Asheras wrote on Jun 14
th, 2013 at 2:10pm:
I agree with him that the current system actually makes players want to keep TR'ing at 20 rather than going to 25 and then TR'ing. I actually never understood that rule in the first place. Finding a way to make players want to go to 28 and then TR makes total sense. I get this. It is much better for the game and the player.
From my point of view he is applying the wrong solution to his problem.
Basically the problem is : people prefer TRing at 20 instead of doing Epic Levels.
Why ?
From my point of view : the lack of interesting content and the fucking grind that is Epic Destinies. Come on as a Cleric you'd have to be a priest of Loviatar to enjoy levelling GMOF...
What happens with Epic :
- The old Epics are irrelevant, no interesting loot and the Seal/Shard/scroll/Item mechanism make them unpalatable.
- The new Epics are all lost in the ass end of nowhere in overlarge explorer areas... ( Exception : Gianthold )
- The New Epics are all Flagging quests ( with a few exceptions )
As such, they are run once by characters to get the flagging done, then they are left to rot.
The only Epics regularly run are those with high interest : the two high XP/Min quests in the Drow City, The well in E-Star for the Green Scales.
Gianthold is a special case : once again the flagging quests are done once for flagging, but PoP is fast and fun so it's ran as the XP/Min is not bad.... and the loot is interesting.
Same for the other quests, some of the loot is interesting to get. And by farming them you also get relics along the way which will be useful.
Tor was farmed for the scales... now that everybody has farmed his armor, it's almost only run for flagging... ( flawed scales are more expensive than flawless ones on AH.... )
On the raid side : ... I think I posted it somewhere around here....
Anyway, we have two raids... well one Raid, and a headless chicken-bash navel run...
While I'm annoyed by the retarded 'raise timer' ( especially in Tor... Standard SOP : if half the party is dead, recall, rebuff, reset, reenter .... no timer, would actually make us stay inside and try to finish it. ), it's not the worst retarded mechanism... and Navel Bashing is stacking them ( I'm sure Shade has hard ones about that raid )... Retarded timer on raise, retarded 'throw people off island to death', retarded 'respawns all around in odd places that have been cleared' , retarded 'trap spawning', retarded 'SP drains', retarded 'hand', and on top of the retarded things : uber retarded drop rate for items and commendations... as in you're lucky if you get one fucking commendation... after one hour running around and bashing navels... when Tor will give you 2 to 4 for less time and stress. ( and better loot )
Anyway, before the LVL 25 we had 5/7 raids to use, since then we have 1 and a half ( half for Navel ), and two obsolescent ( Queen and Velah ).
The problem is mainly here : lack of content... there's way more content in heroic level, and to add insult to injury more content is added at heroic level while none is added at epic level...