Gunga wrote on Jan 8
th, 2021 at 8:45pm:
I thought you were proof that Darwinism is moving into MMORPG.
That's understandable Gunga, many prey species such as yourself tend to mistakenly see apex predators as superior because they are more evolved than themselves. And while it is true that we are superior to you, it isn't because we have evolved into being superior, we just are and always have been.
For instance, Meat-head and Strake were superior to you prior to your arrival in the Vault, and while all the ass-kickings they have handed-out to you over the years have certainly sharpened their rhetorical and debate skills, they are not the result of evolution, just natural superiority.
But have no fear, that doesn't disprove the evolution theory Gunga, because you yourself prove evolution is present here on the Vault and in MMORPGs. Think about it, early on you were able to defend yourself with at least a little vigour and skill here, but gradually over the years as your attempts proved less and less effective you became more docile and whipped. This change allowed you to endure your prey status with more equanimity and less of the anxiety that can torment prey species.
Much as herds of thousands of Wilderbeast are able to traverse a river during migration without the paralysis of fear even though they all instinctually know they could be killed and eaten by a croc at any moment. That's you, you have evolved a deadened sense of shame and lost your self-esteem so as to endure the many many slap-downs and humiliation your posts inevitably bring you.
And in DDO, your retreat from raids and any relevance are the natural evolutionary response of a grass-eater that couldn't cut it around competent players like Delarge, Rubbins, etc...
As an apex-predator can I just take this moment to say thank you to you Gunga? Bravo, well done! you are an essential part of the circle of life. Your failures and defeats make it possible for us to soar high above you and occasionally feast on your silly posts and attempts to matter.
Much love.