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Normal Topic Forge of empired Diamond farming guide. (Read 2797 times)
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Forge of empired Diamond farming guide.
Aug 4th, 2018 at 4:26pm
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I am posting this here because I have not heard back from my guild leader in FOE about posting it to the guild forum and you don't have to be logged in to read it here.

This is meant to be a simple guide to get you on the right track to create a new city, get 100-200 diamonds out of it, then delete it so that you can do the same thing in 2 weeks when it is available to be made as a new city again.

I will provide as much detail as I can, as well as some tips that I learned along the way. You will of course need to do this a few times to get the hang of it. I would suggest reading the whole guide before you start, as it is kind of like a recipe, it is a good idea to read it all before you start cracking eggs.

I make a list of all the active cities I am working on. Cities that you have set to delete will become available again on the list once they are deleted.

Typically it will take me 2-3 days to get the diamonds from a city. I start by prepping the city, getting through the story, spending the FP I am given then leaving and coming back later.

I should also note that I have found at least 2 iterations of cities. What I mean by this is sometimes it will be easier to get diamonds from a certain quest vs another. You will just have to do this enough times to truly "get it" well at least I had to. For example sometimes it only takes 5 times of spinning a quest to get diamonds, sometimes it takes 10-15.

Do not buy FP's with coins early on, before you unlock guilds, to move through the trees faster, if you do you will screw yourself and have to wait for quite a while to get enough coins to move on.

Do not collect your Oracle of Delphi until you can use it to complete the gather supplies quest, I will go into more detail on that below.

Also in the story quest to get oracle of delphi prints you will need to gather 100 supplies, I do this by conquering a province, so just be aware that is the way to go.

If you get stuck on it and have guilds unlocked, so you don't run out of coins, just build something and sell it.

Also if you are going to be working on several cities at once it is a good idea to make a note of what quests you have recieved diamonds from. I use a notepad file on my PC, you just need to find what works for you.

Some courteous things I like to do as well, leave the guild you are in when you are done, and unfriend all your friends.

Tech Tree order.
Stilt houses
The wheel

(post story)
Thatched Houses
Smithery (this unlocks guilds, you will be joining a lot of them)
(This will put you to the end of Bronze age and you want to be sure to have done all of your recurring quests until you get diamonds from them before the next tech)
Militia (This will move you to iron age, and costs 8 wine. It will also make it so that you can get the diamonds from the recurring quests again.)

Main buildings you will build.

3 stilt houses
3 Memorial Decorations.
1 pottery
2 spear fighter barracks
1 fruit farm (you will want to get this up right away because it takes 45 minutes to build, and 15 minutes to make a banana)
1 Hut (when the story calls for "build a residential building")

The goal is to get 20 diamonds off of each of the following recurring quests by spinning them. To spin a quest is to complete it, then abort the following recurring quests until you are back to the quest you wish to complete. Typically you will only start pushing hard on the recurring quests once you have guilds unlocked.

Gather coins (Complete this by joining a guild, aiding everyone, leaving and joining another guild... 90 aids to complete in Bronze, 120 in Iron. At some point you may find that the guilds don't have more than like 1 person in them, don't worry just keep clicking that right arrow until the full guilds pop back up on the list)

Spend forge points (You will want to make sure that when you get the 20 FP from building the oracle to delphi that you spin this one while you spend the FP on it.)

Research 2 technologies (this usually comes after I have gotten the main Techs in bronze age opened up, then go back to get optional ones that are cheap, pay attention to the unlock requirements, as you will probably not have the goods to unlock ones that require goods.)

Gather supplies (requires proper timing of the story quests, will be detailed below.)

Gain happiness (This is not a recurring quest though. It only comes up once so be on the lookout for it. I have never got diamonds from this in bronze age but do in iron)

Unbirthday quest (The one that you pay coins and supplies for, do this one last.)

After you have conquered Hymir you will get the side quests "jesters gift" do these. "Jesters gift 3" gives 40 Diamonds.

Advance to Iron age, you will want to keep your eyes open for 8 wine, I typically get them from the spend FP quest. You should get other goods as well as you complete the recurring quests, so you may need to 10 for 1 them or check guild trades to see if you can grab them.

Then in Iron age you will shoot for the same recurring quests.

During this entire process you will want to be completing the main story quest until the oracle of delphi is built. I will leave those steps out as they just sort of fall into place.

Step 1:
Create a new city on an available world.

Step 2:
Follow the basic tutorial until you reach the "research construction" quest.

Step 3.
You should have 2 spearfigher barracks at this time. These are all the troops you will need. Use the 8 spearfighters to conquer the first province then send the cart to explore a new province. Either will do, as you will need to conquer all provinces up to Hymir. I can autobattle with these 8 spearfighters through every fight. You may lose a fight or two, but if you do just try again. This is the last Time I will mention the campaign map, but typically I move through the rest of the steps as I am waiting for the cart to discover the other provinces and for spearfighters to get made. Do not negotiate, even if you have the goods, you may need those later to get your wine.

Leave and return in 5-10 hours.

Step 4:
Research construction. Complete the story quests that follow. Until you get to the "research any technology quest." At this point you will be able to abort the optional quests until you get to the recurring quests. Abort them until you get to "spend 8 forge points"

Step 5:
Build a fruit farm
If you do not have the coins to do this, aid your neighbors or wait until you can join a guild. I usually can get this done before then.

Step 6:
Unlock Technologies until you unlock guilds.

Step 7:
Join a guild, start with the first page of guilds, join any that have the auto join option.
Things to look for here, a higher level guild, I usually wait to collect my town hall until I am in a guild so that I can get some FP's out of them. Guilds with at least 50 people in them, this will make it less grindy when spinning through the gather coins quest.

Step 8.
Spin the gather coins quest until you get diamonds.

At this point you should have the oracle of delphi built, if not keep spinning the gather coins quest as it will give you FP pacs on ocasion as well as goods.You should also have aquired Hymir. You will want to send the cart to the next province, you could still be spinning quests by the time it gets there so may as well.

Step 9.
Spin through the Spend FP quest with the FP's given to build the oracle of delphi, use these to get it up, but DO NOT COLLECT IT, you will need these supplies for the next step. depending on how many fp's you have at this time you may need to buy some to complete the spend FP quest for a 3rd time.

Step 10. This is where it takes careful attention to detail to complete it properly. And if you have not acquired hymir yet, some of the jesters quests will be out of order for you.

Gather supplies. Set to this recurring quest.
Collect the 300 supplies from the "scout the provinces north of dunarsund"
Pay the 50 supplies for the coins
Recruit 1 new unit for 450 supplies, delete a spearfighter if you have to.
Collect your coins for aquiring Tyr...
Collect your coins for scouting the northern provinces
Recruit 1 new unit for 250 supplies
Recruit 2 new units for 500 supplies.

Collect the gather supplies recurring quest reward
Abort "infiltrate any sector"
Abort or complete "buy a forge point"
Abort "research any technology"

This is when "The Jester (side quest)" appears pay the 100 supplies
This is when "The Jesters gift (side quest)" appears pay the 11 coins
This is when "The jesters gift II (side quest)" appears pay the 22 coins
This is when "The jesters gift III (side quest)" appears pay the 33 coins and collect your 40 diamonds.

Send an invitation to a friend, just friend someone in the guild to make it easy. The fp pack will be useful in the future.
Abort produce good horseshoes 3 times
Abort all of the "research 'this or that' " until you return the recurring quests and set it to gather supplies

Collect the "Aquire Hymir" quest for 1000 supplies
collect your oracle of delphi

Collect the supplies quest, you will either get diamonds, or you won't. But this is the last time you bother with it.
Ok so now at this point you have gotten diamonds from:
Spend FP
Research 2 technologies
Collect coins
Collect supplies.
The jesters quest

Step 11:
Spin through "Unbirthday Party" until you get diamonds or run out of supplies. If you do run out of supplies before you get them you can spin through "gather coins" until you get supplies or just move on.

Step 12.
Unlock Militia in Iron age, it takes 8 wine. If you don't have 8 wine, check to see if you can trade 10 of something else for the, it will take 80 total, check the guild trades, or if you have to spin through the gather coins quest until you have the wine or can 10 for 1 for it. I have never not gotten at least 5 wine though so don't be to worried about this part as it means you will only need 3 other goods at 10.

Step 13.
Abort what ever recurring quest you are on to get to the side quests.
"Scout provinces" will be the first one. check the campaign map to see if the cart has reached the next province up yet, it yes, collect it, if no just abort it.
"The iron fist" pay coins, just abort it
"Update the spear fighters" just abort it
"Delete any 3 units" delete 3 spear fighters and collect the 100 coins.
"Sell any 3 buildings" sell the three memorials you have and collect your supplies.

"Pay 5550 coins" This is an important one you will need those supplies, so pay it and get the supplies. If for some reason you don't have the coins aid until you get them, but do not abort this quest.

"Polish and motivate" abort this quest.
"Buy a forge point" abort this quest
"Gain 600 happiness" build a bunch of memorials to get it, it usually pays diamonds.
"Have 160 population available." Build some stilt houses.
"Have less than 60 population available" delete stilt houses.

You should now be back to your recurring quests.

Step 14.
Spin through gather coins, until you get diamonds or you can't take it anymore and have enough coins, about 40-60k, to buy the FP's you need for "Spend Forge points" and "Unlock 2 technologies.

Step 15.
Complete the "Spend 15 forge points" as well as the "Unlock two technologies" quests. I typically work on these two, one after the other as unlocking the techs opens room to spend the FP.

Step 16.
Finish up with "Unbirthday Party"

Ok so now you feel like you have collected all the diamonds you are going to. It is time to delete your city.

Step 17.
Delete your city. To do this click on the gear Icon on the lower left portion of the screen, down by where the volume is. This brings up the "Settings" menu. Go to the middle tab labled "Profile" click on "Delete City" You will be prompted for your password. When you enter it you will be automatically logged out and in 14 days this city will be deleted and you will see the world it is on become available in new worlds or suggested again. If for some reason you do go back to it you will be prompted to log out and continue deletion or enter it and cancel deletion. Read those options carefully Smiley

This concludes my diamond farming guide. I hope that you will be able to use it to gather as many diamonds as you see fit. During the course of writing this guide I focused on just one city, so that I could provide the most useful and accurate information I could. I usually will work on several cities at the same time.

I gained 200 diamonds off the the city I used as reference by completing the following quests.

Bronze age
Spend FP (20)
Gather supplies (20)
Jester (40)
Research two technologies. (20)
Unbirthday Party (20)
Gather coins (20)

Iron Age
Gain 600 Happiness (20)
Spend FP (20)
Unbirthday Party (20)

As you can see I gave up on gathering coins and researching two technologies in Iron. I could have kept at it to get to 240 diamonds, but I felt like my time would be better spent on working the other 10 cities I have prepped and waiting for me.

Fuck Off, That is all
Strakeln wrote on Feb 10th, 2016 at 9:17pm:
WC can do whatever he wants.

[] wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:26pm:
Public Service Announcement: your servers are not dead; if you can't find groups, it means you suck and/or nobody likes you.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: Forge of empired Diamond farming guide.
Reply #1 - Aug 4th, 2018 at 9:15pm
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