Durk wrote on Aug 16
th, 2016 at 9:22am:
So true!
Wine is the same, start with the nice expensive bottle and than start going downhill in correlation to your motor skills and senses. No one will shame you for opening the $10 bottle when you are down 6 already. Just don't open a box of wine, never a box of wine in company, that is the be enjoyed solo only.
10$ bottles ? damn, it's not cheap...
Since I promised to pull a Flav
web site with it priced, first one I found in Google... well wine searcher.
http://www.westsidewines.com/sku10863.html my own bottle... well one of the bottles from the box of 6 I bought when I was around Gigondas earlier... in may IIRC.
9 Euros the bottle IIRC. ( the Muscat is at 11 Euros for a 750ml bottle, just look at the prices for a Muscat de Beaumes de Venise from them )
Said another way I start at 10 Euro wines... and it goes downhill from there. Though I never go below 4 Euros the bottle...
Because even roaring drunk you do not want to drink what is sold below 4 Euros the bottle around here.
Now that I've pulled my Flav again, it's time to continue drinking another wine from them ( Doré du Fenouillet, white wine. ).
( anyway, I'll see them at Paris winefair in December and buy them another bunch of boxes of 6 bottles, so it's not as getting new bottles was hard )