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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Feb 1st, 2017 at 3:58pm
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Update 34 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 34 Death or Glory, published on Thursday, February 2nd, 2017
A New Free Dungeon!
Visit a wizard’s tower in the The Tower of Frost. This free quest is available at level 14 on Heroic Difficulty and level 28 on Epic Difficulty. The NPC to acquire the quest can be found int he marketplace. Near the fountain by the Phoenix Tavern and is named Crawben Bix.
Reaper Difficulty

Reaper Difficulty offers a new challenge for the toughest adventurers! Reaper difficulty can be selected from the quest portal UI for many quests and raids throughout the game. When you select Reaper difficulty, there is also a drop-down list of between one and ten Skulls, which affects quest/raid difficulty and reward. Special Reaper Bonuses can be found on items acquired in Reaper Difficulty, there is an increased chance to get named items, and you'll earn Reaper Experience. Reaper XP will award a Reaper Point at certain thresholds that can be spent on abilities in a special Reaper benefit tree, among other things! Warning: Reaper difficulty is meant for players who enjoy a serious challenge. You have been warned!

News and Notes

The Champion system has been updated. Champion crowns will now designate whether the Champion is Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3. Champion buffs now randomly pick between a set of template themes after the Outer and Inner Planes where they get their boost.
Champions still do not appear on Normal, and will only be Tier 1 on Hard. Elite will have Tiers 1 and 2, while Reaper difficulty will have up to Tier 3.
The global damage modifier for champions has been reduced to account for new abilities. This does not affect mini boss champions.
Players can see the kind of Champion they are fighting by looking at the creature's title. Additional detail can be found in the examination window.
Red-named bosses can no longer be Champions.
Fixed some stacking damage-over-time effects on Champions that were not applying correctly.
Champion damage-over-time effects on players now last for ten seconds per stack instead of six.
Most defender NPCs and allies will no longer be eligible for Champion status.
Champion titles appear when overhead health bars are visible


Rangers para arrrows no longer refresh their duration when re-applied to an old copy. This gives mopnsters a small window to make a saving throw
Cleric’s Martydom now removes turn undead charges reliably
Paladin’s Etern al Defender now removes turn undead charges reliably
Bladeforged’s Power of the Forge now frants +20 Melee and Ranged power instead of 20% damage. This ability shares a cooldown with other action boosts.
Hellball and Eldritch Ball no longer proc extra times if you are within melee range of your targets.


Bluff’s difficulty scaling has been toned down
Shiv’s bluff now effects red named bosses again for the purposes of sneak attack
Monster Assist range has been reduced. Monsters will not share aggro if a player in stealth kills them unless their friends are actually looking at them. This allows an assasin to attack monsters in stealth as long as they also manage monsters site lines.
Death effects including Warlock Feat Hurl through Hell and the spell Trap the Soul are now properly blocked by death wards. These effects will continue to work on undead or monsters who are only protected by their own racial traits, genius or other effects. But will be specifically blocked by death ward effects. Additionally Hurl through Hell now has a spell point cost of 20 spell points.


Human and Half-Elf action boosts no longer have separate cooldowns from other sources of action boosts. They continue to retains a separate number of uyses per rest.
Human and Half-Elf Action Boost: Damage is now called Human and Half-Elf Boost Melee and Ranged Power

Epic Destinies

Draconic Incarnation’s breath weapons attacks now count as Evocation Spells and get full metamagic feats.
Draconic Incarnation’s breath weapon attacks no longer require hard targeting


Master of Knowledge no longer procs on spells other than the ones it is intended to


All named items in the game can now be found with special Mythic bonuses on them. Additionally named items found in Reaper Difficulty can have a special Reaper bonus on them.
Nolte upgrading some older named items(through the scroll/shard/seal system for example may lose the repear and or mythic bonuses form the base item


Orcs in Eberron are now less likely to fire a bow after you’ve attacked them in melee
The generic Sunder effect features on many melee monsters now apply a 10% armor Class penalty instead of the -4 penalty to scale better into the upper levels. We’ve also fized an issue with DCs not scaling on older versions of these Sunder Effects

Quests and Adventure Areas

The second chest in Slaver Stockades is now pickable
We’ve adjusted some lighting issues in What Goes Up that could cause overly bright purple skies

Reaper Difficulty

Over level characgters cannot enter a quest on Reaper Difficulty if they are more than six levels over the base challenge rating of the dungeon or raid. Characters also cannot enter a Reaper Dungeon if they are Epic Level and the Dungeon is not.
There is a reaper XP over-level penalty as follows
+1 - None
+2 -20%
+3 -50%
+4 -70%
+5 -90%
+6 -95%

Reaper Vendors are available in the Hall Of Heroes and sell Creature Companions in addition to potions that grant special cosmetic feats
Reaper dungeons lock their instance when a player leaves
Reaper XP persists through reincarnation
Characters get a full rest when entering a dungeon on Reaper Difficulty
Completing Reaper Difficulty quests will provide characters with Reaper XP that can be turned in for Survival Points. The Survival Points can be spent in three Reaper Trees which offer the following benefits:
Reaper Tree I Dread Adversary


Reapers Offense 1: +1 to hit and damage with all weapons while in Reaper Difficulty. Every Ability you take in this tree grants 4 Max HP in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Offense 2: +1 to hit and damage
Reapers Offense 3: +1 STR or Dex
Reapers Offense 4: +2 to hit and damage
Reapers Offense 5: +1 Melee and Ranged Power
Reapers Offense 6: +2 Melee and Ranged Power

Tier 1

Reapers Blade: +1/2/3 Melee Power while in Reaper Diffficulty
Reapers Tactics: +1 to tactics dcs while in reaper difficulty
Memento: Reapers Strike While in Reapers difficulty activate to expend 1 reapers charge and gaing +10/20/30% Doublestrike and Doubleshot for 30 seconds. All Memento abilities share a single cooldown and a single shared pool of reaper charges. Each Memento you have at least 1 point in grants an extra Reaper Charge.
Reapers Combat Ability: +1 Str or Dex while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Shot +1/2/3 Ranged power while in reaper difficulty

Tier 2

Reapers Blade: +1/2/3 Melee Power while in Reaper Diffficulty
Reapers Tactics: +1 to tactics dcs while in reaper difficulty
Reapers Combat Ability: +1 Str or Dex while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Shot +1/2/3 Ranged power while in reaper difficulty

Tier 3

Reapers Blade: +1/2/3 Melee Power while in Reaper Diffficulty
Reapers Tactics: +1 to tactics dcs while in reaper difficulty
Reapers Combat Ability: +1 Str or Dex while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Shot +1/2/3 Ranged power while in reaper difficulty

Tier 4

Reapers Blade: +2/4/6 Melee Power while in Reaper Diffficulty
Memento: Reapers Imbuement: While in Reaper Difficulty, expend one Reaper Charge to gain Ghost Touch, bypass 5/10/15% of enemies fort and 1/2/3 of their dodge for 30 seconds. Each Memento that you have one rank in grants one extra Reaper Charge
Memento: Reapers Deadly Strikes: When in Reaper Difficulty activate to expend one Reaper Charge and gain a +2/4/6 Reaper Bonus to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage for 30 seconds. Each Memento that you have one rank in grants one extra Reaper Charge
Reaper’s Shot +1/2/3 Ranged power while in reaper difficulty

Tier 5

Reapers Blade: +2/4/6 Melee Power while in Reaper Diffficulty
Reapers Tactics: +1 to tactics dcs while in reaper difficulty
Reaper’s Charge: +1 Max Reaper charge
Reapers Combat Ability: +1 Str or Dex while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Shot +2/4/6 Ranged power while in reaper difficulty

Reaper Tree I Dire Thaumaturge


Reapers Arcanum 1: +50 Max Spell Points while in Reaper Difficulty. Each ability taken in this tree grants +4 Max HP while in Reaper Difficulty.
Reapers Arcanum 2: +50 Max Spell Points
Reapers Arcanum 3: +1 Int or Wis or Cha
Reapers Arcanum 4: +100 Max Spell Points
Reapers Arcanum 5: +2 Universal Spell Power, +150 Max Spell Points
Reapers Arcanum 6: +4 Universal Spell Power, +200 Max Spell Points

Tier 1

Reapers Arcanum: +2/4/6 Universal Spell Power while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Focus: +1 to Spell DCs while in Reaper Difficulty
Memento: Reapers Power: While in Reaper difficulty. Activate to expend one Reaper Charge and gain a+15/30/45 Profane Bonus to Universal Spell Power for 30 seconds. Each Memento that you have one rank in grants one extra Reaper Charge
Reaper’s Source of focus: +1 to Int or Wis or Cha
Reaper’s Deep Magic: +1 to Spell Penetration while in Reaper Difficulty

Tier 2

Reapers Arcanum: +2/4/6 Universal Spell Power while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Focus: +1 to Spell DCs while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Source of focus: +1 to Int or Wis or Cha
Reaper’s Deep Magic: +1 to Spell Penetration while in Reaper Difficulty

Tier 3

Reapers Arcanum: +2/4/6 Universal Spell Power while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Focus: +1 to Spell DCs while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Source of focus: +1 to Int or Wis or Cha
Reaper’s Deep Magic: +1 to Spell Penetration while in Reaper Difficulty

Tier 4

Reapers Arcanum : +4/8/12 Universal Spell Power while in Reaper Difficulty
Memento: Reaper’s Potency: While in Reaper Difficulty expend one reaper chage and gain +1/2/3 Reaper Bonus to DC’s for 30 seconds All Memento abilities share a single cooldown and a single shared pool of Reaper Charges. Each Memenot you have at least one rank in grants an extra Reaper Charge.
Memento: Reaper’s Efficiency: While in Reaper Difficulty expend one reaper chage and reduce spell point costs by 15/30/45% for 30 seconds All Memento abilities share a single cooldown and a single shared pool of Reaper Charges. Each Memento you have at least one rank in grants an extra Reaper Charge.

Reaper’s Deep Magic: +1 to spell poen while in Reaper Difficulty
Tier 5

Reapers Arcana : +4/8/12 Universal Spell Power while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Focus: +1 to all DCs while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Charge: +1 Max Reaper charge
Reaper source of focus: +1 to Int, WIS or CHA while in Reaper difficulty
Reaper’s Deep Magic: +1 to spell poen while in Reaper Difficulty

Reaper Tree I Grim Barricade


Reaper’s Defense 1: +10 HP in Reaper Difficulty, Every ability you take in this gtree grants +8 Max HP in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Defense 2: +1 to all saves, +20 HP
Reaper’s Defense 3: +1 Con
Reaper’s Defense 4: +1 to all saves, +100 HP
Reaper’s Defense 5: +1 Dodge, +1PRR and MRR
Reaper’s Defense 6: +1 Dodge Cap, +2 PRR and MRR

Tier 1:

Reaper’s Bulwark/Shroud: +1/2/3 PRR or MRR while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Reflex/Fort/Will +1/2/3 to Reflex or Fort or Will save while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Constitution: +1 Con while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Evasion +1/2/3 Dodge while in Reaper Difficulty

Tier 2:

Reaper’s Bulwark/Shroud: +1/2/3 PRR or MRR while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Reflex/Fort/Will +1/2/3 to Reflex or Fort or Will save while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Constitution: +1 Con while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Evasion +1/2/3 Dodge while in Reaper Difficulty

Tier 3:

Reaper’s Bulwark/Shroud: +1/2/3 PRR or MRR while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Reflex/Fort/Will +1/2/3 to Reflex or Fort or Will save while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Constitution: +1 Con while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Evasion +1/2/3 Dodge while in Reaper Difficulty

Tier 4:

Reaper’s Bulwark/Shroud: +2/4/6 PRR or MRR while in Reaper Difficulty
Memento: Reaper’s Resistance: While in Reaper Difficulty activate to expend one reaper charge and gain +10/20/30 Profane Bonus to PRR for 30 seconds. All Memento abilities share a single cooldown and a single shared pool of Reaper Charges. Each Memento you have at least one rank in grants an extra Reaper Charge.
Memento: Reaper’s Steadfastness: While in Reaper Difficulty activeate to expand one reaper charge and gain +30/60/90 Reaper Bonus to Fort and a +10/20/30 bonus to Energy Resistance for 30 seconds. All Memento abilities share a single cooldown and a single shared pool of Reaper Charges. Each Memento you have at least one rank in grants an extra Reaper Charge.
Reaper’s Evasion +1/2/3 Dodge while in Reaper Difficulty

Tier 5:

Reaper’s Bulwark/Shroud: +2/4/6 PRR or MRR while in Reaper Difficulty
Reapers Reflex/Fort/Will +1/2/3 to Reflex or Fort or Will save while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Charge: +1 Max Reaper charge
Reapers Constitution: +1 Con while in Reaper Difficulty
Reaper’s Heightened Evasion +1 to dodge cap while in reaper difficulty

Reaper Trees can be reset similar to the way Enhancement trees are reset with plat or Astral Shards.


External URLs now launch properly on the Mac/OSX game client
Adjusted some text references to reflect the transition to Standing Stone Games
Changed some Coin Icons to reflect the transition to Standing Stone Games

Public Notice Board

The Reaper Vendors in the Hall of Heroes are not currently allowing characters to purchase things from them
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:10pm
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Asheras wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 3:58pm:
Hellball and Eldritch Ball no longer proc extra times if you are within melee range of your targets.


EDIT: Wait, so does this mean it still doubleprocs outside melee range?
« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:11pm by Halfmaniac »  

karavek wrote on May 6th, 2017 at 8:10pm:
Look dude just because you hate a cunt doesn't mean you stop fucking the bitch you just turn her over and hate fuck her ass bloody then your take her to Tijuana and sell her ass to some spic pimp.
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Vault Frog

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #2 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:12pm
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not on live yet... just logged for the daily rolls and it didn't whine about version.

That must be a first... we got the release notes BEFORE the actual maintenance for the update.

« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:12pm by Flav »  

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #3 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:18pm
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RIP haste + damage boost.
You almost made me feel like my melee toons were helping the group.  Cry

Grab life by the pussy.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #4 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:45pm
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There is a reaper XP over-level penalty as follows
+1 - None
+2 -20%
+3 -50%
+4 -70%
+5 -90%
+6 -95% can just see it now...everyone will be back on etr or tr train and likely jusy zerg 1 skull...fuck knows this shit will become the new dailies...
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #5 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:51pm
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"Epic Destinies

Draconic Incarnation’s breath weapons attacks now count as Evocation Spells and get full metamagic feats.
Draconic Incarnation’s breath weapon attacks no longer require hard targeting

Something to do with the Dragonborn race?  Don't know why else they would touch this up all of a sudden.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #6 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:39pm
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Most defender NPCs and allies will no longer be eligible for Champion status.

No more Champion Rats in Tormented?

Have they stopped the Dire Rats and Worgs from becoming Champions too?

Master of Knowledge no longer procs on spells other than the ones it is intended to

Is it just me or is this now totally worthless as a Feat?
Do any Wizards actually use Arcane Blast and Bolt?

Orcs in Eberron are now less likely to fire a bow after you’ve attacked them in melee


I can't tell you how annoying it's been having to chase Orcs around the scenery to hit the bastards!

There is a reaper XP over-level penalty as follows
+1 - None
+2 -20%
+3 -50%
+4 -70%
+5 -90%
+6 -95%

OK this can only be SPITE!

This is even harsher than the original +2 base level lockout as you get a -10% even at +2!


I don't see anyone running at more than +4 levels absolute max - The requirement to get a group together will see to that.

« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:40pm by FranOhmsford »  

Main Characters by Server - Cannith Jelina, Sylveria, Enochpagett, Lieuk, Larystessian, Molineux. Sarlona Keltenn, Franq, Athiina, Nyszsa, Curleag, Nalpheyn. Khyber Tynecastle, Athenion, Argo Clievelund, Bjorkalina, G-Land Hassannavid, Tannadice.
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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #7 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:51pm
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DoRayEgon wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 4:51pm:
"Epic Destinies

Draconic Incarnation’s breath weapons attacks now count as Evocation Spells and get full metamagic feats.
Draconic Incarnation’s breath weapon attacks no longer require hard targeting

Something to do with the Dragonborn race?  Don't know why else they would touch this up all of a sudden.

Very easy fix, but they put it in to pad the "look what we did" aspect of the update. Nothing burger.
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Who Cares
Not this guy ^^^

You sir, are a dickbag.

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #8 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:52pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:39pm:
No more Champion Rats in Tormented?

Have they stopped the Dire Rats and Worgs from becoming Champions too?

Is it just me or is this now totally worthless as a Feat?
Do any Wizards actually use Arcane Blast and Bolt?


I can't tell you how annoying it's been having to chase Orcs around the scenery to hit the bastards!

OK this can only be SPITE!

This is even harsher than the original +2 base level lockout as you get a -10% even at +2!


I don't see anyone running at more than +4 levels absolute max - The requirement to get a group together will see to that!


Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
Public Service Announcement: your servers are not dead; if you can't find groups, it means you suck and/or nobody likes you.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #9 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 7:25pm
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Who Cares wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:52pm:
FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:39pm:
No more Champion Rats in Tormented?




listening to fran is like this:
« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2017 at 7:26pm by WonderfulFoppyBint »  

Right of Self-determination:

volt_ wrote on Mar 23rd, 2017 at 4:43pm:
Be a container for your genes to control your behavior in order to reproduce
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Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #10 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 7:26pm
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thanks for postin this ash

Right of Self-determination:

volt_ wrote on Mar 23rd, 2017 at 4:43pm:
Be a container for your genes to control your behavior in order to reproduce
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Completionist (i.t.p.)


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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #11 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 7:27pm
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hopefully fran gets hit by a bus tomorrow

or his mother does so he can finally be forced to move out

he'd probably skull fuck her corpse and persist off her small life insurance payment for years

fucking limmey would probably have to split it with several other retarted urchins though

guy can't read, listen, or think clearer than water of toilet with shit

WHOCARES try blowing a cow's ass. it may kill him, and you'll have good luck
« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2017 at 7:29pm by WonderfulFoppyBint »  

Right of Self-determination:

volt_ wrote on Mar 23rd, 2017 at 4:43pm:
Be a container for your genes to control your behavior in order to reproduce
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #12 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 8:36pm
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Willing to bet all my money that the paralyze nerf is just to fuck with shuriken/mechs abusing imbues but they didn't know how to fix it.

The change literally makes no sense. I can pair paralyzing arrows with a tf paralyzing fear weapon and constantly refresh if I have a high enough proc rate (shuriken 82ish+ dex). Not to mention that they didn't make the same change to terror arrows, so while it is worse cc you can still permalock.
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Ex Member

Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #13 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 8:49pm
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hydra wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 8:36pm:
Willing to bet all my money that the paralyze nerf is just to fuck with shuriken/mechs abusing imbues but they didn't know how to fix it.

The change literally makes no sense. I can pair paralyzing arrows with a tf paralyzing fear weapon and constantly refresh if I have a high enough proc rate (shuriken 82ish+ dex). Not to mention that they didn't make the same change to terror arrows, so while it is worse cc you can still permalock.

Cool story bro. 

It won't hurt chuckers, it's called rate of fire dork. It will be a mild nerf for bow-based AAs, but fuck those guys are sub-optimal trash already so who will notice?
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Alex DeLarge
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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #14 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 10:45pm
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Asheras wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 3:58pm:
Most defender NPCs and allies will no longer be eligible for Champion status.

Awww, back to gimpsRus for NPCs

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Alex DeLarge
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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #15 - Feb 1st, 2017 at 10:57pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:39pm:
Is it just me or is this now totally worthless as a Feat?
Do any Wizards actually use Arcane Blast and Bolt?

The only thing worthless here is you breathing,
Do us all a favor and stop wasting air, you fucking Schmuck.

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Ah Pook
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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #16 - Feb 2nd, 2017 at 3:34pm
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Characters get a full rest when entering a dungeon on Reaper Difficulty

So is this like a rest shrine in slayer areas?  Pop in and out of Freshmaker on Reaper and then exit?  And sooner than 15 minutes or whatever if you reset it?

Daggertooth wrote on Apr 14th, 2017 at 6:52pm:
I'm pretty fucking sure I am a special snowflake.

Frank wrote on Apr 2nd, 2017 at 8:32am:
Laugh it up, funny man.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #17 - Feb 2nd, 2017 at 3:57pm
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All named items in the game can now be found with special Mythic bonuses on them. Additionally named items found in Reaper Difficulty can have a special Reaper bonus on them.
Nolte upgrading some older named items(through the scroll/shard/seal system for example may lose the repear and or mythic bonuses form the base item

Yay... more random chance-based bullshit.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #18 - Feb 2nd, 2017 at 4:05pm
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noamineo wrote on Feb 2nd, 2017 at 3:57pm:
Yay... more random chance-based bullshit.

Well, you get Nick Nolte involved, what do you expect?

Two sips from the cup of human kindness and I'm shitfaced
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5 Foot Step
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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #19 - Feb 3rd, 2017 at 5:26pm
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FranOhmsford wrote on Feb 1st, 2017 at 5:39pm:
OK this can only be SPITE!

This is even harsher than the original +2 base level lockout as you get a -10% even at +2!


I don't see anyone running at more than +4 levels absolute max - The requirement to get a group together will see to that.

This change will actually allow us to run a variety of content at cap for loot AFTER maxing out reaper xp.

Build links
Endgame Gear Guide
Cannith Crafting Planner link

Warning: May contain outdated cultural depictions.
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Horoluth Raider

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Re: U34 Release notes - From Livestream
Reply #20 - Feb 4th, 2017 at 4:57am
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Ah Pook wrote on Feb 2nd, 2017 at 3:34pm:
So is this like a rest shrine in slayer areas?  Pop in and out of Freshmaker on Reaper and then exit?  And sooner than 15 minutes or whatever if you reset it?

Hey, that's one way to get your usage numbers up "By our numbers 30% of the quests people are entering are Reapers", it's almost like they still report to WB.

It's great for people with out a maxed out Airship, too, no waiting in a tavern to get SP & HP back.

And here I thought most DDO players would get nothing out of Reaper  Grin

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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