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One Man Wolfpack

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Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Jul 26th, 2011 at 2:52pm
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From the horse's mouth.

Okay, for everyone's convenience (and so we can perhaps have just a bit more last-minute discussion about them ), here's a list of the changes to these items. I don't know as though I'll have time to revisit them, but do post your comments regardless if you feel strongly that anything else should be different.

Epic Antique Greataxe: Added Righteousness, increased base damage to 3d10, fixed Adamantine property
Epic Kronzek's Cruelty: Added Lightning Strike and Improved Destruction
Epic Phiarlan Spy Dagger: Added Improved Paralyzing. Replaced Deception with Improved Deception, which procs twice as often.
Epic Noxious Fang: Added Disintegration
Epic Garos' Malice: Added Greater Incineration (procs about twice as often as normal Incineration). Sneak attack bonus was replaced with a new effect called "Blinding Embers." This blinds an enemy on a vorpal hit, no save.
Epic Brimstone Verge: Replaced Fireball with Delayed Blast Fireball, added Epic Combustion VII (60% damage boost)
Epic Roderic's Wand: Now grants Augment Summoning while held
Epic Brawn's Spirits: Added Incite 10% and Exceptional Con +2. The Intimidate bonus is now a +20 competence instead of the stacking 5 enhancement, and the Rage clicky caster level is now 15.
Epic Grim's Bracelet: Added Dodge +3. Strength bonus upped to +7.
Epic Mask of Comedy: Improved Healing Lore to Major, added Superior Devotion VII. Now has Greater Potency VII as well.
Epic Mask of Tragedy: Improved Void Lore to Major, added Superior Nullification VII. Now has Greater Potency VII as well.
Epic Phiarlan Mirror Cloak: Improved Spell Resistance to 30, added Spell Absorption (5 charges), added Greater Light Resistance. It will also keep Blurry (there was some debate about whether it would).
Epic Ring of Elemental Essence: Added Epic Combustion/Glaciation/Magnetism/Corrosion (60% damage boosts), added Inherent Resistance 5 to fire, cold and electric.
Epic Shimmering Pendant: Increased Charisma boost to +7, increased skill boosts to +20

Epic Elyd Edge: Now has Screaming, as well as "Cacophony:" a sonic damage effect equal in proc rate and power to Incineration. It will use the higher of Strength or Charisma for to-hit and damage. Will also have a new effect called "Inspiring Echoes:" a Bard wielder's Inspire Heroics, Inspire Competence and Song of Freedom become AoE while this weapon is held.
Epic Midnight's Greetings: Enhancement bonus is now equal to Int modifier (min 6, max 10). Replaced Deception with Improved Deception. Added Improved Paralyzing. Now boosts your Assassinate DCs by 2. It will use the higher of Strength or Dexterity for to-hit and damage.
Epic Deneith Heavy Chain: Now has Superior False Life and Vertigo +15.
Epic Blademark's Docent: Now has Superior False Life and Vertigo +15.
Epic Chimera's Crown: Now grants stacking hit points depending on the number of Dragonmarks you have: 1 Dragonmark grants 10 HP, 2 grants 15, and 3 grants 20. 3 Dragonmarks will also grant Spell Resistance 30.
Epic Chimera's Fang: Base item is now +6, 3d10 base damage, Incite 20%, Silver, Keen, Shocking Burst, Destruction, Shatter +10, Red Augment Slot. Dragonmarks add extra effects to the item- 1 or more Dragonmarks: bastard sword proficiency, +7. 2 or more Dragonmarks: Sup. Parrying, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (non-Sentinel): Disintegration, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (all Sentinel): Disintegration, +10, Fortified Defenses 50%.

All epic wands also now have a maximize-like effect applied to them to boost their damage by 100%. Due to the implementation method, this doesn't stack with the enhancements that boost wand damage, but it still beats them out.

That AOE song business on the Eyld edge is VERY intriguing to me.

I'll probably make a mask of comedy for my cleric, because why the hell not? He currently has Greater Potency 7 on his DT anyway.

The free augment summoning on roderiks wand is also pretty snazy for dog charmers in HoX.
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One Man Wolfpack

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #1 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 2:54pm
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Of course I'm probably late to the party since that was posted on the 23rd.

Oh well. Fuck it.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #2 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:00pm
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Haggle bards will like that change.
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #3 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:05pm
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rest wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 2:52pm:
pic Mask of Comedy: Improved Healing Lore to Major, added Superior Devotion VII. Now has Greater Potency VII as well.

I find this appealing.

I'm currently sitting with Greater Potency VII on my FvS's DT docent just because it gives me at least the 40% boost on all of my mass cure spells when I don't have the Amrath clicky active.  I don't have anything particularly interesting on my head right now, so there's no major loss there.

That will let me put a Quorforged Docent of Battle on the FvS and I'll get to keep my HP when I swap out to use the Amrath belt clickies.

And I still get the +40% to Blade Barriers.

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #4 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:07pm
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rest wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 2:52pm:
Epic Roderic's Wand: Now grants Augment Summoning while held

Also, does anyone know if Augment Summoning actually does anything useful in HoX?  I've heard rumors in different directions, but I was curious about whether anyone has verified them.

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One Man Wolfpack

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #5 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:11pm
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popejubal wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:07pm:
Also, does anyone know if Augment Summoning actually does anything useful in HoX?  I've heard rumors in different directions, but I was curious about whether anyone has verified them.

Allegedly it boosts str/con/fort. Hopefully it would be stacking, and no overwritten by mass bulls/bears. I assume it would work on the dogs because technically they are charmed. But do you have to hold the wand the whole time for it to stay active? Does it count as a buff? Not sure. I don't know of anyone who has the feat. Could always test and see if it shows up on their examine screen.

Assumptions are bad though, especially with Turdbine stuff.
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #6 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:14pm
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Looks like it's time to start running House D stuff again...

Need Elyd Edges and Chimeara Fangs.

Edit: Can someone run the numbers on Chimeara Fangs with these new numbers?
« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:15pm by »  
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #7 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:31pm
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rest wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:11pm:
Allegedly it boosts str/con/fort. Hopefully it would be stacking, and no overwritten by mass bulls/bears. I assume it would work on the dogs because technically they are charmed. But do you have to hold the wand the whole time for it to stay active? Does it count as a buff? Not sure. I don't know of anyone who has the feat. Could always test and see if it shows up on their examine screen.

Assumptions are bad though, especially with Turdbine stuff.

I can tell you for a fact that the Augment Summoning feat gives the Augmented Summons buff to the dogs in the Hound raid.  I have a PM with the Augment Summoning feat (don't ask), and I've witnessed it many times.  The buff is like any other and appears in the examination window.  I don't know how to confirm whether the benefits from the buff stack with things like Bear's/Bull's, but Turbine has claimed that it does.  I do know that Xyzzy usually goes down before dogs start breaking when my PM charms them.
« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:32pm by Schmoe »  

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Finally I understand the feelings of the few,
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #8 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:41pm
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I really like the look of some of these revised items.  Many of them actually approach the level of something that is worthwhile to use, or are *gasp* actually an upgrade.

I'll probably never run enough epics to the point where I can try to get a specific item, especially a highly sought-after item.  This means that I need to be satisfied with getting *any* epic item I can use.  Before this review of the items, so many of them were just so damn pointless that I would probably have vendored most of them.  It was a real turn-off to running epics.  Now, however, there are enough that I think there's actually a realistic chance of getting a nice item to use, so I'm looking forward to running some more epic content in the future.

"As my windshield melts, and my tears evaporate,
Leaving only charcoal to defend -
Finally I understand the feelings of the few,
Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend, we were all equal in the end."

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One Man Wolfpack

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #9 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:43pm
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Schmoe wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:31pm:
I can tell you for a fact that the Augment Summoning feat gives the Augmented Summons buff to the dogs in the Hound raid.  I have a PM with the Augment Summoning feat (don't ask), and I've witnessed it many times.  The buff is like any other and appears in the examination window.  I don't know how to confirm whether the benefits from the buff stack with things like Bear's/Bull's, but Turbine has claimed that it does.  I do know that Xyzzy usually goes down before dogs start breaking when my PM charms them.

Yes, items.

Thanks for the confirmation. I thought about putting augment summon on my PM (don't ask) and glad to know that it really does something. So now my THF WF WC bard will be rocking that epic rapier and epic wand.  Grin  Grin  Grin
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #10 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 4:06pm
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popejubal wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:05pm:
That will let me put a Quorforged Docent of Battle on the FvS and I'll get to keep my HP when I swap out to use the Amrath belt clickies.

Use Epic Bladesmark and slot Toughness and Con. No -2 save plus the added benefit of Lifeshield.
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #11 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 7:53pm
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What, no Epic Big Top upgrade?!  ROBBERY!

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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #12 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 9:10pm
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popejubal wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 3:05pm:
I find this appealing.

I'm currently sitting with Greater Potency VII on my FvS's DT docent just because it gives me at least the 40% boost on all of my mass cure spells when I don't have the Amrath clicky active.  I don't have anything particularly interesting on my head right now, so there's no major loss there.

That will let me put a Quorforged Docent of Battle on the FvS and I'll get to keep my HP when I swap out to use the Amrath belt clickies.

And I still get the +40% to Blade Barriers.

+40%?  Don't be lazy, weapon swap ;p

I still would prefer my pirate hat with superior potency VI/+15 concentration.  Mass cure light and moderate is good enough, and +concentration is great for scrolls.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #13 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 10:55pm
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Looks like it's time to start running House D stuff again...

Need Elyd Edges and Chimeara Fangs.

Edit: Can someone run the numbers on Chimeara Fangs with these new numbers?

I'll run the numbers vs Lit2 khopesh for you.

+50dmg mod about right?

Kensai is +4 crit dmg yea? or +6?

Hmmm so Halfling with Epic Chimeras and 3 healing marks would get prof, +8 and disint. wow.

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #14 - Jul 26th, 2011 at 11:09pm
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Felgor wrote on Jul 26th, 2011 at 10:55pm:
I'll run the numbers vs Lit2 khopesh for you.

+50dmg mod about right?

Kensai is +4 crit dmg yea? or +6?

Hmmm so Halfling with Epic Chimeras and 3 healing marks would get prof, +8 and disint. wow.

Do it with a Blitz, so +4 Crit.

Dmg mod? 50 should be ok. Do a couple though for 40, 50, 60, and 70.

Edit: Epic Chimera's Fang: Base item is now +6, 3d10 base damage, Incite 20%, Silver, Keen, Shocking Burst, Destruction, Shatter +10, Red Augment Slot. Dragonmarks add extra effects to the item- 1 or more Dragonmarks: bastard sword proficiency, +7. 2 or more Dragonmarks: Sup. Parrying, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (non-Sentinel): Disintegration, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (all Sentinel): Disintegration, +10, Fortified Defenses 50%.

Basically, we're looking at a +10, DR breaking, Keen, Sunder +10, Hate Generating, 3d10 base dmging, Disintigrating, Lightning Striking, TWF masterpiece. Not only that, but it adds to AC and fortification AND gives free proficiency.

I'm hoping the fact that it's only a x2 Crit is made up for in all this ridiculousness.
« Last Edit: Jul 27th, 2011 at 12:45am by »  
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #15 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 1:02am
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Ok numbers for a  Kensai 2, +50dmg mod including +5 weapon, +10 seeker with bloodstone (+6 and +4 kensai) with 1 dragonmark feat.

Current Chimera's Fang
91.83 = 75.3 + 16.53

New Chimera's Fang with 1 Dragonmark feat (+7 instead of +6 and BS prof.)
87.2 = 82.78 + 4.43

New Chimera's Fang with 3 Sentinel Dragonmark feat
101.38 = 86.23 + 15.16

Lit2 Khopesh
107.4 = 80.93 + 26.48

Even though the Lit2 is ahead, +5 to hit and destruction would put the Fang's ahead by a substantial amount if you are not already hitting Epic mobs on a 2-5+.

Also unless you take all 3 feats, the current Chimera's Fang is BETTER! The lit2 strike without feats does this.

I wont bother comparing vs Devil bosses, it is pretty obvious.

I will compare to Epic Brigand's Cutlass though (for Devil trash or a pure Pally).

Epic Brigand's Cutlass (+6 seeker only, assuming not Kensai specced)
97.55 = 76.1 + 21.45

What happens if I calculate Kensai 3 with +1 crit range and +2 crit damage?

The Cutlass's for a Scimi specced Kensai3 become:
105.78 = 83.8 + 21.98

and the New Chimera's Fang with all feats becomes:
107.51 = 91.8 + 15.71

or a Halfling with Healing dragonmarks Kensai3?
101.51 = 85.8 + 15.71 (removed 5pts per hit, 2 less for non sentinel feats, -3 for no WF PA)

Lit2 takes a massive jump at Kensai 3
117.05 = 89.48 + 27.58

But vs Hard Devil bosses Kensai3

Lit2 Khopesh
74.93 = 47.35 + 27.58

New Chimeras Fang all feats slotted with Good
90.19 = 74.49 + 15.71

Epic Brigand's Cutlass 20 Pally slotted with Silver
87.05 = 65.6 + 21.45 (without capstone dmg)
97.02 = 65.6 + 31.43 (WITH capstone dmg but not KOTC)

Very very interesting Smiley


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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #16 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 1:09am
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Felgor wrote on Jul 27th, 2011 at 1:02am:
Ok numbers for a  Kensai 2, +50dmg mod including +5 weapon, +10 seeker with bloodstone (+6 and +4 kensai) with 1 dragonmark feat.

Current Chimera's Fang
91.83 = 75.3 + 16.53

New Chimera's Fang with 1 Dragonmark feat (+7 instead of +6 and BS prof.)
87.2 = 82.78 + 4.43

New Chimera's Fang with 3 Sentinel Dragonmark feat
101.38 = 86.23 + 15.16

Lit2 Khopesh
107.4 = 80.93 + 26.48

Even though the Lit2 is ahead, +5 to hit and destruction would put the Fang's ahead by a substantial amount if you are not already hitting Epic mobs on a 2-5+.

Also unless you take all 3 feats, the current Chimera's Fang is BETTER! The lit2 strike without feats does this.

I wont bother comparing vs Devil bosses, it is pretty obvious.

I will compare to Epic Brigand's Cutlass though (for Devil trash or a pure Pally).

Epic Brigand's Cutlass (+6 seeker only, assuming not Kensai specced)
97.55 = 76.1 + 21.45

What happens if I calculate Kensai 3 with +1 crit range and +2 crit damage?

The Cutlass's for a Scimi specced Kensai3 become:
105.78 = 83.8 + 21.98

and the New Chimera's Fang with all feats becomes:
107.51 = 91.8 + 15.71

or a Halfling with Healing dragonmarks Kensai3?
101.51 = 85.8 + 15.71 (removed 5pts per hit, 2 less for non sentinel feats, -3 for no WF PA)

Lit2 takes a massive jump at Kensai 3
117.05 = 89.48 + 27.58

But vs Hard Devil bosses Kensai3

Lit2 Khopesh
74.93 = 47.35 + 27.58

New Chimeras Fang all feats slotted with Good
90.19 = 74.49 + 15.71

Epic Brigand's Cutlass 20 Pally slotted with Silver
87.05 = 65.6 + 21.45 (without capstone dmg)
97.02 = 65.6 + 31.43 (WITH capstone dmg but not KOTC)

Very very interesting Smiley

So on regular Trash, Lit2's are a tiny bit ahead.

But as DR is entered, the new eCM's pull ahead farther and farther? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #17 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 1:26am
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Yes, but I suspect +4 Holyburst Silver of GLOB will kill the Fangs , more so as Khopesh scales like a fucking Ninja with the more base damage you add.

Check this out:

For Blitz Kensai 2 17-20 crit range, +10 seeker damage total.

Lit2 with PA turned off (loss of 8dmg but gain of +8 to hit, which is +3 to hit mor ethan the Fang's, for a WF) so +57 dmg mod

116.85 = 90.38 + 26.48

Epic Chimera's Fang with PA turned on (+8) +70dmg mod

118.63 = 103.48 + 15.16

Bump it up to +63dmg with Lit2 (no PA) and +76(with PA) for the ECM

124.95 = 98.48 + 26.48

Epic Chimera's Fang
125.53 = 110.38 + 15.16

Now let me get back to you using hobglob

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One Man Wolfpack

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #18 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 1:32am
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Do it with a Blitz, so +4 Crit.

Dmg mod? 50 should be ok. Do a couple though for 40, 50, 60, and 70.

Edit: Epic Chimera's Fang: Base item is now +6, 3d10 base damage, Incite 20%, Silver, Keen, Shocking Burst, Destruction, Shatter +10, Red Augment Slot. Dragonmarks add extra effects to the item- 1 or more Dragonmarks: bastard sword proficiency, +7. 2 or more Dragonmarks: Sup. Parrying, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (non-Sentinel): Disintegration, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (all Sentinel): Disintegration, +10, Fortified Defenses 50%.

Basically, we're looking at a +10, DR breaking, Keen, Sunder +10, Hate Generating, 3d10 base dmging, Disintigrating, Lightning Striking, TWF masterpiece. Not only that, but it adds to AC and fortification AND gives free proficiency.

I'm hoping the fact that it's only a x2 Crit is made up for in all this ridiculousness.

Doesn't do lightning strike anymore. That's changed to disintegrate :p

Also talk of making disintegrate into an attribute not linked to dragonmarks.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #19 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 1:50am
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Yea it needs disint to be on the base attributes or at least the first dragonmark to open it up as an option to anyone other than fighter splashed builds or fighters.

Ok, here we go:

Back to +50base dmg with PA on, 50% fort Devil bosses:

+4 Holyburst Silver Khopesh of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (+54dmg mod, 1d8)
86.9 = 70.28 + 16.63

Epic Chimera's Fang (+55dmg mod, 3d10)
92.23 = 77.08 + 15.16

Ok I was wrong Smiley

Let's try +60 base dmg:

+4 Holyburst Silver Khopesh of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (+64dmg mod, 1d8)
98.4 = 81.78 + 16.63

Epic Chimera's Fang (+65dmg mod, 3d10)
102.73 = 87.58 + 15.16

How about +70  base dmg mod?

+4 Holyburst Silver Khopesh of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (+74dmg mod, 1d8)
109.9 = 93.27 + 16.63

Epic Chimera's Fang (+75dmg mod, 3d10)
113.23 = 98.08 + 15.16

For shits and giggles, back to Kensai 3

+4 Holyburst Silver Khopesh of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (+54dmg mod, 1d8)
91.33 = 74.7 + 16.63

Epic Chimera's Fang (+75dmg mod, 3d10)
95.57 = 79.86 + 15.71

Still can't beat it.

Any other numbers you want me to run Smrti? Got exact figures for your build right now?

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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #20 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 1:52am
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I can't edit, last numbers should read:

+4 Holyburst Silver Khopesh of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (+54dmg mod, 1d8)
91.33 = 74.7 + 16.63

Epic Chimera's Fang (+55dmg mod, 3d10)
95.57 = 79.86 + 15.71

Ok I found the modify button, excuse all these posts.

Same as above but 1 Dragonmark feat only:

Kensai 3

+4 Holyburst Silver Khopesh of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (+54dmg mod, 1d8)
91.33 = 74.7 + 16.63

Epic Chimera's Fang (+52dmg mod, 3d10)
83.41 = 76.64 + 6.78

Kensai 2 blitz

+4 Holyburst Silver Khopesh of Greater Lawful Outsider bane (+54dmg mod, 1d8)
86.9 = 70.28 + 16.63

Epic Chimera's Fang (+55dmg mod, 3d10)
80.15 = 73.93 + 6.23

So we see, the ECM needs all 3 feats to be better than a Lit2 on trash or Hobglob devil beater.

Also, Kensai 2 Blitz vs Kensai 3 the Kensai 3 would be a bit less str so do not compare my calculations directly, they are just to show the difference the extra crit damage and range make when comparing the weapons.
« Last Edit: Jul 27th, 2011 at 2:19am by Felgor »  

Proud Leader & official Gimp of Crimson Eagles on Khyber
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #21 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 2:05am
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I can hit a +56 atm without really changing much if that helps.

Do a compare of the following:

Lit2 Pesh
New eCM 9good slotted)

all at +55 dmg, PA on and maxed (+10)

for the following dmg types:

0% no DR (Trash)
50% Fort, Good and Silver DR (15)
100% Fort, no DR
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #22 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 2:28am
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I'm reluctant to do this because the weapon's damage will suffer considerably, and it did have Lightning Strike previously, which players had grown used to. But there have been some valid comments that the new changes make the weapon too reliant on the Dragonmarks for its utility- so to address that, I think I'll make Disintegration a base effect instead of having it on the 3-Dragonmark tier. This requires some tweaking of the other item properties to balance it out, though, so here is the new plan for its stats and progression.

Base item: +6, 2d10 base damage, Incite 20%, Silver, Keen, Shocking Burst, Disintegration, Destruction, Shatter +10, Red Augment Slot. 1 or more Dragonmarks: bastard sword proficiency, +7. 2 or more Dragonmarks: Greater Parrying, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (non-Sentinel): Sup. Parrying, +8. 3 Dragonmarks (all Sentinel): +10, Fortified Defenses 50%.

Base damage will be the same as is currently on live, but it will have Disintegration from the beginning, and will still gain a +10 enhancement bonus at the top tier.


2d10 now.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #23 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 2:35am
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That sucks. That's another 4-5 off the base damage.

Getting a drink and bio then I will run the numbers. Busy at work too but this is more fun.

Proud Leader & official Gimp of Crimson Eagles on Khyber
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Re: Finalized House D & P Epic Item Changes
Reply #24 - Jul 27th, 2011 at 2:37am
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Felgor wrote on Jul 27th, 2011 at 2:35am:

That sucks. That's another 4-5 off the base damage.

Getting a drink and bio then I will run the numbers. Busy at work too but this is more fun.


No worries mate. gonna head to bed now...sleep schedule's all fucked up from helping people pack up and move Tongue
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