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An Open Letter to Severlin
Aug 20th, 2019 at 8:54am
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Dear Severlin:

I worry about you bro.  Really, I worry about you.  Sometimes I imagine you wandering around your office amongst your jars of urine in your tissue box shoes alternating between mumbling; “cheaters, dirty cheaters, must stop those dirty cheaters” and “money, must make more money” then devising elaborate plans that do nothing towards achieving either goal.

I kid!  I kid because I love!  The vault is a place of nothing but love, joy, and warm fuzzy feelings!  Here’s how much I love you guys at SSG – my extended down time is coming to an end and I’m going to spend a good portion of what remains trying (once again) to convince you to step away from the edge.

Because last night I shut down my client early while thinking “why the fuck am I still playing this game and why the fuck am I still giving these people my money?”  That is not where you want someone like me who’s spent as much money as I have keeping you in a job to be – and the scattered handjobs you’re getting on the mobos right now notwithstanding, I am by no means in the minority in this frustration.

But first – my credentials.  Here are some of the suggestions I pitched on the motherboards 5 to 8 years ago:

A 5th difficulty setting more the meta players
Naked dungeon settings that would allow players to compete at a harder difficulty to test their skills without the power crawl aspects of their gear
More powerful rares in dungeons
Token drops in these new settings that could be turned in for cosmetics and pets (totally forgot about that till I looked through my old posts)

I basically pitched reaper, champs, rems and the hardcore server before you guys came up with the ideas (I also pitched opening wilderness areas to raid groups and introducing powerful ultra rares that would require a large group to kill.  Would still love to have a 1 in a 1000 chance of stumbling into Tiamat in the Stormhorns or the Vale).

Before your time but I was also part of the very vocal collection of pre testers of the enhancement pass that begged “great idea but half the classes are going to suffer for it and it needs at least another month or two of tweaks before being released” – which was ignored and helped tank the game’s population.

And when you finally decided to start undoing the damage to that snafu, I was part of a very, very small group of individuals who worked our butts off trying to fix that which you broke in the barb tree.  I worked closely with the Player Consul member in charge of pointing out what was broke, what needed fixed and the best solutions to rebalance that class.

Of which your team listened to maybe half of our areas of concerns and implemented almost none of our suggestions.  TL;DR version – you know, the guys who told you 5 years ago that barb damage reduction was sadly outdated and needed to be switched to a percentage instead.  Glad you finally got around to our suggestion…years after it was made.  Side note:  we said it then, I’ll say it again – you still have core rage abilities spread out over 3 enhancement trees that need to be switched to auto granted feats instead.  The fact you have to open up all 3 trees to maximize a core ability needed by all barbs is…just silly.

Hubris aside, for nearly a decade I’ve been one of the guys trying to keep you from shooting yourself in your own foot.  So here’s my last attempt of trying to get you to put the gun down and a detailed explanation to why bullets are harmful to toes.

Synchrono mentioned it on one of my other posts and Flav’s echoed this (and I’ve found it consistent in my own experiences) that basically every bad decision you guys made, there’s been a warning from your own PC and an outcry from your player base.  An overwhelming popular opinion of your team is that you both don’t listen to those people who pay you money for the game on what we want or enjoy, and you feel you know better what’s right for the game – that we’ve spent far more time playing than all of your staff combined.

These are not good business practices.  Server populations kind of prove that not listening to the people you expect to give you money doesn’t really work.

I’ve joked (joking, not joking) for years that you need to send a few key staff members to some business seminars for a crash course in how to increase your revenue.  It’s been recently brought to my attention that…maybe you have.  Maybe you have and you’ve been given some really, really bad advice.

I had a guildie claim to work in the video game industry and he stood by your practices.  He said the present model is to milk the whales for all they’re worth.  That deep discounts and mass sales will lose money and it’s better to go for a few large purchases are better in the long run than many small purchases.

I’m a trained consultant, but I’ll gladly admit I’ve never worked on a project in the game industry.  I don’t keep up with or follow their practices.  After he brought this up I had to look into it some and give it a little consideration.

Yeah, that’s the model presently being used for mobile games – and it’s a horrible approach for your type of game.

After some research I can tell you, even in mobile games light spenders account for nearly half (41%) of the population and close to half (between 30%-49%) of revenue.  Even for a mobile game it’s still worth having a duel approach to your transactions and attempting to profit from both the top and bottom tier spenders.

That doesn’t matter though because – you’re NOT a mobile game.

I’ve played these types of nickel and dime games before.  These tactics remind me of “game shut down after a year” developed by “doesn’t exist anymore studios.”

Mobile games are almost a modern Ponzi scheme.  They pop up, try and make as much money as they can and as soon as they see a 25% drop in incoming revenue, they pull down the servers and move on to developing the next flash in the pan game. 

For every Candy Crush, there’s about 1,000 new games developed that have a 6 month shelf life at best.  And even Candy Crush knows it has to be accessible and engaging to the f2p crowd and puts their money on sales coming in the long run after nurturing an addiction than earlier on.  They don’t expect their players to start paying money right off the bat – but know that the longer someone plays, the higher chance of that player spending money gets.

From 2010 through 2015 or so (when I all but quit posting there) I argued on the mobos that DDO needs to be doing far more to make the game more accessible and engaging to new players.  Your forum paladins (who do you no favors) always shoot it down, preferring you to stick to your policy of catering to the whales.  Here are two facts you really need to hammer home:

The older players like to think of DDO as a small, quaint, hole in the wall bar that caters to an old, select crowd.  They like the smelly bathroom, they like the old wobbly pinball machine, they like the outdated jukebox with a broken speaker.  They like it small and personal and they’d rather everything be kind of crappy and intimate than to share it with outsiders.

DDO is NOT a corner bar.  DDO is a large stadium designed to hold 100,000 people and when you’re only booking shows that bring in 5,000 to 10,000 customers – you’re hemorrhaging money – even if you’ve doubled the ticket prices.

You’re not a mobile game with a short term strategy, you’re in this for the long haul.  You’re not a small, indie bar with a stage for some music – you’re a giant stadium and every empty seat is a loss in money you could be making.

Which brings us to a better example.

Back when I was in university being trained for this, I was taught two important questions to ask myself at all times:

“Are they making as much money as they could be?”
“What tactics are they using to bring in money and are those tactics working?”

Around the same time my live in girlfriend won a contest and scored 20 tickets to a comedy club.  Each ticket was worth about 20 bucks and we were pretty happy about it.  It was close to my birthday so we made a big event of it.  We managed to get 18 of our friends to commit to the date and put together a caravan of about 6 cars since the club was kind of out of the way.

We took up about 5 tables and had to each pay a two drink minimum.  The comedians weren’t anyone we knew, but they were pretty funny and everyone had a good time.  They had a bowl to drop your name in for a chance to win more tickets, so I filled out a card for the hell of it.

About two weeks later they called me to tell me I won!

This time we only got about 12 people to join us, but it was mostly a repeat of the first trip – a long drive to an out of the way club, two drink minimum, unknown comedians but still pretty fun.

And imagine my surprise when I won tickets again…without bothering to enter their contest…

Which is when I kind of figured out their tactics.  They had comedians there 7 days a week and they couldn’t all be winners.  Whenever ticket sales were down or on slow nights, they’d give away tables for free because 5 tables that didn’t pay the cover charge but ordered a minimum of 200 dollars’ worth of drinks brought in far more revenue than 5 empty tables ever would.

More importantly – an empty show is a death sentence to your business.  On a slow night you don’t jack up the price of admittance and drinks to the people that want to go and expect them to sit in an empty room devoid of laughter.  You chase the light spenders, give them free tickets and make whatever money you can -

Because everyone is more likely to come back to a place that’s lively and active.  If someone pays the price of admittance and sits there alone, they’re less likely to come back on a full night if they didn’t enjoy their experience on a slow night.

I don’t say this lightly – I’m trained to analyze business strategies and half the time I seriously can’t tell what you and your team are trying to do.  If I had to take a stab it would come down to – mostly ignore new players, punish people who don’t do exactly what we want them to, and try and force people into spending as much as possible without actually providing any services to them.

And this is going to be harsh as hell, but this is part of why I’m taking the time to write this -

You need to stop fucking slapping us on our wrist then expect us to pay your rent.

Your player base is not a bunch of kids.  We are adults ages 30 up to and beyond 60.  We are not children.

Fucking stop treating us like we are.

Everything you’ve done this year seems to fall into either a slap on the wrist or an attempt to get the people who’ve already paid for something to pony up a few pennies more.

I’ve seen very little in the way of changes that were intended to make me enjoy the game more.  I know some where there but they were massively overshadowed by the wrist slapping.

Amber didn’t need to be touched, Thrill of the Hunt didn’t need to be changed, the dailies didn’t need to be changed.  Any changes to XP should have been much more to the players favor because what you have right now feels far more like an attempt to push people into subscriptions and XP pots.

“Hey, how about we do more to bring in new players and improve their perception of our nightclub?”
“Or, hear me out, we can design a new glass that slowly dribbles the drink out causing the glass to empty quicker while giving the existing consumer less so they have to buy more.  Also we should double the price of the drink.”
When you ignore the new players, you stop getting new players.  When you try and punish the meta, they’re either barely going to notice it and it only hurts new players, or you’re going to end up losing both the meta AND the new players.

Whenever you pull out the nerf bat the meta doesn’t even feel it but it usually makes the game harder for your light spenders. 

So let me break it down clearly -


If your numbers are down it’s because you’re driving them down.  You’ve spent the last 8 months running around slapping your old players on the wrist and creating bad blood.  All that time and effort would have been better spent concentrating on engaging new players while you had them.

Do you even know what new players think of the game?  Have you watched any of the “playing ddo for the first time” videos?  Do you have any idea what the experience of creating a toon for the first time is now?

Because it’s awful.

When I created my first toon 10 years ago I had a wide variety of choices to pick from and an option to purchase a handful of other races and classes.  The complete opposite is true today.  You have a handful of classes and races to choose from and a big wall of “give us money” waiting for you.

It’s a huge turn off.

A year ago I really thought you guys had pulled your asses out of the fire.  You keep on like you have this year and shut down mode is closer than it’s ever been before.

The new reapers are cool.  You slap us on our wrists again and you’re running the risk of the whales you’re trying to milk never logging in again and having only the new players you’ve been neglecting to pay your rent.

« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2019 at 4:00am by Skoodge »  

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #1 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 8:55am
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I mentioned it in another post but right now what the team needs to keep in mind as the game is getting older is – do you want to be the cool, eccentric aunt who shows up with a bag full of strange and exciting gifts and tale of travel from other countries?
Or do you want to be the bitchy aunt with her hair in a bun who expects the kids to pull her weeds for a piece of old ribbon candy?

Know your audience – design with new, old and meta players in mind.  Understand nerfs hit new and casual player harder than the meta you’re trying to hurt.
Reward players for playing your way.
Don’t punish players for running how they want to run.

Know your product – which quests are most popular and why.
Good loot x Good XP x Fun = sales.  If the quest isn’t fun, it better have some amazing loot and XP.

For new players:
More free packs and classes.
Drop haggle.
Increase plat caps, drop sales penalties from vendor transactions.
Decrease AH tax to 10-15%
A new players should get a package with medium collectable, jewel, and ingredients bags, 5k plat, a minor XP pot, a slayer pot, a jewel of fortune, at least a +1 tome of their choice, a skill tome, and basically anything you want them to know they can buy in the store.  Don’t make them track this down.  Stop making new players feel like beggars when they join the game hoping older players throw them crumbs while they walk around lost.
Or rework the Kothos starting sets to be in-line with today’s DDO’s challenges.
Exclusive bags should not exist.  People are selling on the AH and burning new players what should be provided to a new player when they join.
Improve chest rewards in general to make all players, but especially newer players, more excited about opening chests.
Create better starting paths for classes and give a class bundle of better gear starting out.  The game is harder than it was when you went f2p 10 years ago and people have to solo more.  Give them help starting off.
Create new, stronger gear sets for either Necro 1, 3BC, or Sands for a power boost around level 4-7.
Drop amount of Ings needed to craft ToEE gear.  Make that pack worth running and crafting.
Increase XP for all paid content.  Using my XP pass guide lines, all paid packs should provide better XP than their F2P counterparts AND there should be more F2P counterparts.
Favor pass – that was on the list when I made it 2 years ago.  You did that, good job.  Could still use a bit more tweaking and improvement for the old ones, but it’s still better than it was.
Transport officers need to be added to Sands, the Vale and any other wilderness missing them.  Remove the shard option in Wheloon – it’s just tacky and lacks class.

Create an actual Shard economy:
Lower prices of shards in store
Remove or reduce Shard exchange taxes – the shard economy reduces itself because people use them for rerolls.  You don’t have to tax us to make us buy more.
Non-bound or BTAOE items are traded in the SE – bound items make you no money ever.  BTC should not exist outside of raids and BTC needs to be changed to BTA in general.  When we trade things it makes you money and makes us happy.  When we’re stuck with them, they end up rotting in bags or left in chests.
All old, outdated crafting systems need to become unbound so they’re traded.  If we can trade, there’s more incentive to run the packs and craft.  If we can’t trade, the packs aren’t run and the packs don’t sell.
Reintroduce double augmented loot gen gear.  A second white augment does almost nothing as far as bumps to power goes – BUT they will give a boost to your shard sales.  Diamond augments are just shy of useless because they’re not strong enough to constitute using a slot for.  Double slotted gear with the normal white/yellow/green augment + an extra white will increase activity in the shard exchange for both gear and diamonds.
Increase drop rates of Star Rubies.  Any pack you want to sell, make a new, must have augment with decent drop rates and people will run it.
Use dummy accounts to sell rare items on the shard exchange to boost the economy.

Balancing issues/power crawl:
All existing light/medium/heavy armor needs at least a +10 bump to AC and should automatically come with a boost to PRR.  You have wizards in the game with nearly as good of AC and PRR as your melees.  Give the boost where it belongs – to the people who get hit the most.  Existing light armor needs a massive boost to max dex.  The people wearing medium and heavy armor should be more protected and shouldn’t be dying quicker than the casters.
Unnerf vorpal – it never was nearly as OP as instant kill caster builds are now.  If they make the roll, it should be an instant kill – remove the “if under this many hitpoints” part.  The monsters almost never have that few hitpoints.
Improve heal pots – self healing needs a massive bump especially for newer players.  Whatever the pots have now, double them.  Remove the penalties from the silver flame pots.  They were shy of useless 8 years ago, they’re completely useless now.
No cool downs on pots.
FIX YOUR HIRES – top priority here.  I gave details on another post, but this really should be a priority.
I’ve got a longer balance list too – you’ll have to contact me for that.

DDO Store needs to be reworked:
Cash only purchases are good for your bottom line and should exist – but they also need to be available from the store and not from a webpage window.
Quest pack bundles – most older packs need to become F2P but if you want to be uptight about it, they needed to be bundled together at a reduced price. 
Automatic 5% discount for ViPs for store purchases.  Give them a reason to subscribe.
Allow VIPs to buy packs, races and classes (if that hasn’t been changed already).
Better sales, more variety of sales – stop running a “boost your guild” sale once a month, that’s not where the money is.  New players aren’t starting their own guilds.
Rework daily rolls to represent a promotion of goods to new players and a slight reward to existing players.  Right now it comes off very, very, very much like “we don’t want to give you anything good for free.”
Rework old epic crafting system, improve the old items.  Make shards and seals unbound and tradable.  This will give a new interest in old quests and encourage people to run and by said quests.  Tradable shards and seals will be a massive boost to the Shard exchange and help stimulate that economy.
Rework Grouping menu – it’s horrible.  At minimum the quests should be arranged by packs so we don’t have to search through 15 quests trying to find the next in the chain.
Remove the public grouping option, it’s annoying.
Auto-grant quest when someone joins to make it easier for new players. 
Give a warning to the players or leader when someone overlevel tries to join the group.

Improve and promote cosmetics and pets.  Some of the new RL skins were choice, but overall armor designs are mostly *meh* at best.  Cosmetics are some of the easiest money in gaming today and you guys seem to really be missing out.  Maybe the sales are good enough you don’t have to, but I’ve only seen maybe two sales are skins in the last two and a half years.

There are literally games out there making money ONLY on selling cosmetics.  The game is basically free (or a one-time purchase) and you can’t buy anything that increases the power crawl – but the company makes bank just selling different skins.

You have the ability to dye armor in LoTROL.  Some will say DDO is about game play but every other game on the planet says that if you offer good skins, people will pay for them.  This is really, really easy money you’re missing out on by not offering good enough products or promoting your existing ones.

I could be wrong, but I’m willing to bet mirrors sell more than the in-store cosmetics and part of that comes from customer awareness.  I always hear guildies talking about what to mirror, I never hear anyone mentioning buying skins.

The winter fest boosts only working with store bought skins is a good idea.  Slight boosts that only work with store cosmetics and dyes will boost sales in this department.  You just need to really explore some new designs and offer less items that look like they were designed by an intern using paint (no offense).

XP Pass:
Still need it, that band-aid you slapped on it did nothing to encourage grouping or run older quests, but a whole lot to create bad blood between you and your player base.
Add more sagas, increase XP rewards for 3BC and GH.  All quest packs should either have their own sagas or be grouped together with others for a saga reward.
Create a logical system for assigning XP to quest and less of the “I don’t know, 10k for completion” approach.
Quests in packs should offer a higher percentage than F2P quests.

Epic Crafting Pass:
If you want to sell old packs, here’s a good starting point.  I wouldn’t spend too much time on it, basically just double the pluses and damage on everything that exists, throw green augments or double augments on gear.
Raise drop rates of shards and seals.
Make shards and seals unbound to encourage sales in the shard exchange.
Retool epic alter and stone of change to have actual menus and work faster.
Massively drop turn in rates of worthless potion vendors and other collectable NPCs scattered throughout the Houses.  The communities response when you rolled that out was “great pots, too expensive for anyone to bother with” and your team was just “meh, whatever.  On to the next thing.”  This is part of your PR problem.  If you feel you’re giving us too much, you’re quick to yank it away from us – but when we scream in unison that something is good but needs to be adjusted to be worth wild – crickets.


None of this is to be mean.  I’m going to be open and honest here – you do not have nearly as good of a relationship with your community as you think you do and your steady decline in population reflects it.

You come off authoritarian and miserly.

The game is great.  The game is amazing.  And I wasn’t joking when I said people don’t stop playing DDO – they stop dealing with your shit.

Your forums are run like a prison with prisoners who have their noses up the warden’s ass getting away with murder.  Your forum paladins are poison to the moral of your community and protect your ego’s at the cost of your bottom line.

We are your customers.  We pay you to stay in business.  We have a right to want a product we pay for and a right to demand our product functions correctly. 

The guy complaining about a fly in his soup in NOT the asshole.  The guy next to him going “the cook worked hard on that, you’re lucky you get soup at all” on the other hand is driving away your business.

You come down like the hammer of God when a glitch benefits us and very much like “fuck you, I already got your money” when something is broken.

There is NO reason…actually, there is only ONE reason DDO doesn’t have the same population as LoTROL – and that’s the way you treat your customers.  The soup is great, the waiters a bit of an ass.

If you were half as quick to fix broken quests as exploits, you’d still have most of the population you had 8 years ago.  The time you spent working on Thrill of the Hunt recently should have been spent on fixing Lag Hill.  Thrill hurt no one, Lag Hill is called Lag Hill for a reason and it sure as fuck isn’t my gaming computer that was designed to play triple A games at the highest settings.

Lynnabel is one of the few staff members you have that has a healthy relationship with the community and it would behoove each individual member of your team to think long and hard why that is.  Because it feels like she cares about our having a good time and she’s doing what she can to improve our experience and not running around slapping us on the wrists for…basically having fun.

You have improved to a degree, but usually all your customers want to know is you hear them, you’re concerned and you’re taking the steps needed to fix the problem.

The first time I rage quit was because of the falling through the walls (toons and monsters) glitch.  It was devastating for game play and very frustrating.  Post after post went up complaining about it on the mobos.

The team’s response?  Crickets. 

For fucking months.

All it took was “we hear you, we’re working on it, we’re really sorry that happened, here’s a handful of points and some crappy, low tier XP pots.”

Silence kills your business.  Non-compensation kills your business – which comes back to the miserly aspect.

You need to throw love and cheap compensation at problems.  You should not have had as many unsatisfied post about customer interaction as you’ve had for the past decade.

Gear lost on a TR?  We’re working hard on this problem, here’s a stack treasure elixirs and an ottos to make up for your inconvenience.  Unsatisfied customers stop being customers.  And forum fires of panic don’t need to be instigated with dummy accounts, ignored, or treated like a prison riot.  They need to be dealt with quickly and skillfully letting your player base know that the staff is on their side and working hard to improve things.


Start from scratch, create one AI per hire class and scale by level.  Change skins, not AIs.
Alternative method – take poll, find out which AI sucks less – clone it, reskin by level.
Up hire defenses, HPs, etc. – especially in epics.
No cool downs on tasks bars.  EVER.
No mass heals on epic hires.  Quick heals only. 
Only change skins and flavor spells (restore, DD, etc.)

Collectables/Ingredients turn ins

Collectables are already sorted by tiers.  Create a collectable token and set exchange rate = 1 T1 for 1 token, 1T2 for 2 tokens, 1T3 for 3 tokens, etc.  Reverse exchange would be 1 token for 1T1 collectable, 2 tokens for 1T2, 3 token for 1T3, etc.  This will automatically give more tokens for exchanging higher tier collectables and take more lower tier turn ins to get a higher tier item. 

Collectable vendors – Change all existing vendors to give potions/augments/etc for 1, 3, or 5 universal collectable tokens.

Create cross pack token system for outdated crafting systems.  AVOID overly contrived turn in systems like the cannith challenge system.  DON’T try to make different systems interchangeable – use universal tokens instead.  Each pack/old system will have its own vendor with list of unique crafting ings.  Universal tokens will be used for needed ings.  Same concept as the collectables, more common ings give less tokens, rarer ones give more tokens.

« Last Edit: Aug 31st, 2019 at 2:33pm by Skoodge »  

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #2 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 8:55am
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A balanced approach to content -

I mentioned (in one of these long posts) earlier how I honestly can’t tell at times what your goals are.  Let’s look at the recent changes to XP.  What was the goal there?

Was it to encourage grouping outside of the dailies?  Because you failed there by not listening to the community and giving the quests that needed bumps the bumps they needed.  Plus adding the hardcore server and crystal cove at the same time was just a horrible, horrible idea.  No offense to whoever made that call - but take them out back and beat the stupid out of them with a phone book (and since phone books barely exist, use the modern equivalent – beat them with a desk top.  Seriously).
Was it to sell pots?  Because that’s kind of a shit move and part of why your community doesn’t trust you.  Kind of like walking over and purposefully knocking a drink out of a customer’s hand to get them to buy another one.
Was it to get people to quit playing and make the servers even more empty?  Because well done on that one if that was your goal.
Was it to get people to become VIP?  Again, kind of like walking over and cutting off half of someone’s sandwich hoping they’ll buy another.
Was it to get people to buy more packs?  Because if one product is selling better than the others, you don’t balance it out by making the top tier sales item shittier.  You improve your other products.

You have a unique challenge for your sales that you seem to struggle with balancing out.  I think part of the problem is you look to the wrong equivalents for your sales examples.  Your model seems to be based on Apple’s of forced obsolescence of old products.  Old Apple phones intentionally become shittier the older they get to force you into buying a new one.  This works for them because they’re not simultaneously trying to sell you the new model AND a 10 year old model.  They don’t want you to use their old phones – you want people to run your new packs.

It’s been easily 20 years since I bought one, but a better model would be music.  The last I remember prices a new CD was priced about 15 bucks and an older release by the same band would be somewhere in the 8-12 dollar range – frequently discounted and on sale.  Especially bad releases were either permanently dropped down to about 5 bucks – or completely phased out in shame (I’m looking at you Restless Isles).

The older it gets, the more the price drops.  You don’t keep the price the same and constantly jack up the price of the new release too.  It's also worth noting that older releases can be sold again and again as remastered with bonus tracks.

But that’s only part of the problem – lets go back to my formula of what makes a quest or pack successful.

XPxLootxfun factor = sales.

So you want your new pack to sell well, and you want your old packs to sell but not be so good that people don’t need the new pack.  The obvious answer is to make the new packs fun, but to be fair – that’s not always easy.

Traditionally how you’ve handled it was to put all your eggs in the loot basket.  You jack up the pluses on the loot, it adds to the power crawl which doesn’t always encourage the sales but often gets people to quit because of the insane rate of trying to keep up with the meta.  Old packs become quickly obsolete, the gear isn’t even worth feeding to a jewel let alone using and now no one runs the quests or buys the packs.

And there’s our challenge.  How to keep up sales on the old and the new?

Which brings us back to “know your product.”  The more you improve by just jacking up the numbers of new gear, the more worthless you make old gear and the wider the divide between new players and meta becomes.

5 years ago I would have pitched something along the lines of a cross pack crafting system.  Specific types of filigrees for gear (not weapons) that only drop in certain packs.  Want ghostly?  You have to farm this pack.  Want deathblock?  Run this pack and so on.

If you keep jacking up the pluses on new gear you’re going to create a game where only one or two packs need (no, HAVE) to be run.  Right now a new player can just grab RL and be mostly covered in heroics.  Outside of XP, they can get by with mostly just RL for the last half of heroics (if they make it that far with the shitty starter gear).

Instead of jacking up the pluses and set bonuses that outdate older ones completely, you need to be designing new, useful, and mostly customizable gear.

Slavers is still useful, GS is still a bit useful.  Why?  Customizable.  The new gear added to Necro 4 not all that long ago is completely worthless.  Why?  Set bonuses that became outdated 2 minutes after release and nothing unique or sought after.

And that unique and sought after will always sell packs.  Do you know the must have or worth farming items in the game?  We do.  You really should learn what they are because that’s what you need to be adding to gear, not just “this pack gives plus 20 STR to be better than the last pack that only gave plus 15.”  The more you jack up the stat bonuses, the more you increase the power crawl in the future.

Best way to balance it out is customizable gear with unique boosts with low drop rates of ings starting out.  Drop the ings needed a few releases later to keep interest in that pack up.  Two year old gear should be good, just not as good – not completely worthless and not worth bothering with in such a short period of time.

Remember - the goal should be to create new loot that eventually becomes "not as good as the newest thing but still useful" and stays that way, not "worthless 2 minutes after they farm it."

In conclusion -

Am I bit of an asshole for what I've said?  Maybe.  But I was told once a good friend rubs lemon in your wounds to make sure you don't make the same mistakes over and over and I honestly believe you'll find more ways to improve your game, customer satisfaction and your revenue here on the vault than you ever will from the paladins on the forums.

I can't stress that enough - you let them get away with saying things the rest of us would get (and have gotten) infractions for saying.  I can say this without hyperbole - Thrudh alone has cost you far more in sales than he spends on the game even if he was your biggest whale.

So I loaded up my dummy account to make a toon in which you can heap loads of much deserved appreciation on me for my efforts to keep you in a job.  I don't know how it's working on the new server but I can tell you this - it took me five tries to finish the intro quest.

Five fucking times.

The AI and pathing of the NPCs are all over the place.  They're running into walls, swimming in the air, disappearing, standing at walls if you go too far ahead.  You massively screwed up their pathing with the last update, just thought you should know.  For everyone one new player in Korthos there's probably 10 who gave up and will never spend money on the game.

Fix it.

My sock toons name is: Unboundotto on Cannith.  There's a subtle clue there on what I'd like Wink

Send me stacks.  Send me stacks and implement even half my suggestions and maybe I'll log back in to help you retain new players and together we'll keep the game alive a few years more.
« Last Edit: Aug 22nd, 2019 at 1:20pm by Skoodge »  

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #3 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 9:04am
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Holy shit... Well said, man.

I came, I saw, I abruptly left.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #4 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 9:44am
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Holy shit. I made it to the third paragraph. Yawn.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #5 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 9:46am
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Not even going to lie, I'm salty as hell right now.  The grind was already a bore in this game but I could stretch it out by running sagas, a handful of dailies and keeping things interesting by joining some mid level reaper for quests I haven't ran yet.

But right now there really aren't any mid level reaper groups, which leaves me either running sagas that didn't get anything resembling what they should have for a boost in XP or the dailies - which haven't been nerfed as much as they tried - but are paying out lower than before.

So all they've done is create bad blood with their player base.  Dailies aren't as good as they were, but still the best XP in epics.  So there are my choices - run the sagas for shit XP to slowly crawl my way through leveling, or run the fucking dailies.

Which comes back to, why the fuck am I even playing this game any more if they're only willing to make it fun for VIP?  I bought a years worth of VIP in points just 4 months ago, but fuck that guy and his money.  Either give us more money to come do this thing you have no interest in doing or give us more money for better pots to take the boring sting out of leveling.

Fuck that.

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Abbot Raider

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #6 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 10:32am
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I said in your other really good thread that SSG should have listened to, they should seriously hire you to fix their fucking game.

And you said they couldn't afford you!  Tongue

Another SPOT ON post about what they are getting wrong. So I am basically a guy at the nightclub who is there for free. I don't spend much (actually anything anymore thanks to all those points I have from racial and heroic trs) ......but I post LFMs. I join LFMs. I post and buy shit on the AH and shard house. I help out the new players, which there are a ton of on Cannith since it's been default for so long. I was one of the people who  was in the bar, giving it the feeling of being alive.

And I uninstalled last week because of the back asswards way they did this xp change. It was just the straw that broke the camels back for me.

Even though I've been playing for free for a long time, that club has one less person in it now because you blatantly tried to squeeze money out of me, when I was happy and having fun just as things were. There wasn't ANYBODY who I EVER met who left the game because "those dailies just give too much optional xp".

At this point, with this grind, if you are not increasing ALL XP, you're just saying FUCK YOU AND GIVE ME YOUR MONEY  to players.

« Last Edit: Aug 20th, 2019 at 10:36am by somenewnoob »  

Grab life by the pussy.
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Rose-tinted Goggles
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #7 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 10:40am
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Skoodge wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 8:54am:
Hubris aside, for nearly a decade I’ve been one of the guys trying to keep you from shooting yourself in your own foot.  So here’s my last attempt of trying to get you to put the gun down and a detailed explanation to why bullets are harmful to toes.

At this point they already shot off all of their toes and are currently seeking more Season Passes to help with the pain.

Skoodge wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 8:55am:

We can all see their true colors with the Optional XP ransack. Heroic leveling is untouched. I have yet to see anyone farm Shadow crypt, Von 3, or Litany more then three times. This just hurts casuals/new players farming Epic XP Dailies then logging off. They just want to sell more Epic Ottos boxes and XP Elixirs. Best of luck with those Destinies and pastlives. New players don't stand a chance. Casuals will eventually just leave.

Skoodge wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 8:54am:
Before your time but I was also part of the very vocal collection of pre testers of the enhancement pass that begged “great idea but half the classes are going to suffer for it and it needs at least another month or two of tweaks before being released” – which was ignored and helped tank the game’s population.

Heres a graph showing the population numbers in graph form:

At this point the best thing they can do is reduce the servers down to two. The game is old, its a niche mmo, and quite complex. The f2p model is garbage, its a sub only game at this point with an extended trial period. Cant rely on new players nor would revamping new player experiences do much. Reducing the servers will make DDO feel alive again for the current dedicated player base . Then focus everything into making good store cosmetics and content. Preferably raids that are actually fun to play instead of puzzle bullshit or cheese mechanics.

« Last Edit: Aug 20th, 2019 at 5:37pm by Rose-tinted Goggles »  

Update 1-13: The golden age of DDO

rest wrote on Oct 26th, 2012 at 12:53pm:
DDO is still the old fat wife I have at home who I can't fucking stand, but we've been together so long I can't see myself leaving.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #8 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 11:36am
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TL;DR version: Here's what I realized today -

People don't stop playing DDO.  They get tired of dealing with Turbine's shit.

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Dragon Raider

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #9 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 12:03pm
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Skoodge wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 11:36am:
TL;DR version: Here's what I realized today -

People don't stop playing DDO.  They get tired of dealing with Turbine's shit.

Have this projected on the building across from whatever conventions Sev attends.
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The Undeserving Fuckwit

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #10 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 12:10pm
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A few places where DDO has failed in terms of player retention, both short-term and long, are areas that are vital to player bases. Player segments should be catered to. All of them, as each have their own individual value to a product. Some by spending more, others by inviting a lot of people and being a social influence. Others by interacting with the community and engaging with other users. Each individual segment should then be targeted and content should have ways of interacting with player styles for all segments.

Taking away preferences is the opposite of what should be done here. That means don't take away options for people playing the game their way.

Have someone go over the data and get a statistical model on predictive behavior of new players. Then boost those areas where new players are enjoying the mechanics and content so as to offer a more customized experience. 

If players like trading items, expand on that. If they like running dailies ; don't take that way. Easy steps here to follow. Expand on the social aspect through the LFM system. Have better tutorials. Make Korthos better. That is the first impression every player has of your game. These first 5 minutes should be amazing, not merely a stepping stone or an afterthought.


Mockduck wrote on Aug 30th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
I don't think naming names would be a good thing for me to do, but I'd pretty much add anyone who's a know-it-all dick on the list.� Even if they are sometimes intelligent with their opinions, the way they state them in long, "i'm a lawyer at trial"-type posts makes me want to punch them in the face.� They act like whiney babies with god complexes and then freak out if someone so much as breathes criticism in their direction.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #11 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 12:38pm
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Skoodge wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 8:54am:
Dear Severlin:

I worry about you bro.  Really, I worry about you.  Sometimes I imagine you wandering around your office amongst your jars of urine in your tissue box shoes alternating between mumbling; “cheaters, dirty cheaters, must stop those dirty cheaters” and “money, must make more money” then devising elaborate plans that do nothing towards achieving either goal.

I kid!  I kid because I love!  The vault is a place of nothing but love, joy, and warm fuzzy feelings!  Here’s how much I love you guys at SSG – my extended down time is coming to an end and I’m going to spend a good portion of what remains trying (once again) to convince you to step away from the edge.

Because last night I shut down my client early while thinking “why the fuck am I still playing this game and why the fuck am I still giving these people my money?”  That is not where you want someone like me who’s spent as much money as I have keeping you in a job to be – and the scattered handjobs you’re getting on the mobos right now notwithstanding, I am by no means in the minority in this frustration.

This is great, somebody with a sock to burn should post a link to this on the motherboards!

Or maybe just repost this, I think it's time again

But yeah, I love the nightclub analogy, it's perfect. It's not fun to laugh alone in an empty club, and it's not fun to plow through content on an empty server. SSG needs to treat the krill better or the whales won't stick around to be milked. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Turdbin, keep changing the DDO rules, because McDonalds sold over 200 billion hamburgers by changing the recipe for their Special Sauce every couple of months to keep interest up.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #12 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 1:54pm
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Rose-tinted Goggles wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 10:40am:

Nice graph, that somewhat validate my point about the Enhancement Crash : It drove people away. ( even if it drove them away slower than I thought. )

Side note : DDO is and has always been a niche MMORPG.

And I think Turbine and now SSG have rose tinted glasses and miss the fact that their player base is older than a standard run the mill MMO.
Most of us are here because of the D&D history and because that's a way for us to have our regular fix of something similar to a Pen and Paper Game Session.
And if we can't get our fix of P&P like game session we drift away ( back to PnP or to virtual PnP or to something else )


Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Rose-tinted Goggles
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #13 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 3:52pm
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Flav wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 1:54pm:
Nice graph, that somewhat validate my point about the Enhancement Crash : It drove people away. ( even if it drove them away slower than I thought. )

The crash from the Enhancement change seems small on the chart due to the scale of the DDO launch and f2p launch. Heres a better chart:

You can see how bad the revamp affected people. Considering Update 19 was also an Expansion! The numbers should have soared up big time. The Devs could have just updated the Enhancement window in the character tab. Allow you to see the Prestige Enhancements and so forth easier. Add in class tabs. But nope, revamp that shit. Update 20 added no worthwhile content so steady decline after that. Epic 3BC had more hype around it and kept players around longer than the U19 expansion. Go figure.

Flav wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 1:54pm:
Side note : DDO is and has always been a niche MMORPG.

And I think Turbine and now SSG have rose tinted glasses and miss the fact that their player base is older than a standard run the mill MMO.
Most of us are here because of the D&D history and because that's a way for us to have our regular fix of something similar to a Pen and Paper Game Session.
And if we can't get our fix of P&P like game session we drift away ( back to PnP or to virtual PnP or to something else )

Thats exactly why you see the massive crash after its launch. It wasnt a WoW killer. It was a niche mmo built towards the PnP community. Sadly I cant say its much of a PnP mmo anymore.
« Last Edit: Aug 20th, 2019 at 4:37pm by Rose-tinted Goggles »  

Update 1-13: The golden age of DDO

rest wrote on Oct 26th, 2012 at 12:53pm:
DDO is still the old fat wife I have at home who I can't fucking stand, but we've been together so long I can't see myself leaving.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #14 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 4:17pm
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This is good stuff, but I doubt Sev lurks here.  He's too good for that and we're the hive of scum and villainy.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #15 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 4:30pm
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raybob wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 4:17pm:
This is good stuff, but I doubt Sev lurks here.  He's too good for that and we're the hive of scum and villainy.

It's tough to see the truth when you have your head buried in the sand.

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #16 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 5:48pm
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So what should the business model be?
« Last Edit: Aug 20th, 2019 at 6:02pm by HelloKitty »  
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #17 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 6:26pm
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Hitting a pay wall, and the shit show known as Korthos are great points. Korthos should have a "wow" factor. and it just looks dated. No way to attract new players.

I wouldn't mind an entire update built just to attract new players.  I think It could include a strong re-branding of the core classes. Not necessarily complete changes but something to make them look attractive maybe a 4th enhancement tree in    wizard, fighter, rouge, and cleric?
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #18 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 6:35pm
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johnnyonthespot wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 6:26pm:
Hitting a pay wall, and the shit show known as Korthos are great points. Korthos should have a "wow" factor. and it just looks dated. No way to attract new players.

I wouldn't mind an entire update built just to attract new players.  I think It could include a strong re-branding of the core classes. Not necessarily complete changes but something to make them look attractive maybe a 4th enhancement tree in    wizard, fighter, rouge, and cleric?

Wild Mage, a proper Weaponsmaster (not Kensai, damned weeb shit), Arcane Trickster perhaps? and an actual Necromancer style cleric would all be unique ways to take core classes to bring in new players. I'd think atleast.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #19 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 6:46pm
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Technomage wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 4:30pm:
It's tough to see the truth when you have your head buried in the sand.

More like buried up his ass, but I quibble.
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #20 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 6:50pm
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Wow Classic is going to be the shit!
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #21 - Aug 20th, 2019 at 7:40pm
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Rubbinns wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 12:10pm:
Player segments should be catered to. All of them, as each have their own individual value to a product.

I think it sums up to this. 
my brother enjoys playing the auction house.  his wife invites friends to join.  another friend gets past lives by using stones.  some enjoy min/maxing numbers.  I like leveling, and hate endgame. 
but we can all do our thing in one online place.
with SSG telling us how to play, and forcing it, makes it feel too much like work. 
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #22 - Aug 21st, 2019 at 2:41am
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Rose-tinted Goggles wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 3:52pm:
The crash from the Enhancement change seems small on the chart due to the scale of the DDO launch and f2p launch. Heres a better chart:

Cute graph. Not accurate, but cute.

You would have to see the cash flow numbers to understand.

Don't forget Thrudh is paying for the subscriptions they have lost... it must be sky high by now.

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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #23 - Aug 21st, 2019 at 3:06am
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HelloKitty wrote on Aug 20th, 2019 at 5:48pm:
So what should the business model be?

I moved some things around, check my 2nd and 3rd posts.  A few points are just summaries with more detailed descriptions in my "Hey SSG" posts pt 1 and 2.
« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2019 at 4:02am by Skoodge »  

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Snu Snu
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Re: An Open Letter to Severlin
Reply #24 - Aug 21st, 2019 at 6:19am
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Where is the data / chart coming from?

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