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Dragon Raider

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Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:16pm
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Update 33 Release Notes

Welcome to the Update 33 Lamannia Release Notes, published on Wednesday, October 12th. These notes will change over time.

Of Special Note:

Return of The Night Revels

The Night Revels returns with new challenges and new loot! The new challenges are Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Plaza and Hayweird Foundry. They can be found in the event’s version of Delera’s Graveyard, and scale up to CR 35, when the Night Revels event is active.

Monk Updates

The Monk has been updated with changes to its enhancement trees, and handwraps have been re-worked to improve their usefulness and functionality! Handwraps now function as a new type of Exotic weapon. As before, they count as a two-handed weapon for equipment purposes, but benefit from Two Weapon Fighting bonuses. By default, they have a base die of 1d6 and a critical profile of (20)x2. All existing handwraps have been updated. Further changes to handwraps and the monk are described below.

New Deity Feats

Clerics, Favored Souls, and Paladins have new deities to follow, and new feats to choose! For Eberron-based characters, new feats are available for Onatar, Aureon, Olladra, and The Blood of Vol. For Forgotten Realms-based characters, Helm and Silvanus have been added.

Reaper Mode

The Dungeon Master is trying to kill you. Check it out! Available for quests within two levels of your character. (NOTE: This is an EARLY preview of Reaper Mode, and does not include any rewards or benefits from running it. That'll come later. Reaper Mode will not be arriving with Update 33.)

News and Notes:


The proper loading screen now displays when using the Farshifter to travel to Three Barrel Cove.

Cannith Crafting:

Skill Tomes and Skill Upgrade Tomes can once again be exchanged for Purified Eberron Dragonshards.
Randomly-generated items which could not previously be Dissolved now can be.


Warlock’s Shining Through now gives Temporary Hit Points equal to 8x your Constitution Score, rather than 12x.
Monk abilities that let unarmed attacks bypass Damage Reduction now also add DR to handwraps as well.
Monk Stances:
Critical Multiplier has moved out of all Mountain Stances and into the corresponding Sun stances.
Ocean Stance has had its Dodge raised to 3/6/9/12%.
Form Ki moves’ elemental damage now scales with Melee Power.
Vorpal Strike now works with handwraps.

Most additional damage provided by Monks' elemental strikes now scales with Melee Power.
All Finishing Moves that are Melee attacks now deal +1[w] on their attack.
Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light now deals +0.5[w] on its attack.
Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light now deals 4d6 Light damage to all creatures on hit, which scales with Melee Power.
Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light's Vorpal portion now scales with Melee Power.
Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Darkness' effects now scale with Melee Power.
Several Finishing Moves have had their text updated to more clearly state what they do.
Gathering Storm: Boosted to 15% (was 10).
Raging Sea: Boosted to 15% (was 10).
Shining Star: Now uses Wisdom instead of Charisma for its saving throw.
Healing Ki: 1d4 per Monk level.
Moment of Clarity: Bonuses now stack (was Insight).

DDO Store:

Cannith Challenge boosters and +20 Jump Potions are now Bound to Account instead of Bound to Character.


Divine Might and Know the Angles now have their proper anti-requisites.
The Gnome’s Wand and Scroll Mastery now works correctly.
Kensei’s Martial Arts enhancement group now contains handwraps.
Warlock's Enlightened Spirit's Brilliance no longer grants temporary hit points to NPCs.
Changes have been made to monk enhancements:
Ninja Spy
There is a new Tier 5 ability called Deadly Striker: While you are centered with any weapon other than handwraps or a quarterstaff, you gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Threat Range. Kamas and Shuriken get double this bonus.
Ninja Master now grants a +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Multiplier while centered and using something other than handwraps or a quarterstaff.
There is a new Tier 2 Action Boost: Melee and Ranged Power.
Each Ninjutsu ability in Ninja Spy now also grants +1 to hit and damage with weapons other than a quarterstaff or handwraps when centered.
Basic Ninja Training and Advanced Ninja Training now applies to all weapons you are centered with.
Ninja Poison now scales with Melee Power.
Poisoned Darts now adds 1d8 stacks of Ninja Poison.
Ninja Master is now +2 Dexterity and Wisdom. In addition, its Competence Bonuses to Critical Threat Range are now Critical Threat Multipliers that benefit all centered weapons other than handwraps and quarterstaves.
Poison Exploit now does 1d10+10 per stack.
Touch of Death now scales with 200% Melee Power, and is unlinked from Ninjutsu.
Shadow Double goes up to +3[w], its Doublestrike bonus has been reduced to 50%, but its duration has been doubled. The cooldown has been reduced to 20 seconds.
Combined Stealthy and Faster Sneaking have had their Action Point cost reduced to 1AP.
Subtlety has been moved down to Tier 1.
Agility has moved into Subtlety’s old spot.
Each tier of Ninjutsu now grants a passive +(to hit and damage) with centered weapons other than handwraps and quarterstaves.
Each tier of Ninjutsu is now 1AP.

Elemental Curatives now also grants +1 to hit and damage while centered and unarmed or with handwraps.
Reed in the Wind has been updated to match Kensei’s stronger version: Damage is +1/2/3[w], and the cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds.
Elemental Curatives are now 1AP.
Kukan-do’s DC is now Wisdom based.
Iron Skin now works regardless of your chosen stance.
Violence Begets Violence now works regardless of your chosen stance.
To Seek Perfection now gives +4 Wisdom.
Touch the Void Dragon’s buffs to Ability Scores now stack with everything.
All bonuses in Core Abilities that previously worked only against Tainted Creatures now work against everything.
Smite Tainted Creature now works against all creatures, with an extgra save needed for Tainted creatures.
Jade Strike now works against all creatures, with an extra saving throw needed for Tainted creatures.
Tomb of Jade now works against all creatures, with an extra saving throw needed for Tainted creatures.
Rise of the Phoenix and Empty Hand have switched places in the tree. Rise of the Phoenix is no longer tied to Elemental Curatives.
Empty Hand Mastery is now a +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range and Multiplier when using handwraps.
Meditation of War’s bonuses now stack with other effects.

Henshin Mystic
The package granted with each Core Ability no longer grants Spell Power and Spell Critical; instead, they grant an equivalent amount of Melee Power.
Ki bolt has had its damage improved to Per Monk Level, instead of every two levels.
Sounding Staff no longer makes Staves implements, and instead provides +2 Ki per hit while wielding a staff, and the Quick Draw Feat.
Serenity’s Wisdom bonus is now +4, no longer has Spell Power and Critical bonuses, and gains +25 Melee Power.
Elemental Words do +1[w] and give the enemy +2 stacks of Vulnerability on hit.
Quick Strike cooldown is now 18/15/12.
Void Strike now deals 3[w] damage, and its Force damage now scales with Melee Power.
Mystic Training is now one Action Point per rank.
Embrace the Voice is now one Action Point per rank.
Focus’ bonuses to hit and damage now stack with other sources.
Every Light Casts a Shadow is now +2[w], targets get 1d4 negative levels, and all nearby enemies get 1d2 negative levels immediately.

In all three trees, Elemental Ki strikes have been changed. Eagle Claw Attack now applies four stacks, and stacks to 15. Knock on the Sky reduces enemy physical damage by 4% per stack. Unbalancing Strike is now +3[w].

Epic Destinies:

Divine Crusader’s Consecrated Ground aura no longer heals NPCs.
Fury Eternal and Unbridled Fury now explicitly say they work with ranged weapons.
Grandmaster of Flowers now grants handwrap proficiency in its first Core Ability.


Six new Deity options are available for Clerics, Paladins, and Favored Souls at their first level. These are analogous to the existing Deity feats and abilities.
As is the case on Live, each Deity’s feats consist of the following:
A “Follower” feat. This is bestowed for free with your first level of Cleric, Paladin, or Favored Soul. In taking this feat, you choose your Deity and gain proficiency with their Favored Weapon.
A “Child of” feat. This is granted to 3rd level Favored Souls for free, and can be taken by 3rd level Clerics or Paladins. It gives bonuses with your deity’s Favored Weapon.
A unique active ability. This is granted to 6th level Favored Souls, Paladins, and Clerics.
A “Beloved” feat. This is granted to 12th level Favored Souls for free, and can be taken by 12th level Clerics or Paladins. It gives additional bonuses with your deity’s Favored Weapon.
Aureon, Sovereign of Law and Lore
Aureon is the god of magic, known for his wisdom.
Available to: All Eberron characters who are not Bladeforged
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Level 6 Unique Active Feat: Aureon's Instruction: You are a devoted follower of Aureon, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to channel the power of Aureon's wisdom for 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per Religious Lore feat you have. In this state, you gain +4 Wisdom, +3 to Spell Penetration, +2 to your effective level for Turn Undead, +4 to maximum Hit Dice affected when using Turn Undead, and +4 to the total Hit Dice affected by Turn Undead.

Olladra, Sovereign of Feast and Good Fortune
Olladra is a goddess of both luck and healing.
Available to: All Eberron characters who are not Bladeforged
Favored Weapon: Sickle
Level 6 Unique Active Feat: Luck of Olladra: You are a devoted follower of Olladra, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to heal yourself or an ally to full health and bestow +1d6 Luck Bonus to each Ability Score, lasting 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per Religious Lore feat you have.

Onatar, Sovereign of Forge and Flame
Onatar is the god of smiths and craftsmen, as well as many Dwarves and Artificers.
Available to: All Eberron characters who are not Bladeforged
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Level 6 Unique Active Feat: Onatar's Forge: You are a devoted follower of Onatar, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to channel the power of Onatar's mighty forge for 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per Religious Lore feat you have. In this state, you gain +3 to Tactical Feats, +10 Melee Power, +10 Repair Spell Power, +10 Rust Spell Power, and +10 Fire Spell Power. If you are a Warforged or otherwise already benefit from Repair, you gain +30 Repair Amplification.

The Blood of Vol
The Blood of Vol worships no god, but rather the divinity that lies within all people, aiming to embrace one’s true potential.
Available to: All Eberron characters who are not Bladeforged
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Level 6 Unique Active Feat: The Blood is The Life: You are a devoted follower of The Blood of Vol, and your zeal has been rewarded. Activate this ability to draw upon the power within your own blood for 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per Religious Lore feat you have. In this state, you gain +4 Constitution, 100% Fortification, +10 to Fortitiude Saves, and PRR and MRR equal to the number of Religiousl Lore feats you have. Your attacks with Daggers also gain the effects of Vampirism, stacking with other sources of Vampirism.

Helm, the Watcher
Helm is the god of guardians, protection, and protectors.
Available to: All Forgotten Realms characters who are not Morninglords.
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
Level 6 Unique Active Feat: Ever Watchful: You are a devoted follower of Helm, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to draw upon the vigilance of Helm for 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per Religious Lore feat you have. In this state, you gain True Seeing, +5 Sacred bonus to Spot and Search, +4 Wisdom, +5 to Fortitude saves, and PRR equal to the number of Religious Lore feats you have.

Silvanus, the Forest Father
Silvanus is the god of nature and balance.
Available to: All Forgotten Realms characters who are not Morninglords.
Favored Weapon: Maul
Level 6 Unique Active Feat: Blessing of Silvanus: You are a devoted follower of Silvanus, and your faith has been rewarded. Toggling this on gives you Blessing of Silvanus: You gain +4 Natural Armor bonus to AC, and Mauls you wield gain +2 to their Critical Threat Range. This stacks with other sources.

In addition to the above new feats, we have readjusted how the basic Deity feats’ bonuses to Favored Weapons work. There are three feats. The first currently gives +1 To Hit with your Favored Weapon. The other two each currently provide +1 To Hit and Damage with your Favored Weapon.
The first (“Follower of”, at level 1) of these three is unchanged.
The second (“Child of”, at level 3) still gives +1 To Hit and Damage if your Favored Weapon is Exotic (like Helm's), but +2 to those for all other Favored Weapons.
The third (“Beloved of”, at level 12) gives +1 if your Favored Weapon is Exotic, +2 if your Favored Weapon is Martial, and +3 if your Favored Weapon is Simple.
All of these bonuses are cumulative, so if your Deity is Olladra (whose Favored Weapon is the Sickle), you would end up with +5 To Hit and +6 To Damage after taking all three Feats.

Bladesworn Transformation’s duration is now 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per Religious Lore feat you have, consistent with the other Actives above.
Favored Soul: Angel of Vengeance:
The 6th core in Angel of Vengeance, “Ascendancy”, grants a different bonus depending on your chosen Deity. As there are new Deities, there are also new choices for pure Favored Souls who take the capstone in this tree. Do note that these will likely improve when the planned Favored Soul pass occurs:
Aureon Ascendancy: True Knowledge: Passive: You gain +2 Charisma and +2 to the Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skills. Active: You are able to cast the spell Command at will without using spell points.
Olladra Ascendancy: Divine Luck: Passive: You gain +2 Charisma and +2 to the Bluff and Heal skills. Active: You are able to cast the spell Lucky Cape at will without using spell points.
Onatar Ascendancy: Repairing the Broken: Passive: You gain +2 Charisma and +2 to the Repair and Spellcraft, skills. Active: You are able to cast the spell Repair Serious Damage at will without using spell points.
The Blood of Vol Ascendancy: Draw Blood: Passive: You gain +2 Charisma and +2 to the Diplomacy and Heal skills. Active: You are able to cast the spell Inflict Moderate Wounds at will without using spell points.
Helm Ascendancy: Eternal Guardian: Passive: You gain +2 Charisma and +2 to the Spot and Intimidate skills. Active: You are able to cast the spell Mass Aid at will without using spell points.
Silvanus Ascendancy: Natural Bounty: Passive: You gain +2 Charisma and +2 to the Jump and Hide skills. Active: You are able to cast the spell Vigor at will without using spell points.

Stunning Fist now specifically requires Handwraps to use.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Handwraps has been added. Monks get this proficiency at level 1.
Handwraps have been added to Feats that grant bonuses with Bludgeoning weapons.

Festivals and Events:

Festivult Abishai Cookies work as a set again.


Old Cannith Challenge items are now properly affected by Masterful Craftsmanship.
The Legendary Greensteel Conjure Bolts Augment now actually conjures bolts.
Planar Shards, Outsider Tokens, and Draconic Runes now properly go into bags.

Monster Manual:

The Monster Manual plant icon is now more plant-like and decidedly less beholder-like.


There is no longer a typo in Thela Bonmar’s dialog after players defeat Augolroasa.
The Harbor guard now knows how to spell Emperor.
Guard Crichton no longer references Kobold Assault instead of Dead Predators.

Quests and Adventure Areas:

Fixed numerous instances where Optional Objectives were not specifying the type of creature to be defeated in order to complete the objective.
Slavers of the Shrieking Mines now has a second beholder.
Beyond the Rift’s dialog box no longer stays open when teleporting.
Beyond the Flame’s dialog and reward boxes no longer pop up simultaneously.
The entrance to the Gianthold wilderness area no longer sometimes takes you back to the Gianthold public area.
A typo in the Dungeon Master text in Prey on the Hunter has been fixed.
Demon Assault no longer respawns enemies after the end chest is opened.


Protection from Evil now has a proper length Immunity Ward.


Numerous minor typos have been corrected throughout the game.
Several instances where DNT text would appear have been corrected.
Pony tails now animate correctly.

monk changes 2016 for president
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #1 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:50pm
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What is "reaper mode"?

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #2 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:14pm
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noamineo wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:50pm:
What is "reaper mode"?

A system of epeen measurement.

"The court heard that Duffy has Asperger's syndrome and suffers with alcohol problems."

Or as we call it here: Mod status.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #3 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:17pm
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Sailias wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:16pm:
Planar Shards, Outsider Tokens, and Draconic Runes now properly go into bags.

It's shocking. Mostly because this means the devs know these things exist.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #4 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:18pm
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Dr_tank2vich wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:14pm:
A system of epeen measurement.

That's the closest I've gotten to an explanation yet.

But in all seriousness: why is there such a blatant refusal by the DDO community at large to answer this question? I've been seeing mentions of it off and on for a year. Literally NO ONE anywhere, on any board, will elaborate more than "a difficulty mode" and then act like all the other details are just common knowledge.

Which is weird, because usually people love bragging about knowing things about the game.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #5 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:21pm
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noamineo wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:18pm:
That's the closest I've gotten to an explanation yet.

But in all seriousness: why is there such a blatant refusal by the DDO community at large to answer this question? I've been seeing mentions of it off and on for a year. Literally NO ONE anywhere, on any board, will elaborate more than "a difficulty mode" and then act like all the other details are just common knowledge.

There are no details. That's what's common knowledge.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #6 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:33pm
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Revaulting wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:21pm:
There are no details. That's what's common knowledge.

See, that explains a whole lot. I say this non-sarcastically: that actually answers my question.

"Its a difficulty mode, but no details are known yet" why was no one else ever able to say that?

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #7 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:41pm
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noamineo wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:50pm:
What is "reaper mode"?

Every monster is a champ with no chance to drop remnants, constant dispel magic bursts ala part 3 of shroud,  random equipment disjunction and removal of all shrines.

At least that is what I would make it.

If you can roll it you can smoke it.  If you can carve it you can smoke with it.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #8 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:41pm
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noamineo wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:33pm:
See, that explains a whole lot. I say this non-sarcastically: that actually answers my question.

"Its a difficulty mode, but no details are known yet" why was no one else ever able to say that?

Because that's what common knowledge does. It fucks over internet communication, RL communication, politics, treaties, world peace ... and people's ability to tell you they don't know the details of reaper mode either. Like, duh, you know that much so you can't be asking it.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #9 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 7:04pm
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Toke wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:41pm:
Every monster is a champ with no chance to drop remnants, constant dispel magic bursts ala part 3 of shroud,  random equipment disjunction and removal of all shrines.

At least that is what I would make it.

Yes, but you're more creative than a turbine dev.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #10 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 7:05pm
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Revaulting wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:41pm:
Because that's what common knowledge does. It fucks over internet communication, RL communication, politics, treaties, world peace ... and people's ability to tell you they don't know the details of reaper mode either. Like, duh, you know that much so you can't be asking it.

Easiest way to troll me: ask simple, straightforward, common knowledege kind of questions, then laugh when I waste my time answering.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #11 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 7:25pm
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noamineo wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 7:05pm:
Easiest way to troll me: ask simple, straightforward, common knowledege kind of questions, then laugh when I waste my time answering.

Yeah, that's usually the poor fucker being embarrassed at how simple the answer looks in hindsight, and then trying to cover it up. The trying to cover it up is what makes them both a troll, and a poor fucker. Being embarrassed by learning things is a good way to stay stupid your whole life.

Alternately, the troll is a wise-ass who's sick of pontificating idiots like me, who too often summarize things as if they are common knowledge. Basically just so they can feel superior without having to go through the tedious & time-intensive effort of knowing what they're talking about.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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Ah Pook
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #12 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 7:54pm
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Sailias wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:16pm:
Planar Shards, Outsider Tokens, and Draconic Runes now properly go into bags.

The entrance to the Gianthold wilderness area no longer sometimes takes you back to the Gianthold public area.

These are the most exciting updates, and I'm a monk nuthugger.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Daggertooth wrote on Apr 14th, 2017 at 6:52pm:
I'm pretty fucking sure I am a special snowflake.

Frank wrote on Apr 2nd, 2017 at 8:32am:
Laugh it up, funny man.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #13 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 8:57pm
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Maybe Turbine quit smoking.

Silence is golden, but I only get silver rolls.
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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #14 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 9:07pm
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reaper 10 skulls is dope. first room in slavers pt1,  Slaver Thug hit you for 1,580 points of slash damage. vs 62.10% reduction

10 champ spawns and 2 reapers when I died. fun stuff
« Last Edit: Oct 12th, 2016 at 9:07pm by Rubbinns »  

Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #15 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 9:14pm
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so its a ranged dps mode Smiley

Bout that 28% move speed...
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #16 - Oct 12th, 2016 at 9:54pm
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noamineo wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:18pm:
That's the closest I've gotten to an explanation yet.

But in all seriousness: why is there such a blatant refusal by the DDO community at large to answer this question? I've been seeing mentions of it off and on for a year. Literally NO ONE anywhere, on any board, will elaborate more than "a difficulty mode" and then act like all the other details are just common knowledge.

Which is weird, because usually people love bragging about knowing things about the game.

PersonaNonGrata wrote on Sep 22nd, 2016 at 9:41pm:
I believe Reaper was the planned difficulty above Elite at one time.
Someone found it in the Lama code or documentation somewhere, and then Turbine promptly distanced itself from it as the fanbois wet themselves on the mobos.
Others here are referring to it as "Legendary" difficulty which is easily confused with legendary content.

You were answered with what we knew.  There is nothing mocking or missing in my response above?

If you have a problem with people answering your inane questions politely, then I have some more honest advice.
Learn to fucken Google dipshit!   

Plenty of speculation out there.  Knock yourself out.

And as has been explained - we didn't know what Reaper was (until this Lammania preview).  Do you think Cordovan sends us special development notes so we know what's is coming?

Reaper is simply a difficulty level.  The devs who have no idea what to do to make the game fun, are going to dial up the challenge to 20 and think players will enjoy getting annihilated by stupid numbers of mods.
All the under the guise of "the DM is trying to kill you".
Welcome back to D&D when you were ten years old.

Now let's see how they incentivise Reaper mode play...
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #17 - Oct 13th, 2016 at 2:55am
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PersonaNonGrata wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 9:54pm:
All the under the guise of "the DM is trying to kill you".
Welcome back to D&D when you were ten years old.

No, D&D when I was 10 years old if my DM wanted to kill me, I was dead a few seconds after the game session started.
there was no if, no when, no try. The DM will always win at the killing players game.

What Turbine is doing is just sending a bone to gnaw at all the whiny bitches that find DDO too easy.
( most of them weren't there in the early days, otherwise they'd know that DDO has been made too easy because people ( like them )  whined that it was too hard. )

Instead of a new difficulty with all champions immune to everything, insane DR and mountains of HPS they should rollback stupid shit like Dungeon scaling, and make dungeons
to be "relatively difficult for a balanced party of 6, with good equipment for the level" in difficulty for Normal, " very difficult for a balanced party of 6, with good equipment for the level" for Hard, and "Extremely difficult for a balanced party of 6, with the best equipment at level for the the level" for Elite and be done with it.
And along the way rename Casual to Solo ( and enforce the Solo ) as it used to be when they introduced that difficutly.


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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #18 - Oct 13th, 2016 at 3:43am
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Flav wrote on Oct 13th, 2016 at 2:55am:
Instead of a new difficulty with all champions immune to everything, insane DR and mountains of HPS they should rollback stupid shit like Dungeon scaling, and make dungeons
to be "relatively difficult for a balanced party of 6, with good equipment for the level" in difficulty for Normal, " very difficult for a balanced party of 6, with good equipment for the level" for Hard, and "Extremely difficult for a balanced party of 6, with the best equipment at level for the the level" for Elite and be done with it.
And along the way rename Casual to Solo ( and enforce the Solo ) as it used to be when they introduced that difficutly.

All of this, except as options when entering the quest. Fuck off with forcing people to have fun only one way.

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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #19 - Oct 13th, 2016 at 8:01am
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noamineo wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 6:33pm:
See, that explains a whole lot. I say this non-sarcastically: that actually answers my question.

"Its a difficulty mode, but no details are known yet" why was no one else ever able to say that?

Probably because no one felt they should have to say it. Every thread that I've ever seen on Reaper Mode clearly articulates that it's speculation about what Reaper Mode should be like. Jesus. Do you need someone to explain what's meant when you see a stop sign, too?

OldCoaly wrote on May 27th, 2016 at 11:27am:
If one of those types of weapons isn't "wraps", then it's a non-starter for Fran.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #20 - Oct 13th, 2016 at 8:03am
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Flav wrote on Oct 13th, 2016 at 2:55am:
And along the way rename Casual to Solo ( and enforce the Solo ) as it used to be when they introduced that difficutly.

No to this. If a party can't handle normal, they should have the option of an easier difficulty. Also, what happens if someone wants to run quests that require multiple players?

OldCoaly wrote on May 27th, 2016 at 11:27am:
If one of those types of weapons isn't "wraps", then it's a non-starter for Fran.
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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #21 - Oct 13th, 2016 at 12:17pm
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Sailias wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:16pm:
Slavers of the Shrieking Mines now has a second beholder.

Glad that one's off the to-do list.


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Vault Frog

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #22 - Oct 13th, 2016 at 1:30pm
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nowAvaultie wrote on Oct 13th, 2016 at 8:03am:
No to this. If a party can't handle normal, they should have the option of an easier difficulty. Also, what happens if someone wants to run quests that require multiple players?

Come on, even with scaling removed and set to full party all the time, quests on normal are not that hard to solo. If a full balanced party can't handle normal at level, they should really consider how their characters are built... even my Monday Group ( read : static group, no twinking, half the party 28 pointers, half the party only play in that group, the newbie in a given quest leads the group, flowersniffing, and looking at every nook and cranies, doing quests at level and only once unless there's no other choice to reach the next level ) can tackle most the quests on Epic Hard at level ( though usually we just do them on Epic Normal, because of the 'At Level' thingie, We are epic... LVL 26... The group started a few week after release, there's been a few changes in the early days, but the group has been the same for 9 years now, and I agree that knowing intimately what the other 5 can do helps a lot in a tight situation { because after 9 years that's how you know what the other characters in the party can do} ] )

once upon a time it was a challenge people bragged about... like once upon a time it was a challenge to enter quests way underlevel ( read : with LVL 5 toons in a LVL 9 or 10 quest ).

Bravery Bonus is not being brave in any quest... it's just doing quest on l33t at level, nothing to brag about... Doing VON3 on normal with a full party of LVL 5 character is being brave ( or foolish... but it's doable, since it's been done. )


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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #23 - Oct 13th, 2016 at 1:39pm
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Flav wrote on Oct 13th, 2016 at 1:30pm:
Come on, even with scaling removed and set to full party all the time, quests on normal are not that hard to solo. If a full balanced party can't handle normal at level, they should really consider how their characters are built... even my Monday Group ( read : static group, no twinking, half the party 28 pointers, half the party only play in that group, the newbie in a given quest leads the group, flowersniffing, and looking at every nook and cranies, doing quests at level and only once unless there's no other choice to reach the next level ) can tackle most the quests on Epic Hard at level ( though usually we just do them on Epic Normal, because of the 'At Level' thingie, We are epic... LVL 26... The group started a few week after release, there's been a few changes in the early days, but the group has been the same for 9 years now, and I agree that knowing intimately what the other 5 can do helps a lot in a tight situation { because after 9 years that's how you know what the other characters in the party can do} ] )

once upon a time it was a challenge people bragged about... like once upon a time it was a challenge to enter quests way underlevel ( read : with LVL 5 toons in a LVL 9 or 10 quest ).

Bravery Bonus is not being brave in any quest... it's just doing quest on l33t at level, nothing to brag about... Doing VON3 on normal with a full party of LVL 5 character is being brave ( or foolish... but it's doable, since it's been done. )

Well, my response was operating under the assumption that something like the rest of your suggestion comes to pass. Even if it does not, I just don't see any reason to pigeonhole people and force them to play one particular way just because you (well, most of us - at least most of us on this site) don't struggle to handle hard or elite at level. Remember: Even people like Fran need difficulties they can successfully complete.

OldCoaly wrote on May 27th, 2016 at 11:27am:
If one of those types of weapons isn't "wraps", then it's a non-starter for Fran.
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Vault Frog

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #24 - Oct 14th, 2016 at 3:14am
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nowAvaultie wrote on Oct 13th, 2016 at 1:39pm:
Even people like Fran need difficulties they can casually complete.


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