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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #75 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 5:01pm
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Strakeln wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 12:25am:
Tainted by touch. If you've ever typed the letters v-a-u-l-t in sequence, you're dead to him. He banned my mom for that. True story.

So Fran is like a baby bird that fell out of a nest?  We made the mistake of picking him up and now we're stuck raising him?

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #76 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 5:24pm
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Skoodge wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 5:01pm:
So Fran is like a baby bird that fell out of a nest!  We made the mistake of picking him up! Now we're stuck raising him!

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #77 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 5:26pm
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GooFY wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 5:24pm:

iswydt and its probably closer to the truth ><

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #78 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:14pm
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geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:41am:
So I thought I'd give you a good place to start the hating.

Shameless plug to a second rate fansite aside, your blog comes out as black text on black background. Wonderful.


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Abbot Raider

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #79 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:18pm
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rest wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 9:29pm:

lmao. You have been a treasure trove of funny thoughts over the years.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #80 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:23pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 9:21am:
Considering what he did to Star Wars I wouldn't want him anywhere near Middle Earth!

Salvatore wrote a Star Wars novel and killed off Chewbacca!

Fear not Fran.
Only Hollywood could wrangle a sequel out of LOTR.

And Saul wouldn't let Bob anywhere near an LOTR book (unless there were bucketloads of cash involved....)

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Abbot Raider

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #81 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:33pm
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DropBear wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:23pm:
And Saul wouldn't let Bob anywhere near an LOTR book (unless there were bucketloads of cash involved....)

You don't want to see a hobbit drizzit?  Cheesy
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #82 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:44pm
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mystafyi wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:33pm:
You don't want to see a hobbit drizzit?  Cheesy

Dual wielding a bong and a pipe?
With his pet Gerbil, Guenhywvar?

Not so much.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #83 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:53pm
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Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #84 - Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:59pm
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Revaulting wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:53pm:


Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #85 - Jun 17th, 2015 at 1:48am
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Revaulting wrote on Jun 16th, 2015 at 7:53pm:

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #86 - Jun 17th, 2015 at 8:29am
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geoffhanna wrote on Jun 15th, 2015 at 8:41am:
So I thought I'd give you a good place to start the hating.

While you address the forum and Jerry's role in it, I notice you didn't say anything about his obvious favoritism in handing out bans and punishments.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #87 - Jun 17th, 2015 at 8:45am
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raybob wrote on Jun 17th, 2015 at 8:29am:
While you address the forum and Jerry's role in it, I notice you didn't say anything about his obvious favoritism in handing out bans and punishments. 

An Inconvenient Truth.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #88 - Jun 17th, 2015 at 10:54am
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DropBear wrote on Jun 17th, 2015 at 8:45am:
An Inconvenient Thrudh.


Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
Public Service Announcement: your servers are not dead; if you can't find groups, it means you suck and/or nobody likes you.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #89 - Jun 17th, 2015 at 11:27am
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You mention disinfectant or alcohol wipes, but no mention of lubrication, vaseline, or anything.

For those that did not know Cordovan's real name, he was also a normal poster on the DDO Forums, under the name of Mockduck.

For the record, I have never been banned by Cordovan, but I have been reprimanded.  When I am reprimanded, I decide it is time for me to quit posting on the forums for awhile.
« Last Edit: Jun 17th, 2015 at 11:29am by notajedi »  
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Dragon Raider

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #90 - Jun 17th, 2015 at 11:51am
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I very much prefer the honesty of the Vault to the backstabber cliques on the main forums.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #91 - Jun 17th, 2015 at 4:37pm
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Please stop quoting the OP with the link intact. You are only giving free inlinks to increase the google rank of the page by doing so. Kindly edit your posts with the link in the quote to remove the link. Thanks.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #92 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 8:59pm
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Posted to Gamergeoff's blog.

Hammertop wrote:
Geoff, It’s terribly disappointing to read that wrote such a slanted article regarding 3rd party forums, a wasted opportunity.

Mr. Snook has engaged in a “attack dog” policy concerning posters for the past year and his use is escalating. Nearly free reign has been given to several very high profile posters on the DDO forums, and these individuals will preemptively attack and belittle any new players or posters who ask questions in good faith. Anyone who takes the time to read the forum during the last month will see it writ large that anyone who disagrees with the group-think or fanboi narrative will be mercilessly bullied, trolled, and outright insulted until the quit or take the bait and post a response that allows them to be infracted. Mr. Snook is not just complicit in this activity, he actively encourages it by removing entire threads where his bully-boys have broken a new poster/player but have broken the ToS themselves in the process. When this happens Cordovan pulls the thread with the incriminating posts to spare his pet-trolls the exposure.

This practice has created a large brigade of Trollbois that become more and more blatant with every week.

Now before you try to discount me as someone who was banned and just has sour grapes, I’m not. I have been playing for 4 years, and only began posting on the forums in the past few months, and I am still “not banned” but not for lack of trying.

My forum name is Hammertop, I’m right there on the forums, and I have been subjected to over 180 ToS breaking attacks/trolls/insults in just the past month. While I have been active I have had to spend more and more time trying to craft my posts so carefully just to avoid a infraction but at the same time refusing to allow this Turbine sponsored bullies to silence me. The correspondence I have had to compile and constantly refer to with Turbine to avoid a ban is enormous and ridiculous, scratch that, it’s absurd. I have had to endure the kind of abuse that has seen scores of my new guildmates, and Khyber players just toss the game and leave.

It’s a vicious cycle, start playing the game, fall in love, want to know more, start researching, begin mastering content, look forward to updates, look for updates, then post questions about content and updates, be ridiculed for start date, try to ask more questions, be ridiculed for post count, defend you questions, be accused of being a sock, defend and invite Turbine to vet account, be trolled, become exasperated and post, be infracted, become more exasperated, Be trolled by the same 5-6 posters over multiple threads, waste time reporting dozens of posts for harassment, get trolled even harder by the very posters you reported for abuse, try to defend yourself calmly, be called passive aggressive and holier than thou, watch your mates get even more abuse, see them baited, see them banned, see the Cordovan’s bully-boys take a victory lap, defend yourself, get trolled, get infracted, and eventually give up.

You have to put up with all that, just to support a game you have found and fallen in love with, all that abuse because you are new, all that abuse because you don’t agree with the attack dogs.

None of this is a secret, it is acted out daily week after week and it drives new players and posters like me and my friends away again and again. But you didn’t even mention it, not one word, instead you attacked the vault and tried to paint Mr. Snook as a victim.

Well for the record, the vault is a pack of juvenile half-wits more interested in cheating than actually playing the game, I find very little useful information there, and most time spent there is wasted trying to figure out all the stupid inside jokes. But as obnoxious as they are you miss the point, they are powerless, all they can do is make noise in their tiny little sandbox, a sandbox easily avoided.

The only power the Vault has, is as a strawman the Mr. Snook uses to defend his questionable performance as community manager. Every time Cordovan makes a mistake that he gets taken to task for, like the instulting “wing-nut, tinfoil hat” comments on the DDOtwitch he uses the Vault as a excuse and blames unrest on the vault. This gives the Vault what little power it has, it is just a boogeyman that Cordovan drags out when he needs cover or wants to discredit dissenting opinion.

How ironic that the all the scumbags on the vault who think they have some effect on Cordovan are actually just a handy tool for him to use as the situation might require.

Anyone objective, who took a few hours to read the DDO forums in a detached manner can see that, and when it was time for you to write this article you should have done that. Instead you produced some puff piece that gave Mr. Snook and his trained pack of trolls cover. You ignore the alienation of the new players and posters.

Who do you want to help? the game or your apparent friend Cordovan?

In closing I have avoided using other posters name here to avoid giving you a excuse to delete my comments, or engage in the type of public shaming I and my friends have been subjected to on the forums.

But if you would like to have them. or if you are thinking about trying to dismiss my facts and experience in service of Cordovan, let me assure you that I have all the names, the incidents, archived versions of removed threads, and the extensive and surreal correspondence I have had to have with Turbine since I began posting just a few months ago.

Being able to have access to Turbine and report and support the game as you do is not just a privilege, it is also a responsibility, a responsibility to the game and it’s community. And right now the community and the game are in danger, danger of chasing away all the new players and posters who will replace the players who eventually leave, we are the future of the game, we will be the ones who pay for content and fill pug LFM’s.

Mr. Cordovan and his pack of favorites run the risk of chasing us off and strangling the game if they continue as they have. So now you have to choose whether you will help them do that, or really be a fan of the game instead.

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #93 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 9:20pm
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he uses the Vault as a excuse and blames unrest for the vault.


Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #94 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 9:31pm
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Interesting post Hammertop, I had followed your posts on the Turbine forums, and was glad to see you were still active, in fact I was pleasantly surprised.

I would only offer a few suggestions, next time you post on a satellite site like Geoff's I would suggest you take a few minutes to proof-read before pasting your comment. I realize that you most likely started posting cold, but you should understand that typos and spelling errors can undermine your point rather drastically. Because you cannot "edit" after the fact on a comment page as you can on forum threads it would be best to type it up separately, proof read it, and then paste it onto the comment space.

Next, while I understand you anger and the points you are trying to make I would advise against posting any images of Forum PM correspondence with Turbine you may have. Posting any of those would be a violation of the ToS and would in all likelihood lead to all you game and forum accounts being banned, especially if they were to bring to light any behavior or comments that could embarrass Cordovan or Turbine. 

Lastly, I hope you realize that your post is unlikely to make you very popular here on the vault or on the Turbine forums. While it is unlikely that anyone will notice, I hope you did the cost/risk algebra before posting rather than doing it on impulse.

All the best.
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #95 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 9:39pm
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Thanks Hammer.  Very entertaining.
Glad you think so little of us, yet decide to post your comments here.
I can see your need to separate yourself from us, so as to get some clear air from the trolls.

I'm curious - what motivates your crusade on the Mother forums?
You can never win, and it must cost you a great deal of personal energy?

Why not just let the fanbois play in their sandpit and just confine yourself to the technical forums with non-confrontational questions?

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #96 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 9:43pm
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gumba wrote on Jun 23rd, 2015 at 9:31pm:
Lastly, I hope you realize that your post is unlikely to make you very popular here on the vault or on the Turbine forums. While it is unlikely that anyone will notice, I hope you did the cost/risk algebra before posting rather than doing it on impulse.

All the best.   

Actually, I don't think many people here will care that much.
You need a thick skin to stay here.
And being called "Juvenile half-wits" is pretty tame to what we get normally.  Take at look at what Cordo's pet Uurlock (Vault name = Black Eyes) called us.  Water off a duck's back.

We know that Hammertop loves us, he just needs plausible deniability.   Wink
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #97 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 10:09pm
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DropBear wrote on Jun 23rd, 2015 at 9:43pm:
We know that Hammertop loves us, he just needs plausible deniability.   Wink

I'm sure he will be thrilled to see that posted here Dropbear,  Wink
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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #98 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 11:00pm
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Go fuck yourself Darren.
« Last Edit: Jun 23rd, 2015 at 11:01pm by Arkat »  

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Re: I imagine you will hate this
Reply #99 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 11:33pm
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Meh.  If you find little useful information here then you aren't looking very hard.  And there is a lot of good power gaming/meta gaming information here, not everyone is only focused on exploits.  Exploit threads make up a relatively small portion of the posting.  (Hint:  most of the talk of exploits is bullshit by people trying to sound cool.  If it isn't confirmed by DropBear's 3rd party auditing firm in a double blind taste test, then it isn't legit).

The same thing with the Jerry stuff.  I have had a forum account for 7 years now and never been banned.  I don't really have a strong opinion on Cordovan.  He was a bit of a douche when he was Mockduck and he is a bit of a douche now.  But whatever.  He doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the game at all.  As a result, I just ignore all the Jerry-bashing.  Other people are free to have an opinion.  I don't have to agree with them, nor do I have to feel any motivation to tell them they are wrong.  I can just let them be.

If you, and Geoff, find sites with postings that exceed PG-13 a deal breaker, then I can't really find fault in that.  To each his own and everyone is free to spend their leisure time as they see fit.  But I will say that the excessive focus and emphasis of those aspects is an inaccurate description of the overall content of the site.
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