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Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Jul 22nd, 2020 at 4:41pm
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That the server problems might be related to them trying to stop the duping?  If the dupe method relies on interupts or logoffs, they might have tried to add a protective protocol and fucked up their own servers in the process.  For whatever reason, they seem unable to pin point or stop the actual dupers and given Sev's past (and recent) hard-on for cracking down on dupes and anything resembling an exploit, it stands to reason they're doing something about it.  Knowing Sev, stopping the rampant duping has to be on the top of his to-do list.

Historically, whenever they try to close up a dup, they end up fucking up like 10 other things.  Don't know what they were trying to patch up 6 or so months ago, but they managed to completely fuck up the NPC pathing because of a new fail-safe protocol.  It's absolutely conceivable that they'd go for an plan (and code) that fucked up their core programming and/or servers by once again taking the wrong approach to deal with their present problem (I can think of a half a dozen, easy solutions off the top of my head - but for some reason the team thinks they know more than their much more experienced player base).

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #1 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 4:52pm
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Solid hypothesis

Strake wrote on Mar 31st, 2020 at 1:51pm:
Like every group, there are schlubs and there are stars, and a lot in between. Pick your cause and I can say the same thing about the associated group.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #2 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 5:07pm
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Skoodge wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 4:41pm:
That the server problems might be related to them trying to stop the duping?  If the dupe method relies on interupts or logoffs, they might have tried to add a protective protocol and fucked up their own servers in the process.  For whatever reason, they seem unable to pin point or stop the actual dupers and given Sev's past (and recent) hard-on for cracking down on dupes and anything resembling an exploit, it stands to reason they're doing something about it.  Knowing Sev, stopping the rampant duping has to be on the top of his to-do list.

Historically, whenever they try to close up a dup, they end up fucking up like 10 other things.  Don't know what they were trying to patch up 6 or so months ago, but they managed to completely fuck up the NPC pathing because of a new fail-safe protocol.  It's absolutely conceivable that they'd go for an plan (and code) that fucked up their core programming and/or servers by once again taking the wrong approach to deal with their present problem (I can think of a half a dozen, easy solutions off the top of my head - but for some reason the team thinks they know more than their much more experienced player base).

I somewhat doubt it because LOTRO is suffering pretty bad as well, if not worse.  I could be (and likely) am wrong though.

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #3 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 5:07pm
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That people seem to be paying about 1/50th the price for one of their big sellers and sources of revenue, leads me to believe they must be trying to do SOMETHING about it.

I would, if I were them.

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #4 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 5:15pm
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Epitome wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 5:07pm:
I somewhat doubt it because LOTRO is suffering pretty bad as well, if not worse.  I could be (and likely) am wrong though.

They share the same servers (I believe).  If that's the case, fucking up the program of one would fuck up the performance of the other.  Could be coincidence but their experimenting with one of the DDO servers coming right before everything grinding to a dead stop right after the worst duping they've ever dealt with...but chances are the three are more likely related than not.

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz
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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #5 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 5:30pm
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If their intent was to go after duping in DDO, I find it breathtakingly funny that they've managed to completely shut down LOTRO until further notice while keeping DDO running like a drunk in a potato sack race.
« Last Edit: Jul 22nd, 2020 at 6:06pm by Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz »  
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #6 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 6:16pm
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Skoodge wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 4:41pm:
Historically, whenever they try to close up a dup, they end up fucking up like 10 other things. 

99 little bugs in the code...
99 little bugs
take one down
patch it around...
127 little bugs in the code

But seriously, I question how an attempt to fix a duping exploit in DDO could possibly knock down the forums. I'm not suggesting its IMPOSSIBLE, by any means. It's like when you see a wrecked car in an impossible position, you have to know how it got there.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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DQ Assaulter

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #7 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 7:10pm
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noamineo wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 6:16pm:
99 little bugs in the code...
99 little bugs
take one down
patch it around...
127 little bugs in the code

Very nearly a coffee-sprayed-over-monitor moment.  I was picturing oompa-loompas singing this in the SSG stable.

Gunga wrote on Apr 6th, 2021 at 9:31am:
This game doesn’t deserve great players, honestly.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #8 - Jul 22nd, 2020 at 8:34pm
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It's definitely crossed my mind, however I have some criticism for you on the matter.
Patching exploits like duping isn't entirely as easy, sometimes it is with something like forcing all ui windows (inventory, store, holding bags, etc.) to close when you close the bank window.

Most times though it does tend to lead more into figuring out what chain of events can lead into the exploit being patched, since it's usually not just one easy movement. Rather, ends up being things like opening and closing windows repeatedly while moving in a certain way or zoning to another instance. So patching it comes down to not just looking at fixing it as just one issue but instead 20 or so issues....
Which, with programming.... always bound to be a ripple effect of issues that can show up, especially with such an old game.

Anyways, I don't think the servers are suffering specifically from them fixing the duping issue on ddo, but very well possible that this is their own doing.
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Vault Frog

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #9 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:27am
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Skoodge wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 4:41pm:
That the server problems might be related to them trying to stop the duping?  If the dupe method relies on interupts or logoffs, they might have tried to add a protective protocol and fucked up their own servers in the process.

Interesting notion.

I ( we ) know that there's a frontend and a backend side for each server.  ( as noticed by Techno here : after one of my post. )

From the same post we can see that on the frontend side there's different IPs for different things ( even if physically they may all end up in the same virtual server ).
We only have hints of the backend side with the login queue and the status server IPs, but there's also probably a database server for each game world. ( along with an O&M server, a log server and a few other servers )

My understanding of the current dupe method is that it's using the fact that the database content is updated sequentially with a delay and if timed right some of those updates are discarded by the shutdown.
The best method to get rid of the duping is to dump everybody ( kick all the players out ) and force a database queue emptying but that can be annoying if it's not automated and/or if there's no tool to perform the database queues flush ( especially if there's a queue per character/user... which would make it a pita to do )... you need a guy to do it on all the servers. ( and that guy needs to know what he's doing ).

Now add to that the fact that apparently the backend notwork seems to be common for all the game servers, and you have the recipe for some nice fail.

one thing they could try to llimit the latency between the database and the game world is to separate the database transaction network from the main back end network and to upgrade it... and to separate it on a game world basis... since each game world has it's own database server and everything is supposed to be virtualized, they could host the game server and the database server on the same physical hardware using the internal virtualizer network switch for added bandwidth ( instead of going out to a physical network and another box ). But this requires some devious and nasty optimization on the virtual machine side.
If not done correctly all the data writes in the database files would impact every virtual machine hosted on the physical server ( concurrent writes on the physical HDD. [ because it's probably not SSD, but a RAID5 array or something sdimilar ] ), creating lag, long loading screens and more... ( which strangely is what we see )

TLDR : I think they tried something with the database servers in the backend, namely hosting them on the same physical host as the game world, to limit the
duping cases, and fubared it, because they didn't take into account the DB writes.

As for LoTRO... Remember it's exactly the same game as DDO when it comes to backend and server setup the only difference is in the universe. ( the DAT files used by the game client.  [ hell it's also exactly the same setup that was used for AC2 ]
The games were devlopped concurently and in the early days things added to DDO were added later to LoTRO ( we beta tested lots of things for them that way ).
Nowadays it's more LoTRO that beta test things later added to DDO ( because there's more money in LoTRO to develop things... and once developped, since the games are identical, adding it to DDO is cheap and easy )


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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #10 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:53am
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Flav wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:27am:
TLDR : I think they tried something with the database servers in the backend, namely hosting them on the same physical host as the game world, to limit the
duping cases, and fubared it, because they didn't take into account the DB writes.

Do you have any theories as to how that would also fuck up the server that hosts the website and forums, though? Since those have been blinking in and out.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #11 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 3:27am
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noamineo wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 6:16pm:
But seriously, I question how an attempt to fix a duping exploit in DDO could possibly knock down the forums. I'm not suggesting its IMPOSSIBLE, by any means. It's like when you see a wrecked car in an impossible position, you have to know how it got there.

Two words:  Because Turbine.

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz
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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #12 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 4:53am
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noamineo wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:53am:
Do you have any theories as to how that would also fuck up the server that hosts the website and forums, though? Since those have been blinking in and out.

I do.  They’ve put all their eggs in one basket.
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Vault Frog

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #13 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 5:23am
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noamineo wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:53am:
Do you have any theories as to how that would also fuck up the server that hosts the website and forums, though? Since those have been blinking in and out.

They are on the same hardware... that's the most obvious theory.

Now seriously, I suspect that it's more complex. And one of the thing they might be doing is to upgrade their network infrastructure.... And they didn't take into account all the flows between each and every elements.. ( virtual or not )
If they want I can do some consluting for them on DC notwork... been there, done that, got enough complex project under the belt ( most of them being tied to $TELCO charging & Billing ). I'm cheap compared to an US network consultant.

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Dragon Raider

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #14 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 5:43am
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The thing is, stopping the duping on the boxes wouldn't require any extra layers or whatever.

Just flip the switch and make the boxes BTA or BTC.  Bingo, no more trading/selling.
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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #15 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 6:53am
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Notanarc wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 5:43am:
The thing is, stopping the duping on the boxes wouldn't require any extra layers or whatever.

Just flip the switch and make the boxes BTA or BTC.  Bingo, no more trading/selling.

That would be the smart, easy fix.

Sev doesn't do the smart, easy fixes.

Turbine policy - glitches and poor coding resulting in interference of your game play or enjoyment will be ignored.  Glitches or poor coding on the developers side that at all benefit your game play or enjoyment will result in your character being banned and/or items from your inventory deleted.  Please report all bugs via our bug report...when it works.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #16 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 7:31am
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AAH wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 7:10pm:
Very nearly a coffee-sprayed-over-monitor moment.  I was picturing oompa-loompas singing this in the SSG stable.

I also almost have a coffee spraying incident!

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #17 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 9:14am
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Skoodge wrote on Jul 22nd, 2020 at 5:15pm:
They share the same servers (I believe). 

They might share the same hardware.  But they are on separate virtuals. That has been stated that they virtualized the servers.   Don't know what they are using (Hyper-V, VMWare, etc) but nothing they did in their applications would be able to impact performance on the other virtuals.  The more likely issue would be an issue at the hardware level or a bad patch/update to the virtualization software.   But nothing they do to "Fix duping" in DDO would affect LoTRO, the forums, etc.   

An interesting thing I notice, though, is that when I freeze, my hirelings, pets, the mobs, and all the info coming from the server is still moving without any impact or lag.   This is different than other freeze lag (like DoJ or Deathwyrm, etc).   It almost seems like my keyboard and mouse input just aren't being received.  It feels more communications related, but not just pure latency/packet loss, which affects all communication. 
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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #18 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:49pm
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Flav wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:27am:
one thing they could try to llimit the latency between the database and the game world is to separate the database transaction network from the main back end network and to upgrade it... and to separate it on a game world basis... since each game world has it's own database server and everything is supposed to be virtualized, they could host the game server and the database server on the same physical hardware using the internal virtualizer network switch for added bandwidth ( instead of going out to a physical network and another box ). But this requires some devious and nasty optimization on the virtual machine side.
If not done correctly all the data writes in the database files would impact every virtual machine hosted on the physical server ( concurrent writes on the physical HDD. [ because it's probably not SSD, but a RAID5 array or something sdimilar ] ), creating lag, long loading screens and more... ( which strangely is what we see )

TLDR : I think they tried something with the database servers in the backend, namely hosting them on the same physical host as the game world, to limit the
duping cases, and fubared it, because they didn't take into account the DB writes.

You have mirrored my thoughts almost exactly. Nice.

noamineo wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:53am:
Do you have any theories as to how that would also fuck up the server that hosts the website and forums, though? Since those have been blinking in and out.

If they all share the same DB server or DB server cluster on the back-end, and they did what Flav suggested to the DB server to reduce lag in the writes to that common DB back-end...
« Last Edit: Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:53pm by Technomage »  

Do not try the patience of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.

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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #19 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 2:09pm
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Flav wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 5:23am:
If they want I can do some consluting for them on DC notwork... been there, done that, got enough complex project under the belt ( most of them being tied to $TELCO charging & Billing ). I'm cheap compared to an US network consultant.

That would be really funny. Especially if you went through the whole job and then told them right at the end "oh, hey, I'm Flav on the Vault". The loo on sev's face....

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #20 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 2:11pm
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Notanarc wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 5:43am:
The thing is, stopping the duping on the boxes wouldn't require any extra layers or whatever.

Just flip the switch and make the boxes BTA or BTC.  Bingo, no more trading/selling.

They can't do this because buying/selling/trading of legitimately purchased boxes is HUGE. Its about all that passes for an economy in the game these days.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #21 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 2:26pm
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Flav wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 1:27am:
Now add to that the fact that apparently the backend notwork seems to be common for all the game servers, and you have the recipe for some nice fail.

one thing they could try to llimit the latency between the database and the game world is to separate the database transaction network from the main back end network and to upgrade it... and to separate it on a game world basis... since each game world has it's own database server and everything is supposed to be virtualized, they could host the game server and the database server on the same physical hardware using the internal virtualizer network switch for added bandwidth ( instead of going out to a physical network and another box ). But this requires some devious and nasty optimization on the virtual machine side.
If not done correctly all the data writes in the database files would impact every virtual machine hosted on the physical server ( concurrent writes on the physical HDD. [ because it's probably not SSD, but a RAID5 array or something sdimilar ] ), creating lag, long loading screens and more... ( which strangely is what we see )

I disagree.

They use MS SQL server.   SQL does virtual writes that then get asynchronously written to disk in separate functions that are independent of the application interaction.  The game would never be waiting for a physical write to disk.   Given how SQL Server handles logical writes, the write-ahead transaction log, dirty pages, batched physical writes in lazy writes, eager writes, and checkpoints, physical IO would not be a factor.   And all that assumes they are running DB on the same hardware as the front end application.      

What you describe hasn't been an issue for 20 years.
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Vault Frog

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #22 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 4:58pm
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noamineo wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 2:09pm:
"oh, hey, I'm Flav on the Vault".

I managed to be in the first PC with almost that exact phrase... Anything is possible since I never hid my sock name on the DDO forum, IRC ( and now discord ) and The Vault. Cordovan even know my real name ( since for the PC application he had to have a real name and email address ).

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Vault Frog

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #23 - Jul 23rd, 2020 at 5:12pm
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Asheras wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 2:26pm:
I disagree.

They use MS SQL server.   SQL does virtual writes that then get asynchronously written to disk in separate functions that are independent of the application interaction.  The game would never be waiting for a physical write to disk.   Given how SQL Server handles logical writes, the write-ahead transaction log, dirty pages, batched physical writes in lazy writes, eager writes, and checkpoints, physical IO would not be a factor.   And all that assumes they are running DB on the same hardware as the front end application.      

What you describe hasn't been an issue for 20 years.

Should I start to mention that I did Sybase DBA stuff for more than 10 years ? ( MS SQL Server is the bastard cousin of Sybase ASE )
Should I start to mention that the game is 14 years old ?
Should I start to mention that the infrastructure setup is as old as Asheron's Call 2 development ? ( since they basically resused the same type of infrastructure for DDO and LotrO )
Trust me... differences between Sybase and MS SQL Server are tiny... and most of them are underlying OS related. ( after all they started their life as siblings )

As for disk writes... if SQL Server manages it's own devices ( reported as raw devices in the hosting OS ) and said disks are on a raid unit somewhere in a SAN  you can have a whole list of wonky things happening... Not to mention forcing synchronous writes to limit the dupe options...

But overall it all boils down to Virtual machines optimizations and of the database server disks are dedicated ( and local/SAN with priority )
Physical IO will always be a factor when you work with databases, as you can have lockouts that basically forces you to wait for the dataset to have no more activity on it before you can do something on it. This is especially important in large databases, as it can block a large amount of data to be read as there's a write operation going on at the same time.
It's all a matter of DB Optimization and VM optimization and since the move to Virtual Server we all know they have no clue about optimization and manage it by the seat of the pant.

« Last Edit: Jul 23rd, 2020 at 5:13pm by Flav »  

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: Has it crossed anyone's mind?
Reply #24 - Jul 24th, 2020 at 3:53am
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Flav wrote on Jul 23rd, 2020 at 4:58pm:
I managed to be in the first PC with almost that exact phrase... Anything is possible since I never hid my sock name on the DDO forum, IRC ( and now discord ) and The Vault. Cordovan even know my real name ( since for the PC application he had to have a real name and email address ). 

Pretty much the same. They knew I was shit talking on the Vault and I wasn't going to apologize for it. I made sure not to break the NDA but I made it clear to folks that some decisions on the PC were completely biased and the whole thing was just an echo chamber for yes men.

It's a shame too; as I think there are members of the PC both past and present that if they were given the freedom to give real honest feedback and not have to worry about people's ego/feelings towards their pet projects, then the whole PC system could actually help DDO's growth and development.
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