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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #50 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:27am
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Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 11:46pm:
The logic was retarded when it was used to tell people that if they find the game too easy they should roll sucky chars and it isn't any less retarded here.

no, not really. If you want a challenge after you have already smashed everything, and then gained even more character power after that, it's up to you to find things to do. You dont see eh doj solo'd on a pure arty. No one, including you, isn't going to accept more power, more loot, more shit. Stop it five.

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #51 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 3:24am
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no. wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 2:17pm:
To be fair, they gave out SP pots in anniversary cakes before. As recently as last year, and most of us know how that turned out. 

Good times.

Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 5:05pm:
Terrible idea, no way around it. Pretty much anybody that likes it is going to like it BECAUSE they won't have to run shit to get said items.

Not me. I'll only like it if I can dupe it, pass it between my toons, and if it can be redeemed on demand. Basically, I want to be able to toss all this shit that takes so long to grind, and pop out a new one from a stack on the occasion it's ever fucking useful. Inventory relief for hoarders.

Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 11:46pm:
Summarized, my perspective on this is simple: nobody is entitled to free raid loot. Either get it by running the raids or don't get it at all.

Nobody who puts up with Turbine is getting this free. We're all suffering, man. They throw us rats some extra cheese now and then. That's all this is. Most of it is moldy.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Darth Anonymous
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #52 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 4:40am
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Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 11:46pm:
My problem with it isn't primarily that other people will be getting stuff that I worked for... nobody is entitled to free raid loot. Either get it by running the raids or don't get it at all.

Actually it sounds like it is. You should run for council with a build a wall around shitty outdated raid loot platform. Bonus points if you are orange with bad hair.

Regardless your getting worked up over this shitty loot? I mean seriously random loot is better than a lot of it nowadays.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #53 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 10:07am
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5 Foot Step wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 3:51pm:
The drop rate got fixed a while back. It's never been easier to farm. You must not want it that badly?

No.  I don't want it all that badly.  I have it on my two main casters.  But it would be nice on a couple of other characters that need mana less often or play casters during PL's.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #54 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 10:24am
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Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 5:17pm:
Once or twice a week, compared to multiple times a day before they released the boxes. While it's true that citw gear is no longer end game, you can't exactly deny that when boxes were first released they had a massive impact on how often the raid was run.

Like I explained in my previous post, it doesn't fucking matter whether or not anyone is actually grinding out 20 titans. If they want the ring, they should have to.

Yes, it is.

If it hadn't been possible to recycle and dupe cards, I would say that cards were an example of doing it right.

Giving away store items is a fantastic idea, giving raid items is not.

The RR boxes were a bad idea when they came out because of the timing.  Those were still some of the most popular end game weapons.   TF didn't come out until after that.  CiTW and FoT were your "end game" raids.  That would be like them releasing a reward with DoJ loot in it today.  I understand they were trying to "right a wrong" at the time but still, it was really killing active content.

This is not the same scale.  I wish the CiTW stuff wasn't in there and it's 4 years old at this point.  The heroic stuff is fine.  Those raids are beyond dead.  It's going to be nice for a few levels during TR's.  I get the "it's raid loot" issue.  But I can't get worked up over level 10,12,14,16 raids.  I just can't.  And some of the chain reward items?  Super meh. 

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #55 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:31pm
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Rubbinns wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:27am:
... No one, including you, isn't going to accept more power, more loot, more shit...

In an ideal world, new packs would continue to give us more power. If they didn't, they would sell poorly and there wouldn't be much incentive to run them.

I do object to the fact that for the most part the difficulty of the packs they've been releasing hasn't been increasing in proportion to the power contained therein.

Darth Anonymous wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 4:40am:
Regardless your getting worked up over this shitty loot? I mean seriously random loot is better than a lot of it nowadays.

I'm not particularly worked up. At the end of the day, this is something I disagree with but there are plenty of  far worse things they could've done.

Anyways, it seems like more people here are for this than against it. Even if that weren't the case, Turbine has an abysmal record of changing things based on player feedback. It's nearly certain that this is happening no matter how I or anybody else feels about it, so I'll just show myself out.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #56 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 2:18pm
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Not sure what is worse, the item's themselves or the gall it took to name items after themselves.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #57 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 5:12pm
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I thought this shit was just an early april fools joke or something.. wtf are these guys thinking?
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #58 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 7:47pm
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Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 11:46pm:
Oh, and please don't tell me that if I don't like the cake I can delete it. The logic was retarded when it was used to tell people that if they find the game too easy they should roll sucky chars and it isn't any less retarded here.

LOL, I promise I won't - I want a serious discussion, not a flame war. I may not agree with you. Actually, I completely don't agree with you, but if I can't make my point without resorting to insulting your intelligence, then I can't make my point.

Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 11:46pm:
My problem with it isn't primarily that other people will be getting stuff that I worked for, it's that doing this removes potential activities for me and anyone else who wants to get stuff the old fashioned way in a game that has no endgame.

Too late, that ship has sailed. These raids are no longer run enough for any but the most dedicated (and bored) player to get them. Giving out raid loot didn't kill them, new better loot and terrible drop rates killed them. As long as the current approach has already failed, we might as well try a different approach.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that giving out one piece from one raid to each person will diminish even one good raid, never mind all of them. These raids have multiple items, and there are multiple raids. If the raid isn't a total pain in the ass, people will still run it for the other items, and for the fun of it. If it is a total pain in the ass and has only one worthwhile item, well, then maybe it will kill it, but good riddance - why would you want to subject others to it, are you sadistic Wink

Pseudonym wrote on Feb 21st, 2016 at 11:46pm:
I've always been of the opinion that games shouldn't cater to casuals at the expense of serious players.

Nor should they cater to serious players at the expense of casuals. Neither style is superior to the other, they are just different. This really helps casuals, and doesn't hurt serious players at all.

It's a great idea and they should do it more often. Have longevity rewards, give casuals a few nice trinkets just for sticking around, even if they aren't as good as "serious" players. They are never going to beat the serious gamers in kill count or achievements, but maybe they'll be well enough geared to at least join you in a raid and survive, and that's what you claim you want.

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #59 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 7:48pm
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Pseudonym wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:31pm:
In an ideal world, new packs would continue to give us more power. If they didn't, they would sell poorly and there wouldn't be much incentive to run them.

Or they could just make them fun and interesting  Undecided

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #60 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 9:42am
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Meursault wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 7:48pm:
Or they could just make them fun and interesting  Undecided

Sadly, there's no way to do that in DDO. There are two very different groups of people, with no deviation between them - new players, first lifers, players still learning... and those of us who have past lives, gear for our level, raid loot, and the tactical instincts that comes from years of play.

If they make it too difficult for group 1, group 1 will complain. If they make it too easy for group 2, group 2 will complain.

Creeping Death and To Curse the Sky are examples of a quest too hard for group 1 of that. Fighting broken DR abishai on-level with no gear? Impossible. Casters that if you fail a save you die? Just as un-fun.

It's probably impossible to balance a quest power-wise, the players are all across the band of mastery. The power discrepancy between legacy players and new players is huge.

That means the entire draw of a quest needs to be fun and interesting aesthetics, and I personally think the newer content is much more fun than the old. I have way more fun in new meridia than old meridia, for example.
« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2016 at 9:43am by Sailias »  

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #61 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:00am
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Sailias wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 9:42am:
That means the entire draw of a quest needs to be fun and interesting aesthetics, and I personally think the newer content is much more fun than the old. I have way more fun in new meridia than old meridia, for example.

Could that be because you've run old Meridia to Death while new Meridia is still "new" to you?

Vale has some of the best aesthetics and quest design in the game after all.
It's the most popular pack in the game for many reasons {one of which being Greensteel yes} incl. that many many players really do love at least 3 out of the 5 quests {My own particular hated quests there are Sleeping Dust and RwtD}.

But let's look at Sleeping Dust for instance - It's back on the forums right now in one thread where someone posted how horrid it is and there's a tonne of people defending it!

Meanwhile Creeping Death seems to be almost universally loathed so far - Maybe in a few months time after people get used to it that will change.

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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #62 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:08am
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I'm gonna enjoy my red dragon helmets thank you very much Cheesy
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #63 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:23am
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:00am:
Could that be because you've run old Meridia to Death while new Meridia is still "new" to you?

Vale has some of the best aesthetics and quest design in the game after all.
It's the most popular pack in the game for many reasons {one of which being Greensteel yes} incl. that many many players really do love at least 3 out of the 5 quests {My own particular hated quests there are Sleeping Dust and RwtD}.

But let's look at Sleeping Dust for instance - It's back on the forums right now in one thread where someone posted how horrid it is and there's a tonne of people defending it!

Meanwhile Creeping Death seems to be almost universally loathed so far - Maybe in a few months time after people get used to it that will change.

Oh fantastic, you're on this board, too. Jerry finally sick of your shit on the motherboards?

I actually really like Meridia, in all versions. Rainbow is IMO one of the best quests in the game. But take a look at some of the old stuff like Red Fens compared to content released just a few years later. I like Creeping Death more than Running/Ritual/Sleeping Dust.

IMO Turbine isn't having problems making the quests better and better, the problem is the wacky game balance. New quests are almost universally more difficult than older ones. Although people cite "aesthetics" as a draw, I personally think difficulty plays a huge part of quest popularity.

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #64 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 11:02am
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Sailias wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:23am:
I actually really like Meridia, in all versions. Rainbow is IMO one of the best quests in the game. But take a look at some of the old stuff like Red Fens compared to content released just a few years later. I like Creeping Death more than Running/Ritual/Sleeping Dust.

IMO Turbine isn't having problems making the quests better and better, the problem is the wacky game balance. New quests are almost universally more difficult than older ones. Although people cite "aesthetics" as a draw, I personally think difficulty plays a huge part of quest popularity.

Red Fens was a god awful update with basically one decent quest {Fathom the Depths}.

It isn't old either {well not compared to the lifespan of this game}.

We've had god awful updates more recently too - Wheloon, Heart of Madness to name but two}.

For some people yes difficulty does play it's part in quest popularity but it also makes quests unpopular too.
Easy example - The Pit being simultaneously the most popular and the most unpopular quest in the game!

Oh and The Pit has been around since the start {or maybe module 1/2}.

Yes new quests are tougher than older ones but:
Part of that is by definition their newness - We haven't learned the meta for them yet - Quests like Creeping Death and Curse the Sky won't remain this difficult for long - In fact the reason Curse the Sky is so difficult is that it's one of the most laggy quests in the game!. Fix the lag and I'd probably love this quest.

Do I hate Delirium because it's difficult? NO!
I hate Delirium because of that one puzzle that constantly moves - It's not difficult, it's annoying!

Same goes for Sane Asylum - That Puzzle literally kills the quest for me!

What about In the Flesh and Fashion Madness?
Well yes In the Flesh has an extremely difficult and maddening End Fight but what I really hate about it is Yaulthoon and the Fashion Show - I can't stand it!
Having Yaulthoon return not dead after all in Fashion madness was a kick in the guts!

Actually I only "like" two of the madness quests {Lord of Stone and Fear Factory}. Both of which are more "normal".
And neither of which would get anywhere near my top 20 quests in game!

P.S. I'd love Haunted Halls if it had an Heroic Version {not like ToEE where at level is impossible} but as it's Epic End-Game content I got one or two runs done and that's it!
« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2016 at 11:05am by FranOhmsford »  

Main Characters by Server - Cannith Jelina, Sylveria, Enochpagett, Lieuk, Larystessian, Molineux. Sarlona Keltenn, Franq, Athiina, Nyszsa, Curleag, Nalpheyn. Khyber Tynecastle, Athenion, Argo Clievelund, Bjorkalina, G-Land Hassannavid, Tannadice.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #65 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 11:11am
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Skrilla wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 5:12pm:
I thought this shit was just an early april fools joke or something.. wtf are these guys thinking?

Standard Operating Procedure: Turbine heard we want intelligent weapons, so we get the exact opposite, fuck-wit-not-weapons.

Well someone has to feed the trolls...
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #66 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:21pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 11:02am:
In fact the reason Curse the Sky is so difficult is that it's one of the most laggy quests in the game!. Fix the lag and I'd probably love this quest.

I've never had any lag in there.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #67 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:52pm
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Glenalth wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:21pm:
I've never had any lag in there. 

Lucky you!

Every time I go in there I get such ludicrous lag the whole party {not just me} is dead in 5 seconds flat!

Actually I will say that the first time I went in there I didn't get the lag but every time since I have done.

It's not so bad once you actually get inside the building - It's the drop down at the water and the 5000 Abishai firing at you at the same time that lags out the entire party!
« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:52pm by FranOhmsford »  

Main Characters by Server - Cannith Jelina, Sylveria, Enochpagett, Lieuk, Larystessian, Molineux. Sarlona Keltenn, Franq, Athiina, Nyszsa, Curleag, Nalpheyn. Khyber Tynecastle, Athenion, Argo Clievelund, Bjorkalina, G-Land Hassannavid, Tannadice.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #68 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 1:28pm
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Hey Fran, how do you feel about the fortification values on lower level randomly generated loot?
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #69 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 1:59pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:52pm:
Lucky you!

Every time I go in there I get such ludicrous lag the whole party {not just me} is dead in 5 seconds flat!

Actually I will say that the first time I went in there I didn't get the lag but every time since I have done.

It's not so bad once you actually get inside the building - It's the drop down at the water and the 5000 Abishai firing at you at the same time that lags out the entire party!

I've not lagged in there either.  And I've run it at least 30 times.  Mostly on LE. 
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #70 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 2:19pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 11:02am:
Red Fens was a god awful update with basically one decent quest {Fathom the Depths}.

It isn't old either {well not compared to the lifespan of this game}.

We've had god awful updates more recently too - Wheloon, Heart of Madness to name but two}.

For some people yes difficulty does play it's part in quest popularity but it also makes quests unpopular too.
Easy example - The Pit being simultaneously the most popular and the most unpopular quest in the game!

Oh and The Pit has been around since the start {or maybe module 1/2}.

Yes new quests are tougher than older ones but:
Part of that is by definition their newness - We haven't learned the meta for them yet - Quests like Creeping Death and Curse the Sky won't remain this difficult for long - In fact the reason Curse the Sky is so difficult is that it's one of the most laggy quests in the game!. Fix the lag and I'd probably love this quest.

Do I hate Delirium because it's difficult? NO!
I hate Delirium because of that one puzzle that constantly moves - It's not difficult, it's annoying!

Same goes for Sane Asylum - That Puzzle literally kills the quest for me!

What about In the Flesh and Fashion Madness?
Well yes In the Flesh has an extremely difficult and maddening End Fight but what I really hate about it is Yaulthoon and the Fashion Show - I can't stand it!
Having Yaulthoon return not dead after all in Fashion madness was a kick in the guts!

Actually I only "like" two of the madness quests {Lord of Stone and Fear Factory}. Both of which are more "normal".
And neither of which would get anywhere near my top 20 quests in game!

P.S. I'd love Haunted Halls if it had an Heroic Version {not like ToEE where at level is impossible} but as it's Epic End-Game content I got one or two runs done and that's it!

Hey Fran you know the () symbols? Parenthesis? Well, they're what you meant to use throughout that shitty post.

Firstly, In the Flesh is one of the best quests in the game. Pleasingly difficult, fun environment, fantastic end boss.

Secondly,  To Curse the Sky is difficult for unprepared players because abishai have literally broken DR and insane damage. Lag isn't the problem here, it's not knowing how they work and how to fight them. I'm not surprised you're blaming lag here, though.
« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2016 at 2:19pm by Sailias »  

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #71 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 2:38pm
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Sailias wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 2:19pm:
Hey Fran you know the () symbols? Parenthesis? Well, they're what you meant to use throughout that shitty post.

There's no point. He's such a fucktard he probably doesn't know how to use the Shift keys. I'm sure he gets capital letters by pressing Caps Lock, typing the letter, then pressing Caps Lock again. The stupid cunt can't even figure out how to use exclamation points and many other punctuation symbols correctly. I figure his excuse is that he's got an IQ of 70, lives in his parents' attic, and constantly breathes the uncirculated fart-laden air that he pollutes 24 hours a day.

OldCoaly wrote on May 27th, 2016 at 11:27am:
If one of those types of weapons isn't "wraps", then it's a non-starter for Fran.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #72 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 3:47pm
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Sailias wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 2:19pm:
Secondly,  To Curse the Sky is difficult for unprepared players because abishai have literally broken DR and insane damage. Lag isn't the problem here, it's not knowing how they work and how to fight them. I'm not surprised you're blaming lag here, though.

Think what you want to think but when you can't move for 5 minutes straight then DC well that has nothing to do with DR or Dmg!

When you stutter step and can't turn left or right without having to wait 5 seconds again that has absolutely nothing to do with DR or Dmg!

And this regularly happens in that one specific quest!

I was having some lag issues elsewhere {E-Star was particularly laggy during Risia} recently too but nothing like as bad as in To Curse the Sky

Main Characters by Server - Cannith Jelina, Sylveria, Enochpagett, Lieuk, Larystessian, Molineux. Sarlona Keltenn, Franq, Athiina, Nyszsa, Curleag, Nalpheyn. Khyber Tynecastle, Athenion, Argo Clievelund, Bjorkalina, G-Land Hassannavid, Tannadice.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #73 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 4:14pm
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Sailias wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 9:42am:
Sadly, there's no way to do that in DDO. There are two very different groups of people, with no deviation between them - new players, first lifers, players still learning... and those of us who have past lives, gear for our level, raid loot, and the tactical instincts that comes from years of play.

If they make it too difficult for group 1, group 1 will complain. If they make it too easy for group 2, group 2 will complain.

Creeping Death and To Curse the Sky are examples of a quest too hard for group 1 of that. Fighting broken DR abishai on-level with no gear? Impossible. Casters that if you fail a save you die? Just as un-fun.

It's probably impossible to balance a quest power-wise, the players are all across the band of mastery. The power discrepancy between legacy players and new players is huge.

That means the entire draw of a quest needs to be fun and interesting aesthetics, and I personally think the newer content is much more fun than the old. I have way more fun in new meridia than old meridia, for example.

Isn't this why they have quest difficulty choice?
Same quest, different levels of challenge for different people?

I find the over simplification of this issue a worry.  It's not as black and white as some of you present it.
Not all first life players are gimp.  Not all vets are leet.
Some players are schmucks and never group well, so no matter how leet they are, they are not useful in raids.
Other players are great at grouping, and whilst not the best individual player, use teamwork to add value to the group.

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #74 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 4:23pm
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The problem is you franny. It isn't the quest. I run it on varying difficulties and solo it on le with my monk. I am going to repeat that, my monk. Curse the sky isn't difficult, your character is just a bitch. I highly doubt your lag is that bad in there, maybe once or twice, but not every time unless you have only done the quest 3 times.

Another possibility for the lag. You capped your data for the billing period and your connection speed was reduced. Stop spending all that extra data on porn and anime.

OnePercenter wrote on May 15th, 2014 at 9:41am:
I just read that the cat followed up by visiting the dog house later that night, dropping some Willie Pete in on the sleeping dog.  #epochsfamiliarFTW

Sim-Sala-Bim wrote on Jan 27th, 2014 at 2:09am:
It seems like Epoch never loses his popularity.
Even against donuts.
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