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Very Hot Topic (More than 75 Replies) Someone is angry (Read 46436 times)
Shroud Slacker

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Someone is angry
Jun 8th, 2015 at 7:08pm
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Absolutely disgusting.

This is what I have to say after the 3D that started with a polite request for fixing bugs got deleted with the result of a probable ban for Crane_Mace (try using the search button to find any of his posts) while Urlock is still posting and healty. Im not disgusted by the player but by the company

This favoritism is not acceptable and the way you treat customers is awful. Someone who requests bug fixes has every right to do so and no amount of "you don't know how many bugs have been fixed" is going to deceive anyone who can use even the slightest bit of critical thinking. Wiping away complaints only HIDES the problem.

The game is full of bugs and many of them are even supposedly been fixed. Try putting up an lfm while using the right mouse button to cycle between pointer and target mode and then hitting cancel...well the game still locks permanently with the lfm window on despite the fact that it should not happen.

It seems like Turbine is completely incapable of taking any constructive critic without considering it an insult of some sort. Anyone who tries to change the community for the good is banned with the result that many on the forum are people who do not share their opinion or fan boys ready to scream "yay, turbine we love you". As Crane_Mace wrote you guys need FEEDBACK not praises from halfwits who know nothing about the game despite the many years they have been playing.

I bet no dev or Cordovan is going to respond (and if so I dare them to prove me wrong)
Erase me cause I don't want anything to do with the likes of you. You don't deserve many of the player who put up with your ****.

Got this one right away. How long till the guy gets nuked away?  Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: Jun 8th, 2015 at 7:09pm by Artorias »  
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #1 - Jun 8th, 2015 at 7:20pm
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As soon as jerry gets that fanboi tard alarm and nukes it from orbit.
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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #2 - Jun 8th, 2015 at 7:24pm
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VoD Slasher

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #3 - Jun 8th, 2015 at 9:38pm
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I know it may
Mean little and have very little result but like in the
Movie "hackers", if lets say a slew, I.e several dozen sock puppets unite all at once over the weekend and spam the same dissent about unfairness, covering the bulk of forum rooms and at the same emails
Spammed to corporAte about these hands acts, one would think somebody in the upper ups would have to address this. Just thinking out loud
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Dropbear Awareness Society

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #4 - Jun 8th, 2015 at 9:56pm
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palmer01 wrote on Jun 8th, 2015 at 9:38pm:
I know it may
Mean little and have very little result but like in the
Movie "hackers", if lets say a slew, I.e several dozen sock puppets unite all at once over the weekend and spam the same dissent about unfairness, covering the bulk of forum rooms and at the same emails
Spammed to corporAte about these hands acts, one would think somebody in the upper ups would have to address this. Just thinking out loud

You have to play the game smarter than that.

The perception in Corporate would be that most of the people playing games are just "kids". 
And any type of anarchy/rebellion/disruption will be viewed as immaturity and ignored with disdain.

Sure, if you make enough trouble, someone will have to respond, but they won't be happy about it.   You have to realise that they will always support Cordoban unless he does something really stupid.  Silencing a few dissenters will not even be on their radar.
Spamming the threads will just be viewed negatively by most, so you will lose support.

Uurlock the smug bastard has joined the thread now too.
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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #5 - Jun 8th, 2015 at 10:13pm
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re-archived (it's gettin juicy again):
Page 1: (zip)
Page 2: (zip)

All of Cuntovan's bum-boys are jumping in with "ibtl", what a bunch of asswipes. They know full well the thread will be moved with no redirect post to a forum accessible only by moderators and admins.

Haha Cuntovan wan't be able to sweep this mess under the rug so easily.

P.S. both nginx and drupal on are out-of-date with known vulnerabilities, for the blackhats among us. Smiley
« Last Edit: Jun 8th, 2015 at 10:28pm by »  
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Who Cares
Not this guy ^^^

You sir, are a dickbag.

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #6 - Jun 8th, 2015 at 10:45pm
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Holy shit Qhualawhore said something that wasn't completely retarded!

"I didn't read every post in that thread, but it didnt seem to devolve any worse than any other thread and I didn't see anything that was cube worthy. even someone that gets a small infraction that results in a banning doesn't get his/her thread cubed. maybe something was said right before it was cubed that was not seen by others? dunno, but its not the first time ive seen silly warnings/infractions/cubings. "

Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
Public Service Announcement: your servers are not dead; if you can't find groups, it means you suck and/or nobody likes you.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #7 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 12:30am
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And LucidLTS (is that one of you guys?) gives out the keywords that'll point folks right back here:

"Google crane_mace + DDO, the title was "Update ###, please fix bugs" or something like that. I'm sure at least part of it is archived somewhere."  Grin
« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2015 at 12:30am by WeHaveLived »  
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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #8 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 12:56am
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Page 1: (zip)
Page 2: (zip)
Page 3: (zip)

Urinecock is revelling in it, not even denying the favoritism:

Quote Originally Posted by oradafu
It's probably too late for Elder Signs to be tossed down because I believe the ritual to summon the Cubuthulu into this thread is already in progress.


FifthTime says it well:

The fact that one poster can make inflammatory statements without consequence while another is banned is what I referred to as Cronyism. This has nothing to do with who said what to who, but who faces punishments and who doesn't.

The sad fact is that it has become apparent that there are a select few on these boards who can troll, insult, and generally run amok without fear or reprisals while others receive arbitrary punishments for any perceived infractions.

It's very unprofessional and speaks loudly to the culture of the company.
« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2015 at 12:57am by »  
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Dropbear Awareness Society

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #9 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 1:02am
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Of course he is.
He's an untouchable - why wouldn't he rub people's noses in it?

He only pokes his head out from Cordoban's skirt long enough to make inflammatory posts.

"Help me Obi-Wan-Cordoban - Save me from the meanies."

Good ol' IronClan has joined the discussion and making allusions to the naughty Vault where naughty people plan naughty things to do.
Oh gosh, I feel like such a bad-ass now.....
All we need is Uska to join in and we have the full set of dipshits.
Someone mention FR content in the next update and he'll magically appear.
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Vault Frog

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #10 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 3:42am
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Who Cares wrote on Jun 8th, 2015 at 10:45pm:
Holy shit Qhualawhore said something that wasn't completely retarded!

It's interesting to see that with his statement he is separating himself from the Fanboy Band. ( Leslie, Whiny_Kobold )

Honestly, if we still had the negative rep Whiny_Kobold would have gone the H4x0r1f1c way long ago...
And after the last few days, Leslie would have lost a lot of his greenis.

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Hag Master
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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #11 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:00am
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Ah and look who has here tongue firmly back in The Chin's ass.

Thaz wrote:
I feel like commenting.

I attempted to read the thread you're all talking about.. or maybe there was more than one, but what I could see is that it quickly turned into mud slinging instead of focusing on the issue at hand.

What I can say is that if you really care about your topic, try to avoid getting personal with the ppl commenting, when you do that is when the mods will step in and edit.

Now, about how Turbine deals with bugs. If you're not aware, we don't have a whole lot of ppl left working on this game, and if the ones left would do as you guys wish.. focus on bugs before content, this game would go under. Fixing bugs does not bring in new players, nor does it keep the long time players happy. I dislike bugs as much as the next player, I keep reporting them when ever I notice one, but I also want new content.

The problem is that no matter how many bugs the devs fix, new ones will appear. If you care about bugs, keep reporting them. Keep posting threads about them, let the Turbine staff know which ones are the highest on our priority list.. and they will do what they can with the little time they have.

Makes me sad when she writes things like this, really sad. Because no matter how hard I try and how much research I put in I could never craft a post that exposes her for the ill informed, attention seeking, toady she is as well as this does.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #12 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:09am
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It is really getting hot in there. Truth to be told I did not expect it to last this long

Cordovan must be really enjoying the "tongue up the ass" alarm  Grin
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Hag Master
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Oh Micki you silly generous lying cow...
Reply #13 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:33am
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Just when I thought you couldn't be more transparent and full of shit, you float these turds:

Thaz simpered:
Since when is "unlike you, I actually have full a brain", polite?

At that point I stopped reading, as I didn't feel like the discussion had anything to give. If the devs are anything like me, that discussion got lost on them as well.

Flav wrote:
In context and the way it was written ( it wasn't written how you quoted it ) it's not worth a ban... at best it's 1 point... and normally it would be a warning.
That's what I got once for something similar in a similar context. ( not in a thread about bug hunt though )

Oradafu wrote:

Person 1: <long txt> I have at least half a brain <more long txt>
Person 2: <long txt> Lucky for me I also have a full brain (your implied brain insult was breaking the COC by the way) <more long txt>

Neither person said "unlike you, I actually have a full brain". Now the half a brain comment came from a party that is still posting, in this thread in fact, while the other person has vanished. So at least the forum moderator(s) consider the half brain comment as being polite for the forums.

Nestroy wrote in response to Thaz:
If I recall correctly, it was Uur, who started this with something allong the lines of "...half a brain" in response of the OP. I do not know what Uur has ridden that day, because usually his postings are quite superior.

Then vyrnxr went this way to Thaz:
I must point out that that is not what was said. Context is also important.

I had initially written out the exact quotes... first what the established vet poster wrote, then what the new to the game poster replied with (as that context is important), but then realized that doing so would be a direct violation of the forum Community Guidelines point 11. So instead I'll copy-past that point in it's place:

Not that this discussion about what was said will last long. This whole thread is a violation of the forum's community guidelines (specifically number 12: Discussion of Disciplinary or Moderations Actions). I was going to say that at least we can represent the posters and what was said accurately rather than paraphrasing in a way that discredits and implies something that was not actually said... but alas, see point 11 above.

Instead I guess all I can do is suggest that we all step back and stay out of the cubes way... and if you are truly interested in what transpired, follow the instructions above regarding google and finding the off site archives of the original thread while it lasts (it's how I know the above misquote is indeed a misquote).

EDIT: looks like I got ninja'ed with the actual quotes that I was going to (but didn't) quote anyways.

Thaz wrote:
I can admit I use quotation marks a bit loosely, I was paraphrasing based on memory, not quoting. I could like you said google for the exact quote, but it does not really interest me that much.

I love this quote, you lying sack of scum, "I was paraphrasing based on memory, not quoting" OH REALLY? is that why you used quotation marks? and then pretending that you didn't have access to the pages? really? well those of us here on the vault and I would guess the majority of Fanbois on the mobos know that you had access to the screenshots here.

Then after being slammed Thaz wrote:
I was not implying that the comments made was worth a ban. I was more saying that I found them at least passive aggressive, and besides the point.

No you didn't, you attempted to attribute Uurlock's comment to Crane_Mace and that comment was infractable. Then you ignored the real Crane_Mace response that said both of them had brains, and politely mentioned that Uurlocks comment was out of line.

You clumsy, lazy, Turbine serving cunt.
« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:34am by Hag Master »  
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Oh Micki you silly generous lying cow...
Reply #14 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:42am
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Hag Master wrote on Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:33am:
You clumsy, lazy, Turbine serving cunt.

Aww.. look at that. He wuvs meh.

I take that as a compliment. Not the wuvs me part, but the rest.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #15 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:46am
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Hard to pick a winner in the patently transparent desperation on show by cordo's acolytes in this....
my vote goes for that perpetual favourite, sanctimonious knob-jockey par-excellence the inimitable Ironclan.

He truly is a weasely little combination of ignorance and stupidity

Some are insane, and the're in charge.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #16 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:46am
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Is that the real Thaz?

If so, Fuck you, no offense meant but really.....fuck you Grin
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #17 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:47am
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It's simple. I know you guys enjoy your drama. That's fine, but generally drama isn't welcome on the ddo forums. Personal attacks even less. They may be fun, but are a sure way to get ppl banned.

Now, I am sure there is favouritism going on, which you speak of. To that I simply say "too bad, don't care". If you want to break the forum rules you do so on your own risk.

P.S. I got bored with the discussion after the brains posts.. and have not read any further. Any comments after that I have no knowledge of.
« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:49am by Angry »  
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Dragon Raider

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #18 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:53am
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Angry wrote on Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:47am:
P.S. I got bored with the discussion after the brains posts.. and have not read any further. Any comments after that I have no knowledge of.

Trouble is, you didn't read it correctly to begin with.....

Some are insane, and the're in charge.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #19 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 7:02am
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merciless wrote on Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:53am:
Trouble is, you didn't read it correctly to begin with.....

I am completely ignoring history and personal relations between the characters involved. I read Uurlock's comment and then Crane_Mace's first reply. I thought Uurlock's comment was calm and unaccusing, while Crane_Mace was snappy, angry and looked like an attempted insult. I don't think the thread was cubed because of those comments, I didn't even find them infraction worthy. But, as I pointed out, if anyone want to get their voice heard on the forums, getting personal will only lead to moderation.
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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #20 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 7:43am
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Hag Master
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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #21 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 8:03am
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Angry wrote on Jun 9th, 2015 at 6:47am:
It's simple. I know you guys enjoy your drama. That's fine, but generally drama isn't welcome on the ddo forums. Personal attacks even less. They may be fun, but are a sure way to get ppl banned.

Now, I am sure there is favouritism going on, which you speak of. To that I simply say "too bad, don't care". If you want to break the forum rules you do so on your own risk.

P.S. I got bored with the discussion after the brains posts.. and have not read any further. Any comments after that I have no knowledge of.

Liar. You went out of your way to attribute Uurlick's post to the new guy in a effort to slander him and undercut Flav's excellent post.

That was practically a text book example of inciting "drama" with a "personal attack", your bread and butter you silly stupid bonehead.

You should go back to the mobos where you can't get properly called on you endless lies and delusion.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #22 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 8:14am
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Hag Master wrote on Jun 9th, 2015 at 8:03am:
You should go back to the mobos where you can't get properly called on you endless lies and delusion.

I fail to see your logic here. You're telling me I should leave.. so you can quote me from the ddo forums without me replying? Is that what you mean? If so, tough luck.
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Hag Master
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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #23 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 8:14am
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Angry wrote on Jun 9th, 2015 at 7:02am:
I am completely ignoring history and personal relations between the characters involved. I read Uurlock's comment and then Crane_Mace's first reply. I thought Uurlock's comment was calm and unaccusing, while Crane_Mace was snappy, angry and looked like an attempted insult. I don't think the thread was cubed because of those comments, I didn't even find them infraction worthy. But, as I pointed out, if anyone want to get their voice heard on the forums, getting personal will only lead to moderation.


Oradafu wrote:

Person 1: <long txt> I have at least half a brain <more long txt>
Person 2: <long txt> Lucky for me I also have a full brain (your implied brain insult was breaking the COC by the way) <more long txt>

That was the exchange, you changed it to fit your purpose, to slander, and undercut the reality of what happened with:
Thaz simpered:
Since when is "unlike you, I actually have full a brain", polite?

Your "remembered" it entirely at odds with how it went down, and your just trying to double-down ( Winkdrop!) now that you got caught in the lie on two different forums. Clearly the brain insult by Uurlick was the offensive post, that's why you tried to attribute it to Crane. Nothing but a transparent attempt at spin.

And the cherry on top of it all? you felt the need to add the words "Unlike you" which was pure fabrication on your part in service of a false narrative.

Your done fuckwit, so done.
« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2015 at 8:16am by Hag Master »  
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Someone is angry
Reply #24 - Jun 9th, 2015 at 8:16am
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Hag Master wrote on Jun 9th, 2015 at 8:14am:
Your done fuckwit, so done.

Smiley oh, just go cry to mommy, you baby you
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