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Very Hot Topic (More than 75 Replies) New U30 ML 30 Loot (Read 32362 times)
Horoluth Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #75 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 4:38pm
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PersonaNonGrata wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 4:14pm:
Isn't this why they have quest difficulty choice?
Same quest, different levels of challenge for different people?

I find the over simplification of this issue a worry.  It's not as black and white as some of you present it.
Not all first life players are gimp.  Not all vets are leet.
Some players are schmucks and never group well, so no matter how leet they are, they are not useful in raids.
Other players are great at grouping, and whilst not the best individual player, use teamwork to add value to the group.

While I mostly agree with you, I do think Quinn has a good point about the gap, and Power Creep Sprint greatly exaggerates it. That's one of the reasons that giving away some older raid loot is such a good idea, it helps bridge the gap between the good but new player and the better geared experienced players. Make the gap too big and too few new players will cross it to offset attrition.

Power creep may keep dangling a carrot for the top performers who already have it all, but it sells the future of the game for short term gain. Good designers don't do it, or at worst do it very sparingly. Turdbin pours it on like ketchup on a sketchy hamburger  Sad

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #76 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 5:18pm
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Meursault wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 4:38pm:
While I mostly agree with you, I do think Quinn has a good point about the gap, and Power Creep Sprint greatly exaggerates it. That's one of the reasons that giving away some older raid loot is such a good idea, it helps bridge the gap between the good but new player and the better geared experienced players. Make the gap too big and too few new players will cross it to offset attrition.

Power creep may keep dangling a carrot for the top performers who already have it all, but it sells the future of the game for short term gain. Good designers don't do it, or at worst do it very sparingly. Turdbin pours it on like ketchup on a sketchy hamburger  Sad

I have to agree with you there - mostly.
Having crap gear is a disadvantage.  Having reasonable gear is all you need to play the game well.
Having best in slot is only needed if you play LE (some here would indicate otherwise - skill can make up for gear deficits) or you're competitive or like bragging.
Getting reasonable gear is doable.  Getting nice gear takes some grind or raiding.  Getting best gear takes insane amounts of patience.

As a latecomer to DDO, there is a gap to get across - agree.
If you're lucky you find a good group or guild who help bridge the gap by teaching you.
I think a lot of newbs fizzle out by level 10 if they haven't found there place in DDO by then.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #77 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 5:39pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:52pm:
Lucky you!

Every time I go in there I get such ludicrous lag the whole party {not just me} is dead in 5 seconds flat!

Actually I will say that the first time I went in there I didn't get the lag but every time since I have done.

It's not so bad once you actually get inside the building - It's the drop down at the water and the 5000 Abishai firing at you at the same time that lags out the entire party!

If 5,000 spawned, that may be your issue. It seems to be about 6 or 7 normally.

You should bug report that spawn.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #78 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 5:55pm
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Meursault wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 7:47pm:
LOL, I promise I won't - I want a serious discussion, not a flame war. I may not agree with you. Actually, I completely don't agree with you, but if I can't make my point without resorting to insulting your intelligence, then I can't make my point.

Too late, that ship has sailed.These raids are no longer run enough for any but the most dedicated (and bored) player to get them. Giving out raid loot didn't kill them, new better loot and terrible drop rates killed them. As long as the current approach has already failed, we might as well try a different approach.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that giving out one piece from one raid to each person will diminish even one good raid, never mind all of them. These raids have multiple items, and there are multiple raids. If the raid isn't a total pain in the ass, people will still run it for the other items, and for the fun of it. If it is a total pain in the ass and has only one worthwhile item, well, then maybe it will kill it, but good riddance - why would you want to subject others to it, are you sadistic Wink

Nor should they cater to serious players at the expense of casuals. Neither style is superior to the other, they are just different. This really helps casuals, and doesn't hurt serious players at all.

It's a great idea and they should do it more often. Have longevity rewards, give casuals a few nice trinkets just for sticking around, even if they aren't as good as "serious" players. They are never going to beat the serious gamers in kill count or achievements, but maybe they'll be well enough geared to at least join you in a raid and survive, and that's what you claim you want.

You make a very fair point. As someone who's both dedicated and bored, I don't like the cake. Most of the people who play this game aren't in that category, and although I stand by my opinion that giving out store items again would've been the better idea, after hearing what you had to say about this I'm much more okay with it than I was initially.

I'm glad that we discussed this.  Wink

Sailias wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 9:42am:
Sadly, there's no way to do that in DDO. There are two very different groups of people, with no deviation between them - new players, first lifers, players still learning... and those of us who have past lives, gear for our level, raid loot, and the tactical instincts that comes from years of play.

If they make it too difficult for group 1, group 1 will complain. If they make it too easy for group 2, group 2 will complain.

Creeping Death and To Curse the Sky are examples of a quest too hard for group 1 of that. Fighting broken DR abishai on-level with no gear? Impossible. Casters that if you fail a save you die? Just as un-fun.

It's probably impossible to balance a quest power-wise, the players are all across the band of mastery. The power discrepancy between legacy players and new players is huge...

This is why difficulty levels are a thing. The folks at Turbine need to figure out how to change the expectation that everyone is running everything with EBB. Part of that solution might have to be removing bravery streaks and distributing the experience through the difficulty levels.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #79 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 6:00pm
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Glenalth wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:21pm:
I've never had any lag in there. 

I've been doing LE curse ransack runs once a week. My (normally fine) frame rate drops to ~10 FPS if I leave all 5 of the bot accounts in the jungle area.

I blame my GeForce 740M.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #80 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 8:13pm
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Pseudonym wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 5:55pm:
I'm glad that we discussed this.  Wink

Yeah, me too. I don't think either is going to cross to the other's side, but I think we both got some things to think about, and it's great to see the Vault, for all of its dick jokes and boobie pictures, holding a more civilized and productive conversation than the motherboards ever manage.

Pseudonym wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 5:55pm:
This is why difficulty levels are a thing. The folks at Turbine need to figure out how to change the expectation that everyone is running everything with EBB. Part of that solution might have to be removing bravery streaks and distributing the experience through the difficulty levels.

OK, so we do have common ground. I completely agree with you on that, it would definitely help mix up the groups. It would make "hard" a more viable option, and that would give more "weak" players the confidence to join. That gives less skilled/geared players a chance to see "what they should be trying for", and it gives the more capable players a chance to bolster their ranks to replace departing players. Win-win.

One more problem for the less capable players is the problem of favor - Elite is so much harder for mediocre players that by the time they can handle it for favor, they get almost no XP. I think with champions they should count Elite quests as 3 or 4 levels above Normal. All it affects is what level you can get XP for it at, you aren't getting a BB and it doesn't lock lower level players out (which is stupid anyway, you already get a power level penalty, what's the point of a lockout?!).

The 2 ends of the spectrum don't have exactly the same needs, but there is enough common ground that if Turdbin would stop making decisions that pitted one against the other they could keep both mostly happy. I  think they promote the "class wars" to distract people from their utter incompetence, they are just drama queens  Angry

Anyway, may your LFMs always fill, and your drop rates be above average  Grin

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #81 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 9:45pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 3:47pm:
Think what you want to think but when you can't move for 5 minutes straight then DC well that has nothing to do with DR or Dmg!

When you stutter step and can't turn left or right without having to wait 5 seconds again that has absolutely nothing to do with DR or Dmg!

And this regularly happens in that one specific quest!

I was having some lag issues elsewhere {E-Star was particularly laggy during Risia} recently too but nothing like as bad as in To Curse the Sky

Holy fuck do you proofread your own posts? { is not ( and it never has been, and you can't end all of your sentences with an exclamation mark, it makes you look like you're an idiot. Oh, wait.

Seriously, the problem is you. Go back to the motherboards.

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Who Cares
Not this guy ^^^

You sir, are a dickbag.

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #82 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:36pm
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Most people come to the Vault so they can let others know what they think of them without moderation.

Fran comes to the Vault so others can let him know what they think of him without moderation.
« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:37pm by Who Cares »  

Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
Public Service Announcement: your servers are not dead; if you can't find groups, it means you suck and/or nobody likes you.
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Alex DeLarge
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #83 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 11:06pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 12:52pm:
Lucky you!

Every time I go in there I get such ludicrous lag the whole party {not just me} is dead in 5 seconds flat!

Actually I will say that the first time I went in there I didn't get the lag but every time since I have done.

It's not so bad once you actually get inside the building - It's the drop down at the water and the 5000 Abishai firing at you at the same time that lags out the entire party!

Francis, just for you, here is my advice on how to fix lag {both in game and iRL}.

1) Take a 3-5 ft long rope!
2) Tie a noose as shown in the picture below!

3) Lubricate the rope with solid soap around the noose area!
4) Find a chair and tie the free end to a fixture that is high up and can hold your weight!
5) Stand on the chair and put the noose around your neck directly below your chin!
6) Make sure the knot is placed under your left ear!
7) Kick the chair and drop!
8) ...
9) Profit!!!

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Ex Member

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #84 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 12:29am
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 3:47pm:
Me! me! me!!! me! pay attention to me!!!! me! me!!! me! me!! pay attention to me! me! me! me! me! pay attention to me!!!! me! me!!!! me! me! pay attention to me! me! !!! {{{{ me!! {{}}}}}!!!!

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DQ Assaulter

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #85 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 12:44am
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Who Cares wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 10:36pm:
Most people come to the Vault so they can let others know what they think of them without moderation.

Fran comes to the Vault so others can let him know what they think of him without moderation.

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One Man Wolfpack

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #86 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 2:31am
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I've said before, and I'll say again: every new pack doesn't need to be 1% slightly better than what came before. I don't get excited about a new item with 1 more doublestrike or resistance or fort or whatever. Give us unique effects.

For instance, look how popular Jibber's blade is. It's a completely unique effect (well it does mimic the wizard enhancement, but that's fine by me) that everyone can use. We haven't had a new bauble effect since... forever.

Remember when people farmed the eardweller for the unique effect? Granted, that unique effect was to squeeze the maximum spell DPS out at the time, but it's not found anywhere else. Give me an item with 2 charges of sprint boost. Give me an item with a ddoor clickie. Make  it exclusive. Make another teleport clicky besides the ml 28 belt or the mask in the quest no one does. Re-hire whoever was working on the wand bracelet and give us that shit.

Cannith boots are awesome. Every single toon I have has a pair. We have what.. 2 clickies for GH? gird and the necklace from tod stuff.. Two for deathward (if you count epic dusk heart)? zero FoM clickies if you don't count the eternal flask (same for DW).

Shit they removed the fire shield clicky cloak of ice. Almost none of these items dramatically changes the so called balance of power between the haves and the have-nots.. It's a perk for farming. 

More incrementally powerful loot != exciting loot. Personally, I stopped chasing that 1% increase with each new update and slew of items released. I get stuff that is good enough and still do fine.

I care more about cosmetics than the power creep stuff. That might just be me though.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #87 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:52am
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rest wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 2:31am:


There is SO MUCH that could be done with clickies alone. Let's forget about damage spells, because, let's face it, the current mechanics just make them trash.

In lines of utility spells, which can all be scrolled, we have a bunch of stuff worthwhile. Teleport, GTeleport, DDoor or even power words. They would have zero impact on balance and would requires minimal coding.

Then, a few charges of enhancements or even ED stuff (we had a couple on Legendary GS). I bet a lot of ppl would be pleased with stuff as simple as an "conjure arrows" clickie for one.

If you expand that to stuff that would require watching the balance/power creep (say, on hit/beeing hit spells triggers) much more stuff to do.

All that with minimal coding from stuff that already exist. If we venture on new codding the possibilities are endless - and no power creeping.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #88 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:57am
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 3:47pm:
Think what you want to think but when you can't move for 5 minutes straight then DC well that has nothing to do with DR or Dmg!

When you stutter step and can't turn left or right without having to wait 5 seconds again that has absolutely nothing to do with DR or Dmg!

And this regularly happens in that one specific quest!

I was having some lag issues elsewhere {E-Star was particularly laggy during Risia} recently too but nothing like as bad as in To Curse the Sky

Hey, moron. It's your fucking hardware, you god-damned, vegetable-level-IQ dipshit. You're practically the only person suffering lag in this quest. For normal people, that would be enough to tell them it's their hardware. Of course, you're too fucking stupid to figure that out. Hopefully, this post will be enough for you to figure that out - because I'm not going to bother with an engraved invitation.

OldCoaly wrote on May 27th, 2016 at 11:27am:
If one of those types of weapons isn't "wraps", then it's a non-starter for Fran.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #89 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:11am
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nowAvaultie wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:57am:
Hey, moron. It's your fucking hardware

Or the connection of anyone in his group.

Hating on Fran won't help him.  Show him a better way.

Groo The Wanderer wrote on Sep 8th, 2013 at 10:43pm:
they will probably congratulate themselves on how long they "kept it going" never able to see that it could have easily managed to keep itself going for far longer if they had just meddled far less drastically and with some semblance of an actual gameplan.
Darth Anonymous wrote on Feb 1st, 2014 at 1:11pm:
Hearing something has "merit" but we don't have "time" kind of says everything about how Turbine works on things.
eighnuss wrote on May 27th, 2014 at 12:52pm:
everyone but turbine knows that we are sad they are destroying our game
majmalphunktion wrote on Aug 30th, 2013 at 12:12am:
I don't make the game, I just get tested what they build. Sorry you are not happy.
Skoodge wrote on Nov 27th, 2014 at 6:54am:
DDO is easy to summarize - the greatest game to suck the most ass.
GooFY wrote on Mar 2nd, 2015 at 5:36pm:
Turbine - So incompetent that we are skeptical when they report their own incompetence.  
Meursault wrote on May 11th, 2015 at 8:10pm:
Other companies will settle for shitting out garbage, Turdbin actually prefers to. Especially if they can get us to buy it, that just cracks them up.
Meursault wrote on Nov 12th, 2015 at 2:50pm:
Breaking something and putting it back together isn't as good as not breaking it to begin with, it's not even close.
palmer01 wrote on Nov 20th, 2015 at 9:05am:
Devs do not care what players want - they already have an agenda and give out token gestures so the paladins can feel worthy.
PersonaNonGrata wrote on Oct 4th, 2016 at 1:24am:
The DDO devs aren't motivated by a positive user experience.

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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #90 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:20am
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Houshi wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:52am:
All that with minimal coding from stuff that already exist. If we venture on new codding the possibilities are endless - and no power creeping

That would be smart, creative, and fun. Turbine cannot do that. Against their religion.

Would be great if they placed the ED abilities or AP abilities on an item. Things like wraith form on a cloak, or grants centered on wraps if you're in cloth, or evasion on a light armor, or nerve venom on a throwing dagger, or whatever. It's what Path of Exile does with their unique items. Not all, but some have an ability that is wildly different or otherwise is a central ability to specific builds on the item. Which then spawns entire new build designs. They already implemented the range of mod rolls that can be on a specific item, just like PoE has.

Instead I get bugged out builds, like when they tried to fix MoK and fucked up warlock aura making my spells lose all caster levels and only count spell power and hamp. mainly my recons, if aura is on, they hit for 200~, when I turn aura off it goes back to 1200. Good job dicks.
« Last Edit: Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:20am by Rubbinns »  

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #91 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:28am
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Houshi wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:52am:

There is SO MUCH that could be done with clickies alone. Let's forget about damage spells, because, let's face it, the current mechanics just make them trash.

In lines of utility spells, which can all be scrolled, we have a bunch of stuff worthwhile. Teleport, GTeleport, DDoor or even power words. They would have zero impact on balance and would requires minimal coding.

Then, a few charges of enhancements or even ED stuff (we had a couple on Legendary GS). I bet a lot of ppl would be pleased with stuff as simple as an "conjure arrows" clickie for one.

If you expand that to stuff that would require watching the balance/power creep (say, on hit/beeing hit spells triggers) much more stuff to do.

All that with minimal coding from stuff that already exist. If we venture on new codding the possibilities are endless - and no power creeping.

Fuck! The last time the Devs listened to players about making more clickies, the fucktards removed them from existing loot then added Eternal Flasks to the game. The shared cooldown kills the Eternal Flasks since they take up fucking inv slots.

Just separating the cooldown of flasks depending on their tasks would greatly improve their usefulness in game --
-- defensive for stoneskin, dw and fom
-- offensive for haste and heroism
-- healing for the cove cure and heal rums

There you go. The Eternal flasks just got 3 times more useful than they currently are. Unfortunately, there's probably no one working there that can un-fuckin-tangle the cooldown code from the flasks.

Flasks were a good idea stolen from other mmos, but the execution of the item killed it before they hit lamannia.

And the sad thing is that the flasks could have done so many things with Mnem flasks being the most obvious neglected option.

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Horoluth Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #92 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:54am
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Yeah, flasks were a great idea killed by Turdbin bungling. Splitting off the cooldowns would be fantastic.

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #93 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:56am
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OldCoaly wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:11am:
Hating on Fran won't help him.  Show him a better way.

Sorry. I just can't. I think I've never hated someone as much as I hate him - ever in my entire life. I have to put up with his bullshit and stupidity and be nice to him on the official forums. I will try to rein it in some here. No guarantees other than I'll try.

OldCoaly wrote on May 27th, 2016 at 11:27am:
If one of those types of weapons isn't "wraps", then it's a non-starter for Fran.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #94 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:43am
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would be nice to see a +1 heart in there
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Dragon Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #95 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 10:43am
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Alex DeLarge wrote on Feb 23rd, 2016 at 11:06pm:
Francis, just for you, here is my advice on how to fix lag {both in game and iRL}.

1) Take a 3-5 ft long rope!
2) Tie a noose as shown in the picture below!

3) Lubricate the rope with solid soap around the noose area!
4) Find a chair and tie the free end to a fixture that is high up and can hold your weight!
5) Stand on the chair and put the noose around your neck directly below your chin!
6) Make sure the knot is placed under your left ear!
7) Kick the chair and drop!
8) ...
9) Profit!!!

I like the personal touches in here, really brings it up above the norm.

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Dragon Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #96 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 10:47am
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Rubbinns wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:20am:
That would be smart, creative, and fun. Turbine cannot do that. Against their religion.

Would be great if they placed the ED abilities or AP abilities on an item. Things like wraith form on a cloak, or grants centered on wraps if you're in cloth, or evasion on a light armor, or nerve venom on a throwing dagger, or whatever. It's what Path of Exile does with their unique items. Not all, but some have an ability that is wildly different or otherwise is a central ability to specific builds on the item. Which then spawns entire new build designs. They already implemented the range of mod rolls that can be on a specific item, just like PoE has.

Instead I get bugged out builds, like when they tried to fix MoK and fucked up warlock aura making my spells lose all caster levels and only count spell power and hamp. mainly my recons, if aura is on, they hit for 200~, when I turn aura off it goes back to 1200. Good job dicks.

Honestly, in defense of not doing that, I actually really like preserving build diversity. If an item is released that lets us be a wraith without taking wizard levels, why would we bother with wizard levels? I like how different character builds are life by life, it's what keeps me on the TR grind.

If they were to release AP or ED things, I'd personally have them require either levels of the class or the past life feat. Just my 2c.

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Dragon Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #97 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 11:09am
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Rubbinns wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:20am:

PoE devs get so mant things right. I wish I would get more into it.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #98 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 3:05pm
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Houshi wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 11:09am:
PoE devs get so mant things right. I wish I would get more into it.

I wish they'd make a game based on the D20 SRD. I bet that if they did I'd never log into DDO again. They just plain get it.

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Re: New U30 ML 30 Loot
Reply #99 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 3:31pm
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Barkabout wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:28am:
Fuck! The last time the Devs listened to players about making more clickies, the fucktards removed them from existing loot then added Eternal Flasks to the game. The shared cooldown kills the Eternal Flasks since they take up fucking inv slots.

I was actually surprised they didn't do this with legendary GS.  make clickies that share cooldown.

Revaulting wrote on Jul 7th, 2015 at 8:16pm:
Have you tried a lower difficulty, such as the official forums?
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