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Normal Topic Lamannia Release Notes for U33 (Read 9941 times)
Shroud Slacker

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #25 - Oct 14th, 2016 at 3:47am
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Sailias wrote on Oct 12th, 2016 at 5:16pm:

So, is any of this the “stuff you couldn't talk about”?

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Korthos Resident

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #26 - Oct 14th, 2016 at 8:32am
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Flav wrote on Oct 13th, 2016 at 2:55am:
... they should rollback stupid shit like Dungeon scaling, and make dungeons
to be "relatively difficult for a balanced party of 6, with good equipment for the level" in difficulty for Normal, " very difficult for a balanced party of 6, with good equipment for the level" for Hard, and "Extremely difficult for a balanced party of 6, with the best equipment at level for the the level" for Elite and be done with it.

That would surely be last nail in the coffin.
I can Agree with the Elite diff. but 6 good equiped balanced party for Normal diff is nonsence.
There are several problems with this.
- People skill. For some hardcore elitists its still possible to solo content where other 6 noobs party die. If you measure by the 1st case you make game that 95% of new players are pushed soo hard away they stop playing first day and never comes back. If by the 2nd then you never can call it "content that need balanced good geared party of 6"
- DDO difficult metagame. DDO has one of the most difficult metage system of MMORPGs (maybe even THE most).
Again the newbie cannot compare to somone playing DDO last 5+ years. Theres just soooo mutch KH needed to play as hardcore player that you cannot expect comparing newbies to somona playing it 5+ years. I bet even balanced and good geared party of 6 that plays his first toon will be outperformed hugely with one elitist playing his 30+ life lefthanded while watching movie and eating same time ... just because he KNOWS what the fuck is he doing.

There just have to be difficulty for those newbies. It irrelevant if we call it "normal", "casual" or "babynerf". But there is need for it. Somone playing 5+ years will never use it (even somone playing 2nd toon will not use it probably). But it is needed.

Now we can talk about other difficulties. And i agree for many players even most Hard and Elite dungeons is (soloable) joke. But still i think the right way isnt to set whole game difficulty based on one small group of elitists.
Better solution is to add bigger spectrum of difficulties.
And what i want for long time "ACHIEVEMENTS" .. like "complete Shroud with all party members equiping olny Khortos quality gear" Wink
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Puppy Farmer

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Re: Lamannia Release Notes for U33
Reply #27 - Oct 15th, 2016 at 4:26am
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Handwraps now function as a new type of Exotic weapon. As before, they count as a two-handed weapon for equipment purposes, but benefit from Two Weapon Fighting bonuses.

Meh, I still think they should have made handwraps one handed weapons.  Then they wouldn't have this stupid hybrid of a two handed weapon not getting two handed benefits but getting two weapon benefits.  Would it break the game for Monks to get another couple effects with their punches?  Or another red slot or DR breaking type?  I don't think so.

And how will this even work?  No to hit penalties at all, because you're not actually using two weapons?  Does the off-hand proc just proc another strike of the two-handed wraps?  It needs a lot more explanation to make clear sense of it.

And how will this work with the Ranger SWF exploit?

New Deity Feats
I'm not impressed, but it's better than nothing.  All the divines are feat starved, but I suppose it offers some different crappy weapons which might blend better with multi-class builds.  Is a Rogue actually going to take 6 Cleric/FvS levels just to get a stacking vampirism on their daggers?  I don't think so, but maybe I'm missing something.
It's unclear whether the +30 Ramp for Onatar is permanent or only a bonus for Forged for the duration.  If the former, that's pretty decent.  If the latter, *yawn*.

Divine Might and Know the Angles now have their proper anti-requisites.
Because this was a heavily used exploit.  And didn't they claim not too long ago that it wasn't a heavily used exploit and so they would prefer to focus on other fixes?  Why yes, yes they did.

Monk Enhance trees.
Seems decent on first read.  A lot of melee/ranged power, crit range/multiplier, and scaling effects.  But boring and effective is better than fancy and ineffective IMO.

But what's with all the "other than handwraps and quarterstaves" disclaimers?  Are they afraid of Rogue/Monk builds with the quarterstaff exclusions, or Ninja/Henshin builds (the Competence bonuses won't stack)?  And do they think that the Two Weapon Fighting feats will be too potent if included in all those excluded abilities, or what?  I'm not quite sure what's going on there.

Quests and Adventure Areas:
Looks like they picked a number of items from the "one thing" thread.  Kudos, and more credit for Lynabell than for the rest of the slackers, but better than just continuing to ignore very well known issues forever.  I hope this continues.  Is it sad that I'd rather have them fix typos and minor bugs than come out with more lame content?  I feel that with Slave Lords crafting and LGS crafting that the game now has a fairly long duration of grind to it that will take me at least a solid 4-6 months to wear out of benefits.  It'll start getting old long before I make my 4th Slave Lords item, but that's what grinds do to a game.  I'd rather see them finish all the obviously unfinished areas in the Slave Lords and/or add more content that dropped the same crafting rewards for either or both of Slave Lords and LShroud than add more content with some crappy new crafting system or just more named stuff.

At least they are adding 2 new runs in Night Revels.  I got so tired of grinding those that I only picked up one of each of the Wis/Int augments and another one each of the crit bonus robes/docent, plus a few other trivial items (broom for Flaming Sphere, that sort of crap).

« Last Edit: Oct 15th, 2016 at 4:36am by Frank »  

No, let me be Frank.

Digimonk wrote on Dec 8th, 2016 at 12:39pm:
I've had multiple RoSS rot just from doing the explorer points in Sands across multiple lives since it is exclusive.

Smart players know how to use buyback.

Digimonk wrote on Dec 22nd, 2016 at 1:58pm:
I will not chone.

I did what I did intentionally and while my primary purpose was not to annoy the other Vaulties, I acknowledge that it was a side effect.

Smart people don't elicit "side effects."  They understand in advance the consequences of their actions.
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