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Korthos Resident

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Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Dec 6th, 2011 at 3:25am
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I think most of the LFM requirements are pretty silly. When I started to get near cap, I used to lead almost all my own raids, because nobody wanted a 220 THF Rogue with fighter splash who couldn't do traps in quests over level 15 in their party. After a year and a few reincarnations, I have a much easier time getting into raids, and I don't start my own as often now, preferring to hop into other people's guild runs with a few empty slots or PUGs with people I know. That said, the constant high requirements on LFMs always seems silly to me, so I've been trying to lead more of my own all-inclusive raids.

Last Shroud I ran I started with a good capped cleric I knew and a many-TR AA, both of whom I consider some of the better players on our server. This was my only time leading a Shroud post-U12, but I still did the usual LFM: Normal Shroud, 15-20, first 11 and go.

Based on the group I got, I started to have to assume that karma is real and it was finally getting back at me for all the awful things I've done. My LFM hits were like a rogue's gallery of stereotypes: the 230 hp, 0% fort capped ranger, the Drow sorcerer with even less HP and four different +cha items ranging from +1 to +4 (yes, I check MyDDO when I see obscenely low hp. Sue me.), that poor, hapless, non-English speaking soul who had had an epic LoB LFM up for the past three days straight (LFM text, I quote:"need Mage's and Tank's and Healer's to support Mage's"), evenly mixed cleric/wizard who hasn't discovered this isn't PnP yet, and others I won't even try to describe.

Phase one took a good, long time. Portal Keepers still exist? I thought they took them out two or three updates ago or something. The only other divine aside from my cleric friend, a capped FvS from a guild notorious for taking *anyone* (if you're on Cannith you probably know who I mean), went left right off the bat while the rest of us went right and died almost instantly to the devil scouting party. I assume he got crit by a trog or something. We finished phase one just fine, though.

Phase two had a couple deaths.. First death was the confused sorc, who ran into the center at the beginning and died almost instantly. Everyone else was behaving and listening to instructions, though, so we had no problem getting the situation under control and raising the sorcerer. I told the AA to do the crystal, at which point the wizard complained that that was an arcane's job, and we couldn't rely on a gimped ranger. I told him that the AA has done it literally scores of times at least, but he persisted and the AA told him that it was all his. I'm sure you can see where this is going... Three attempts later, the wizard teleports out, after failing to destroy the crystal (he was saying that lag was preventing him from landing his fire walls. I have no idea what was actually happening because I was too busy keeping the other not-quite-ideal toons alive), and drops group. We try one more time. AA kills the crystal. Okay.

Phase three goes off without a hitch, unless you count the single death to the blades. A few characters prove that you can run water with less than 200 hp. Someone pulls their first +2 tome and squeals loudly into the mic for 30 straight seconds.

Phase four - I describe the basic strategy as clearly as I can. At this point a wipe seems quite likely. Everyone survived the initial devil scouting party (which seems like a given, but when we're talking only one competent divine and multiple sub-250hp, no-fort toons, even this is an unknown) and Harry pops out. We surround him like good little adventurers and pump our action boosts/DoTs/quickened mass heals into him as quickly as possible. Well, that last one is a bit of a misnomer: the Cleric is alternating between mass heal and mass cure critical due to some of the obscenely low HPs, and the FvS didn't have Mass Heal or quicken spell. Sorcerer and multiclass wiz/cleric are standing near each other, sorcerer and wizard are dead. Blades start to close, I say that everyone with <300 hp should probably leave now. Nobody does. Blades getting a little bit closer, it's getting near time for me to jump out, I say it more urgently and a few seconds later I leave. A couple melees leave right after I do, the rest die.

Now it's me, Cleric, AA, THF Bard, and raged Barbarian. Harry is at around 50%. The rest of 4 goes smooth: devils die quickly, then AA manyshots gnolls while Cleric mass heals/DoTs and the rest of us melee. Everyone has 500+ hp and fort. Happy day.

Phase five went much smoother. Everyone followed directions, we didn't have any weird blades issues, a few of the low, low hp melees died. One died several times; he kept accepting True Rezz's while in Harry's melee range.. He finished out with something like 120 hp Smiley

Overall it was a run that was somewhat fun but also pretty frustrating at times. I think a lot of people learned stuff: the FvS learned to carry Mass Heal in raids, the arcanes learned that an AA can do the crystal, and everyone learned the importance of a +6 con item, a GFL item, a +x con tome, toughness, and all con/toughness related enhancements, thanks to the whining of my understandably perturbed cleric Smiley

Can you still just take the first 11 that hit your LFM and be sure of success? Nope, but then again, even if you can solo the raid for sure you can never be sure you'll complete with 11 strangers. Is it fun to just take the first 11? Yeah, I think so. In the above instance, though, if we would have had a lag spike, OR particularly bad luck, OR I hadn't had a couple people I could rely on, the raid would have been a wipe. Personally I don't mind wipes, but a lot of people do.

There's no moral to the story, but I don't blame people who do screening for Shroud. Yeah, even normal Shroud.. Although I'll still make fun of the hopeless tools who put up LFMs for normal Shroud that require 500+ hp/600+ hp non-evasion, or other ridiculous requirements.. and as for the people in our "premier raiding guilds" who put up PUG LFMs for elite HoX that insist on 600+ hp - well, I have special words for them, but I won't go into that now.

TL;DR - Selective LFMs seem elitist and annoy me. Making my own LFMs is tiring but potentially rewarding. Putting up end-game LFMs is something I probably should never do because I will accept anyone (except eVoN6, because you can shortman that with a bunch of 300hp rangers in your sleep).
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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #1 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 3:37am
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Are you a troll?
I have ctrl+F searched your text for following words:

No matches. This is very suspicious.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #2 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 3:41am
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Nope, I'm a spammer -

But in all seriousness I'm saving the big vulgarities for when I see someone I recognize on here. Swears are much more fulfilling when they are shouted at people I'll encounter in-game than just shouted into the wind (:
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Alaskan Ice Hole


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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #3 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 4:07am
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You are from cannith? Is that like some kind of PnP server or something?

OnePercenter wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:41am:
I just read that the cat followed up by visiting the dog house later that night, dropping some Willie Pete in on the sleeping dog.  #epochsfamiliarFTW

Sim-Sala-Bim wrote on Jan 27th, 2014 at 2:09am:
It seems like Epoch never loses his popularity.
Even against donuts.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #4 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 4:15am
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Epoch wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 4:07am:
You are from cannith? Is that like some kind of PnP server or something?

Yes, we have Gnome druids.

Also you may have heard of our crystal. It's quite popular.
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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #5 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 4:26am
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Oh, that was a great spamming post! I loved it.

Yesterday I was helping a friend lvl his brand new artificer. Lvl 5, 75 HP, Drow. It is not that horrible, but I could convince him to take toughness for the 6 lvl + enhancement, so he is now with 106 HP a much better player..for my cleric. I will craft him some lesser life items with small guild slot, so he will be at 126 HP. Next weekend we have "Rest for the Restless" in our schedule.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #6 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 4:44am
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xveganrox wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 3:25am:
(except eVoN6, because you can shortman that with a bunch of 300hp rangers in your sleep).

Always ready to learn something new. How is this done?

Epoch wrote on Nov 29th, 2011 at 1:22am:
You do what i do when people say I don't have to drink pots? I dot the boss and use BBs on the trash and say, " Aww shucks, im outta sp."

Now I am a very bad cleric. I just wait like a vulture for everyone to die. 

Light a man a fire and he will be warm for the night.  Light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Waterworks Kobold


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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #7 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 5:30am
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Oh, that was a great spamming post! I loved it.

Yesterday I was helping a friend lvl his brand new artificer. Lvl 5, 75 HP, Drow. It is not that horrible, but I could convince him to take toughness for the 6 lvl + enhancement, so he is now with 106 HP a much better player..for my cleric. I will craft him some lesser life items with small guild slot, so he will be at 126 HP. Next weekend we have "Rest for the Restless" in our schedule.

Oo Oo Oo, I can haz lesser life items?! meow meow
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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #8 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 5:42am
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strawberrybacon wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 5:30am:
Oo Oo Oo, I can haz lesser life items?! meow meow

If you admit being a 180 pounds, 45 years old truckdriver from Wisconsin, and you play in Argo, I would.
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Alaskan Ice Hole


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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #9 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 5:59am
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xveganrox wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 4:15am:
Yes, we have Gnome druids.

Also you may have heard of our crystal. It's quite popular.

I have.  I want a gnome or a druid.  Both would be amazeballs.

OnePercenter wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:41am:
I just read that the cat followed up by visiting the dog house later that night, dropping some Willie Pete in on the sleeping dog.  #epochsfamiliarFTW

Sim-Sala-Bim wrote on Jan 27th, 2014 at 2:09am:
It seems like Epoch never loses his popularity.
Even against donuts.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #10 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 6:50am
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Are you a troll?
I have ctrl+F searched your text for following words:
No matches. This is very suspicious.

Good one.  When I read the OP's post, I thought I was reading the Official Forums.

Epoch wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 4:07am:
You are from cannith? Is that like some kind of PnP server or something?

Hey! I'm also from Cannith Sad
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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #11 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 7:51am
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PnP? Nah. People there aren't that gimp. Not for long at least.

That sounds like one of those raids you should make into a drinking game, and then stop after part 1 before you kill yourself.


Epoch wrote on Mar 14th, 2012 at 5:15am:
When people bring in their personal lives, it is all fair game.  This board promotes trolling.  If you bring something up, expect it to be used against you at a later date if not immediately.  You want to bring up personal shit, well, that is your problem.

Eladiun wrote on May 15th, 2012 at 1:46pm:
If one fails to understand the nuances of elite level trolling they would falsely interpret posts meant to fan the flames as support.
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High Rabbi

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #12 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 7:57am
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/fail Save vs. Wall of Text

I need a tldr version here...this xveganrox freak has diarrhea of the keyboard...

I am the Rabbi, goo goo g'Jew!
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GORNN II 4:3:17 - For Gornn sent not Hordo into the world to save the party; but that the party through him might be wiped.
[QUOTE=404error;4155294]Hordo I don't want to steal you from these forums because your almost an icon here. ;p [/quote]
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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #13 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:01am
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Hordo wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 7:57am:
/fail Save vs. Wall of Text

I need a tldr version here...this xveganrox freak has diarrhea of the keyboard...

OK found this: TL;DR - Selective LFMs seem elitist and annoy me. Making my own LFMs is tiring but potentially rewarding. Putting up end-game LFMs is something I probably should never do because I will accept anyone (except eVoN6, because you can shortman that with a bunch of 300hp rangers in your sleep).

Ok...just another douche whining about someone else's LFMs and then bitching that he's too lazy to put his own up, yes?  Am I missing something here or did this guy take a wrong turn and end up in the wrong forum for whining?

I am the Rabbi, goo goo g'Jew!
Who doesn't <3 Gornn?
GORNN II 4:3:17 - For Gornn sent not Hordo into the world to save the party; but that the party through him might be wiped.
[QUOTE=404error;4155294]Hordo I don't want to steal you from these forums because your almost an icon here. ;p [/quote]
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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #14 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:01am
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My favorite is when Clerics/FvS/Wizards/Sorcerers are turned off in a Shroud LFM because the party already has two.  I still see that.  Saw it yesterday.  I actually joined it on my Monk because he has no GS yet and I'm a whore for a small shard right now.

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #15 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:10am
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Hordo wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:01am:
OK found this: TL;DR - Selective LFMs seem elitist and annoy me. Making my own LFMs is tiring but potentially rewarding. Putting up end-game LFMs is something I probably should never do because I will accept anyone (except eVoN6, because you can shortman that with a bunch of 300hp rangers in your sleep).

Ok...just another douche whining about someone else's LFMs and then bitching that he's too lazy to put his own up, yes?  Am I missing something here or did this guy take a wrong turn and end up in the wrong forum for whining?

I thought the same, but he reminded me that he is the poster of the great spamm post about the pokemon sales, so I gave him a second chance. Was not so horrible to read, but it doesn´t go well with The Vault: it is quite positive, and he doesn´t insult anybody.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #16 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:19am
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xveganrox wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 3:25am:
Last Shroud I ran I started with a good capped cleric I knew and a many-TR AA, both of whom I consider some of the better players on our server.

I stopped reading right there
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #17 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:41am
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If you admit being a 180 pounds, 45 years old truckdriver from Wisconsin, and you play in Argo, I would.

I suppose you meant 180 kilo. 180 pounds is not what a truckdriver from USA weighs unless he's 10 years old.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #18 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:43am
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popejubal wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:01am:
My favorite is when Clerics/FvS/Wizards/Sorcerers are turned off in a Shroud LFM because the party already has two.  I still see that.  Saw it yesterday.  I actually joined it on my Monk because he has no GS yet and I'm a whore for a small shard right now.

A guild some of my characters are in still runs like this. Two healers, two arcanes the rest DPS. Frustrates the hell out of me. Apparently my Pale Master isn't counted as DPS...
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Alaskan Ice Hole


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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #19 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:02am
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Olrad wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:43am:
A guild some of my characters are in still runs like this. Two healers, two arcanes the rest DPS. Frustrates the hell out of me. Apparently my Pale Master isn't counted as DPS...

That is because you are in a shitty guild.

OnePercenter wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:41am:
I just read that the cat followed up by visiting the dog house later that night, dropping some Willie Pete in on the sleeping dog.  #epochsfamiliarFTW

Sim-Sala-Bim wrote on Jan 27th, 2014 at 2:09am:
It seems like Epoch never loses his popularity.
Even against donuts.
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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #20 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:05am
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Razcar wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:41am:
I suppose you meant 180 kilo. 180 pounds is not what a truckdriver from USA weighs unless he's 10 years old.

You are right. 180 Kg or around 400 pounds.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #21 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:18am
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Epoch wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:02am:
That is because you are in a shitty guild.

Helpful guild for learning the game, maybe not so good for the endgame. I don't lead Shroud runs so I can't really complain. Looked at other guilds but I'm too casual a player for the serious ones.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #22 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:26am
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Olrad wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 8:43am:
A guild some of my characters are in still runs like this. Two healers, two arcanes the rest DPS. Frustrates the hell out of me. Apparently my Pale Master isn't counted as DPS...

Olrad wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:18am:
Helpful guild for learning the game, maybe not so good for the endgame. I don't lead Shroud runs so I can't really complain. Looked at other guilds but I'm too casual a player for the serious ones.

Same here. Interesting. You are not playing on Orien by any chance, are you?

That's not opinion, that's science. And science is one cold hearted bitch with a 14 inch strap on.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #23 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:39am
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aDifferentHandle wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:26am:
Same here. Interesting. You are not playing on Orien by any chance, are you?

Thelanis... and now I'm going to get ripped into...
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Alaskan Ice Hole


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Re: Raid Requirements and Screening Drama vs First 11
Reply #24 - Dec 6th, 2011 at 10:24am
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Olrad wrote on Dec 6th, 2011 at 9:18am:
Helpful guild for learning the game, maybe not so good for the endgame. I don't lead Shroud runs so I can't really complain. Looked at other guilds but I'm too casual a player for the serious ones.

How helpful can they be if they restrict their members? How can you learn this games greatest trait, flexibility, if you design your party to some random idea of the perfect setup?

You can't learn the strengths and weaknesses of yours or your guildies builds in some ideal state.  Get better teachers.

OnePercenter wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:41am:
I just read that the cat followed up by visiting the dog house later that night, dropping some Willie Pete in on the sleeping dog.  #epochsfamiliarFTW

Sim-Sala-Bim wrote on Jan 27th, 2014 at 2:09am:
It seems like Epoch never loses his popularity.
Even against donuts.
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