seasons Herald: +1 spell power per point spent
    Spell Singer : +1 spell power + boosts per core.

    Your core one is still weak and underwhelming, it's been pointed out already and you haven't addressed this. Are you deliberately making / wanting it to be the weakest core 1 ability for a spell caster? if so, why?
    Change Core 1: Boost the spell power to 1ap per point spent or add +1hp per point spent as well.
    I just missed it when I read through the feedback and was taking notes. Will fix.

    Cores 1-4 really only apply the shaken ability to a mob. I'd like to see something else as an offensive property,
    Getting inhuman nature at core 2 is fine, getting it as my 4th core at level 12 is not, +25% fort and +4 to saves again at 12 is abysmal.
    Give me an offensive ability here,
    eg. Enervation is added as an SLA
    or: The shaken ability in core 3 is upgraded to Despair, additionally on vorpal your eldritch blast burns it's victims, (procing the burning blood spell)
    Will look into the 4th core.


  11. #51
    Executive Producer Severlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsanityIsYourFriend View Post
    uh.... sugar rush seems more childish than demonic,
    That original PnP prestige was actually Fey based, not demonic and this is supposed to be a creepy nod to that. That said, if people don't like the name changing it is easy.

    that said the actual ability... herm.... +X % = warlock level for a little while? since it is not permanent I would be almost willing to make it 2% per warlock level myself, that said it is nearly permanent....
    (name idea) the prey, flees
    It is nearly permanent...

    I like the ability, I just wish there was a charisma version as well. Be warned that depending on what enemies are vulenerable to these attacks mental stats can be drained to 0 on some enemies quite easily making this a no save helpless tactic.
    Charisma would be too powerful as a self contained casting buff. This is meant to support multi-classing.

    The cooldown and duration means there are only 4 seconds of overlap, so you'll only have one up at a time.

    consume being proc'd on melee/ranged could very well be powerful, making it proc % of the time may be better (though I am unsure)
    Keep in mind it only stacks the DoT portion - it doesn't do the base damage as an on hit effect.


  12. #52
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Regarding Sugar Rush: I wish you would stop giving classes movement speed boosts, I also don't like the name, it seems far to childish. That said, I do like the direction you've taken, expanding upon consume beyond damage. Maybe we could borrow from ninja spy here, and have an ability that removes stacks or duration giving instant damage?

    Supreme Hunger looks really good now, possibly too good, it will be interesting to playtest with on lam with IPS and cleaves.

    Consume: Do the three separate attacks share a common activation cooldown?

    Dark Feeding is essentially a permanent insight bonus to a selected stat, I'm ok with that, but as it's only a tier 3 ability, I would suggest making the buff match the cooldown, I don't think the buff exceeding the cooldown is appropriate for a t3 ability.

    Steal life force, you still haven't mentioned if this is melee only, or if it will work with ranged. Also, are both the offensive portion and the healing portion boosted by positive spell power?

    Hungry for Destruction is too much melee / ranged power. Consider changing to +1 damage and +1 MP/1 RP/2 USP per tier. That helps at the low end, whilst giving a moderate boost at cap too.
    Munkenmo, Rangenmo, Kickenmo, Pastlifenmo, Nukenmo, Songenmo, Gimpenmo, Brutenmo, Favenmo, Forgenmo, Wizenmo

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  13. #53
    Executive Producer Severlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munkenmo View Post
    Consume: Do the three separate attacks share a common activation cooldown?

    Dark Feeding is essentially a permanent insight bonus to a selected stat, I'm ok with that, but as it's only a tier 3 ability, I would suggest making the buff match the cooldown, I don't think the buff exceeding the cooldown is appropriate for a t3 ability.
    It doesn't stack, so the extra 4 seconds is just there to give a small window to refresh it where it won't drop.

    Steal life force, you still haven't mentioned if this is melee only, or if it will work with ranged. Also, are both the offensive portion and the healing portion boosted by positive spell power?
    It's a ranged magical bolt, similar to Shadow Dagger. The offensive and healing portion are boosted by Spellpower, I believe the healing portion will automatically be boosted by positive spell power when you apply it, and the negative option will be boosted by negative spell power.

    Hungry for Destruction is too much melee / ranged power. Consider changing to +1 damage and +1 MP/1 RP/2 USP per tier. That helps at the low end, whilst giving a moderate boost at cap too.
    Will look into this.


  14. #54
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    Core level 6 No Worse Fate: Shaken effect can only occur once every 2 seconds.
    If "can only occur once every 2 seconds" means it can only affect one monster at a time then the 'every X seconds' should be removed.
    It should affect every monster hit with Eldritch Blast.

    Core level 12 Inhuman Nature: +25% Fortification and +4 Saving Throws versus Poison and Disease.
    Quote Originally Posted by Munkenmo View Post
    Getting inhuman nature at core 2 is fine, getting it as my 4th core at level 12 is not...
    I agree with Munkenmo, I'd like something else here.

    T1 Consume: Consume Life deals poison damage.
    Poison damage for consuming life is absurd.
    It should be negative energy damage.

    T1/T2 Hungry for Destruction: You gain +1/+3/+5 Melee Power, Ranged Power and Universal Spellpower.
    Quote Originally Posted by Munkenmo View Post
    ...too much melee / ranged power.
    Should be like Harper Agent Versatile Adept: [+1/+2/+3] Melee Power, Ranged Power, and Universal Spell Power.

    Or even better, make it one enhancement instead of two, and give us something different in Tier 2.
    • T1 Hungry for Destruction: On dealing damage you gain +1 Melee Power, Ranged Power, and Universal Spell Power. (Stacks up to 5)
    • T2 Feed on Health: When you strike an opponent with your melee attacks, ranged attacks or Eldritch Blast there is a chance equal to half Warlock level for you to gain 30 temporary hit points. This can occur no more than once per 6 seconds.

    T2 Sugar Rush.
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    ...Fey based, not demonic and this is supposed to be a creepy nod to that.
    That said, if people don't like the name changing it is easy.
    I don't like it. Change please.

    T3 Dark Feeding: DC of 10 + Character Level + Charisma Modifier. Drain STR, DEX, WIS, INT.
    Why low DC 10 instead of standard DC 18?
    Ability damage is already worthless and the Insight bonus is not so great that it needs to have a low chance of success.
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Charisma would be too powerful as a self contained casting buff.
    This is meant to support multi-classing.
    So it's multiclass only then?
    Warlocks have no use for any of those abilities.
    • STR +Carrying capacity (no effect on Warlock combat abilities)
    • DEX +Reflex save (no effect on Warlock combat abilities)
    • WIS +Will save (no effect on Warlock combat abilities)
    • INT +Spellcraft skill (very minimal effect on Warlock combat abilities)

    If it's too powerful for Warlock to gain Insight CHA why is it not too powerful for other (multi)classes?

    Why no Constitution? The only universally useful ability.

    Dark Feeding should be able to drain every ability.
    Last edited by J2345678; 05-17-2015 at 12:44 AM.

  15. #55
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    I'd rather avoid rapid charisma changes, so I don't have to put up with umd lag.
    Munkenmo, Rangenmo, Kickenmo, Pastlifenmo, Nukenmo, Songenmo, Gimpenmo, Brutenmo, Favenmo, Forgenmo, Wizenmo

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  16. #56
    The Hatchery
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    I'm not keen on the Sugar Rush name. The ability is pretty cool, though.

    Do Greater/Supreme Hunger stack, giving you +200%?

    My planned aura-melee warlock is drooling at "Your Flesh Is Weak". Do you expect this to be just a clicky, or SP-activated?
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  17. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    I'm not keen on the Sugar Rush name.
    Same here

  18. #58
    2015 DDO Players Council FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Hmm.. 17warlock, 3 wizard, soul eater, great old ones, some pale master for zombie form, enough in enlightened spirit to get the aura, dark feeding int damage version & consume lifeforce for negative energy healing.. result = a brain-eating zombie with an aura of damage who can also use create thrall to make more zombies. Me likey
    I don't mean to come across as unsympathetic - but I am, so I do.

  19. #59
    2015 DDO Players Council Artagon's Avatar
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    So, I take it this is the official Multi-class tree, since none of the abilities are directly scaling on warlock level and most of them can be used with weapons? I say that not as a criticism, but just as a question (I love multi-classing). It will definitely be my first or second tree for my eldritch aura specialist.. Man, those two together really make Eldritch Knight look bad, lol. My Pally/Sorc is gonna have a new pair of shoes soon.

    For more constructive comments:

    • Hungry for Destruction: You gain +1/+3/+5 Melee Power, Ranged Power and Universal Spellpower. I think the reason someone said that this is too powerful is because it draws direct comparison with harper. In that light, yes it is. On the other hand, it requires class levels (even if it is only one or two) and is lower than most class based gains in these stats. If anything, moving them up two tiers might make it feel more balanced.

    • Inhuman Nature:You gain +25% Fortification and +4 Saving Throws versus Poison and Disease. If you are going to add it a second time, make it full 100% fortification.

    • Consume Sight: SLA Blindness.Move this to T1 if you move HfD to T3-4

    • Greater Hunger: All damage and damage over time of your Consume effects is increased by 80%. Move this to T2 if you move HfD to T3-4. T4 feels really high for this ability anyway, though T3 feels maybe better.

    • Chained Blast: Toggle. Your Eldritch Blast now acts as a chain attack on up to 2 nearby enemies, but causes 20% less damage.Move this to T2 if you move HfD to T3-4. It doesn't really need to be a high hanging fruit, either they are pure warlocks that will want it anyway or they will be multi-classers that don't want it anyway.

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