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Very Hot Topic (More than 75 Replies) I imagine you will hate this (Read 95621 times)
Vault Frog

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #25 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 1:57pm
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geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:41am:
So I thought I'd give you a good place to start the hating.

Nothing to hate.

just side comment : I don't hate Jerry... I just don't like some of the Stupid Corporate Policy he is forced to enforce and
I think he should at least try to do something about some of them ( the most stupid ones ).
Like all the Humans he has his good sides and his bad sides...

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #26 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 2:50pm
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Jerry plays favorites with his apple polishing boot lickers and regardless of your personal affection for him, he's a fat piece of shit.

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #27 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 3:28pm
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But I do mind the way that the entire site is constantly spewing hatred towards someone I know and admire: Jerry Snook a.k.a. Cordovan

I'm sure even Hitler's dogs were fiercely loyal to him.  Insert appropriate joke about your mouth and Jerry's dick here.

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #28 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 4:43pm
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Respect is earned, and once lost is is very difficult to regain.

It is an extemely common experience for new players or new forum members who complain on the forums to get gang-banged by fanbois who will skirt the forum "guidelines" and goad the victim into lashing out and getting themselves banned, yet the fanbois who do this go unpunished, though they blatantly violate the community "guidelines". Cuntovan refuses to see this (though I expect he knows full well what is going on). This happens over and over again.

This is why Cuntovan is hated. He is highly damaging to the game community. He is doing serious damage to the game in this manner.

Calling us bullies? We are the ones that have been bullied off the ddo shithole forums. So we come here to vent. Pot, meet kettle.

Oh and nice SEO work there Geoff. Wink Timely. Need any more free inlinks?

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #29 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 4:56pm
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After reading Geoffs article much of what he said rings true, though he was definately quite harsh in his description of the vault. (I'm like a 4 year lurker lol)

At the end of the day though Jerry is portraying the vault as an anti DDO type establishment (read his rant about the vault somewhere recently) yet it is far from that.
The reason for most peoples negative attitude is that they in fact either love or loved the game of DDO and it's hard to let it go, (esp. when other game developers are releasing absolute shit games that can hardly compete with DDO) but to many they still see the direction DDO is heading and don't like it.
You can hardly blame people for being disappointed with where DDO is heading, there was one point in time where you used to get the server full message, you could probably combine all servers now and log in without encountering that message.
It all stems from some really bad decisions made a couple of years ago and it seems the current developers and producers have not been able to stem the bleeding, but "hey lets raise cap to 30 cause fuck that'll work yall."
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #30 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 5:01pm
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Jerry is a worthless shit-burger who's done far more harm than good with his coddling of fanbois and retards.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #31 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 5:15pm
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Decided this subject deserves more than just a little sarcasm and a lazy dick joke (btw, the answer was donuts and boobs.  The answer was never dicks).

Here is the absolutely nicest thing I can say about Jerry.  He's the wrong guy for a job that shouldn't exist.  That's so important I'm going to say it again.

He's the wrong guy for a job that shouldn't exist.

How many business can you think of that the public face of their corporation also acts as the public face of whatever nonsensical rules they want to enforce.  Let me save you the time, the answer is none.  Why?  It should be obvious - that's an insanely ludicrous business model.  Words almost escape me to how ridiculous the concept is.  Pretty much can only be described with 'fucking stupid.'

Can you imagine how far McDonalds would have went if they sent the guy in the clown makeup out to chase away loiterers?  'Hey, you need to buy some fries or get the fuck out.'  I've been having a hard time even coming up with an analogy just because it is so fucking ridiculous. 

You absolutely do not want the guy who can ban or discipline your customers to also be the face they see when you roll out changes.  These should absolutely be two complete and separate duties held by two completely different people.

So that's the last credit I'll give Jerry, he's stuck in an impossible position that shouldn't exist in any company.

Now it could  work if you had a one in a million type guy who was unbiased, personable, charismatic and knowledgeable about the product (or a hot chick might work as well) but the cold hard truth is - Jerry is none of these things.

The mad Jerry hate is pretty much on Jerry and only on Jerry.  Hell, I've never even been banned - I think I've only ranked up a single infraction in something like 5 or 6 years being active in the DDO community.  I have no reason to make this personal.  My dislike of Jerry is solely based on his job performance.  This many people don't turn sour for no reason.  Using Jerry is pretty much PR suicide.

I've consulted for much larger corporations than Turbine.  My first bit of advice for them wouldn't be to get rid of Jerry, but they at least need to separate forum mod from their PR face.  If money is that tight, have the forum mod scrub toilets at the end of the day.

But you absolutely need to get someone friendly, likable and, more importantly, knowledgeable about the game, in as your public face.  Depending how long you want to milk this game, you need to do some damage control and this area should be your number one concern.
« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2015 at 5:17pm by Skoodge »  

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Hag Master
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #32 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 5:52pm
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Geoff you should do a follow up investigative piece, I challenge you to focus on Jerry's biased handling of the Crane_Mace v.s. Uurlock nonsense last week and the fallout from it where "Jerry's Kids" tried to take out a formite for publicly supporting Crane. We have archive all the pages for your convenience...

Last time I looked in on the mobos Hammertop is still active, but he took a inordinate amount of abuse, villification, and trolling without respite from all of you good friend Jerry's bully boys, while Jerry stood by and let them get away with it.

One the most unprofessional episodes of Jerry's long and dismal communtiy management career.

Why not look into that Story? lord knows it would be interesting unless you don't really care... the timing of this post of yours supporting Jerry is a rather convenient bit of PR timing isn't it?
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #33 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 5:53pm
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OldCoaly wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 11:49am:
All of this.

I have a DDO forum account in good standing and I've never had an infraction.

I find the DDO.Com forums to be a pretty terrible source of information because of Jerry's moderation.

People have complained about the signal to noise ratio here, but I find it to be pretty efficient (the noise is easily ignored), and much more efficient than Jerry's forum. 

At least here the participants are permitted to point out when someone is full of shit and support the assertion with confirmable data.

Prior to the Jerry's forum downgrade, I participated there much more regularly than here.  Since then, my urge to visit has declined to the point that I find myself following a link from here to a topic of interest there much more often than I click Get New Posts.

Jerry's egregiously biased and ham-handed "moderation" is much more sickening to me than the occasional Rick-Roll to Blue Waffles I get here, probably because the trolls here are usually honest and forthcoming about it, and so display more integrity than Jerry.

Jerry's position is NOT impossible.  It may be time consuming and frustrating, but the things he does WRONG are WRONG because he chooses not to be impartial.  He doesn't need to give everyone who says "Severance Pay sucks" a hug and a code for 1000tp, but at a minimum he should enforce the CoC for everyone who violates it.

Regarding the Face of DDO PR, his lack of preparation for the quests and characters he will be playing on Twitch is completely inexcusable. 

Nobody expects him to have a triple completionist with all best-in-slot gear, however he should come prepared to use the abilities of the characters he's playing.  For example, if Rogue: Spot, Search, DD, OL gear, tools, and an understanding of about where the character's skills need to be in order to do the job.  Same for other classes.

very well put old chap .......

A misconception like thinking every vaulty is here and hates Cunto because they were caught for exploiting is the true sign of a fanboi. You can't see what a lopsided fucktard he is Geoffy  Roll Eyes
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #34 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm
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I get better build advice here because of hag and harhar.

Wait, I get better build advice here despite hag and har har.

I may have received 1 infraction point once for something stupid and was kicked out of ML for too much negative feedback and I dont despise anyone.

But Jerry is a dick and either by choice or direction is causing damage. He protects people who drive the game in the wrong direction and punishes people who are trying to steer it away.

The game is dying a slow and painful death which is a shame because its a brilliant system based on a brilliant pnp game.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #35 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm
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Respect is earned, and once lost is is very difficult to regain.

It is an extemely common experience for new players or new forum members who complain on the forums to get gang-banged by fanbois who will skirt the forum "guidelines" and goad the victim into lashing out and getting themselves banned, yet the fanbois who do this go unpunished, though they blatantly violate the community "guidelines". Cuntovan refuses to see this (though I expect he knows full well what is going on). This happens over and over again.

This is why Cuntovan is hated. He is highly damaging to the game community. He is doing serious damage to the game in this manner.

Calling us bullies? We are the ones that have been bullied off the ddo shithole forums. So we come here to vent. Pot, meet kettle.


I've never gotten an infraction, nevermind a ban, thought that's largely because I haven't posted and barely read the main forums for the past 2 years. But I've seen too many posters trying to have an honest debate get bullied off by Fanbois and unfair moderation.

Do I hate Cordovan? No, but I sure hate the job he's doing. He's greatly harming the game, and for that I'll gladly give him a hard time. I don't make threats of harm, nor do I attack his personal life, but his moderation I will attack ceaselessly and feel good about that.

By the way, I'd like to make a distinction between fan and Fanboi, I don't mind fans supporting their arguments politely, if emphatiaclly, but I abhore the crap posters like Urlock pull. I'm giving you a civil reply because I don't recall ever seeing you pull that kind of play on anybody.

There is a whole community here that loves the game and would contribute quite a bit if Turbine would let us, but we're pushed out by policy and practice, so here we are. Not everyone, of course, some are largely as you imply, but to see you paint us all with the same brush is, well, sad.

Good luck, though.

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #36 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm
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Hi geoffhanna;

I notice in your post that you mention you can't figure out  how reddit works.  Well, I have unfortunate news for you.  That is because you are shadowbanned.  This is a type of banning where you can post and it looks normal to you, but nobody else can see your posts.  I am the moderator of /r/ddo and I see your posts pop up in the modqueue all the time as having been auto-removed.

This is a full site wide ban, not specific to /r/ddo. I did not ban you, and I don't have the authority to un-ban you.  You will have to message a site admin.

As to why you were banned, I can only speculate.  Reddit used to fairly regularly enforce restrictions on self-promotion.  That is to say, if all you ever did was post links to your own site, you would be considered not really contributing to reddit, and would be banned.  The general rule of thumb was 4-5 posts contributing to other people's threads per 1 self-promotion post, with the goal being to create a discussion community, and not just a place for people to advertise their own content.  About a year or two ago reddit relaxed this policy and gave mods a lot more freedom to moderate as they saw fit, depending on their community.  I've never banned somebody who wasn't a bot from /r/ddo, as we're small enough that any content is good content at this point.

So.  I'd highly recommend you try contacting an admin to appear your site ban.  Feel free to tell them that you believe you were banned due to excessive promotion posts on /r/ddo and that the moderator /u/illudiumqxxxvi has indicated you are welcome back.

Alternatively...just make a new account.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:13pm by Cheara »  
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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #37 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:13pm
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Cheara wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm:
So.  I'd highly recommend you try contacting an admin to appear your site ban.  Feel free to tell them that you believe you were banned

sorry, I don't think his ethics will allow him to do so.

Cheara wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm:
banned due to excessive promotion posts on /r/ddo

Hey, you pride yourself on how outlaw you are, you make a point of breaking the rules, okay, be that guy. But own it when you get caught, and stop blaming others for your own behavior. No one cares that “you can’t prove it for a fact” as if this was some kind of court of law where proof was necessary. You knew what you were doing. It was not Jerry, it was you, and you know it. Now man up (or woman up!) and own it.

Since his hate of people who dont own it. He has to own this one too. But then again all his posts are links to his site, so Roll Eyes

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #38 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:31pm
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HairyO wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm:
I get better build advice here because of hag and harhar.

Wait wut????   Shocked

HairyO wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm:
Wait, I get better build advice here despite hag and har har.

Oooh, nice recovery....
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #39 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:00pm
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Skoodge wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 5:15pm:
Can you imagine how far McDonalds would have went if they sent the guy in the clown makeup out to chase away loiterers?

However, they'd get my business loitering comedic appreciation. That's after Andy Kaufman's own heart.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #40 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:09pm
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Cheara wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 6:06pm:
That is because you are shadowbanned.

Oh the delicious irony of a post about the Vault resulting in my learning that I am banned - from reddit - on the Vault! Thanks for the heads up! And the tip! Pretty much all my reddit posts were in fact links to DDOGamer: it seems the ban was well deserved.

Regarding Jerry, you all are way too hard on him. He's a good guy doing a harsh job under crazy time constraints. You are hating the messenger. No one remembers Quarion?

But whatever, I didn't expect to change any minds.

And yes, the build advice is pretty good.

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Titan Demolisher

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #41 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:23pm
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Jerry chose the job. He knew what he was getting in to as well.

And he is a dick. Are you really trying to say that it is a part of his job description to allow his friends to troll and bait and get players worked up such that they get banned, while letting his friends do whatever they want?

Thats a pretty retarded job right there. Because all it does is damages the company.

My guess is, the producers actually have no idea what is going on, and if they bothered to take a look they would not be happy.

Well reasoned posts which would actually be beneficial to the game are getting deleted because his friends dont like having to admit that DDO has a lot of problems. They should all go through a 12 step program together. Maybe even stop after the 1st step.

Recognizing there is a problem.

DDO is great. But it is dying. And it doesnt have to die.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #42 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:24pm
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geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:09pm:
Regarding Jerry, you all are way too hard on him.

Some are. Most are not.

geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:09pm:
He's a good guy doing a harsh job under crazy time constraints. You are hating the messenger. No one remembers Quarion?

I remember Quarion VERY well.

The main difference between Cordo and Quarion is that Cordo is probably much more subservient and obsequious toward Turbine management than Quarion probably ever was.

Quarion was a dick to EVERYBODY. Cordo, on the other hand, knows where his bread is buttered.

The thing is, Jerry could be impartial and still toe the company line. He either hasn't figured out the two aren't necessarily incompatible or he's just not interested in doing a better job.
« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:32pm by Arkat »  

Stand on hills of long-forgotten yesterdays...

Looking for a sign that the Universal Mind has written you into the Passion Play.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #43 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:44pm
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geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:09pm:
Regarding Jerry, you all are way too hard on him. He's a good guy doing a harsh job under crazy time constraints. You are hating the messenger.

He's not just the messenger, he has the power to discipline the Fanbois and chooses not to.

But maybe he is a good guy, and just didn't realize the harm he was doing. So if you're his friend, let him know. If he starts visibly and persistantly giving the trolls and baiters in the Fanboi camp the same treatment he gives their victims, I'm willing to reconsider my opinion of him and I bet others are too.

He can't do it for just a few weeks, I mean a long term change. I'm pretty skeptical after some of the "Oh, yeah, we get it now" lies I've heard from Turdbin, but I'll believe it when I see it.

There are a number of ways he could pull it off, but one possible would be when he gets a complaint about somebody, look at the post the person was responding to and if it was baiting or trolling give infractions to both and clearly mark both posts (the provoker and the responder) with an "Edit: Moderated to conform to CoC".

And it's important that he not lie about it - if we see the Urlocks running around getting their posts marked as moderated but they are still posting their venom, we'll know they aren't really earning infractions. Lies may work well on an audience that wants to believe, but we're expecting deceit at this point.

I doubt that he really is a good guy and will stop abusing the trust and power vested in him, but really, I'd love to be proven wrong. I'll even apologize  Kiss

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #44 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:58pm
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geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:09pm:
Regarding Jerry, you all are way too hard on him. He's a good guy doing a harsh job under crazy time constraints. You are hating the messenger. No one remembers Quarion?

But whatever, I didn't expect to change any minds.

TL: DR - I'm not paying Jerry to be nice.  I'm paying him to be effective and professional.  I hold him to the same standards as I hold myself and my team.

The difference is that I can draw a distinction between personal and professional.
Jerry by all accounts sounds like a nice guy, who does nice things for the community and those he likes.  I don't hate that guy at all, nor do I make fun at his body shape or gender or anything else that is irrelevant to his job.

My critique is about a remunerated role at an orgn that I fund through my subscription and seeing it run like a 2nd rate high school fete.

The "he has a tough role" doesn't wash for me sorry.  Lots of people have tough Customer Service roles.  I started my career in CS and I know it sucks (it can also be rewarding) - but it is no excuse to be unprofessional at it.

Arkat wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:24pm:
The thing is, Jerry could be impartial and still toe the company line. He either hasn't figured out the two aren't necessarily incompatible or he's just not interested in doing a better job.

This. Obeying his corporate masters and being a good moderator/PR guy are not mutually exclusive.
But having an obvious and observable bias in his role is not professional. 
Being embarrassingly ill prepared for PR is unprofessional. 
Isolating and attacking a segment of your customer base is not professional (even if they do piss you off). 
All businesses cop criticism (some deserved, some not) - deal with it.

I can only imagine if I turned up to a client presentation unprepared and dressed like I just got out of bed and said, "but my job is tough and I had time constraints sorry....."   Security would removed me from the premises with a boot up my ass.

Yes, he's human as are the majority of us here.
I am able to run a business and separate my professional expectations of my employees from my personal like/dislike of them.
They can be the nicest people in the world, but if they're not professional, insightful, intelligent and effective they can't be part of my team as those traits are prerequisites to our business surviving.
If you want to be nice, but unprofessional, find a role that is suitable for that.

I get really annoyed at people who think the gaming industry should be held to a different standard because of a plethora of excuses (it's only games, the industry is tough, the work is hard and unappreciated etc etc).
It is a business, it needs to be run like a business, and the employees not to be accountable as employees.
Niceness is not a KPI.  Effectiveness should be, and being nice is a trait to help with that, not the end game.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #45 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:59pm
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The report button is at the heart of the problem. It represents an abdication of the responsibility of the host to monitor content posted on their own site. They rely on others to do it for them, which is a policy ripe for exploitation (see slashdot, reddit, or any other user moderated site), and it is exploited.

In order for moderation to be impartial, it has to be active, not passive. You have to actually read the shit that is posted on your site. You have to be vigilant. Open discussion forums over a certain size require a team of moderators to cover the whole clock.

Another issue is the language used in the community guidelines. They need to be hard and fast rules. Not guidelines.

The moderation bias is clear, regardless of its root cause, and it must be addressed to prevent further damage to the game.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #46 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 9:02pm
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its official now

vault forumites worse than those on reddit

next milestone will be out doing 4chan

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Puppy Farmer

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #47 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 9:02pm
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Arkat wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:24pm:
The thing is, Jerry could be impartial and still toe the company line. He either hasn't figured out the two aren't necessarily incompatible or he's just not interested in doing a better job.

He's had too much of the Kool Aid.  Like the rest of turbine, he thinks he's doing a good job, and he's no longer capable of being objective about his performance or the performance of turbine.

If only he had a friend who cared about him....

Groo The Wanderer wrote on Sep 8th, 2013 at 10:43pm:
they will probably congratulate themselves on how long they "kept it going" never able to see that it could have easily managed to keep itself going for far longer if they had just meddled far less drastically and with some semblance of an actual gameplan.
Darth Anonymous wrote on Feb 1st, 2014 at 1:11pm:
Hearing something has "merit" but we don't have "time" kind of says everything about how Turbine works on things.
eighnuss wrote on May 27th, 2014 at 12:52pm:
everyone but turbine knows that we are sad they are destroying our game
majmalphunktion wrote on Aug 30th, 2013 at 12:12am:
I don't make the game, I just get tested what they build. Sorry you are not happy.
Skoodge wrote on Nov 27th, 2014 at 6:54am:
DDO is easy to summarize - the greatest game to suck the most ass.
GooFY wrote on Mar 2nd, 2015 at 5:36pm:
Turbine - So incompetent that we are skeptical when they report their own incompetence.  
Meursault wrote on May 11th, 2015 at 8:10pm:
Other companies will settle for shitting out garbage, Turdbin actually prefers to. Especially if they can get us to buy it, that just cracks them up.
Meursault wrote on Nov 12th, 2015 at 2:50pm:
Breaking something and putting it back together isn't as good as not breaking it to begin with, it's not even close.
palmer01 wrote on Nov 20th, 2015 at 9:05am:
Devs do not care what players want - they already have an agenda and give out token gestures so the paladins can feel worthy.
PersonaNonGrata wrote on Oct 4th, 2016 at 1:24am:
The DDO devs aren't motivated by a positive user experience.

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #48 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 9:14pm
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The schism you reference was two years back Smiley

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Dragon Raider

Rule Britannia

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #49 - Jun 15th, 2015 at 9:15pm
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geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:09pm:
Regarding Jerry, you all are way too hard on him. He's a good guy doing a harsh job under crazy time constraints. You are hating the messenger. No one remembers Quarion?


Obviously I'm not going to link anything and even saying this in the first place may be a bad idea but I really have to say it!

I've had 3 Infractions from Cordovan in the past few months that have had absolutely no infractable content in them!
He also hasn't even bothered replying to my last two appeals with ANY reason no matter a valid one!

While certain people on the forums get away with the most disgusting and vile abuse imaginable!

The shit I personally have had to put up with alone notwithstanding I've reported numerous posts attacking other people too and those posts are still there...Those posters are still spewing bile...And some of them have been getting very arrogant about their immunity in the past week too!

Cordovan is blatantly biased!

I've got no liking for the Vault - I'm sure almost everyone here knows this.
I'm certainly not going to defend the Vault BUT it seems that on the DDOForums it's now perfectly fine to make accusations against anyone you don't like of being a vaultie {whether that turns out to be true doesn't stop the accusation from being blatantly against the rules!}.

Also - Exactly what does it take to be seen as a Vaultie? You've posted here a number of times Geoff as have I - Are we Vaulties in Cordovan's eyes?


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