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Very Hot Topic (More than 75 Replies) Top 5 players you would never run with. (Read 916672 times)
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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #50 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 3:56pm
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Nevynn wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 3:48pm:
You have interchangeable sets of boobies?

ROFL, I referred to the number one post that I did in the vault, and apparently that is one of the things that triggers the word substitution.  Cool.
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Chonus Christ

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #51 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 3:59pm
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I dislike running with Shafted.

I've never had a problem running with Bigole though.

I like to run with ER because several of their members are actually pretty cool and they get completions.

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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #52 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 4:05pm
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Arkat wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 3:59pm:
I dislike running with Shafted.

Ran Delirium with him once...  He was so drunk and it was such a clusterfuck.  I've got a mouth on me but wow...he said he has been banned for language before it it wasn't exactly hard to see why.  It's one thing in a guild group but this was a never know how easily offended someone might be.

Nevynn wrote on Nov 18th, 2010 at 11:38pm:
Anybody coming to this board expecting anything more sophisticated than a dick joke had better get used to disappointment.

Calvet wrote on Oct 20th, 2011 at 12:18pm:
I just got that impression after you spent 13 pages calling out eladiun for being an interwebs bully when anyone who's been posting on here already knew that.  I mean, he's proud of it and hardly tries to hide that at all.

Eladiun is an awful person
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One Man Wolfpack

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #53 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 4:12pm
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Kalari wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 11:36am:
Hmm now that im a little more sober have to amend  that boobies there are a few more that id never group with on Sarlona:

1. Tasselhoff for reasons stated above
2. Hopedeathgun and Lobotomy- For chronic tard-itis and still the only player(s) I know that can have a 6 hour shroud lfm up and a near 18 hour any other quest. Good for if you want to see how not to play ddo though grouping with them (him some of us think its the same dude new id).
3. Iiorn- Think im spelling that dudes name right. I swear to god his voice embeds itself in your brain if your unfortunate enough to get into a group when hes on mic. YOu have to wonder how people let this guy ride their coat tails to 20 and TR I mean im all for clueless people finding fun but dont mean I want to raid with people like that.
4. Ugh dont want to spell the guys name wrong but it starts with an X and he has a guild named after himself and his main character is a prince in his bio. ANyone on Sarlona who knows the dude can help me out. Pissed me off trying to blind invite my favored soul after I just finished an TOD where everyone got on my damned nerves and had the nerve to bug me because I told him a simple "No." He then ran a ton of crappy shrouds that I got the play by play on Vent for from guildies.  Damn got to remember that idiots name him and his guild are the only full guild I will truly avoid running anything with and its so nice that they are the same name as their asshat leader..
5. And finally croger1520033 Whose dps is self proclaimed probably better then 95 percent of the server as quoted here . Who doesnt believe anyone with rogue skills should waste their time with open locks( ). Who thinks he is far better player then he actually is. The one time I did group with him I was un impressed and hes another "Pvp" me type that is easily goaded into fights lol.


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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #54 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 4:34pm
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rest wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 4:12pm:

Thank you good lord couldnt remember how that dude spelled his name lol.

It's not my fault you were born one gigantic asshole..

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Waterworks Kobold


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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #55 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 4:59pm
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I wouldn't run with me. I play DDO like old people fuck, lots of grunting and groaning but nothing really happening.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #56 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 6:09pm
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I honestly dont dislike very many people, but two I will never play with again is

Ruyie -- a fvs that said he could heal, and botched an elite shroud, and didn't heal one bit.

and Atruis -- I dont want to deal with her oh pitty me bullshit.

Girls, its called a blowjob because it is your job.  Please do not be irresponsible and show up for work.
If everyone in the world took a minute to smoke a joint, we would have at least 2 hours of world peace followed by a world wide food shortage
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #57 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 7:39pm
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alright you fuckin fucksticks.

somebody told me about this fuckin site and how its the fuckin drama center of khyber and let me tell you right now this is the pussiest thread about flaming other people that i've ever read.  you fuckers need to grow a pair.

lets start from the top, with breaken who was kind enough to start this shit up.

bigole, hesian, i mean cmon these are easy shots.  but lets not forget that bigole and breaken were BFF for a good year or so.  let's just call it a lover's spat and don't fuckin lie because when you heard koc broke up you know the first thing that popped in your head was that someone, either bigole or breaken, wasn't willing to go down on the other guy any more.  turns out it was breaken.

anyway, i've also noticed that there's a lot of ER flame here.  with supporters and trolls on both sides.  as far as i can tell neither one knows fuckin shit about what they are talking about.  the supporters either havent seen shit yet or are basing their opinion off 1 or 2 runs.  the detractors have a mouthful of shit and no concrete reasons for their hate.  at the core of whether you hate ER is the simple question of whether you agree (or can live with) their philosophy.  they put their guildies first and treat everyone else like expendables.  they have no loot rules and respect no etiquette.  but you know what, that's their thing and it's completely wrong to demand that they subscribe to the same set of chest loot rules as everyone else does.  nowhere was this written in stone and the game was set up to allow flexibility of interpretation with respect to that.  as for being assholes, let's get real, there are assholes all over this server.  just because one guild happens to have a higher than average percentage of assholes does not make the entire guild assholes.  when you've been playing as long as some ER players have, you probably are jaded as fuck too with dealing with all the lil nublets and soft motherfuckers who whine about selling loot and rolling on loot for other players.  look, if it was so heinously evil, devs wouldnt have made it a possibility.  and if you are so fuckin scared of ER, don't fuckin join their parties.  when you join their party you're a guest to their philosophy so either join and stfu or stay the fuck out.  their philosophy and rules do indeed fuck you over, but you're the dumbfucker who clicked the lfm, so if you aren't ready to deal with it, fuck off.
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2010 at 7:42pm by dramalicious »  
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #58 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 8:01pm
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Breaken wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 12:35am:
Aeiou - not a good idea to not remove someones curse and then ask them if it was worth raging.

if you are going to make shit up, go all the way.
that was a "bigs tod" so 9 or 10 of your guildies, me and 1 of mine (bayline). there was 2 of your guilds clerics in that run also.
i was the person that said before we started that only the barbs should be using rage/madstone, but they needed to say their name or type curse. u died within a few seconds of the start of the fight both times in part 1. shit happens but im 1/3rd of the ppl to blame, IF you feel the need to blame someone i guess.

Breaken wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 12:35am:
Then in part 3 of tod just say Good Luck and then drop group.

when me and 1 other (just happened to be bayline) are the only ones alive in an obvious fail, with all clerics, casters with no blue bars, your main tank and a few others banished, a ton of death penalties and me being 5+pots into part 3 alone, why should i die if i can tp out?
you are overlooking that it was YOUR guild run and u had 2 of your guilds clerics in it. 

so let me see, your guild raid, with 2 of your clerics in it, but the 1 pug cleric failed that raid? it was a normal (horribly) lead raid by big so there was 3 clerics told to "keep everyone up" and not assigned horoth or sulu. i drank pots while other 2 clerics mana bar never went up after they were spent. when in doubt blame the healers, then blame the 1 that isnt in your guild huh?

the only ppl that will agree that i am one of the worse ppl to group with will be your lackies and your exboyfriend bigole, and im fine with that since id like to stay away from you guys too.

« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2010 at 8:04pm by denots »  
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #59 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 8:34pm
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Turbine is a company, not your friend.

If a company you have been loyal to suddenly changes their product so that it either is worse or not even working any more then only a complete fool would continue to patronize them.

Business only understands one thing, the bottom line.

The posters above who have a delusional perception of their relationship with Turbine seem to be suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
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Horoluth Raider


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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #60 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 9:42pm
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denots wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 8:01pm:
if you are going to make shit up, go all the way.
that was a "bigs tod" so 9 or 10 of your guildies, me and 1 of mine (bayline). there was 2 of your guilds clerics in that run also.
i was the person that said before we started that only the barbs should be using rage/madstone, but they needed to say their name or type curse. u died within a few seconds of the start of the fight both times in part 1. shit happens but im 1/3rd of the ppl to blame, IF you feel the need to blame someone i guess.

when me and 1 other (just happened to be bayline) are the only ones alive in an obvious fail, with all clerics, casters with no blue bars, your main tank and a few others banished, a ton of death penalties and me being 5+pots into part 3 alone, why should i die if i can tp out?
you are overlooking that it was YOUR guild run and u had 2 of your guilds clerics in it. 

so let me see, your guild raid, with 2 of your clerics in it, but the 1 pug cleric failed that raid? it was a normal (horribly) lead raid by big so there was 3 clerics told to "keep everyone up" and not assigned horoth or sulu. i drank pots while other 2 clerics mana bar never went up after they were spent. when in doubt blame the healers, then blame the 1 that isnt in your guild huh?

the only ppl that will agree that i am one of the worse ppl to group with will be your lackies and your exboyfriend bigole, and im fine with that since id like to stay away from you guys too.



say what you want shit wasnt a guild run at all. I remeber Ragdoll, miskills, killingspree and multiple others there that were not in my prev guild, it was pretty much a mix up off diff people.

And i think 1 person died and ragdoll got banished when you left.

But what ever thats why i dont run with you anymore. I think maybe once since then because a friend in ransack invited me to epic 6 then you joined.

oh and btw  Smiley Smiley Smiley

Great memory who the fuck knows that many details of shome shit that happened 6 or more months ago.
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2010 at 9:48pm by Breaken »  

Breaken's just a weird asshole, divorcced and pathetically marvelling at talk of sex.  That guy is fucked IMHO. People I really don't like here list is small.  Not that you or anyone should care, but for me it is Calvet, because he's stupid in a bitchy drama way, and Breaken, but he is a liar and a blunt, inelegant angry guy
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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #61 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 9:43pm
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Aranticus wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 8:27am:
dude not referring to you lol

i known ER since strakeln was in ER and earlier lol

I was lucky enough to be on Khyber  Grin

Breaken's just a weird asshole, divorcced and pathetically marvelling at talk of sex.  That guy is fucked IMHO. People I really don't like here list is small.  Not that you or anyone should care, but for me it is Calvet, because he's stupid in a bitchy drama way, and Breaken, but he is a liar and a blunt, inelegant angry guy
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #62 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:17pm
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No one.

Bad players can have their stones dropped in lava.

Good players can complete quests.
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Horoluth Raider


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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #63 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:32pm
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sir_chonas wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:17pm:
No one.

Bad players can have their stones dropped in lava.

Good players can complete quests.

How many times has your stone been dropped in lava  Roll Eyes

Breaken's just a weird asshole, divorcced and pathetically marvelling at talk of sex.  That guy is fucked IMHO. People I really don't like here list is small.  Not that you or anyone should care, but for me it is Calvet, because he's stupid in a bitchy drama way, and Breaken, but he is a liar and a blunt, inelegant angry guy
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Baghdad Bob

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #64 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:37pm
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Okay, I'll bite. . .

Cavern and I had some really good runs together, so I'd started to think that all the rhetoric about his behavior (despite a private relating of some Drama by Yabaa) had been overstated. While I was amidst a reevaluation of him as a player from personal experience (as opposed to secondhand information), I joined a run with him and Aussiee. His behavior not only prompted an immediate Squelch, I also felt obliged to apologize to Aussiee, as I inferred that my presence in the group was one of the reasons she'd joined it.

Regardless of your differences with specific women, there are certain lines a gentleman does not cross, and Cavern crossed that line, as I saw it. I also had a problem with *kally once, but it was only once, and ER stepped up and addressed my objection responsibly. In the absence of Cavern (with whom I've had one issue), I have no problem with anyone in ER.

Rather than refer to specific players, I'll name guilds I avoid running with:

1. Epitaph
2. The Helpers Guild
3. World at Arms
4. El Lorien Ranger Academy
5. Knights of Winterfell

In my experience, AEIOU has always been top-notch and I'll go out of my way to join groups I see he's in.
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:48pm by Mithran »  

The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.
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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #65 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 11:28pm
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dramalicious wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 7:39pm:
alright you fuckin fucksticks.

somebody told me about this fuckin site and how its the fuckin drama center of khyber and let me tell you right now this is the pussiest thread about flaming other people that i've ever read.  you fuckers need to grow a pair.

lets start from the top, with breaken who was kind enough to start this shit up.

bigole, hesian, i mean cmon these are easy shots.  but lets not forget that bigole and breaken were BFF for a good year or so.  let's just call it a lover's spat and don't fuckin lie because when you heard koc broke up you know the first thing that popped in your head was that someone, either bigole or breaken, wasn't willing to go down on the other guy any more.  turns out it was breaken.

anyway, i've also noticed that there's a lot of ER flame here.  with supporters and trolls on both sides.  as far as i can tell neither one knows fuckin shit about what they are talking about.  the supporters either havent seen shit yet or are basing their opinion off 1 or 2 runs.  the detractors have a mouthful of shit and no concrete reasons for their hate.  at the core of whether you hate ER is the simple question of whether you agree (or can live with) their philosophy.  they put their guildies first and treat everyone else like expendables.  they have no loot rules and respect no etiquette.  but you know what, that's their thing and it's completely wrong to demand that they subscribe to the same set of chest loot rules as everyone else does.  nowhere was this written in stone and the game was set up to allow flexibility of interpretation with respect to that.  as for being assholes, let's get real, there are assholes all over this server.  just because one guild happens to have a higher than average percentage of assholes does not make the entire guild assholes.  when you've been playing as long as some ER players have, you probably are jaded as fuck too with dealing with all the lil nublets and soft motherfuckers who whine about selling loot and rolling on loot for other players.  look, if it was so heinously evil, devs wouldnt have made it a possibility.  and if you are so fuckin scared of ER, don't fuckin join their parties.  when you join their party you're a guest to their philosophy so either join and stfu or stay the fuck out.  their philosophy and rules do indeed fuck you over, but you're the dumbfucker who clicked the lfm, so if you aren't ready to deal with it, fuck off.

NICE debut!

Obviously, we don't know who you are.  Since credentials to speak of the guild were called into question, here's mine: if you're in ER, then you know who I am... and if you don't, then you're so new to the guild that you yourself don't know shit about the guild.  No one on this board is better qualified to speak about ER than I. 

Frankly, most everything you hear about ER is true and has happened repeatedly since the guild first formed.  The guild's behavior - and reputation - is like a sine curve.  They are a tight-knit group, one that is loathe to expel members based on behavior towards non-guild members.  This results in a handful of real assholes completely trashing the latest buildup of rep.  It's a cycle, it has happened several times before, and it very likely will happen again.

It comes down to this: if you're in the guild, or if you're a friend of the guild, you will want to run with them and will not ever feel cheated out of anything.  If you're J. Random Player, don't expect to get a roll on loot.  At the same time, ER strongly advocates "if it's in the box with your name on it, you do what you want with it".  That's not to say that some of the members won't try to chide you into giving up an item they desire.

They're a guild filled with great people who are top notch players with a few real fucking assholes sprinkled in from time to time.

Now, reading your post, you sound a lot like Doc/Klergy.  If that's the case, in case it's not clear, you have frequently been that guy.  I can only hope Pyce has stuck to his guns and kept you booted.

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Fuck Off
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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #66 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 11:50pm
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Thought of one.

Thelanis server.
Blakeseven.  This guy doesn't listen or doesn't care.  Not sure which and don't want to find out.  Trying to beat Harry in part 5, wanting Harry in the cloudkill and this moron starts on Harry when he is still on the dias.  This fuck wouldn't listen to instructions.

I like naming names without a PM.  This makes me a happy panda.  Smiley
« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2010 at 11:51pm by Fuck Off »  

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.  - Albert Einstein
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #67 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 11:59pm
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Mithran wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:37pm:
Okay, I'll bite. . .

Cavern and I had some really good runs together, so I'd started to think that all the rhetoric about his behavior (despite a private relating of some Drama by Yabaa) had been overstated. While I was amidst a reevaluation of him as a player from personal experience (as opposed to secondhand information), I joined a run with him and Aussiee. His behavior not only prompted an immediate Squelch, I also felt obliged to apologize to Aussiee, as I inferred that my presence in the group was one of the reasons she'd joined it.

Regardless of your differences with specific women, there are certain lines a gentleman does not cross, and Cavern crossed that line, as I saw it. I also had a problem with *kally once, but it was only once, and ER stepped up and addressed my objection responsibly. In the absence of Cavern (with whom I've had one issue), I have no problem with anyone in ER.

Rather than refer to specific players, I'll name guilds I avoid running with:

1. Epitaph
2. The Helpers Guild
3. World at Arms
4. El Lorien Ranger Academy
5. Knights of Winterfell

In my experience, AEIOU has always been top-notch and I'll go out of my way to join groups I see he's in.

How did Helpers make it on that list but DRB and Homeboys of Stormreach did'nt?
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #68 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:04am
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Strakeln wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 11:28pm:
NICE debut!

Obviously, we don't know who you are.  Since credentials to speak of the guild were called into question, here's mine: if you're in ER, then you know who I am... and if you don't, then you're so new to the guild that you yourself don't know shit about the guild.  No one on this board is better qualified to speak about ER than I. 

Frankly, most everything you hear about ER is true and has happened repeatedly since the guild first formed.  The guild's behavior - and reputation - is like a sine curve.  They are a tight-knit group, one that is loathe to expel members based on behavior towards non-guild members.  This results in a handful of real assholes completely trashing the latest buildup of rep.  It's a cycle, it has happened several times before, and it very likely will happen again.

It comes down to this: if you're in the guild, or if you're a friend of the guild, you will want to run with them and will not ever feel cheated out of anything.  If you're J. Random Player, don't expect to get a roll on loot.  At the same time, ER strongly advocates "if it's in the box with your name on it, you do what you want with it".  That's not to say that some of the members won't try to chide you into giving up an item they desire.

They're a guild filled with great people who are top notch players with a few real fucking assholes sprinkled in from time to time.

Now, reading your post, you sound a lot like Doc/Klergy.  If that's the case, in case it's not clear, you have frequently been that guy.  I can only hope Pyce has stuck to his guns and kept you booted.

listen up you dumb fuck.  you obviously missed the entire point of my fucking post.

i was fuckin defending ER.  they have their own way of doing things, and nobody's to say whether its better or worse.  it's all subjective shit when it comes down to it.  it just so happens that their way of doing things earns them a lot of ire because it fucks over non-guildies and they treat non-guildies like shit.  again, it doesn't fuckin matter because they don't owe anyone shit and nobody owes them shit.  there's no commandment or absolute rule that you have to be nice or considerate in this game.  what your major problem is, is that you can't bring yourself to admit that ER is a group of self-serving assholes.  there's nothing fucking wrong with that.  what i'm trying to hammer into these newblets heads is that they have a choice of whether to party with ER or not and shouldnt go fucking nuts every time they get fucked over in raid loot or treated like shit, verbally abused, or kicked without warning, or have their time wasted, or whatever.  im sick and tired of fuckin tools getting all worked up about how they never get jackshit from ER raids or that they lost a roll because they had 9 ER rolling against them for an item only 1 ER guy needed.  its not against the rules.  its how they roll.  newbs dont got any right to say how the game is played.  there is no absolute.  you need to chill out and accept that ER is what it is.  whoever in ER is trying to improve their rep, i commend that, but let's fuckin face it, ER's culture is ER's culture is ER's culture and 1 or 2 guys trying extra hard to be nice is not going to change that image.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #69 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:17am
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Breaken wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:32pm:
How many times has your stone been dropped in lava  Roll Eyes

That's why I stay outta quests with lava Wink

In all seriousness you have to die to have your stone carried/dropped.
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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #70 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:53am
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sir_chonas wrote on Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:17am:
That's why I stay outta quests with lava Wink



that was actually funny.

We had some dumbass one night keep fucking up bases/killing djin in epic 6 we let him die. Someone typed in guild chat or vault chat that a caster should grab his stone jump down to the bottom island drop it and ddoor back up.

Breaken's just a weird asshole, divorcced and pathetically marvelling at talk of sex.  That guy is fucked IMHO. People I really don't like here list is small.  Not that you or anyone should care, but for me it is Calvet, because he's stupid in a bitchy drama way, and Breaken, but he is a liar and a blunt, inelegant angry guy
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Horoluth Raider


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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #71 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:55am
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woody wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 11:59pm:
How did Helpers make it on that list but DRB and Homeboys of Stormreach did'nt?

There are some people in Helpers that are not so bad woody but since there are soooooo many people i take it not a very strict recruitment policy it some times makes for some unsavory types. The ones i know i will let in some i am more cautious about.

Breaken's just a weird asshole, divorcced and pathetically marvelling at talk of sex.  That guy is fucked IMHO. People I really don't like here list is small.  Not that you or anyone should care, but for me it is Calvet, because he's stupid in a bitchy drama way, and Breaken, but he is a liar and a blunt, inelegant angry guy
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #72 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 1:08am
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How on Earth is Vorpalsword not mentioned?  I mean really?!?!?  I used to flat out refuse to run raids with anyone that tried to run a character with a "Faantasy-homaged" name.  Drizzt can suck it, and all his little clone buddies.  I loved that someone posted the Harry Potter kids up there.  I didn't want to be the one calling them out for being the complete morons they were.  I wish I could remember a TFC Vent conversation about them.  I was choking from laughing that hard.  There's a few more randoms, but I have been able to put them far out of my mind thankfully.

As far as  the Guild things go, I've run with ER's a few times.  Sometimes they've spectacular and I've been in awe.  Only one time was I thinking "I'm going to have to save this party full of fail? We're fucked.".  Mostly it's the former with them.  They've never gotten any real bad vibes off them except that they didn't really know me or care to.  They allowed an extra person to come along and I got a completion out of it.

The Knights of Winterfell normally make me run the other direction, but I think a few of them may actually be learning the game some.  They haven't borked a pug shroud that I've been in for a few weeks, but I probably just doomed myself there.

Homeboys are usually in my pack when i'm in raids with them, and since ther's only 1 or 2 Epitaph players over level 15, I have been able to avoid them for the most part.  As for the rest, I just read "FAIL? You betcha!" where their guild names are.

[Im sorry I was getting bored with the ddo forums where if your not a complete yes man you had to face your posts being renamed, deleted and getting infractions from Tyrant.  Then to go rounds with 7day asshole who then got his white knight hafeal and his skanky newb cleric chick to say "oh hes right Leave Britney alone" is bullshit.- Kalari
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Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #73 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 1:23am
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dramalicious wrote on Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:04am:
listen up you dumb fuck.  you obviously missed the entire point of my fucking post.

i was fuckin defending ER.  they have their own way of doing things, and nobody's to say whether its better or worse.  it's all subjective shit when it comes down to it.  it just so happens that their way of doing things earns them a lot of ire because it fucks over non-guildies and they treat non-guildies like shit.  again, it doesn't fuckin matter because they don't owe anyone shit and nobody owes them shit.  there's no commandment or absolute rule that you have to be nice or considerate in this game.  what your major problem is, is that you can't bring yourself to admit that ER is a group of self-serving assholes.  there's nothing fucking wrong with that.  what i'm trying to hammer into these newblets heads is that they have a choice of whether to party with ER or not and shouldnt go fucking nuts every time they get fucked over in raid loot or treated like shit, verbally abused, or kicked without warning, or have their time wasted, or whatever.  im sick and tired of fuckin tools getting all worked up about how they never get jackshit from ER raids or that they lost a roll because they had 9 ER rolling against them for an item only 1 ER guy needed.  its not against the rules.  its how they roll.  newbs dont got any right to say how the game is played.  there is no absolute.  you need to chill out and accept that ER is what it is.  whoever in ER is trying to improve their rep, i commend that, but let's fuckin face it, ER's culture is ER's culture is ER's culture and 1 or 2 guys trying extra hard to be nice is not going to change that image.

We don't charge by the paragraph, you know.

No, Sir Foams-at-Mouth, I did not miss the fact that your post was in defense of ER.  You, however, clearly missed that mine was not aimed solely at you.

it just so happens that their way of doing things earns them a lot of ire because it fucks over non-guildies and they treat non-guildies like shit.
No, the way a small handful of members treat non-guildies does that.  The size of that handful depends on the current position on their cycle.

there's no commandment or absolute rule that you have to be nice or considerate in this game.
While not in those exact words, there most definitely are rules addressing this.  I should know, as I wrote the original ER charter, which survives with some modification to this day.

what your major problem is, is that you can't bring yourself to admit that ER is a group of self-serving assholes.
Some are.  Clearly, the ones you interact with.  However, I've known the vast majority of ER members over the years, so I know your claim to be untrue.

you need to chill out

whoever in ER is trying to improve their rep, i commend that, but let's fuckin face it, ER's culture is ER's culture is ER's culture and 1 or 2 guys trying extra hard to be nice is not going to change that image.
That image changes every 6-12 months, and has done so since ER was first created.  So aside from the entire history of ER speaking against what you say, sure!

Boy, for a guy who came on here all piss and vinegar about how no one else knows shit about ER, you sure don't seem to know shit about ER...

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Re: Top 5 players you would never run with.
Reply #74 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 1:29am
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Strakeln wrote on Aug 31st, 2010 at 1:23am:
We don't charge by the paragraph, you know.

No, Sir Foams-at-Mouth, I did not miss the fact that your post was in defense of ER.  You, however, clearly missed that mine was not aimed solely at you.

No, the way a small handful of members treat non-guildies does that.  The size of that handful depends on the current position on their cycle.

While not in those exact words, there most definitely are rules addressing this.  I should know, as I wrote the original ER charter, which survives with some modification to this day.

Some are.  Clearly, the ones you interact with.  However, I've known the vast majority of ER members over the years, so I know your claim to be untrue.


That image changes every 6-12 months, and has done so since ER was first created.  So aside from the entire history of ER speaking against what you say, sure!

Boy, for a guy who came on here all piss and vinegar about how no one else knows shit about ER, you sure don't seem to know shit about ER...

If dramafuckface was defending them i think he is doing it wrong. A whole lotta selfserving asshole talk seems like the thing i want in my deffence.

In my earlyer post i was in no way saying they are not a Great group of players or that they dont get their shit done.

I was just aggreeing with the fact that if u are one or 2 of the pug spots on a raid u prolly wont get to roll on items.

I have pugged quite a few times with them i have np with not getting to roll on stuff. I have also had members pass me an item in a chest before.

Breaken's just a weird asshole, divorcced and pathetically marvelling at talk of sex.  That guy is fucked IMHO. People I really don't like here list is small.  Not that you or anyone should care, but for me it is Calvet, because he's stupid in a bitchy drama way, and Breaken, but he is a liar and a blunt, inelegant angry guy
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