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My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Sep 7th, 2022 at 5:07pm
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My opinion of Sacred Fist has been waffling back and forth between: “this archetype is meh” and “this archetype is dogshit.” After thinking about it more, I learn towards the former, although I still say it’s horribly designed. Anyway, let’s first keep in mind the GOOD things you get from Sacred Fist:

Evasion. This is the biggest one IMO; Evasion is the single best defensive feat in the entire heroic/epic games
+1 BAB/level. This is especially good when compared to Sorc/Wiz EK, specifically with regards to obtaining feats at reasonable levels
Cha to Hit/Damage at level 6, while centered. This is not so great when you consider that Feydark gets this for 7 AP. But if we want to conserve that 7 AP and spend it elsewhere, while still doing a Cha build, then this is worth noting. So let’s keep this in mind
Cha as an AC bonus
Wand and Scroll Mastery for 4 AP from Radiant Servant
Access to the normal Paladin spells at their respective levels

…Yeah, that’s about it. Nothing really great, aside from Evasion.

And now for the bad, in case it wasn’t obvious:

NO DIVINE MIGHT, seriously wtf lynnabel?
NO HOLY RETRIBUTION. This is lowkey the single biggest thing holding back Sacred Fist. Smites are the single biggest component of Paladin DPS, therefore being unable to regenerate 1 every 30 seconds is a HUGE disadvantage for Sacred Fist. Not to mention, Holy Retribution is an amazing cleave attack/insta-killer. Lynnabel REALLY dropped the ball on this one; no Holy Retribution singlehandedly makes SF unviable IMO
No Divine Sacrifice
No Lead the Charge
Fewer +damage compared to KOTC
30 fewer Heal Amp compared to KOTC, and of course SF’s only heal amp is all locked to the cores…
No Censure Outsiders, instead Sacred Fist gets a lame one which only works on Demons/Devils. This is especially noteworthy because KoTC will stun REAPERS on Vorpals; something SF cannot do. PSWF KOTC has a 10% chance of stunning any Reaper, even higher if using a Paralyzing weapon. SF is naturally that much worse in Reaper difficulty because of this.
No Ascendency, which means SF situationally has anywhere up to -75 fewer MP compared to KOTC, and 15% less fort bypass at all times

In other words: Sacred Fist tree is hot garbage.

Keeping all this in mind, it seems fairly clear to me that SF is NOT suited for a pure build, or going T5 in it. It’s a very, VERY bad tree; ALL of the good stuff you get from SF are extrinsic to the tree itself, e.g. evasion, cha to hit/damage, cha as an AC bonus… these are all obtained with ZERO points spent in the tree

The following build is a real abomination of class splits and serves more as an indictment on how badly-designed the archetype is, but here we go. This is one of the strangest splits I've ever come up with:

”The Sacred Eldritch Vistani Fist-That's-Actually-Not-A-Fist" 14 Sacred Fist/5 Sorcerer/1 Cleric

8 Str, 16 Dex, 16 Con, 8 int, 8 Wis, 18 Cha

2 Sorc: access to Eldritch Cleave; you want at least ONE AoE for early leveling
3 SF: free Evasion, take Precision
4 SF
5 SF
6 SF: Toughness
7 SF: Divine Dream (keep 7 points in Feydark until you get this)
8 SF
9 Sorc: ISWF
10 Sorc
11 Sorc
12 Sorc: Unlocks T5 EK, take Improved Critical Piercing
13 Cleric for Divine Might
14 SF
16 SF
17 SF
18 SF: Offhand Versatility
19 SF
20 SF
21 Overwhelming Crit
24 Epic Toughness
25 Elusive Target
27 Force of Personality
28 Embodiment of Law
30 Arborea (as if there’s anything better to pick…)

For Destiny: this is a no-brainer. Go Fury of the Wild for burst-DPS with Eldritch Tempest’s insane crit multiplier. Divine Crusader could also work I guess, but the Smite stuff is kind of worthless on Sacred Fist because of no Holy Retribution, so I don’t think Crusader is a very good destiny for this build.

AP breakdown:
37 AP Eldritch Knight: you get wand mastery from this tree, so no need to dip 4 points in Radiant Servant. For T5, I would take Improved Knight’s Transformation, Knight’s Arcanum for +20 MP, and Eldritch Tempest
41 AP Vistani for a truckload of dagger enhancements + the Capstone
2 AP Warpriest for Divine Might. Yes, only 30s trance sucks, but we need to make room for the Vistani capstone. If you want to get a full 2-minute trance, you’ll unfortunately need to sacrifice 20 Melee Power from either EK or Vistani. On the positive side: if you have a +1 Universal AP tome, then you can save 1 AP on Vistani, put it into Warpriest, and get yourself Divine Might for 1 minute. i feel like I would NOT do this build unless I had that +1 universal AP tome, personally.

Yes, that’s right: not a single AP spent on the Sacred Fist tree. In essence, this split would take advantage of the fact that Daggers are Centering Weapons w/Vistani Deadly Blades. With this in mind, this build milks the best parts of Vistani/EK, while still being Cha-based; this is something which was previously IMPOSSIBLE before SF.

Uniquely, this build can take advantage of Vistani Capstone + Eldritch T5 + be Charisma based + have Divine Might; going 7 AP Feydark on any other build would render this impossible because then you’d be at 87 AP. Honestly, I feel this is perhaps the ONLY unique niche that SF has right now, and again: IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SF TREE FOR PETE’S SAKE!

Go SWF to take advantage of Vistani T4. Here are some of the things this split gets you:

Very good melee power: +20 Vistani capstone, +20 EK t5, +20 Vistani T4, +14 righteous command (74 total). This is before factoring in Mythic Boosts, Reaper Power, Crown of Butterflies, Set bonuses… with good gear, you’re probably sitting at >100 MP as soon as you hit 20. Plus, you'll have 45% standing Attack Speed + 30% haste boosts.
+1 Crit Multiplier/Threat Range from Vistani Core 4 (the 14 Pal is for ZEAL, not Holy Sword). Granted, dagger crit profile is very “meh,” but with all the melee power and other goodies like Eldritch Tempest +3 multiplier, it’s excusable
A shitload of doublestrike: 5% Vistani T4, 5% Vistani Core 3, 20% Rapid Attack, 10% Zeal, 3% Knight’s Transformation, 2% Eldritch = 45% before factoring in a set bonus, doublestrike item, reaper bonus, +15% past lives
A decent amount of PRR: 22 PRR/MRR Vistani, 10 Improved Shield Elritch, 14 angelskin, + past lives and items and whatnot
Eldritch Tempest, nuff said

Offensively, we have stupidly high attack speed, stupidly high doublestrike, good melee power, cha to damage, Eldritch Tempest, and a 16-20 x3 multiplier on basic daggers. Level 20 has some really good daggers too, so going 20-30 in one day would not be a problem at all.

Defensively, we have decent PRR, Radiant Forcefield SLA, 2 LoH uses per rest, Immunity to Energy Drain (from Vistani, so no need to spend any AP in SF), and +75% recovered with heal scrolls/wands for topping off in-between battles. Your saves will be through the roof, as expected of a Cha-based Paladin. The most glaring weakness with this build is lack of Heal Amp when compared to KOTC, but there’s no real way to remedy this, no matter what other multiclasses we take. Congratulations Lynnabel: you managed to make a Paladin tree that’s somehow worse than Kensei. Wow. 

For race: if you have racial AP to spare, Aasimar could be good for supplemental healing, considering that healing is something that this build doesn't really have. Human or Helf could net you some much-needed Healing Amp, plus 1 extra point of Charisma. If you don’t have any racial AP yet, then the more obvious choice would be something like Tiefling or Dragonborn for the +2 inherent cha. Dragonborn nets you -1 dex modifier however, so I would prefer Tiefling for this build.

Is this build optimal in the grand scheme of things? Hell no. But it’s probably one of the better DPS-ing Sacred Fist builds I could think of. It could feasibly perform well up to 20 or 30, assuming you want to get that past life feat. That’s the main goal anyway: I doubt ANY Sacred Fist build is optimal for endgame, so the main goal here is just create a build that could sail to 30 smoothly before reincarnating. Which I believe this build should be able to do.

Any other thoughts/builds are appreciated. I really do not know the best way to work with SF seeing as it’s such a badly-designed class.
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #1 - Sep 7th, 2022 at 5:11pm
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As an addendum: here’s a more flexible attempt at getting some use of Sacred Fist, assuming you don’t want to be locked to daggers

”The Sacred KenseiPriest who still isn't a fist:” 10 Sacred Fist/6 Fighter/4 Cleric

8 Str, 16 Dex, 16 Con, 8 int, 8 Wis, 18 Cha (adjust these stats as necessary if you would rather do TWF or THF instead)

2 SF: free Evasion
3 Fighter: Dodge, Mobility
4 Fighter: Whirlwind Attack b/c earlygame AoE is crucial
5 SF
7 Cleric: unlocks divine might
8 Fighter
9 Fighter: Improved Critical, Spring Attack so you can pretend to have abundant step. No seriously, Spring Attack is great to have, and we have the feat slots for it so why not?
10 Fighter
11 Fighter: Precision
13 SF
14 Cleric
15 Cleric: Offhand Versatility (if THF/TWF, switch this for Force of Personality. Note: Stunning Blow is NOT advised since this is a Cha build)
16 Cleric
17 SF
18 SF: Toughness
19 SF
20 SF
21 Overwhelming Crit
24 Epic Toughness
25 Elusive Target
27 Bulwark of Defense
28 Embodiment of Law
30 Arborea

Note: if going Human, 10 SF/8 Ftr/2 Clr would have enough feat slots to get Kensei T5 +3 hit/dam line of enhancements. +1 human feat for Weapon Focus, +1 fighter feat for Weapon Specialization, and then take away either Toughness or Offhand Versatility to get Greater Weapon Focus

For Destiny: Grandmaster of Flowers seems like the obvious choice, if for no other reason than Drifting Lotus, and we may as well take advantage of the fact that we’ll be centered. However, I would personally incline more towards Unyielding Sentinel for extra LoH uses + the heal amp from the mantle. My setup in this build would be: Unyielding Sentinel primarily + use Unyielding Sentinel Mantle + dip some points into Dreadnought and GMOF for MP + use Drifting Lotus as my Epic Strike

AP breakdown:
34 Kensei for the usual goodies, like +1 crit multiplier/threat, +20 melee power, haste boost, +3 action boosts/rest, and staying centered with ANY melee weapon you like
27 Warpriest for 10% doublestrike, +2 cha, ameliorating strike, Inflame, Divine Might, extra damage with favored weapons if applicable
4 Radiant Servant for Wand Mastery 75%
15 remaining AP into Sacred Defender. 15 AP can get you +3 LoH, +25 PRR/MRR, +2 saves, +1 Cha, and +20% max HP

Yep - once again, we’re not spending a single AP in Sacred Fist. Because honestly, why WOULD we? The only thing we’re really missing out on is the heal amp. But with 10 Pal levels, it’s only 15%. With 12 Pal levels, it’s only 20% heal amp.  Really, I cannot emphasize enough how AWFUL the SF tree is.

Anyway, the main draw of this build should be obvious: you can do a Cha-based build with any melee weapon you like, including your bulky Sword of Shadows. You’ll get +1 crit threat/multiplier from Kensei while also benefiting from the class bonuses of SF (14-20 x4 SoS is good). Compared to the Vistani one I posted above, it’s far more flexible, at the expense of not having the immense burst damage of Eldritch Tempest. My gut feeling is: this build is more survivable and versatile, while the Vistani/EK one is more powerful.

10 Sacred Fist gets you enough spell slots for Angelskin (+10 MRR/PRR), Righteous Command (+10 MP), and Divine Favor (+3 luck bonus to hit/damage)

Other options
Additionally, it’s a rather fungible build, giving you options to pick and choose which enhancements you want, to suit your playstyle.

Do you want more doublestrike and some heals? Spend the AP in Warpriest, as I would
Do you want higher saves/AC? Spend the AP in Sacred Defender
Alternately, you could even spend a few AP in Sacred Fist if you want those marginal benefits; if so, I’d recommend going 12/6/2 and nabbing the Energy Drain immunity from SF core 4.
Do you want more Kensei stuff? Go 10/8/2 instead, so you can get Kensei T5. You would need greater weapon spec for this, which requires 8 fighter
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #2 - Sep 9th, 2022 at 12:38pm
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What are your thoughts on going THF with power attack for 15-30 leveling, and using SOS/Epic SOS mainly? Way i see it, power attack is more important for 15-30 leveling than precision, and strikethrough is better than SWF for clearing. You would have whirlwind attack + exalted cleave.

The downside is that you don't get additional strikethrough in either kensei or sacred fist so you are limited to a max of 140% strikethrough till you can take perfect THF.
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #3 - Sep 9th, 2022 at 4:03pm
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If anything, I would go Power Attack from 1-19 because it's flat-out better than Precision for Heroics. There's not a single situation I can think of from 1-19 where to-hit is an issue, and because monsters have lower HP, the extra damage from PA clearly wins out. Even for undead or fort monsters like in Necro 2, you're better off with PA because you're OHKOing or 2HKOing them anyway, so a crit isn't gonna make a difference.

For epics however, my understanding is that Precision cleanly wins, even for THF. There are simply too many situations, even early on, where monsters have obscenely high AC. For instance, General Manager in BoB, a level 20 quest. In addition, epics is where fort bypass begins to really make a difference; I'll take 25% more chance of critting > +5 damage (+10 if THF) any day of the week. Especially when you start factoring in stuff like Adrenaline, +crit multiplier attacks like Eldritch Tempest, Boulder, Smite, etc. I've tested Precision vs. PA in most quests from 20-29 and it feels like Precision is almost always the better choice.

But yeah, SoS is probably the way to go with Sacred Fist... funnily enough. THF just destroys the entire heroic game. I'm partial to SWF though, so that's why my second build I posted was SWF too, although you could conceivably adjust it for TWF/THF as I mentioned
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #4 - Sep 9th, 2022 at 8:14pm
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Hmm, i do recall that red names in epics have obscenly high AC and hitting them became a major problem. Not sure why they went that route, i think someone tried to stack as much to hit as possible and still couldnt hit better than a 6 or 7 in end game, something like that?

I guess i could do power attack in heroics then use a free feat swap to swap to precision in epics.

The whole sliding scale used for AC is a clusterfuck anyway, all they had to do was keep the original system and not give mobs insanely high AC or to hit. The entire reason why they had to switch to a sliding scale was because they gave mobs too high AC and too high to hit so people couldnt dodge bosses or hit them (and thats still a problem in epics).

Imagine if saves used a sliding scale system too. Dumb.

Incidentally, at what point would you say that its worth it to swap weapons to bypass DR? In heroics, is SOS or barovian better for undead, given that you have low fort bypass in heroics and barovian does more raw damage?
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #5 - Sep 10th, 2022 at 11:30am
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Yeah good point - I would think Barovian would eclipse SoS during undead encounters. 3d6 Light + 3d6 Fire + 3d10 bane + 3d6 Fire (augment) comes out to 12-84 damage per hit = an average of 48 damage per hit. That's... PROBABLY better than what SoS is doing.

For DR, is it bad that I don't even pay attention to it these days? Back in the Eberron Unlimited era, DR was serious, to the point that you'd be dealing anywhere from 0-10 damage per hit if you didn't have a DR breaker. Nowadays? Even in heroics, I'm still critting for >1k when I'm not bypassing DR.

Not sure if Crit calculations are before or after dr; i.e. if my base hit is 100 and DR is 15, would my crit multiply from 85 (100-15) or would it multiply from 100 and THEN subtract 15? If the latter, then DR is even more useless than I thought. But either way, it feels like epic destinies give you lots of ways to bypass DR anyway.
« Last Edit: Sep 10th, 2022 at 11:30am by »  
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #6 - Sep 10th, 2022 at 12:26pm
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DR is after crit multiplier. This is easy to demonstrate on any big DR mob where only the crits do any damage at all when regular hits are reduced to zero.

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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #7 - Sep 10th, 2022 at 6:23pm
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Yeah good point - I would think Barovian would eclipse SoS during undead encounters. 3d6 Light + 3d6 Fire + 3d10 bane + 3d6 Fire (augment) comes out to 12-84 damage per hit = an average of 48 damage per hit. That's... PROBABLY better than what SoS is doing.

For DR, is it bad that I don't even pay attention to it these days? Back in the Eberron Unlimited era, DR was serious, to the point that you'd be dealing anywhere from 0-10 damage per hit if you didn't have a DR breaker. Nowadays? Even in heroics, I'm still critting for >1k when I'm not bypassing DR.

Not sure if Crit calculations are before or after dr; i.e. if my base hit is 100 and DR is 15, would my crit multiply from 85 (100-15) or would it multiply from 100 and THEN subtract 15? If the latter, then DR is even more useless than I thought. But either way, it feels like epic destinies give you lots of ways to bypass DR anyway.

Problem with heroic SOS is that its advantage is the enhanced crit profile, and in heroics you dont get much fort bypass (sacred fist gets none in the trees). And because mob hp in heroics is much lower, the crits arent as valuable as consistent damage IMHO.

And for some dumb reason, heroic SOS doesnt have 1.5w the way other ml 10 weapons do.

I actually wonder if a syranian greatsword would be better at level 15 even for regular mobs as thats an extra 12d6 damage per hit and its consistent (with a 4d6 augment).
« Last Edit: Sep 10th, 2022 at 11:27pm by ManyCookies »  
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #8 - Sep 11th, 2022 at 12:04pm
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ManyCookies wrote on Sep 10th, 2022 at 6:23pm:
Problem with heroic SOS is that its advantage is the enhanced crit profile, and in heroics you dont get much fort bypass (sacred fist gets none in the trees). And because mob hp in heroics is much lower, the crits arent as valuable as consistent damage IMHO.

And for some dumb reason, heroic SOS doesnt have 1.5w the way other ml 10 weapons do.

I actually wonder if a syranian greatsword would be better at level 15 even for regular mobs as thats an extra 12d6 damage per hit and its consistent (with a 4d6 augment).

Say you're critting for 1k on a 14-20x4 SoS, then you're doing 750 extra damage 35% of the time. That's 262.5 on average vs 42 on average from 12d6. Vs 100% fortification you can simply divide to see how much AP it takes.


You'd need 16% armor piercing to break even if everything else is equal. (It isn't, but that gives you a ballpark figure.)

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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #9 - Sep 11th, 2022 at 4:03pm
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5 Foot Step wrote on Sep 11th, 2022 at 12:04pm:
Say you're critting for 1k on a 14-20x4 SoS, then you're doing 750 extra damage 35% of the time. That's 262.5 on average vs 42 on average from 12d6. Vs 100% fortification you can simply divide to see how much AP it takes.


You'd need 16% armor piercing to break even if everything else is equal. (It isn't, but that gives you a ballpark figure.)

Yea, but in heroics, a lot of that extra crit damage will be overkill

Anyway for sake of comparison, a syranian falchion gets the same crit range (14-20) but a x3 multiplier instead of x4. So the question is whether the extra 1x multiplier will make a difference in heroics. I think in heroics, mob hp is low enough that a x3 multiplier is enough to one shot most mobs anyway, but it has been a very long time since i played melee and i havent played THF after it got buffed, so i dont know what kind of numbers they would be doing in the level 15-20 range.

Another thing, does anyone know what kind of EDs would be good for a THF sacred fist build? For sake of discussion, im thinking Sacred Fist 10/Fighter 8/Cleric 2. 15-30 leveling only, so stuff at endgame is not important. I have no idea how the revamped EDs work for melee.
« Last Edit: Sep 11th, 2022 at 4:04pm by ManyCookies »  
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #10 - Sep 11th, 2022 at 11:48pm
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The general gist of new Erectile Dysfunctions is each tree has 1 "Epic Strike" and 1 "Epic Mantle." You can mix and match, e.g. use Dreadnaught Epic Strike while in the Sentinel Epic Mantle. However, using a strike puts every other strike on cooldown, so it's advised to only really use one strike. Same with mantles: you can only use 1 mantle at a time. And honestly? I like the new system a lot more. Much more streamlined and simple.

For THF SF, I'd probably go some cross between Grandmaster of Flowers for Drifting Lotus primarily, Unyielding Sentinel for heal amp + extra LoH at 26, and either Dreadnaught or Divine Crusader. I like Sentinel because it gives you loads of sustainability.

Crusader has especially good synergy with Smites because you get +7 extra attempts/rest, extra damage, and faster regeneration. However, without Holy Retribution from KOTC T5, Sacred Fist can't really smite infinitely. Still, 15 smites/rest +1/minute is a decent amount of smites.

Whatever you do, make sure that for leveling, you have enough for the core enhancements; they grant +5 melee power/each. Really adds up.
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #11 - Sep 12th, 2022 at 3:38am
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Played around in DDO builder for a while but most of these mantles/epic strikes seem quite lackluster, nothing compared to how draconic incarnation works for example.

The mantles in particular dont seem to offer you much in the way of offensive power. The only one that kind of does is fatesinger, its a RNG chance for 1d6 sonic damage that scales with 200% spellpower and you get another ability that lets you inflict sonic vulnerability. The epic strike seems really strong as well, but is more of a single target deal, the cleave version has a 15s cooldown. Theres also an ability that deals sonic/electric damage on vorpal.

Unyielding sentinel seems mandatory to get renewal (primal avatar no longer grants melee power). The mantle gets a RNG law damage proc at level 23, but is otherwise unimpressive. It has a +6w cleave with a 6s cooldown, but is otherwise unimpressive and i dont see any way to upgrade the epic strike unlike other EDs.

Legendary dreadnaught has dire charge and a mantle that debuffs AC, which is OK i guess.

Divine crusader mantle is meh for a build that is mostly full BAB, and the epic strike has way too long of a cooldown.

Grandmaster of flowers has a mantle that gives +15% action boost to movement speed and a high damaging cleave with a 15s cooldown.

At the moment im leaning towards either Grandmaster or Fatesinger as the main damage tree (mantle + epic strike) and divine crusader and unyielding sentinel as secondary trees.

Another thing i just realised : theres no good way for a CHA sacred fist build to make mobs helpless right? As stunning blow is str based and theres nothing in the trees they can take to make mobs helpless.

And in order to deal with oozes and rust monsters before level 23, are you forced to take illusory weapons in the feydark tree to make your weapon indestructible?
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2022 at 6:21am by ManyCookies »  
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #12 - Sep 12th, 2022 at 4:23am
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ManyCookies wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 3:38am:
And in order to deal with oozes and rust monsters, are you forced to take illusory weapons in the feydark tree to make your weapon indestructible?

Core 2 of DC provides:-

Confront any Foe: Your weapons are immune to durability damage. +3 to all saving throws.
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #13 - Sep 12th, 2022 at 6:18am
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The mantles in particular dont seem to offer you much in the way of offensive power.

Primal avatar does 1d6+6 per character level on a melee hit, three times every five seconds. Personally I have found this great for consistent damage of an extra 1k-2k every time it goes off with no extra buttons to mash.
You also get shard storm, SLA not epic strike, doesn't get in the way of attacking and decent amount of temp hp's.

« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2022 at 6:21am by Binkey »  
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #14 - Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:21am
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18 sadfist, 1 mnk, 1 fvs. -
Divine Might, Wraps, Cha-based and Grandmaster Air-stance (requires 3 feat upgrade).
Dont bother with Whirlwind Attack since you get it in T5.
GMoF ED T5 or maybe DC T5 - one requires Stun tactics, the other Sunder. Kinda have to play around to see which you like more.

Unfortunately, you're still gonna do less damage than even an average joe monk cuz no Jade strike, unbalancing strike, porous soul, etc.

For race, I'd say its a toss up between Tiefling for immunity stripping and Aasimar for MP stance.


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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #15 - Sep 12th, 2022 at 11:21am
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Alex DeLarge wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:21am:
18 sadfist, 1 mnk, 1 fvs. -
Divine Might, Wraps, Cha-based and Grandmaster Air-stance (requires 3 feat upgrade).
Dont bother with Whirlwind Attack since you get it in T5.
GMoF ED T5 or maybe DC T5 - one requires Stun tactics, the other Sunder. Kinda have to play around to see which you like more.

Unfortunately, you're still gonna do less damage than even an average joe monk cuz no Jade strike, unbalancing strike, porous soul, etc.

For race, I'd say its a toss up between Tiefling for immunity stripping and Aasimar for MP stance.

This seems fine, assuming you WANT to go handwrap.

Only thing I'd add is that this works much better for iconics, if you're eschewing Whirlwind Attack. No AoE attacks up until 12 (t5) just sucks and makes the heroic leveling process a LOT harder than it needs to be. That's one thing I always keep in mind for my builds.
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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #16 - Sep 12th, 2022 at 12:20pm
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Only thing I'd add is that this works much better for iconics, if you're eschewing Whirlwind Attack. No AoE attacks up until 12 (t5) just sucks and makes the heroic leveling process a LOT harder than it needs to be. That's one thing I always keep in mind for my builds.

Forgetting about the Exalted Whirlwind are we?

What other weapon you had in mind? you cant even take another favored weapon on Sadfist. You're better off just rolling a proper KotC build instead.

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #17 - Sep 12th, 2022 at 12:53pm
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Oh yeah, I forgot that KOTC/Sacred Fist get a cleave in T2 for some reason. My bad.

For other weapons, see my original post. Yes, you are obviously better off rolling pure KOTC, but the goal of building SF now is to just get the past lives and be done with it; and I'm pretty sure going Dagger or THF or whatever else is going to be more effective than going Handwrap.

I'm not sure anyone here is crazy/stupid enough to actually take a handwrap-SF to cap as their endgame build. You said it yourself: handwrap-SF is an inferior version of Shintao, which already isn't great. Meanwhile, other weapons like daggers/THF may not be optimal, but I'd much rather go from 1-30 as a Dagger/THF than do handwrap. I've been seeing the damage these Sacred Fists are doing when they join my party and it just looks depressing.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #18 - Sep 13th, 2022 at 6:16am
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tapster wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 4:23am:
Core 2 of DC provides:-

Confront any Foe: Your weapons are immune to durability damage. +3 to all saving throws.

Yea, i saw that. My bad, should have specified before level 23. Feydark tree seems to be the only alternative?
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #19 - Sep 13th, 2022 at 6:17am
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Binkey wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 6:18am:
Primal avatar does 1d6+6 per character level on a melee hit, three times every five seconds. Personally I have found this great for consistent damage of an extra 1k-2k every time it goes off with no extra buttons to mash.
You also get shard storm, SLA not epic strike, doesn't get in the way of attacking and decent amount of temp hp's.

Yea, but primal avatar isnt a melee ED? It doesnt offer melee power and the damage scales via spellpower, not melee power.

I just found it odd that draconic incarnation was very well designed, the mantle and epic strike deal consistent damage, and then you have all these melee EDs with lackluster mantles and epic strikes.

So for an offensive THF sacred fist leveling build in epics, how do you think fatesinger compares with grandmaster?
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2022 at 6:21am by ManyCookies »  
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #20 - Sep 13th, 2022 at 9:59am
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Yea, but primal avatar isnt a melee ED?

I guess it's more of a hybrid ED I suppose, but why does that matter? Your other two trees including the one you use the strike from will give you the melee stuff. If there is another mantle that adds more damage on a melee hit I don't know it

It doesnt offer melee power and the damage scales via spellpower, not melee power.

Because you can easily get a respectable enough spellpower with just a potency item which is pretty easy to fit in, it doesn't matter. SP goes so much higher than MP so most people will be better off that it scales with SP.

If you said to a barb that they can have an extra blood tribute on a longer timer that also happens to hit six random targets for about 1k damage each over six seconds they would probably take it, that's shard storm. I don't see many people using it though and I don't really get why when so much other ED stuff, especially in melee trees, is just so lackluster.
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2022 at 10:00am by Binkey »  
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Shroud Slacker

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #21 - Sep 13th, 2022 at 11:34am
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ManyCookies wrote on Sep 13th, 2022 at 6:17am:
I just found it odd that draconic incarnation was very well designed, the mantle and epic strike deal consistent damage, and then you have all these melee EDs with lackluster mantles and epic strikes.

Divine Crusader's mantle is decent for melees; with the caveat that you have to be a divine using a favored weapon.

Shadowdancer mantle is 'ok' at least defensively.

Sure there's no pure melee mantle that equates to Draconic in raw DPS potential, but I think it's a bit silly to say there isn't a decently designed melee tree mantle.

And it doesn't take a lot to get decent spellpower on a melee for the sake of running Primal mantle. At the very least you can sacrifice a red slot on a weapon for one spellpower type.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #22 - Sep 14th, 2022 at 4:23am
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Binkey wrote on Sep 13th, 2022 at 9:59am:
I guess it's more of a hybrid ED I suppose, but why does that matter? Your other two trees including the one you use the strike from will give you the melee stuff. If there is another mantle that adds more damage on a melee hit I don't know it

Because you can easily get a respectable enough spellpower with just a potency item which is pretty easy to fit in, it doesn't matter. SP goes so much higher than MP so most people will be better off that it scales with SP.

If you said to a barb that they can have an extra blood tribute on a longer timer that also happens to hit six random targets for about 1k damage each over six seconds they would probably take it, that's shard storm. I don't see many people using it though and I don't really get why when so much other ED stuff, especially in melee trees, is just so lackluster.

According to the description, it is a rng chance for 1d6 damage per character level, scaling with spellpower, with a cooldown of 5 seconds.

Is this not basically what the fatesinger mantle does, except that the fatesinger mantle scales with 200% melee power and fatesinger can apply up to 3 stacks of sonic vulnerability and -5 AC per stack?
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #23 - Sep 14th, 2022 at 4:25am
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Edrein wrote on Sep 13th, 2022 at 11:34am:
Divine Crusader's mantle is decent for melees; with the caveat that you have to be a divine using a favored weapon.

Shadowdancer mantle is 'ok' at least defensively.

Sure there's no pure melee mantle that equates to Draconic in raw DPS potential, but I think it's a bit silly to say there isn't a decently designed melee tree mantle.

And it doesn't take a lot to get decent spellpower on a melee for the sake of running Primal mantle. At the very least you can sacrifice a red slot on a weapon for one spellpower type.

Well the divine crusader mantle doesnt appear to benefit sacred fist? Since the main benefit is full BAB and alignment bypass, and sacred fist gets both by default. The upgrade is also pretty lackluster unless you are doing abbot and need petrification immunity.

And isnt the fatesinger mantle similar to the primal mantle except that fatesinger scales with 200% melee power and the ED has another ability that stacks sonic vulnerability and -AC?
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: My Theoretical Attempts at making Sacred Fist useful:
Reply #24 - Sep 14th, 2022 at 5:11am
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One thing just occured to me...12 sacred fist lets you take incinerating wave which is an AOE spell. Do you guys think thats better than taking 8 levels of fighter?
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