Why fight the next war when you can keep refighting the last one. Turbine shall rise above you exploiters and exploiter sympathizers at all costs.
Quote Posted by Vargouille on the MB
"Especially with being Exclusive, it means players can be done with the event when they have all they want. This is a thing that we don't consider bad. Players should not feel compelled to play events and only events while they are turned on, or farm for "next time". It's entirely OK to be finished with them."
Quote Posted by Cordovan on the MB
"We are unable to offer a trade-in for your old Motes due to them being duplicated in very large quantities by a relatively small number of players, combined with their ability to be freely traded. It is always disappointing and unfortunate when cheaters ruin the experience of others, but this is one of those times, we are sorry to say."
Turbines solution to farming for the "next time." Friendly Fire, shitty replacement event items and an apology! March onward Army of Turbine! No Time for Live streaming or Twinkies Jerry! Light those fields! To the Sea Fatboy! To the Sea!
Next Update: Ladders will all be replaced with crumbling ladders.