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Hot Topic (More than 35 Replies) So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they (Read 3613 times)
DQ Assaulter

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #25 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 9:57pm
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Latetotheparty wrote on Apr 21st, 2021 at 9:37pm:
google DDO player audit.
It gives live population information and lfms n stuff.

Thank you : )


Gunga wrote on Apr 6th, 2021 at 9:31am:
This game doesn’t deserve great players, honestly.
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DQ Assaulter

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #26 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 9:59pm
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Latetotheparty wrote on Apr 21st, 2021 at 9:46pm:
It has who list as well.
This site is better than in game one.
AAH you are not useless. I find you to be funny.

Nah I'm pretty useless.  But thanks.  Made my day.

Gunga wrote on Apr 6th, 2021 at 9:31am:
This game doesn’t deserve great players, honestly.
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #27 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 10:00pm
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What's Happening Now

I apologize for the poor rollout of Update 49 and the extended downtime. We believe we've located the source of the instability the live servers were seeing earlier this afternoon that prompted us to bring them offline. A larger explanation is below but just in terms of where we're at and when you can expect the game worlds to be open again:

We've got fixes in and are compiling a new game build overnight. If everything goes smoothly we'll be looking to get this deployed tomorrow morning and open the worlds before noon (eastern). We're discussing some added boosts to run alongside the planned weekend boost and will have more news on that once the game worlds are open.

What Caused This

We have an automated system that ensures the integrity of mail that we internally call a "heartbeat". Traditionally this has run every 6 hours. We found at one point that this had caused some crashes because the check got too large. We changed this heartbeat to happen every 5 minutes instead of every 6 hours so that it wouldn’t have such a backlog of data to deal with at once. On all internal servers, and public preview, this ran perfectly smoothly.

Once we hit live, however, it has become clear that the frequency of this heartbeat does not impact the effect it has on the server nearly as much as the sheer amount of mail data present. So, instead of a very noticeable hiccup every 6 hours, we were now having a slightly lessened hiccup every 5 minutes. The reason we did not see this issue on any test servers (including player preview on Lamannia) is because, even with the thousands of test case mail items created, there was not the massive backlog of mail data present that there is on a live server.

In the short term, we are reverting the heartbeat back to once every 6 hours with a patch tomorrow. In the long term we are investigating ways to clean this up and make it not an issue. This may require a combination of more aggressive (and publicly messaged ahead of time) culling of old or excessive mail as well as code changes to the heartbeart itself. Tonight, though, we don't have a timeline on those sorts of changes.

Soooo, they run some mail integrity thing, every 5 MINS insteaad of 6 HOURS.  wow, why such a short time?   hmmmm  What were they trying to "integrity" every 5 mins for?  hmmmm
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Abbot Raider

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #28 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 10:49pm
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Yeah the fix will probably reduction of mail box size to cut down on people using it to supplement their storage.
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #29 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 10:49pm
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Shunned wrote on Apr 21st, 2021 at 10:00pm:
Soooo, they run some mail integrity thing, every 5 MINS insteaad of 6 HOURS.  wow, why such a short time?   hmmmm  What were they trying to "integrity" every 5 mins for?  hmmmm

Apparently some retards on the mobo are now blaming people who do not delete mail for favors/points from their inboxes. This cunt takes the cake though:


Ppl need to remember the terms of service. SSG has absolutely no responsibility to the player. Its up to them. simple.

Im just happy i can still play the game i love with the freinds i love and SSG gives me that platform. Thankyou

Im also stoked that there still developing the game. They can shut the servers down anytime they like.

Thankyou SSG. you may stuff it up now and then. but your still having a go.


I have more respect for prostitutes selling their bodies in need for money, bad choices or just life fucking you up is a thing. Being a legitimate slut excusing those monkeys at SSG is degrading for the entire human specie.....
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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #30 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 11:18pm
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The only thing worse than SSG are the SSG fanboys who enable all this shit.

Is it safe to say at this point that U49 is the most disastrous fiasco that DDO has seen? At least in "X" amount of years? I'm coming up dry when it comes to worse things that Turbine/Shitty Stoner Games have done. But then again, I've played intermittently for 10 years rather than consistently, so it's entirely possible I've missed some stuff.

Taking away our guild elemental resist shrines was pretty shitty too. Horrendous. But I don't see it as having the same ramifications as what they're doing with on-hit procs, nor was it associated with the monumental disaster that was U49.
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DQ Assaulter

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #31 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 11:41pm
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Shunned wrote on Apr 21st, 2021 at 10:00pm:
Soooo, they run some mail integrity thing, every 5 MINS insteaad of 6 HOURS.  wow, why such a short time?   hmmmm  What were they trying to "integrity" every 5 mins for?  hmmmm

Jerry's entire social life revolves around his in-game mailbox but his is special because he can see if someone has read his message.  So he complained that waiting 6 hours to find out if someone had read his email was not on.

I understand he was as giddy as a toddler on crack during the test phase because those thousands of test emails made him feel popular.

Has anyone seen the latest launcher message - "We are tentatively planning to keep the game worlds down overnight and release a game update the morning of Thursday, April 22nd. Our current target time is 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT), although it is possible these plans will shift overnight. We will update you in the morning or whenever we have more info to provide."  wtf?

tentatively : adverb - subject to further confirmation; not definitely.

"We're thinking about planning more downtime but we're not sure yet if we want to plan right at this moment.  In the meantime, the current downtime is subject to thinking about a plan for the planning of more downtime.  We plan to give you an update on the planning if we can decide on which plan we're thinking of.  We're just not thinking about it right this moment because the plan is to have a plan between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM but only if someone can confirm the plan, is in fact a planned downtime."


Gunga wrote on Apr 6th, 2021 at 9:31am:
This game doesn’t deserve great players, honestly.
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Stormreaver Piker

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #32 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 4:12am
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Taking away our guild elemental resist shrines was pretty shitty too. Horrendous.

they took them away?  I've got years of shrines saved on toons. 

I ain't got no mothafukkinsignature
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DQ Assaulter


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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #33 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 4:42am
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dude the buff spell ya csn load or get wand have others cast on you if youre so useless
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DQ Assaulter


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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #34 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 4:52am
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I think if you fall into lava too often its a mental problem Tongue
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #35 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 8:38am
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Mail box culling, yea, like that worked the last time they said it would.

I have a toon with almost a full mailbox of shit I can't delete.  Items are bugged or something and I can't detach them.  Can't delete the mail because there's an item attached.  Been that way since the card crunching days.  I would love it if they got rid of that shit for me.
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Abbot Raider

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #36 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 9:38am
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lol oh for fucks sake. It's the mail again causing the lagz eh? I've said it before and I'll say it again, at this point I enjoy watching the devs kick themselves in the balls more than I enjoy playing the game.

Wake me when we're back to lantern archons being the culprit.


Grab life by the pussy.
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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #37 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 9:46am
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GimpyPaw wrote on Apr 22nd, 2021 at 8:38am:
Mail box culling, yea, like that worked the last time they said it would.

I have a toon with almost a full mailbox of shit I can't delete.  Items are bugged or something and I can't detach them.  Can't delete the mail because there's an item attached.  Been that way since the card crunching days.  I would love it if they got rid of that shit for me.

$5.00 bucks says that their fix somehow dupes all those items but you still won't be able to remove them.
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Vault Frog

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #38 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 11:01am
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Obviously they didn't take into account the fact that people have been using the ingame mail as an extention of the character inventory/bank for ages. And that there's millions items stored there.


Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #39 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 11:28am
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How much would it cost to totally upgrade to some top end new servers to totally rule that out of the equation?  I heard they were on cloud servers somewhere on here before so it seems like transferring the environment to new servers could be done and tested largely without stopping the gameplay?    Is this even an option as a solution to all the techie guys out there that deal with servers?  Even if you secretly did it while calling out some other culprit, it’s win win overall and they get to look good finally/once/(insert word here) to the masses.  Classic coverup.  Greater good or something?
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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #40 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 11:51am
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Mattyo wrote on Apr 22nd, 2021 at 11:28am:
How much would it cost to totally upgrade to some top end new servers to totally rule that out of the equation?  I heard they were on cloud servers somewhere on here before so it seems like transferring the environment to new servers could be done and tested largely without stopping the gameplay?    Is this even an option as a solution to all the techie guys out there that deal with servers?  Even if you secretly did it while calling out some other culprit, it’s win win overall and they get to look good finally/once/(insert word here) to the masses.  Classic coverup.  Greater good or something?

Dude, I can run a personal server for other mmo's on a raspberry pi.  And it will run well enough for a LAN party.  Yeah DDO needs more because of more clients connected,  but unless they are running on true potatoes,  it's really probably not the server.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #41 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 1:53pm
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I didn’t know, that’s why I asked.  Wasn’t sure how hardware intensive the game is.
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Vault Frog

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #42 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 4:09pm
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the game was designed for single core, single thread physical server...

Anything relatively modern is an improvement... The only issue is that the core of the game is probably still Single Core/Single thread. so using multicore/multithread virtual machines is useless.

But that's probably beyond the SSG hardware guys.

Yes my avatar is an Hermine eating a Greenland Lemming for brunch.
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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #43 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 4:21pm
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you people pay actual dollars for this

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #44 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 6:38pm
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eighnuss wrote on Apr 22nd, 2021 at 4:21pm:
you people pay actual dollars for this

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DQ Assaulter

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #45 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 7:47pm
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Gunga wrote on Apr 6th, 2021 at 9:31am:
This game doesn’t deserve great players, honestly.
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Dragon Raider

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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #46 - Apr 22nd, 2021 at 8:13pm
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Whatchu mean “you people”?!
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Re: So is emergency hotfix for some duping thing, or because they broke something so bad they
Reply #47 - Apr 23rd, 2021 at 4:42pm
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Oracler wrote on Apr 21st, 2021 at 7:48pm:
You shouldn't fire original core coders in the first place you fucktards. Sev on the stream also slipped that they are not gonna touch nor bring new challeges because they don't know how they work in code...

That can't be right...I'm pretty sure Steelstar solo-designed all of the original challenges.

Also they tinker with the mabar and anniversary challenges every year.

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