pnellesen wrote on May 31
st, 2013 at 4:23pm:
Yeah - part of the reason I cancelled my ViP was because of this. Pretty much the ONLY reason I went ViP in the first place was to not worry about whether or not I owned a particular pack. VIP meant I could run any quest any time I wanted, at any difficulty I wanted. I went ahead and bought MotU, but decided that if they brought out another "Expansion" that had quests that VIPs wouldn't be able to run unless they paid MORE money, I'd cancel my subscription. Between that, the disaster that will be the Enhancement pass (at least for my clerics) and the way they borked casters in U18, it was an easy choice.
I think there are some logic flaws in their ViP/Expansion purchases program, beyond the fact that it sucks for ViP's to have to pay for content unless it is a major addition. It's my understanding that you cannot access Eveningstar from the harbor without owning MoTU. If that is true, you could, conceivably buy the new expansion and not be able to access it because you don't own the first expansion. Also, you could be ViP and have the right to run Druid's Curse and The High Road, but not be able to get to them, since you don't own MoTU.
Beyond the Rift is listed as a F2P quest, but, as I recall, the menu option in the Harbor doesn't allow you to go to the spinner's prison unless you own the Expansion Pack. I could be wrong. If so, ignore the above. I don't have any accounts that don't own MoTU, so I can't test it. All of this is moot while the portal is up in the harbor. I am assuming that will go away, though, when Spinner's Prison is fixed.