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Hot Topic (More than 35 Replies) Seriously Turbine? (Read 12166 times)
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Seriously Turbine?
Aug 25th, 2012 at 12:49am
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Look, I get Elite is supposed to be tough. I also know I am not the best player, but I am pretty competent. I have been leveling my TR2 Artie for the past month and have soloed just about everything on elite to level 18. My streak is well over 200.

I just tried to do a RwtD on HE with 5 other pretty decent players from good guilds and couldn't get past the first ramp. The really annoying thing is how I die.

Start fight



Nothing in combat log to say how I died.

Get the damn lag fixed, and adjust the damn quests to appropriate difficulties. I haven't died in that quest for ages. Not saying it needed to stay the same, but as usual, you guys go fricking overboard. It is like you guys think "In for a penny, in for a pound", instead of reasonable increases. Despite your erroneous thinking, we do give honest feedback, and it is pretty easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Some other things while I am ranting. Fix Damn Quicken. I am fricking tired of casting a quickened blade barrier/flame turret only to have the timer start, consume SP and no fricking spell happens. We won't even talk about the damn UMD lag. That has become to fricking obnoxious I won't even try to use a scroll during combat anymore.

And then my personal favorite, zone crashing. I can't even play the new quests from U14 and U15. Everytime I enter the rift or the Kings forest or recall back to Eveningstar the client crashes. Don't even try to say it is my rig. My rig is designed to run both Blender and Python and can render up to 3 different projects at one time. This is the ONLY game that crashes.

Look, I don't bitch much about the game or Devs or a lot of horrible game designs that completely fly in the face of DnD, but the playability of this game has taken a horrendous down turn to where I am considering not renewing my yearly sub. Not threatening or anything, just trying to give you idea of how bad things have become when a pretty loyal, but not fanboyish, customer has become more than a little irritated with the lack of professionalism and just plain awful design/loot decisions and let us not forget the piss poor attitudes from the Turbine.

Wonder where the players get it from, eh?
« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2012 at 12:53am by »  
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VoD Slasher

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #1 - Aug 25th, 2012 at 1:08am
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A tip for those at Turbine reading this.

Aqua will come to your home and fucking kill you in 30 different ways with just his toenail clippings.

You have been warned.

Munkenmo wrote on Jun 20th, 2012 at 9:41pm:
All hail Smrti.

Felgor wrote on Sep 11th, 2012 at 11:18pm:
Fuck Australia.

rev Jim wrote on Sep 12th, 2012 at 8:40am:
I wish I was a rich black woman sometimes........
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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #2 - Aug 25th, 2012 at 12:50pm
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It got so bad last night, I was getting raises before the client even told me I was attacked. With a green lag icon. Not amused.
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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #3 - Aug 25th, 2012 at 9:51pm
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I am hoping MajMal reads this and maybe takes it for what it is. Unvarnished feedback without being rude or nasty.

My enjoyment of this game has taken a serious hit since MotU. When all of the new content is unplayable and the old content is impossible on elite that experienced players can't complete and you can't hardly get groups because elite is no longer fun and a challenge, just a an exercise in frustration, there is a problem.

G-spot is dead, much of my guild, admittedly small, hasn't bothered to log on in weeks. I just convinced a RL friend to play and he hasn't logged back in due to the frustration.

The game is broken to the point of unenjoyable. Lag being number one, skewed difficulties and design decisions next, and the retarded fluff that takes place of quality programming. If the game worked , the fluff wouldn't bother me.
« Last Edit: Aug 27th, 2012 at 11:50am by »  
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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #4 - Aug 25th, 2012 at 9:52pm
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Smrti wrote on Aug 25th, 2012 at 1:08am:
A tip for those at Turbine reading this.

Aqua will come to your home and fucking kill you in 30 different ways with just his toenail clippings.

You have been warned.

While I wouldn't really do that, I only need one way.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #5 - Aug 25th, 2012 at 10:42pm
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You actually think elite is hard? That's such a fucking joke. Elite is so easy it hurts. Game is getting seriously boring. :/
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Horoluth Raider


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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #6 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 10:28am
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Heroic elite is a cakewalk if you have half an idea how to play. He's bitching about Running which is one of the hardest elite quests, but at best that just means you need a halfway competent party. I 4 manned it in a PUG last life with a hireling for heals and that was even before they nerfed the spell damage in there.
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My Little Pony

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #7 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 11:27am
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The difficulty does not matter if the lag is so bad that you are just turned into a training dummy for the mobs to beat on.


Alekx wrote on Jun 15th, 2011 at 11:46pm:
Fuck you and your political correctness. Eat a big fat conservative homo cock while you gaze at pony pictures with a hose up your ass.
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Bill Z Bubb
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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #8 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 11:31am
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For the first time ever, I was in a group that couldn't finish Jeets on elite.  From what I could gather, if the group sucks too much and lets the Bacon Ego die, then the Super Egos keep healing the Damsel so you'll never be able to take her down.

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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #9 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 11:48am
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You can kill her just fine even if the Bacon Ego dies. Stop sucking.
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Horoluth Raider


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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #10 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 12:00pm
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You need at least middling DPS to finish Jeets on elite. Some craptacular groups that manage to skate through the other IQ quests finally get punished in Jeets. I wouldn't want to do it solo on a melee either.

JC wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 11:27am:
The difficulty does not matter if the lag is so bad that you are just turned into a training dummy for the mobs to beat on.

I haven't seen any server lag in 6 months plus. Get a better internet connection. (And I'm saying this as someone who lives on a mountain with 200K DSL.)
« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2012 at 12:02pm by cdr »  
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Arkat's Bitch

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #11 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 12:40pm
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cdr wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 12:00pm:
I haven't seen any server lag in 6 months plus. Get a better internet connection. (And I'm saying this as someone who lives on a mountain with 200K DSL.)

I have just came back from a 4 month break, and I have noticed more lag. It is more like the graphics lag I got on my old computer. I dunno, something is different now.

Nilazgrc: For all those familiar with loreseekers/sentinels.... Dont run with Stainer.... Guy is a tool. Black list his toons.
kmack can drive the tractor.
The Vault donates to charity.
JDollar wrote on Apr 25th, 2013 at 4:47pm:
Stainer likes tractors
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Bill Z Bubb
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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #12 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:28pm
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U14 introduced some serious item swap lag.

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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #13 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:39pm
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I'm going to agree with Aqua. Soul, if you'd fucking read what he is saying you wouldn't say stupid shit. (Just kidding, you still would.)

The lag for UMD and item swapping has gotten so bad it makes the game unplayable at times. I have died so many times from lag it's insane. On my rogue, I used to toss a heal scroll on myself when I got down to about 1/4-1/3 of my hp, and that would be fine. Now, I have to toss it at half health just to account for lag, and even then it's a toss-up whether it will land in time or if I'll freeze and wake up dead. Today I watched Maxwell tossing recon scrolls on himself with none of them landing - I'd see him do the animation, then hear the profanity and *ding*.

It's not fun. UMD and item switching are integral parts of the game, and it needs to be put on priority to fix. And by priority, I mean the very next thing that gets done.

JDollar wrote on Apr 10th, 2013 at 5:25pm:
she's Kmack's property

You're obviously important to the community.  And not just because your skin is so supple and soft and smells like honeysuckle and friendship.

JDollar wrote on Jul 10th, 2013 at 2:15am:
To put in DnD terms Grace is a CR 60 EE Ball Busting Bitch
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Maxwell Edison


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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #14 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:43pm
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They weren't even recon scrolls, they were quickened recons because I didn't want them to fail.

[greater than oak]

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #15 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:45pm
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Btw, I never had that before... screen frozen when I get the XP at the end of the quest for some seconds...weird...
« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:45pm by »  
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #16 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:51pm
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Maxwell Edison wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:43pm:
They weren't even recon scrolls, they were quickened recons because I didn't want them to fail.

[greater than oak]


When you can't even throw a spell, DDO is seriously screwed.

JDollar wrote on Apr 10th, 2013 at 5:25pm:
she's Kmack's property

You're obviously important to the community.  And not just because your skin is so supple and soft and smells like honeysuckle and friendship.

JDollar wrote on Jul 10th, 2013 at 2:15am:
To put in DnD terms Grace is a CR 60 EE Ball Busting Bitch
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Horoluth Raider


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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #17 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 6:15pm
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Grace wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:39pm:
I'm going to agree with Aqua. Soul, if you'd fucking read what he is saying you wouldn't say stupid shit. (Just kidding, you still would.)

Talk about reading what people write... Aqua said "we won't even talk about UMD lag", so that wasn't the type of lag he was bitching about.

UMD lag has absolutely been worse since MOTU, but that can be played around. Like I said before, I haven't noticed any server lag post-MOTU - and in fact it's much better today than it was around U13.
« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2012 at 6:15pm by cdr »  
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #18 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 6:17pm
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cdr wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 6:15pm:
Talk about reading what people write... Aqua said "we won't even talk about UMD lag", so that wasn't the type of lag he was bitching about.

UMD lag has absolutely been worse since MOTU, but that can be played around. Like I said before, I haven't noticed any server lag post-MOTU - and in fact it's much better today than it was around U13.

I said "UMD and item swapping."

Ask Stainer about reading and Grace being right.

JDollar wrote on Apr 10th, 2013 at 5:25pm:
she's Kmack's property

You're obviously important to the community.  And not just because your skin is so supple and soft and smells like honeysuckle and friendship.

JDollar wrote on Jul 10th, 2013 at 2:15am:
To put in DnD terms Grace is a CR 60 EE Ball Busting Bitch
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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #19 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 6:54pm
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stainer wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 12:40pm:
I have just came back from a 4 month break, and I have noticed more lag. It is more like the graphics lag I got on my old computer. I dunno, something is different now.

Well, I can certainly say Kings Forest reached up and strangled my vid-card till I killed off stencil shadows...

That quest I was getting deaths in before seeing raises was Battle for Eveningstar on EE, and that's got those dynamic torch lights...

Forget if RwtD has a bunch of pseudo-dynamic lighting...

JC? How bout you, dark quests giving you the most shit?

If there's commonality not linked to networking, it might be there...
« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2012 at 6:55pm by »  
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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #20 - Aug 26th, 2012 at 8:31pm
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Btw, I never had that before... screen frozen when I get the XP at the end of the quest for some seconds...weird...

I have been getting a ton of this recently as well.

I had a friend leveling a druid, who ran elite mindsunder with a group. At the end fight, he ran in to lay down some crowd control, with Regenerate running. He would get hit with Ego Whip, freeze up momentarily from the Cha damage, then heal ability damage from Regen, again freezing up from the UMD recalcs. He was basically frozen in place for the first half of the fight as his Charisma jumped up and down.

After that he LR'd and removed UMD from his skill list and he's much less laggy now. So that's a workaround, I guess.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #21 - Aug 27th, 2012 at 9:00am
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Grace wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 4:39pm:
I'm going to agree with Aqua. Soul, if you'd fucking read what he is saying you wouldn't say stupid shit. (Just kidding, you still would.)

The lag for UMD and item swapping has gotten so bad it makes the game unplayable at times. I have died so many times from lag it's insane. On my rogue, I used to toss a heal scroll on myself when I got down to about 1/4-1/3 of my hp, and that would be fine. Now, I have to toss it at half health just to account for lag, and even then it's a toss-up whether it will land in time or if I'll freeze and wake up dead. Today I watched Maxwell tossing recon scrolls on himself with none of them landing - I'd see him do the animation, then hear the profanity and *ding*.

It's not fun. UMD and item switching are integral parts of the game, and it needs to be put on priority to fix. And by priority, I mean the very next thing that gets done.

I can barely login with my Artificer...It takes for-fucking-ver compared to all my other toons and he always has a little green DC Square (can also be yellow at peak times) and never goes away. 

I don't even play my arti anymore...just craft with him.

It was a lot of fun to play and level but is unplayable in the current UMD state (not to mention crossbow shots and spells straight up missing 75% of the timing due to Turbines Horseshit Physics Engine and Targetting LoS)


Welcome to your sexually transmitted death sentence served in a shit-machine meat suit.
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Dragon Raider


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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #22 - Aug 27th, 2012 at 9:49am
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The memory leak has gotten super bad.  I used to be fine with a character swap or two - but now it's reload the client unless I"m just checking mail - if I want to actually use another toon I need to reload.

Anything that modifies stats (including spells that debuff you) causes massive client lag.

Just going to get ship buffs - I run 80 FPS and I'll run along fine then hit a shrine that for whatever reason stops the client cold (sometimes going 'grey' as I play fullscreen window mode) like it's going to crash - then it will come back at 80 fps like nothing happened even though it's 10-15 seconds later.

Swapping items for - haste/heroisim/umd clickies are about worthless as the lag takes too due to the stat modifications - the hast clicky lasts 30 seconds... more like 15 once the swap lag is taken into account.


On the bright side - GW2 (with 10000x nicer graphics) runs in a (boarder-less) full screen window with everything at high and supersampled at 35+ fps - and I'll give this to the GW2 client - on the odd occation when it drops down to 10 fps or lower - it stays responsive and never locks up or pauses.

The only other MMO I've played that stays responsive even when the frames drop... is WoW (sadly to say).

What I don't understand is that I don't have these lag issues in LoTRO - and the client is almost the same - so someone at Turbine figured out the memory leak issue and fixed it - why they won't talk to each other I don't get.

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Maxwell Edison


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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #23 - Aug 27th, 2012 at 9:53am
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Mokune wrote on Aug 27th, 2012 at 9:00am:
I can barely login with my Artificer...It takes for-fucking-ver compared to all my other toons and he always has a little green DC Square (can also be yellow at peak times) and never goes away. 

I don't even play my arti anymore...just craft with him.

It was a lot of fun to play and level but is unplayable in the current UMD state (not to mention crossbow shots and spells straight up missing 75% of the timing due to Turbines Horseshit Physics Engine and Targetting LoS)

I made the mistake of logging out of toons in the crafting hall.  5-10 times worse than logging out in the wayward lobster used to be back when I first started.  My Arty has definitely been the least fun to play lately with the failing spells and umd lag, but he's also the one that needs epic xp the most since I have to start in the arcane sphere when I want Shiradi.

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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Seriously Turbine?
Reply #24 - Aug 27th, 2012 at 10:42am
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cdr wrote on Aug 26th, 2012 at 6:15pm:
Talk about reading what people write... Aqua said "we won't even talk about UMD lag", so that wasn't the type of lag he was bitching about.

UMD lag has absolutely been worse since MOTU, but that can be played around. Like I said before, I haven't noticed any server lag post-MOTU - and in fact it's much better today than it was around U13.

Are you kidding me?

Normally I have little or no lag but with update 14 and now 15 lag has gotten noticeable worse with each update.

Studder lag was so bad last night I finaily just logged got real tired of trying to see the future.


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