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Shroud Slacker

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Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:23am
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It's pretty interesting what he writes about Turbine and WB - a tiny bit of info on DDO:

Some tidbits:

"Kate got lots of attention for the DDO f2p transition. A cynic might suggest that the Paizs had flat lined DDO already and when Ascherons Call's concurrency numbers are beating DDO on a nightly basis, you can only go up from there. LOTRO was certainly ailing when they made the call to go f2p. We all assumed it would happen eventually but not so soon. In March or thereabouts in '10 an email went out from Crowley stating that LOTRO's US subs were down to around 85k (the only time specific sub numbers were ever mentioned even in-house while I was there) and could we maybe ask our friends to try the game? But nobody wanted the f2p thing. It basically said, yeah our game sucks so bad we won't even ask you to pay for it. We knew our community was the best thing we had going for us and knew we were going to substantially lose that when the f2p floodgates were thrown open."


Gossip time: You've probably heard about the so called Players Council, introduced about 2 years ago - a group of players chosen among a larger number of applicants with the idea to provide a gamer's view, so to say, of different aspects of LOTRO (PvE, PvP, etc.) to the game devs. Kinda suggesting the devs themselves didn't play their own game (officially admitted at least about tier2 of the instances), but anyway. Do you think the effort to create this group was worth the input and influence they had on the game, or was it sort of irrelevant?

This is my take: it was a gimmick, cooked up by Rick I'm sure. Now Rick was an alright guy but he fell into the same 'celebrity' trap that (imo) Steefel did as execprod and whereas Meg and later Andy C genuinely identified and respected the community he never seemed to do so-in his own mind he was a big wheel. He was also trying to stay relevant. I thought it was a bad idea when I heard about it; anointing a select handful of players could only generate jealousy and animosity (as it did). But it was a very OCRish thing to do. Now I liked Meg Rodberg a lot and Andy's a cool guy but you couldn't find anybody that OCR didn't annoy from time to time. They wanted a finger in every pie. But that's another story.

About the only thing I guess I'd say is this: a year or two back a group was trotted into Turbine and sat down with the PvMP dev (the latest), coming away with high hopes for big changes, creep trait lines, whatever. When I heard about it I just kind of smirked. They got the 'treatment', the same I got every 6 months or so vis-à-vis pvmp. The whole Council thing imo, for all practical purposes, is as said a gimmick. A well-meaning gimmick but silly in a lot of respects.


Q: The 85k subs figure is intriguing and kinda fits to the outsiders' speculations. There is also the notion that F2P was expected to break the 1M mark of active players but it never did, leaving Turbine in a state of overkill with purchasing additional hardware to support the expected population that never came. Was this true? If yes, what would be the reason for the mismatch?

A: Optimism is eternal in the industry. Take for instance the development of LOTRO itself (this being from the old timers like my brother who were there at the time). Not everyone thought taking on another MMO was a wise idea but the magic of the IP was too good to pass up. Anderson's stated plan was this: they would push out DDO first and all the revenue from that great success would help fund LOTRO's development. That DDO simply wasn't very good and didn't have nearly enough content-facts everyone in QA were painfully aware of-was beside the point. And later, a good way to get a chuckle (or a groan) in QA was to unfurl the infamous LOTRO 'millions of players, one game to rule them all' promotional poster. It really is incredible that by 2010 the higher ups would still be thinking in such terms...a lot of us grunts were bemused by the plan to open up new servers and implement layered instancing. But LOTRO basically had to accept the DDO team's recommendation;, if they said that we could expect a massive concurrency surge (and given LOTRO's server stability history), better safe than sorry.


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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #1 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:50am
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So, if LOTRO only has 85K players, how many does DDO have?

Fuck, the The Montgomery Biscuits get over 4K people to a game, do 4K people even log onto any server a day?

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Ah Pook
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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #2 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:54am
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Turd_Ferguson wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:50am:
if LOTRO only has 85K players

Subscribers.  Or servers, maybe.

Daggertooth wrote on Apr 14th, 2017 at 6:52pm:
I'm pretty fucking sure I am a special snowflake.

Frank wrote on Apr 2nd, 2017 at 8:32am:
Laugh it up, funny man.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #3 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:42am
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Couple more interesting quotes. On his favorite dev:

"Maki (Orion). He was the one dev who really seemed to understand that a game is the most fun when you have room to tackle obstacles creatively and had the courage to allow the players that room. He was willing to create situations where the players could feel like they were fooling the system, for example the various pull techniques in GS and keep pulls in the moors. Most devs believed there needed to be a very linear progression: do A then B then C. Maki wasn't scared to let players skip steps. To me that is a mark of self confidence in a developer."

That reminds me of a lot of the new content in DDO. No way to avoid the linear path. Just run, fight, open door, right, open next door, etc. Totally boring. Why do so few devs actually understand what compelling gameplay is?



"I can say that nobody on LOTRO, especially the older hands in QA, was surprised DDO was a lame duck. As for the DDO team...Turbine was surprisingly ptovincial; there was a sense of a real rivalry between the LOTRO and DDO teams, probably because of the slender resources we were all vying for. LOTRO tended to view DDO as a flop that was wasting resources better spent on LOTRO. DDO felt they were held back by LOTRO hogging resources. As an aside, the Turbine/Codemasters relationship was downright acidic. We couldn't stand their often confrontational attitude and they felt we were (to put it bluntly) Yanks douching up Tolkien's vision."
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #4 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 3:07am
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more gems from that thread

Turbine on Marketing

Since IC was after my time, I'll relate a (slightly redacted) explanation I got from a friend at the company related to why a mutual friend-a 10 year Turbine vet-was laid off last fall.

"So, infinite crisis was costing 4mil a month to make. And they dumped all their marketing budget into a 'twitch' campaign....which is a new sorta web thing where you can watch people play games.....and unless you are Korean and playing starcraft, no one gives two fucks about. It resulted in Infinite Crisis peak concurrency being....less than 1,000 people. Hell most people had no inkling the thing even came out.

So, hemorrhaging money, total failure, we gotta make it look like we are doing something to fix the faucet of losses. So, they shifted ______ to a lead on infinite crisis....and laid him off. See, we're saving money!"

Turbine ESO on making sure everyone is on the same page

To make a long story short, I was amazed they finished it at all. There was no hope of it being a great MMO regardless. As my friend, a ZOS producer (and a former Turbinite), commented, half the team seemed to think they were making a single player game, the other half, WoW. When you get 50 cooks in the kitchen trying to make one cake, if you get it done at all, be sure it isn't going to be a masterpiece. The days when you had one guy with a vision field generaling development (a Sid Meier, for example) started to go out the window when the industry got corporate. On another side note, I sometimes think money becomes somewhat unreal when you get into the tens of millions. An exec who will shout about being overcharged for an oil change can be strangely sanguine about a project that costs millions a month.

Turbine on the peter principle and bugs

And arguably had Turbine been a more conservative and less ambitious company, LOTRO never would have been made in the first place. As someone who loved LOTRO it did drive me nuts that we didn't always have the best people in the right positions. We had too many management and lead positions occupied by people far more concerned about staying in a comfortable bubble of job security than pushing any envelopes. And that atmosphere tended to foster aquiesence; it was a miasma of mediocrity that pulled people in, regardless of department. Criticism was either ignored or pushed back; the art director's policy on art figure bugs was simple: closed, there were no art bugs.

Turbine on player retention and easy mode
The trend towards easymode gameplay was really more of a reaction to the problem of low new player retention than specific player complaints. We found that many new players would play through the trial period or until maybe level 20 and then fade away. So the thinking generally was, if we speed along new players further into the game, they'll consequently become more invested and stick around. It didn't seem to matter to anyone that even WoW had a massive new player turnover rate. In fact their average player 'lifespan' according to a study done around 2010 was six months-three months less than LOTRO and a full year less than City of Heroes (those CoH players loved their game!)

Turbine's relationship with WOTC

It was always a little hazy to me (I should hit up some old Turbine hands on that one) but the gist of what I heard was that the DDO team felt that WOTC was at best disinterested in DDO and provided marginal assistance in the lead-up to development (I do distinctly remember the QA director commenting that 'they really wanted nothing to do with us'). Not permitting the Forgotten Realms setting for the game was seen as undercutting the game right out of the gate. Maybe there were legal reasons for that restriction? I don't know. But for an old-timey D&D player myself (meeting Zeb Cook on ESO was a starstruck nerd moment for me), the lack of an FR setting turned me off on DDO certainly.

Also, let me say that the actual lawsuit was with Atari, not WOTC, so that should be clarified. All of that kind of blended together to me as an outsider (as a LOTRO person).

« Last Edit: Jun 4th, 2015 at 3:29am by Barkabout »  

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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #5 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 3:29am
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Vault Frog

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #6 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 4:07am
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Hiding wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:23am:


I'm certain we saw it linked here a few month ago....

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Dropbear Awareness Society

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #7 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 4:14am
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It was, but always a good read.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #8 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 4:15am
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Flav wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 4:07am:

I'm certain we saw it linked here a few month ago....

Ah, didn't see it the first time.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #9 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:23pm
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Flav wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 4:07am:

I'm certain we saw it linked here a few month ago....

Sure, but if your dog keeps crapping on the kitchen floor, shouldn't you keep rubbing his nose in it?  Grin

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Who Cares
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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #10 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:32pm
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Except when there is shit on the floor at turdbin they don't get there noses rubbed in it, they fucking roll in it and run around smelling delightfully of shit.

Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #11 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:46pm
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Who Cares wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:32pm:
Except when there is shit on the floor at turdbin they don't get there noses rubbed in it, they fucking roll in it and run around smelling delightfully of shit.

LMAO! Mr. Hankey LARP! Setting a new standard at TurdBin  Grin

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #12 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:39pm
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Yeah was linked awhile back in other games I think.
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #13 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 4:58pm
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Super old shit that already surfaced on this exact board.

It shows what kind of person this former employee is. Illoyal rat. Concerned with company politics and gossip and blackmailing and bamouthing. Which company would want to hire such pice of crap? Seems less concerned with his actual job, which would be QA if i got that right. Because ladt time i checked, turdbin produced pretty shitty quality. I guess, he's got an excuse for that  Roll Eyes. If the average turdbin employee is comparable to this example, no wonder. Every russion indy game in beta has a better polish than less bugs. Yet these guys think they are an aaa-company. This might be correct in terms of company size and office conditions. These guys don' put their heart and spirit into the game like in a small company. They just take their job and the existance of the studio for granted. They have time for politiks and rumors and working against each other. After their 9-5 shift in which their biggest concern doesn't seem to be the quality of the game but the implementation of new, unfinished and half-assed features for their resumee. If they are not busy doing LARP or Assassins Creed parcours.

***TWF-Kalashtar, 1-st hand: Nerf-hammer, 2-nd hand: Troll-hammer. Intimidate 500. Bluff 600***
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #14 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 10:44pm
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DDOcrackhead wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 4:58pm:
Super old shit that already surfaced on this exact board.

It shows what kind of person this former employee is. Illoyal rat. Concerned with company politics and gossip and blackmailing and bamouthing. Which company would want to hire such pice of crap? Seems less concerned with his actual job, which would be QA if i got that right. Because ladt time i checked, turdbin produced pretty shitty quality. I guess, he's got an excuse for that  Roll Eyes. If the average turdbin employee is comparable to this example, no wonder. Every russion indy game in beta has a better polish than less bugs. Yet these guys think they are an aaa-company. This might be correct in terms of company size and office conditions. These guys don' put their heart and spirit into the game like in a small company. They just take their job and the existance of the studio for granted. They have time for politiks and rumors and working against each other. After their 9-5 shift in which their biggest concern doesn't seem to be the quality of the game but the implementation of new, unfinished and half-assed features for their resumee. If they are not busy doing LARP or Assassins Creed parcours.

I totally took his comments differently than you - as a person who truly loved the game and hated seeing shitty personalities, decisions and politics ruin the game.

Everything I've read about Turbine suggests bad company culture and ego based decisions, with an amazing lack of foresight. Kind of surprised they didn't fold.
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Chonus Christ

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #15 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 10:53pm
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Hiding wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 10:44pm:
Kind of surprised they didn't fold.

Oh, that's EASY to explain.

Dumb venture capitalists kept giving them money and an even dumber big corporation bought them.

So, ironically, Turbine is in business still because of incompetence.

Think about that for a minute or two.

Stand on hills of long-forgotten yesterdays...

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Dropbear Awareness Society

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #16 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 11:07pm
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Hiding wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 10:44pm:
I totally took his comments differently than you - as a person who truly loved the game and hated seeing shitty personalities, decisions and politics ruin the game.

I agree with you.
I read the words as someone who did care and was frustrated at not agreeing with some very perplexing decisions.

Hiding wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 10:44pm:
Everything I've read about Turbine suggests bad company culture and ego based decisions, with an amazing lack of foresight. Kind of surprised they didn't fold.

20/20 hindsight is always easy, but imagine if they had spent the IC development budget of $4M per month on DDO and LOTRO?
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #17 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 11:33pm
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Arkat wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 10:53pm:
Oh, that's EASY to explain.

Dumb venture capitalists kept giving them money and an even dumber big corporation bought them.

So, ironically, Turbine is in business still because of incompetence.

Think about that for a minute or two.

But...if...I think about tha--daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

DropBear wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 11:07pm:
I agree with you.
I read the words as someone who did care and was frustrated at not agreeing with some very perplexing decisions.

20/20 hindsight is always easy, but imagine if they had spent the IC development budget of $4M per month on DDO and LOTRO?

Yeah, wow, they would have vastly improved them to the point of new players joining = increased revenues.

You know, I've met more than a few business owners who were unable to imagine different strategies than the ones that built their companies. And that limits them and eventually their company ends with their retirement/death.

But you have to wonder - it's like a textbook case of how not to run a company. I'm expecting nepotism next. Wtf is wrong with WB that they don't send people over to audit the company? They should hire an industrial/organization psychology firm or an anthropologist to isolate the problems, tell them how to fix it.

They could almost hire anyone on the Vault and say "go, fix" and it would be in better shape than now.
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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #18 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 11:49pm
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Hiding wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 11:33pm:
They could almost hire anyone on the Vault and say "go, fix" and it would be in better shape than now.

Yes. Boob-shaped.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #19 - Jun 5th, 2015 at 12:22am
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Revaulting wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 11:49pm:
Yes. Boob-shaped.

Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #20 - Jun 5th, 2015 at 6:06am
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Utter fucking amateurs. If they did any marketing at all they would have an enormous playerbase
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Vault Frog

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #21 - Jun 5th, 2015 at 6:09am
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Hiding wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 11:33pm:
Wtf is wrong with WB that they don't send people over to audit the company? They should hire an industrial/organization psychology firm or an anthropologist to isolate the problems, tell them how to fix it.

WB didn't care... They bought Turbine only because it allowed them to consolidate the Middle Earth License.
Now, though they might start to care... Because they dumped some money into Turbine to build a game based on a game with a good IP and said game is a Big Failure.

I suspect that in a few weeks we will see several head roll at Turbine HQ as soon as a WB Cleanup Team gets there... Now is it going to concern DDO and LoTRO ? Probably not, provided that both game are still showing a profit when the WB Cleanup Team checks the accounting... Because all the things that do not show a profit will be summarily executed.
The worst case scenario being that the WB Cleanup Team consider that Turbine can't be saved, and they pull the plug for everything by shutting down Turbine ( while keeping the IPs and licenses )....

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Waterworks Kobold


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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #22 - Jun 5th, 2015 at 6:30am
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #23 - Jun 5th, 2015 at 6:39am
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Flav wrote on Jun 5th, 2015 at 6:09am:
WB didn't care... They bought Turbine only because it allowed them to consolidate the Middle Earth License.
Now, though they might start to care... Because they dumped some money into Turbine to build a game based on a game with a good IP and said game is a Big Failure.

I suspect that in a few weeks we will see several head roll at Turbine HQ as soon as a WB Cleanup Team gets there... Now is it going to concern DDO and LoTRO ? Probably not, provided that both game are still showing a profit when the WB Cleanup Team checks the accounting... Because all the things that do not show a profit will be summarily executed.
The worst case scenario being that the WB Cleanup Team consider that Turbine can't be saved, and they pull the plug for everything by shutting down Turbine ( while keeping the IPs and licenses )....

Unless DDO and LOTRO are likewise losing money, it's unlikely that they'd just close Turbine. I imagine some talent still resides in that office, just not among anyone making decisions.

I don't know anything about WB though - do they have a good corporate culture or is it Turbine level inept?
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Ah Pook
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Re: Check out this LOTRO Dev reveal:
Reply #24 - Jun 5th, 2015 at 1:24pm
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Hiding wrote on Jun 5th, 2015 at 6:39am:
I don't know anything about WB though - do they have a good corporate culture or is it Turbine level inept?

Warner's fine.  Other than the stinking nepotistic hell that is the music division (and that's disappearing anyway), it's like most other massive companies... it's good.

Daggertooth wrote on Apr 14th, 2017 at 6:52pm:
I'm pretty fucking sure I am a special snowflake.

Frank wrote on Apr 2nd, 2017 at 8:32am:
Laugh it up, funny man.
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