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Hot Topic (More than 35 Replies) Monday Morning With MajMal (Read 11924 times)
Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #25 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:14pm
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Kalari wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 1:43pm:
lol it would be better then what I saw on Lama that shit is for sure.

This is true
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #26 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:16pm
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Kalari wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 1:10pm:
Do you know DDO?

That slogan should be plastered all over the fucking web and yet its not.

That's fuckin' brilliant!
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #27 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:22pm
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I think I was wrong MajMal, I apologize. Embarrassed

Starting that Monday thread has turned out to be a genius move.

Thanks for giving people an avenue to vent pent up communication. Quite the turnout in that thread. I am seeing names of people I thought were long gone.

Now, back to jerk mode: Guild renown decay is a fucked up system that only punishes casual players: either the big guilds have to boot them to lessen renown loss, or they have to start their own mini guild and try to level it more or less themselves. Angry

pet peave: Grouping. Too fucking hard to want to put up an LFM on my TR2 and risk losing exp/streak. I would love to toss up an LFM when I am running harbor quests and just take any player, new and old, but I am too worried about breaking my damned streak and losing the precious exp bonus. It is so fucking  much faster and easier to just run them solo for the sure thing streak bonus. As nice as the streak is, how about making the friggin streak bonus a Grouping bonus that stacks and gives more exp for every consecutive quest done in a group, then I can run the quests in any order, N/E/H or E/H/N or whatever and just take whoever the hell wants to join.

I don't mind having to hold a noobs hands for a few quests, and it would be better for the game I think.

Edit: Enhancements: I will hold judgement until they go live, since I haven't wasted time on Lam in several years and have no place to flap my jaws on the subject.
« Last Edit: Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:24pm by umeannothing »  

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Major Motherfucking Malphunktion

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #28 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:51pm
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umeannothing wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:22pm:
I think I was wrong MajMal, I apologize. Embarrassed

Starting that Monday thread has turned out to be a genius move.

Thanks for giving people an avenue to vent pent up communication. Quite the turnout in that thread. I am seeing names of people I thought were long gone.

Now, back to jerk mode: Guild renown decay is a fucked up system that only punishes casual players: either the big guilds have to boot them to lessen renown loss, or they have to start their own mini guild and try to level it more or less themselves. Angry

pet peave: Grouping. Too fucking hard to want to put up an LFM on my TR2 and risk losing exp/streak. I would love to toss up an LFM when I am running harbor quests and just take any player, new and old, but I am too worried about breaking my damned streak and losing the precious exp bonus. It is so fucking  much faster and easier to just run them solo for the sure thing streak bonus. As nice as the streak is, how about making the friggin streak bonus a Grouping bonus that stacks and gives more exp for every consecutive quest done in a group, then I can run the quests in any order, N/E/H or E/H/N or whatever and just take whoever the hell wants to join.

I don't mind having to hold a noobs hands for a few quests, and it would be better for the game I think.

Edit: Enhancements: I will hold judgement until they go live, since I haven't wasted time on Lam in several years and have no place to flap my jaws on the subject.

Sometimes they need a face to yell at. --22 pages of notes on pet peeves and guild renown. 11 pages of notes on enhancements.
As for 'just scroll down' ...yeah not that many hours in a day, I'm playing some catch up here where it comes to the community stuff. Had a hard enough time just making it through a work week for the past couple of months.
Like I said, things are changing, and i guess I have a new found hope and optimism. some of this stuff will never get addressed...the game is 7 years old, but finally people are starting to get honest about what they will attempt to fix and what they won't.
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One Man Wolfpack

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #29 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:18pm
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Why are you dealing with community stuff instead of the "community specialists"? I prefer you do it rather than them. Just curious is all.
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #30 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:27pm
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rest wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:18pm:
Why are you dealing with community stuff instead of the "community specialists"? I prefer you do it rather than them. Just curious is all.

That thread would have been closed so long ago if one of them were to have done it. Their skin isn't thick enough to take the pummeling.

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #31 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:39pm
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rest wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:18pm:
Why are you dealing with community stuff instead of the "community specialists"? I prefer you do it rather than them. Just curious is all.

No shit, and to Maj's last post - your community team coulda collected all the data you wanted.  We've all been venting about it since your last foray into improvements.
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #32 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:43pm
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majmalphunktion wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:51pm:
and what they won't.

Given the implication herein, you prolly shouldn't have said this Cheesy
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #33 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:53pm
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Flav wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 1:27pm:
Side note for MajMal :

I'm cheap at conslutting, if you want me to do more than the Radiant Servant Tree, as I already have a full time job.

Conslutting, I like the word. I will tell it to other conslutant the next day.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #34 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 4:01pm
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majmalphunktion wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:51pm:
Like I said, things are changing, and i guess I have a new found hope and optimism.

The one thing that will make me believe this is if there are real, substantial changes made to the Enhancement system on Lammania based upon the hundreds of player suggestions that have been made. I know it's been stated that there are "big changes" coming, but my skepticism is based upon past experience. There have been MANY requests for (to use an example most relevant to me) an offensive caster tree for Divines. If this is the kind of "big change" that's coming, that's great news. If it's not anything remotely close to or similar to that level of change, though, then... not so great.

Thanks again for the communication, though. It's very much appreciated.

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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #35 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 5:03pm
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Bigjunk wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:04pm:
In all fairness some of the classes were pretty good and the stuff released in the second week was better than what we saw in the first.   They also said Cleric is being redone.

Now's not the time for a lynching, that comes when we see the beta.

I guess I am just being skeptical, I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them Turbined.

Then to Mal thanks again for addressing people but seriously it makes no sense that word about this damn game is little to know. Do they want the player base to grow or don't they? Its really aggravating now that I have seen what little attention ddo truly gets in the wake of things. I can go right to my work inbox and count the releases for Treachery of the white hand vs DDO's shadowfell conspiracy..its 4/0 I don't know if its 360 I doubt it cause Mark and the gang are really great with getting me tons of releases for Lotro and wizards of the coast stuff.  It just seems to me after all these years the crew for this game should know how important keeping your name relevant especially in the social media age is.

It's not my fault you were born one gigantic asshole..

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Vault Frog

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #36 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 6:40pm
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Kalari wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 5:03pm:
I guess I am just being skeptical, I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them Turbined.

Honestly, while I'm bashing at the thing some of the trees are not that bad. And with a bit of tweaking ( removing the point spent in tree and changing it for a point spent overall for example ) they would be nice.

Now that won't change some of the retarded trees we were inflicted with. Those just need to go.
But I'm still trying to understand why they had to scrap everything and restart from scratch instead of reusing what was already there and making it fit into a tree UI, especially as all the PRE are tree based in their pre-requisites.

I know I wasn't very talkative on the main forum in my answer, it comes to two reasons :
- the logout bug
- the fact that I have to keep tongue in check if I want to keep my posting rights.

So here is the long version :

- Enhancements.
    Sorry but what has been shown to us is just plain wrong, as I proved in the Cleric thread it is easy to fit the current enhancements in a tree, especially when it comes to the PRE.

I'm relinking the 30 minute Radiant servant Tree :

If I could do that in 30 minutes, it shouldn't take that long for the game designers to do the same for all the PRE trees. ( and yes it's really rough, but it's way better than the retarted stuff that was forced down our throat. and the nice thing, you barely have to change anything about it... just one prerequisite that changes [ prayer of life is no longer a pre-requisite for RS 2 ] )

I have a few more problems with the enhancement pass, beside the retarded trees.

One is the fact that you can't get back current capstones ( Cleric is the example, The current Cleric Capstone is in Tier 5 of the should never have seen the light Protection Tree, and if it wasn't obvious everybody is going to go RS... so basically we will loose our capstone )

The Second one is that by putting the stupid Points Spent in Tree restriction to reach the next level you just locks us out of the other trees and restrict a lot the flexibility we had on characters.
Right now we have a Level and a Point Spent Overall restriction ( along with the prerequisites to meet ). With the trees as they are put we will have to spend points in trees to get stuff we want...
Usually that means wasting between 10 and 20 points on useless shit, just because what we want is one or two tier above the last thing we are interested in. Also the points we spend in the Racial tree don't count anymore while in the current incarnation if we spend points on Racial Toughness ( I'll get back on Toughness below ) they count towards the point spent overall.
The Point Spent in Tree limitation has to go away... if you want us to invest in trees put pre-requisistes.

Third, Active ( aka clickies ) abilities... We are already struggling with our current shortcuts and you want to inflict us 10 or more shortcuts to click on ? are you dumb ? we are not squids with 8 fingers at each hand.  Look at you opponent of the moment : NWO, they have 1 bar, with exactly 8 clickies, and 3 more for potions... they can afford to put clickies because that 11 things in ALL..
DDO cannot afford clickies... well not more than 3/4 for each character, because we already have too many things to click on... ( and I'm not talking of screen real estate, I have the luck to be able to dual screen, so it's not my problem, but for some it is a problem )
I'd say 1 or 2 active thingie on each tree at most, and the rest is passive.

Fourth, Toughness, Stat Increase and Energy <insert relevant kind>
What the hell do you think you're doing by removing/Limiting those ?
If they became must haves, it's because they are must haves... Because if you don't have them you won't survive, you won't have enough mana, you won't have enough oumph to carry out your job in high end content. Toughness gives you 50 ( at the worst ) HPs, That's 10% of the damage inflicted by some mobs in raids and quests at high end... That's the difference between being a soulstone and being alive ( barely ). It has to stay, or you'll have to review all the Epic mobs and lower the damages done.
Energy of <insert relevant stuff> , that's 200 SPs that go poof... that's quite a few heals/cures for a cleric, that's quite a few spells for the others... and for Rangers and Paladin that can be almost a quarter of their SPs that go the way of the Dodo... You'll have to find a way to compensate for that. For me in Cleric terms that means that I go from 3200 SPs to 2850 SPs ( Angel Desny and all ) ... ok, it doesn't matter much, as I always end up FoT with half my SPs left. But if I get my Gimp Cleric, that's 5% of her SPs that go away ( when she is in Angel, 10% when she is in other destiny ) and she will have to use potions, or let raids fail.
Stat Increase, right now we can get up to 5/6 Stat increase between the Race and the Class.
After the change there won't be any racial stat increase, and the class stat increase do not add if they are taken from different trees. Again from a Cleric point of view that's a net loss.... ( and it's the same for other classes. )

Fifth, complete the thing, don't give us a half cooked thing that will not be completed before it gets scrapped. That's basically what is going to happen here, the enhancement system is a change that appeared with LVL 12 to replace the 4 AP we were getting before that ( Two while levelling and two more once we reached the cap at 10 ), and we were told at that time that there would be 3 PRE for each class... some classes still have one single PRE ( and they still are going to have one single PRE even if they have 2 trees, because the other tree is so beyond retard that nobody will spend in it except for padding purpose ).

Sixth, Core Class abilities need their own tree... For example for a Rogue you have 3 PRE roght now : Assassin, Mechanic and Thief Acrobat. Each is just a small part of what a Rogue can do.
But in the new enhancement part of what is core to being Rogue is part of the Assassin/Mechanic tree and some other part is in the Thief Acrobat Tree, and in both case they are deep enough into the trees that to get all the core stuff is not easy, and leads to a lot of points wasted.

Seventh, Spellcraft/Heal/Repair as a way to calculate spellpower has to go, or you at least have to
find a way to make it fit with the class main stat... Consider that for most spellcaster that are not wizards Int is a dump stat, so most of us have 2 points to spend each level on something...
Most spellcasters put them in concentration, because that's where they bring the biggest benefit ( at least while you're levelling, at high end content it's debatable ).
What is going to happens is that after a LR/GR/TR people are going to put the points in the relevant skill... except that again divines are reamed a now hole... as they have to spend points in heal and points in spellcraft to be able to decently cast some of their offensive spells ( well that's argeable, as they are going to be fucked by the trees anyway when it comes to offensive casting ), they are not going to cope well into having to split 2 poor points into spellcraft, heal and eventually concentration, and they are going to end up shafted.
Note : that I didn't talk about repair for the simple reason that long ago, people considered that TinCans, as they were healable by the clerics should be healed by the clerics... so if you really want us to use the skills for spellpower you have to also fix TinCans so that they cannot be healed by clerics and can only be healed by repair spells. ( they are going to howl over that one, and you are definitely going to loose a lot of people over it, but honesty I don't care, just do it )

Guild Decay, I really don't have much more to say... I'm not concerned, being part of a large ( very large ) guild that does benefit ( greatly ) from the changes that have been done.

Pet Peeves :
- Ok, the forum FUBAR thing, you really should just roll back the old forums.
   Right now the forums are the most user unfriendly I've ever seen.
And trust me you haven't seen the collaboration shit they are forcing us to use at work... but it still look great and shiny compared to the forums, just because I don't have to long in every 15 minutes, I don't loose my pages, I can do a search, well it might be shitty, but at least it works.
The DDO forums are shitty and they are mostly broken... even a first year Intern in Web programming could do better and fix it faster.

- awesomiumprocess.
   rollback the old internal version, so that we won't have to deal with the 7 processes.
   Its the job of the web department to make sure they create URL short enough so that it won't kill the ingame browser. It's a limitation they have to cope with it, it's not for the development department to find a workaround for shitty web programming.
It's killing gameplay for people on slow/low end systems. It is also the cause of the many have to log in twice threads... ( because while the game is spawning the fucking awesome processes it's not talking in TCP and UDP with the server thus generating timeouts )

Another pet peeve :
Bravery Bonus, just kill it... revert back to the old system where you earned more XP by doing quests that were over the level of your party... There's no Retarded Streak to maintain...
People can do a quest on normal, at level to relax, and go do a VON 3 Elite with a party of LVL 5/6 Characters to earn lots of XPs and face a real challenge ( and trust me it's a challenge ).
Right now the normal way to do quests is on Elite, because the sacrosanct Bravery 'Retarded' Bonus has to be kept at all cost, even when the party cannot cope with it... It least to lots of wipes, of bad mouthing and various jerk reactions... It also leads to the disappearance of the LFMs, because people use invite only channels to screen people, that way they know that those they will quest with will be able to carry their weight in Elite.
It also leads the rare LFMs that are not on Elite to remain empty because people don't want to break their retarded Streak. ( I won't even talk about the clerics unwilling to heal on elite with complete unknowns... it's so obvious )

ok, that should be enough for tonight... it's almost quarter to 1  ( AM ) here... and I should be in bed instead of writing this wall of text.

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #37 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 7:36pm
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majmalphunktion wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 2:51pm:
Like I said, things are changing, and i guess I have a new found hope and optimism. some of this stuff will never get addressed...the game is 7 years old, but finally people are starting to get honest about what they will attempt to fix and what they won't.

I'm going to yell, but I'm not yelling *at you*, MajMal.

So far we've seen NOTHING that counts as the promised "quality of life" fixes.  If you folks would just FUCKING FIX THE GODDAMN ISSUES ON BOTH THE OFFICIAL AND UNOFFICIAL KNOWN ISSUES LISTS, the community would start to love you again.

Fuck new content.  FIX THE GODDAMN BUGS.  ALL OF THEM.  For example, almost every time I get "you are not facing", I think about how incompetent and unresponsive Turbine is.  That's one bug, and every time it occurs, one player thinks that you folks are total boobs.  Now think about all the bugs and all the players, and what they think every time they encounter a bug the players have screamed about for AGES.

We expect you to release shitty, bug-ridden content these days.  Fucking reverse that expectation for god's sake.

OnePercenter wrote on Jan 19th, 2014 at 5:32pm:
I agree with 0bama...

OnePercenter wrote on Feb 9th, 2015 at 8:18am:
Not saying that others weren't better, just that quantity does not always indicate quality...  I mean, look at my post count...
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #38 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 8:04pm
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rest wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:18pm:
Why are you dealing with community stuff instead of the "community specialists"? I prefer you do it rather than them. Just curious is all.

Cuz I like to.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #39 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 8:43pm
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GreyMouser wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 8:04pm:
Cuz I like to.

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #40 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 8:50pm
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Gripe 1:  Still can't post.

Gripe 2:  Can't figure out how to invite people to my Big Dick Guild.
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #41 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 10:45pm
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You can't invite people to an imaginary guild, Tobril  Undecided
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #42 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 10:58pm
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I am sure that it is a real guild, rest.

Only a lot smaller than advertised.

Memnir wrote on Jun 14th, 2013 at 10:59am:
Note to any Turbine staffers reading this, and one I genuinely hope you share around the office: DDO has become a shit game because y'all have made it a shit game. Once it was great. Now, it's a festering puddle of monkey diarrhea. No matter how you try to justify it, or pat yourselves on the back for doing great jobs... it's a shit game now because of you. Y'all keep on giving the players the middle finger, and you keep expecting us to reward you for the abuse. I've had it with you narcissistic fuckwads and your myopic policies of ineptitude.
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #43 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 11:09pm
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Then it's the small dick guild
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #44 - Jun 11th, 2013 at 11:17pm
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I'll try and be brief about the enhancement bit, and as far as I'm concerned, I can take or leave a revamp at this point if that's what we'd end up seeing, but my biggest concern there is about lack of high-level design clarity.

Things like tweaking with values trying to come up with a new balance for single vs multiclassing without the racials in yet promise to throw crap everywhere once those *do* hit.

Same with the rewards per point in tree for only half or less of the trees themselves, and that mostly just spellpower or hitpoints. No parity means no real subtle tradeoffs means hello cookie-cutter lock-in.

Speaking of subtle, or lack thereof, I know DDO aint DnD, but do folks really have to reinforce how far they've drifted by blowing numbers up even more past what you can get by spending feats? And for no other reason it seems than to do the usual powercreep crap of doing the same action today you did yesterday with bigger numbers popping up over somethings head? Not too much of an 'enhancement' if it's just the cost of treading water.
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #45 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 12:23am
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karatekid wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 3:39pm:
No shit, and to Maj's last post - your community team coulda collected all the data you wanted.

For a moment, pretend to get a lobotomy and put yourself in a Turbine manager's shoes.  Would you listen to a thing that community team said?
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #46 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 6:34am
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oh, and for fucks sakes, please make heroic quests and epic quests have separate repetition counters.

« Last Edit: Jun 12th, 2013 at 6:35am by Munkenmo »  

So you want to know about an exploit?
PM Epoch For Details. Or, in case you don't already know, OnePercenter controls the Exploits Board. Lastly, if you're truly desperate, Vendui Tells Everyone
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #47 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 8:08am
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Since I can't post on the DDO forums, I'll post here.

Enhancements: I haven't looked at it.

Guild Renown: Doesn't affect my guild.  Even with half the guild playing Neverwinter, we are still advancing, although slowly.  I think we're 88 now?  I forget, haven't logged in for about a month.

Not asked, but the reason I'm not playing now: the 10% bonus xp to VIP.  I do think they needed something, and I think it was a great idea.  However, it destroyed the replayability of the game for me.  I spent most of my time TRing with a group of 6 friends.  Four are/were VIP, two are/were F2P.  What we found is that the VIPs would slowly outlevel the F2P.  So after a few levels, the gap was to far apart and the F2P would have to wait until the VIP leveled to where they had another character (or until they TRed again).

That doesn't make sense does it?  The gap should be fairly wide.  However, the lack of good xp quests at 18-20 means that we wind up running quests at 1-2 levels over to save high end xp.  So once you're even a level or two behind, you can't risk running those good xp quests early or you are screwed in the 18-20 wasteland.

Another thing not asked: Imo the easiest thing Turbine could do with a reasonable impact on the game is a balancing pass on quest xp.  Without it, a bunch of the content is irrelevant.  Base the adjustments on completion counters.
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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #48 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 8:58am
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Tobril wrote on Jun 11th, 2013 at 8:50pm:
Gripe 1:  Still can't post.

Gripe 2:  Can't figure out how to invite people to my Big Dick Guild.

The Bigjunk guild is on Ghallanda.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Monday Morning With MajMal
Reply #49 - Jun 12th, 2013 at 9:08am
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Inkblack wrote on Jun 12th, 2013 at 8:08am:
Another thing not asked: Imo the easiest thing Turbine could do with a reasonable impact on the game is a balancing pass on quest xp.  Without it, a bunch of the content is irrelevant.  Base the adjustments on completion counters.

I really don't trust them not to fuck this up.  This should only be attempted at the caveat that NOTHING gets its XP lowered.
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