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L10 plus
Sep 1st, 2010 at 7:28am
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Genuine questions (I know, I know: controversial)

1. Given the dearth of quests above L10, can anyone suggest a running order to maximise XP/useful loot gains? Noting that running solo with a hireling may well be my only option a lot of the time.

2. On top of that, Is it possible to do it without huge numbers of Shroud runs? I'm not in a large guild, am not a fan of raids generally, and greensteel crafting just sounds like an unjenjoyable, complicated grindfest to me.

Note - if the answer to '1.' necessarily involves multiple shroud runs, feel free to discount '2.'!

Oh, and yes. I'm a newb. Possibly also a n00b. and I haven't been Hi Welcome-ed yet. This is unacceptable. I deserve hate at least as much as the next person. I'm lookin' at you, thechemicals, may-you-never-show-your-face-again.
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 7:29am by »  
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #1 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 8:08am
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Hi Welcome

Feel better?


Epoch wrote on Mar 14th, 2012 at 5:15am:
When people bring in their personal lives, it is all fair game.  This board promotes trolling.  If you bring something up, expect it to be used against you at a later date if not immediately.  You want to bring up personal shit, well, that is your problem.

Eladiun wrote on May 15th, 2012 at 1:46pm:
If one fails to understand the nuances of elite level trolling they would falsely interpret posts meant to fan the flames as support.
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #2 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 8:12am
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That's better. Better'n a handjob from a hooker with Parkinsons and a fur glove.

Now answer the question, you douche.  Grin
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 8:13am by »  
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #3 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 8:22am
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That's better. Better'n a handjob from a hooker with Parkinsons and a fur glove.

Now answer the question, you douche.  Grin

Lol. Well honestly, a lot of quests annoy me. Good XP or not. So I skip them. Which is why I will never TR, as 12-16 in GH alone is annoying enough normally, and all the alternatives annoy me worse.

So I'm the wrong person to ask about this since a lot of content is fail content.


Epoch wrote on Mar 14th, 2012 at 5:15am:
When people bring in their personal lives, it is all fair game.  This board promotes trolling.  If you bring something up, expect it to be used against you at a later date if not immediately.  You want to bring up personal shit, well, that is your problem.

Eladiun wrote on May 15th, 2012 at 1:46pm:
If one fails to understand the nuances of elite level trolling they would falsely interpret posts meant to fan the flames as support.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #4 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 8:28am
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Not entirely sure what advice your looking for OP.

Do you want to get from L10 to L20 the "fastest" way possible?

Do you want to do it potentially getting lots of named loot on the way?

Theres SOOOOO many quests between those levels the loot thing is almost impossible to answer unless your more specific about what class your equipping. Otherwise this will just be a list of ALL named loot in quests above level 10.

If your just talking about farming xp to level asap then....

At level 10 you can still get xp from the shadow lord quest, can farm that for all its worth.... better xp if you can do traps.

Chamber of raiyum is good xp, again great if you can do the traps.

All of the GH walk ups can be run quite quickly and got pretty good xp.

Vale quests.... not sure about farming these for xp, will really depend on your char.

Basically..... its hard to answer unless we know what your running and what your capable of.

Another option is explorers and rares. get the explorers as soon as you get access to a wilderness, they are usually worth a nice amount and you will get 100 or 2 kills on the way too.

Farming orchard for kills, especially with an arcane, is quite quick and gives alot of xp... but again, does your char have FW?

One thing i can say though. If you choose to not run the shroud, or any other quests for that matter you can still reach cap easily enough.


give us some more details, build, your experiance etc. solo running can be alot slower then grouping if your going blind into quests.
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #5 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 9:28am
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aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 8:28am:

give us some more details, build, your experiance etc. solo running can be alot slower then grouping if your going blind into quests.

Fair enough yes. It was a bit of a vague set of requirements.

Ok, the deal is this - I've got a few of characters to ten and then... stopped. Stopped for many reasons which boil down to me whining about being in a small guild playing UK evenings on Argo, and how solo-ing is too hard for me at this level and PuGs are so variable that every time I have a bad one it puts me off for days at a time. Whiiiiiiiiine.

I am in no rush to get to L20 particularly, but I'd like to get some advancing done.

Lets try rephrasing the question & adding some assumptions/extra info:

Some assumptions:
I have Heavy Fort and half decent weapons
I know to look out for blindness wards, deathward/deathblock, disease/poison immunity and +stat gear, but do not assume I have that gear because it never seems to drop for me and I don't have tons of plat to purchase with.

At this level currently I have available to play with:
L11 Light Monk
L10 Ranger (yes, its an AA and I have a silver bow and an alt bow for other targets. But I also have many decent melee weapons which I use by far in the main)
L10 pure Rogue
L8 rog/wiz (2/6)

Note, I have all the adventure packs so I can do whatever, but for reference there are some quests I know aren't the best ones for me already:

Necro 2-3. Annoying, annoying, annoying. If I never have to do that stupid random-towers run again it'll be way too soon. At first I loved these quests because "hey, its different! unique quest designs! Zomg!" then after the first two quests our static group came to the realisation that its like the dev who designed Necro 2 and 3 had a good idea for each individual quest and then used it in that quest over-and-over-and-over-and-over to suck all the fun out and make the quests longer for the sake of it. It was a question of working out what the conceit was in each quest then repeating it ad nauseum to get to the fight at the end. It was so bad that our static group (now L13) hasn't been able to bring ourselves to go back and try Necro4 for fear it'll be more of the same.

The orchard: actually quite a fun & varied explorer area, but very hard to solo unlike most of the others I've been into up to now (used to be if I couldnt' find a group I'd just bimble into whatever explorer area was around my level and grind out some kills/rares to fill time & garner a little XP. can't really do that at L10 with Orchard).

Tempest Spine: ok, I don't hate this. At least, I think I don't but its hard to be sure: the few times I've tried it its been like every other raid I've ever done: always such a blur that I never get chance to figure out what's going on so I can join in the zerging. Net result is me trailing behind piking. I hate piking. I like to contribute.

Quite like what I've seen of Restless Isles but I've only done one quest and a few bits of explorer area, and obviously it ends with a raid which I'm not really looking forward to.

Love Demon Sands explorer, massive & hard though it can be without the right gear (my monk has a really good time of it there. My ranger... splat.)

So, the questions:

1. What quests are relatively straightforward to PuG or solo at this level, assuming healing is only available via pots or hirelings?
2. What loot should I be aiming for from those quests to make getting through the next few levels of quests that little bit easier?
3. What quests give the best XP/time ration rewards over the next few levels?
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 9:29am by »  
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #6 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am
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Ill reply more fully later if no one else does but for the moment with a quick browse I would say, a couple of things.

What race is your wiz rog? if he has self healing, ideally WF, then thats the kiddie IMO to be soloing quests with.

The others are fine im sure but the wiz split gives great versitility and as such will allow you room for manouver when finding your way around new quests.

a wiz rogue can solo round orchard at level 10.... but you have to prepare for each rare and know how your going to deal with it and who to avoid. At that level i tend to avoid parse, the golem dude, for example.

The beholder can spawn in two spots, one down the cliffs one further up. If he is in the lower spot give him a wide berth, go to the cliffs ontop, cast FW at him then run away. He will sit there and burn while you check the cave above for the other rare.

Thats just an example really but yea, at that level you cant just barrel into the named.

Persoanlly i dont run tempest spine very often. I have with some chars but I tend to find it just a hassle raid.

Restless isles i will hold my hands up and say I cant really advise. I dont run that area and since i went premium i didnt even buy the pack.

Dont forget, when you solo do quests lower level then you. 1-2 levels is fine for xp, as im sure you know, and will make it easier. running at level is fine for some quests but for others will just increase the workload and resources used to the point where I wouldnt bother.

You wiz, he has still got a few pit runs in him yet. 10K plus per run.

If you dont like the pit, i can understand why but get someone to walk you through it. Once shown its a much better run and good to farm.

Xp to time ratio is tricky for me to say as most of the charts that ive seen use the stand point of, invis, avoid everything and PROPER ZERG.

I play quite quickly but im probably a bit short of a full on zerger.

I will log in this evening and if you PM me on argo to Loftie I will send you over some plat.

I got a couple of chars on there but I dont really run on that server. If im in level, i cant remember what level loftie is right now, then im more then happy to show you round a couple of places.

What i tend to do when im soloing a new quest is to have a read on doowiki. get an idea of what you will encounter etc.

Loot wise... Personnally i tend to not really equip my chars properly until level 16... I get fed up re equipping every few days Smiley but thats coz im lazy so, proper advice....

Just make sure you got you 100% fort. Try to build up you stack of resist pots where nessecery. As you already said, eles, blindness, diease, curse etc.

Try and get some good weapons but dont constrain yourself too much.

I like high + holy something weapons. I think they go a long way.

I know you said you didnt like the orchard 2 quests, and i can see your point but really you want to try and run shadow lord for xp. It is very good. Just that one, dont worry bout the rest if your not going to do crypt 2 and 3 then you dont need the 4 associated tombs.

Remember FW does double damage to undead. your arcane will find this a cake walk at +1 level. norm hard elite.

Im at work atm, and waffled a bit more then expected there but as i say ill have another look at this later. Im sure others can advise better then me.

For loot....

Thats your best bet. decide what you want then decide if you can be bothered to farm that location Smiley

As i say, i tend to rush to 16 then start thinking bout end game equipment. I.e which slots will be perm for my stat items....

You will want the minos legends as soon as you reach level 11. you need 20 taps from the orchard rares chest. It gives 100% fort ans 20 HP that stack.
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #7 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:01am
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That's better. Better'n a handjob from a hooker with Parkinsons and a fur glove.

Now answer the question, you douche.  Grin

It's doosh round these parts, as it's wrong to be French..and I said you were the only new fuckstick that can stay in another thread, sheesh! Needy git!

Keith Baker asks me questions about Eberron

Alekx wrote on Nov 29th, 2010 at 11:32am:
You were right, you win this round scotsman.
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #8 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:06am
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aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
What race is your wiz rog? if he has self healing, ideally WF, then thats the kiddie IMO to be soloing quests with.

no, human, sorry!

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
a wiz rogue can solo round orchard at level 10.... but you have to prepare for each rare and know how your going to deal with it and who to avoid. At that level i tend to avoid parse, the golem dude, for example.

Fair enough, when my wiz rogue gets L5 spells I'll give it a whirl.


aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
Dont forget, when you solo do quests lower level then you. 1-2 levels is fine for xp, as im sure you know, and will make it easier. running at level is fine for some quests but for others will just increase the workload and resources used to the point where I wouldnt bother.

You wiz, he has still got a few pit runs in him yet. 10K plus per run.

If you dont like the pit, i can understand why but get someone to walk you through it. Once shown its a much better run and good to farm.

I don't know if I like the pit, I've never done it. I took one look at the map the quest giver hands out and resolved I wasn't going anywhere near the place till I had a guide!

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
Xp to time ratio is tricky for me to say as most of the charts that ive seen use the stand point of, invis, avoid everything and PROPER ZERG.

yeah, zerging content I've not done before is really not my thing.

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
I will log in this evening and if you PM me on argo to Loftie I will send you over some plat.

I got a couple of chars on there but I dont really run on that server. If im in level, i cant remember what level loftie is right now, then im more then happy to show you round a couple of places.

two things:

First, I won't be on tonight so please don't log on just for me! Maybe tomorrow night, noting that I'm UK evenings, which are 5hrs ahead of EST (if its 8pm here, then its 3pm there).

Second... how do I put this... uhmm.... I really appreciate the offer, really I do, but I didn't post this to beg for money. My lack of plat is certainly an issue, but frankly that's as it should be till I've got myself a high level char. Its bad enough that my play skills are so feeble without me taking handouts on top - but it is a very generous offer, thanks for making it. Advice and an in-game guide are really appreciated if they're available, but I'd rather not level up due to free loot and cash - there needs to be SOME element of this that I've achieved myself.

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
What i tend to do when im soloing a new quest is to have a read on doowiki. get an idea of what you will encounter etc.

I do much the same. its doing that (and looking at Lost Leader's guides) that has led me to go 'nope, too hard. nope, needs more than one person. nope, needs x gear that i don't have. Nope, will need more hitpoints...'.

I know. I'm a 'fraidy cat. I wonder how many more excuses for being a whiney whiner I can come up with... Cheesy

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
Loot wise... Personally i tend to not really equip my chars properly until level 16... I get fed up re equipping every few days Smiley

every few days??? I level up every couple of weeks.

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
Just make sure you got you 100% fort. Try to build up you stack of resist pots where nessecery. As you already said, eles, blindness, diease, curse etc.

I try. Lordy do I try.

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
Try and get some good weapons but dont constrain yourself too much.

I like high + holy something weapons. I think they go a long way.

Yep. Weaponry I don't seem to have much of a problem getting hold of for some reason. Its equipment that kills me.

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
I know you said you didnt like the orchard 2 quests, and i can see your point but really you want to try and run shadow lord for xp. It is very good. Just that one, dont worry bout the rest if your not going to do crypt 2 and 3 then you dont need the 4 associated tombs.

Remember FW does double damage to undead. your arcane will find this a cake walk at +1 level. norm hard elite.

*sigh* PuGs it is then. Sad

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
Im at work atm, and waffled a bit more then expected there but as i say ill have another look at this later. Im sure others can advise better then me.

hey, its all useful, thanks!

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
For loot....

Thats your best bet. decide what you want then decide if you can be bothered to farm that location Smiley

Yep, I do try to refer to that, but then I start getting into impossible slot juggling, and necro-hate...

aurora1979 wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 10:35am:
You will want the minos legends as soon as you reach level 11. you need 20 taps from the orchard rares chest. It gives 100% fort ans 20 HP that stack.

I know about the minos legends, but 20 taps is NOT easy to come by without a full group as far as I can tell. My static group spent maybe six 2 hour play sessions and managed to clear Orchard maybe twice (never in one session, so its not like the zone was truly 'clear', but we covered all the ground is what I mean - we don't have an arcane, that's probably what takes so long), and we got maybe 2/3rds of the rares, who dropped taps for one or other of us maybe 50% of the time. So between us we've got maybe 7 taps each at this point, are now bored with orchard wilderness and have started on Restless Isles for variety. If that pattern holds for my other toons then I just won't bother unless I spot a PuG doing clears - out of interest is Minos Legends BTA or BTC?

If that Adamantine Ore hand in wasn't bugged, that's what I'd be doing for my Heavy Fort item, even if it does mean doing without the extra HPs.
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:09am by »  
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #9 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:11am
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I know about the minos legends, but 20 taps is NOT easy to come by without a full group as far as I can tell. My static group spent maybe six 2 hour play sessions and managed to clear Orchard maybe twice (never in one session, so its not like the zone was truly 'clear', but we covered all the ground is what I mean - we don't have an arcane, that's probably what takes so long), and we got maybe 2/3rds of the rares, who dropped taps for one or other of us maybe 50% of the time. So between us we've got maybe 7 taps each at this point, are now bored with orchard wilderness and have started on Restless Isles for variety. If that pattern holds for my other toons then I just won't bother unless I spot a PuG doing clears - out of interest is Minos Legends BTA or BTC?

If that Adamantine Ore hand in wasn't bugged, that's what I'd be doing for my Heavy Fort item, even if it does mean doing without the extra HPs.

Dont run the whole orchard. I do Caravan, rats, crypts, golem, beholder and cave. rinse and repeat. Its all one path and can be done quickly alone or with a group.

Also how is the ore bugged. I just got a heavy fort necklace last week.
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:12am by woody »  
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #10 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:13am
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Ashurr wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:01am:
It's doosh round these parts, as it's wrong to be French..and I said you were the only new fuckstick that can stay in another thread, sheesh! Needy git!

I'm English. We hated the French long before some thumbless inbred American draft dodger made the 'cheese eating surrender monkeys' thing famous, so I'll be the judge of what French words to use, you poor excuse for an immortal elf! Sae raetar!

in that capacity, I hereby resolve not to use Douche anymore, because it is French and therefore Wrong. You cocksucker.
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Arkat's Bitch

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #11 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:15am
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I'm English. We hated the French long before some thumbless inbred American draft dodger made the 'cheese eating surrender monkeys' thing famous, so I'll be the judge of what French words to use, you poor excuse for an immortal elf! Sae raetar!

in that capacity, I hereby resolve not to use Douche anymore, because it is French and therefore Wrong. You cocksucker.

You are good with words yah limey bastard, but you can't stop a football rolling at 2 Kph from scoring a goal. Suck it.

Nilazgrc: For all those familiar with loreseekers/sentinels.... Dont run with Stainer.... Guy is a tool. Black list his toons.
kmack can drive the tractor.
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JDollar wrote on Apr 25th, 2013 at 4:47pm:
Stainer likes tractors
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #12 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:17am
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woody wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:11am:
Dont run the whole orchard. I do Caravan, rats, crypts, golem, beholder and cave. rinse and repeat. Its all one path and can be done quickly alone or with a group.

Also how is the ore bugged. I just got a heavy fort necklace last week.

According to the latest release notes/known issues, the collector will take your ore and given you nothing, nada, rien de rien (shut up Ashurr! Its one of my favourite Frenchisms is that. I was able to make it maybe the second question I innocently asked of my French exchange student's parents all those years ago - I knew full well that it means, lit., 'nothing and nothing' but in context it actually means "fuck all". Their faces were amazing as they struggled not to show the poor little English boy how much I'd offended them. So I'm going to damn well use it. Pthththtpt.)

However, clearly its not as broken as all that. So maybe I'll give it a go.

Edit: I forgot to add re that french thing. That is the same trip I pulled the wrong lever on the coach toilet and dumped the septic tank all over the street in Paris. As the only person here to dump literally a coachload of shit all over the French capital city, I reckon that probably qualifies me as the official French baiter of these forums. So watch it, merde-face. Cheesy
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:24am by »  
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #13 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:20am
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stainer wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:15am:
You are good with words yah limey bastard, but you can't stop a football rolling at 2 Kph from scoring a goal. Suck it.

And why would I want to? Soccer is a game for girls, or at least overpaid premadonnas with a god complex.

Rugby is the mans' game. Hell, I'll actually take American Football over soccer, its just a much more tactical game, and the players don't fall over holding their leg like its about to fall off just because someone ran past them a few minutes ago and looked like they might try a tackle.

And don't derail my thread, with sports shit. If I wanted to play sports I wouldn't be camped on the internet. Goatfucker.
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:21am by »  
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Arkat's Bitch

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #14 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:22am
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American, not a New Zealander.

Nilazgrc: For all those familiar with loreseekers/sentinels.... Dont run with Stainer.... Guy is a tool. Black list his toons.
kmack can drive the tractor.
The Vault donates to charity.
JDollar wrote on Apr 25th, 2013 at 4:47pm:
Stainer likes tractors
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #15 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:25am
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stainer wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:22am:
American, not a New Zealander.

Touche, my oath-breaking native murdering friend, touche.
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:25am by »  
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Korthos Resident

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #16 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:34am
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The bug on the Adamantine Ore turn in is this.

He tells you if you bring back the first item you got from him, plus enough ore, you can get another item (essentially trade the item you have for a different one), however, in this case, he takes your ore, and doesn't give you another item.  Which is too bad, since I like to get the Gorget at 9, but would trade it after I get Minos....

Anyway, sorry I'm being helpful, but you can still get your first item from the smith, no problem.
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Waterworks Kobold


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Re: L10 plus
Reply #17 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 12:50pm
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Put up an LFM for 10-18 tap runs. BYOH, watch your own back. In Progress.

It will usually fill in no time
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #18 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 12:50pm
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stainer wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:22am:
American, not a New Zealander.

You're confusing sheep and goats. As a kiwi friend of mine would always say: New Zealand - where the men are men, and the sheep are frightened.

Memnir wrote on Jun 14th, 2013 at 10:59am:
Note to any Turbine staffers reading this, and one I genuinely hope you share around the office: DDO has become a shit game because y'all have made it a shit game. Once it was great. Now, it's a festering puddle of monkey diarrhea. No matter how you try to justify it, or pat yourselves on the back for doing great jobs... it's a shit game now because of you. Y'all keep on giving the players the middle finger, and you keep expecting us to reward you for the abuse. I've had it with you narcissistic fuckwads and your myopic policies of ineptitude.
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #19 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 1:04pm
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Kimberlite wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 12:50pm:
You're confusing sheep and goats. As a kiwi friend of mine would always say: New Zealand - where the men are men, and the sheep are frightened.

Yeah, but as they'll also tell you: "any port in a storm"...

Reminds me of another one actually:
How does a New Zealander/Welshman (delete as applicable for your brand of racism) find sheep in long grass?

... delightful.


Buster77 - don't apologise for being helpful and actually staying on topic, that's more than me and some of these other fucks have done. Cheesy
« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2010 at 1:05pm by »  
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Re: L10 plus
Reply #20 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 2:44pm
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stainer wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:22am:
American, not a New Zealander.

Kiwis are sheepfuckers.  Goatfuckers are generally Afghani, Pakistani, Iranian, and Armenian.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #21 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 6:03pm
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Yeah, but as they'll also tell you: "any port in a storm"...

Reminds me of another one actually:
How does a New Zealander/Welshman (delete as applicable for your brand of racism) find sheep in long grass?

... delightful.


Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?

Because sheep can hear a zipper a mile away.

Memnir wrote on Jun 14th, 2013 at 10:59am:
Note to any Turbine staffers reading this, and one I genuinely hope you share around the office: DDO has become a shit game because y'all have made it a shit game. Once it was great. Now, it's a festering puddle of monkey diarrhea. No matter how you try to justify it, or pat yourselves on the back for doing great jobs... it's a shit game now because of you. Y'all keep on giving the players the middle finger, and you keep expecting us to reward you for the abuse. I've had it with you narcissistic fuckwads and your myopic policies of ineptitude.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #22 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 6:16pm
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According to the latest release notes/known issues, the collector will take your ore and given you nothing, nada, rien de rien if you have already gotten an item before

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Ex Member

Re: L10 plus
Reply #23 - Sep 2nd, 2010 at 3:53am
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Khaldan wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 6:16pm:

Thanks Khaldan Smiley
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: L10 plus
Reply #24 - Sep 3rd, 2010 at 4:35am
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Heh, welcome aboard Ass-as-big-as-a-mountain Shadow.

Keith Baker asks me questions about Eberron

Alekx wrote on Nov 29th, 2010 at 11:32am:
You were right, you win this round scotsman.
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