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Very Hot Topic (More than 75 Replies) did lynn quit or get fired? (Read 28107 times)
Titan Demolisher

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #100 - Mar 21st, 2023 at 7:25pm
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Gay.  This thread is gay.  Everything about it is just gay.
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Snu Snu
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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #101 - Mar 21st, 2023 at 7:32pm
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Kelltore wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 5:40pm:
who cloned my name and blew up the vault,

??? You mean that little fart that smelled funny for 30 seconds?

Yeah, I know I picked out 9 short words out of 3 pages of brainfarts. Everything else was so tiring and I just wanted to point out, you are wrong.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: Mar 21st, 2023 at 7:32pm by Snu Snu »  

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #102 - Mar 21st, 2023 at 8:02pm
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Yeah I wouldn't say "blew up" given the only people who fell for it were fagmaster's own socks. The whole thing was a show put on for the amusement of no one.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #103 - Mar 21st, 2023 at 8:06pm
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FABLE-OWL wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 7:23pm:
There is No line on this Vault people canā€™t cross the fuck you talking about for starters. Two I told yā€™all I wasnā€™t these people but I appreciate you all bringing the target of my hate back to the forum, Welcome Back KILTARD, I am so glad to see your bitch ass again. Are you ready again for your unlubed butt fuck again, I missed hearing you and your post on here, I have missed your cry baby ass , Are you really going to sell your account for the third time again?? Iā€™m waiting for that post it really gets my Gears going, Victory makes me Hornyā€¦ And I have missed it from your dumb fuck assĀ  Smiley Grin Grin

Seriously? All of this  for me who had been gone for a month or more, You are so sad and pathetic to do something like this, And somehow Iā€™m the Burt hurt one from before. KYS dude.

Iā€™m not here for Clout or Drama, Yet am Consistently Called out for it. My personal issue is not with the Vault but with People who think they are the most intelligent on a Forum when in Reality they are just the Loudest and Most Annoying who think itā€™s Ok to Bully People when they are dumber than a Box of Jugs- Errrm Rocks.
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Korthos Resident

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Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #104 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 3:03am
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First off I want to make clear that I'm a newish Vaulter, not even a full year here, my main interest in DDO and the Vault has been selling stock. Since the last Otto's box dupe method I had was fixed last summer and my stock became finite my main priority has been trying to identify good buyers and shift out problem buyers and mitigate access risk selling here and on Discord. For those reasons and others I am a bit pedantic and tend to keep track of things that catch my notice, any scams or inconsistencies that could somehow impact the market, my segment of it. That is to say, I watch and try to keep track of most things here and on various discord for selfish monetary interest,Ā  as opposed to a way of getting ahead in personal politics, ongoing agendas, or flame-wars.

Now with all that said I'll admit I can get personally engaged, for instance, I was pretty irked to read your posts Noamineo, and the off-hand and ill-informed manner in which they tossed off my efforts to clear the clouds of bullshit and dust being thrown up to obfuscate things here.

noamineo wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 5:42pm:
Your own links disprove your theory.

First link, the account "Keltore" still exists:;username=59777E...

Its even online right now and posting in this very thread.

Second link, account is now named FABLE-OWL:;username=515655...

And has changed names several times.

These are very obviously two different people.

Ooof very off the mark Noamineo, but lets address the above along with another claim of yours on the subject:

noamineo wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 3:11pm:
Then more recently an account named "Kelltore" with a weird O appeared with a brand new creation date and zero post count, proceeded to put on a gay sock show. That's the account that's currently "FABLE-OWL"

Incorrect, as a simple search would show. Both of those accounts are active and one is not the other. As will be covered below, the 'weird O' Kelltore account changed it's name to killtard around the end of last month and the Fable-owl account has been Fable-owl since it was created by Kelltore just look at their activity and creation dates on their profiles. It is pretty funny how sure of yourself you posted without even checking:;username=6E7D6B...;username=1E191A...

See? two different accounts that are both posting... how do you make this kind of mistake? or are you that lazy??

A simple reading will show that the Kelltore with the 'weird o' appeared on the evening of Feb 12th 2023 just as the real Kelltore was imploding, and it did indeed put on a gay show while trying to troll Kelltore along with several other vaulters, jumping on the bandwagon if you will. Within just a few hours of that 'weird O' accounts joining in Kelltore gave up. On his way out Kelltore would try to claim he suddenly sold the 'up to then unsellable' $700 account for a grand and that he was 'retiring' from the vault.

At that point and for the next few days the 'weird O' Kelltore account attempted to make shit posts gloating that he had pushed Kelltore out with his imitation trolling, even though it was much more likely that the ass-kicking and humiliation that Gunga, Aah, liljiggy, DB, SSG, latetotheparty, etc... were handing out is what made Kelltore run for the hills (not chone).Ā 

So that's out of the way, but relevant to the bigger issue regarding Kelltore/Fable-owl. See Noamineo, unlike you I don't have anything invested in any of this. But it does annoy me when people are being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse or to run cover for some other agenda.

And I will own up to the fact that I won't stand around and accept it when someone trying to see only what they want me to see tries to say my links prove shit they clearly refute. so I will try to lay out this painfully obvious scenario for you one last time since you seem either unable or unwilling (more likely) to take ten minutes and use the search function that uncovers all bullshit. But hey, and if you want to feign ignorance or keep playing whatever game it is you are playing after having this laid out? cool. For my peace of mind here we go:

Lets take a look at your claim about Kelltore:
noamineo wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 3:11pm:
OG Kelltore sold his account and choned ages ago

OG Kelltore as you call him joined in 2020 and never choned, something you yourself admitted to in a later post, as seen at the top of the page. But more importantly,Ā since joining in Nov 2020 he has tried to claim he wanted to buy or sell various accounts with no success, whether he was buying or selling depended on who responded to his posts, honestly going back over his posts is pretty sad and transparent reading. Some guy looking for attention from a bunch of people on the vault by claiming this or that, often sharing waaay too much about fabricated life story conditions that regularly contradict each other.Ā 
Never sold, never choned,Ā  In fact here is a little time-line with links to help you see:

-He joined in Nov 2020 claiming he wanted to buy a triple completionist account

-Then at the end of Dec 2020Ā  he started claiming he had 75+ boxes of every type to sell (look at his other posts around the same time, guy couldn't keep his story straight was asking for boxes at the same time as well)

-Then after going radio silent for three months for 5 days in Mar 2021 he starts making drama-trap posts about cheaters, and never selling boxes, and blah blah blah, basically drama stuff, I can't even be bothered to summarize look at his 7 batshit dumb posts Mar 17 2021- Mar 21 2021

-Then nothing from him for nearly a year, finally in Feb 2022 he is back selling what he calls: 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist- All Released Content Owned (this from the guy who was trying to buy an account previously ). Predictably he gets just trashed by the vault at large for the obvious contradictions and mocked mercilessly for a couple of days, eventually, he tries to delete all his posts and disappears again trouble is many of his deleted posts were quoted in that thread and paint a batshit crazy/dumb picture of a guy caught out. Here is the thread with one remaining post of his, the others are all in quotes from other posters on the same thread, including his initial post to start the thread, he tried to delete that one as well but it was saved via quotes, look at the entire thread.

-Ten months later in Dec 2022 he is back, hoping everyone forgot his last little attempt, but right off the bat he messes up by posting that opposed to the 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist now it has 93 reaper points and just one of the many inconsistencies, pretty clear he is counting on people not to remember, keep track, or use the search button (which after reading your take I'm thinking isn't an unreasonable assumption on his part Noamineo).

Keep in mind that in Dec he claims that the 'account' is for sale for $700 and that just a few months later in an effort to save face on the way out the door on Feb 12 2023 he will claim to have suddenly sold that account he had been unsuccessfully trying to sell for the last three months for over a grand. Honestly its like the guy never remembers or reads what he has posted before

-Inevitably he gets caught and spanked for several days (Dec 6-9 2022) and once again deletes a pile of posts and bails till Feb 2023

-Then in early Feb 2023 he comes back again (same account) after claiming he recovered his phone and PC, whatever that means and is back to sell that account, in the course of that return post from Feb 6th 2023 he says serious buyers should contact him at... wait for it:

Kelltore wrote on Feb 6th, 2023 at 3:44pm:
Serious Buyers Contact:Ā  Ā Ā  Norse.OWL#0105 on discord, Have a great day Vault. Cheesy Grin

* ya see that Noamineo? Norse.OWL how clever eh?

-After that its basically a shitshow from Feb 6th 2023 til Feb 12th 2023, where he just gets shitcanned and attempts to shitcan back various vaulters, just more blah drama, culminating with a dozen and a half ever increasingly freaked-out posts over the course of 8 hours on the 12, when he finally posts he is 'retiring from' the game and vault (and as well all saw today he didn't)

- Of note during that 6-12 Feb 2023 period, although claiming he was back to sell an account for $700, the whole time was mostly Kelltore being bitchslapped by Gunga, liljiggy, and Aah as well as spazzing back and forth with DB, latetotheparty, etc... and then on the 12th, on the last day of the shitstorm Kelltore was still posting and a couple of hours before Kelltore would try to claim he was 'retiring' somebody started the faux Kelltore account with the 'weird O'Ā . Apparently in an attempt to troll him and make the whole thing even more confusing, lame and gay. Whatever the case may be, before Kelltore ran away the night of the 12th claiming he was 'retiring' his last post was him whining about the 'weird O' accounts posts, so maybe it did bother him some. And for the sake of thoroughness that faux account with the 'weird O' is calling itself Killtard now, it switched names around the end of February when it started asking girls to show their tits.

- 9 days later, after seeing his name still being shit on and laughed at kistilan/kelltore would crawl back and to make two more posts desperately trying to pretend it was all a joke and had been so much fun and how he is going to 'leave the game and the Vault' again (yet again). He gets zero traction in the threads, and much worse for him at this point, several Vaulters point out yet again in posts that Kelltore is Kistilan, nobody is buying his rebrand. Just 15 mins after he makes that post, and just 10 mins after he logs out for the next month (it was on his record till today's post) Kistilan/Kelltore creates the account called Fable-owl

You get that Noamineo? Fable-owl... wow Fable-owl, instead of Norse.Owl oooh so clever, nobody will spot that will they?? (facepalm)

-For the next month except for his attempts in the initial 10 post to pretend to be someone else on his Fable-owl account he inevitably falls back into the exact same shit he always does with the same people in the exact same posting style, commenting on older stuff and issues in spite of the fact that it is supposed to be a 1-month-old account, as pointed out by one of our brethren here. Go look for yourself, around post 10 he just gives up the pretence, and everything since then is plain old Kistilan/Killtore faff.Ā 

So Kelltore had a bad month last month and started a new account but couldn't help himself and fell back into the same pattern.

But at this point, I should apologize because I have done us all a disservice. See in an effort to maintain the paper-thin charade Kistilan/Kelltore didn't post as Kelltore during the last 28 days, just using his Fable-owl account. That was until Kelltore was called out and mentioned in a post by me last night (sorry all), which gave him the excuse to start posting as Kelltore rather than to have to use Fable-owl again:

boxes wrote on Mar 20th, 2023 at 7:08pm:
Fable is Kelltore, the account that flamed out back in Feb

Whoops on my part because Kelltore running as Fable-Owl spotted his name in that post right away.

But isn't it funny that we are supposed to buy that a guy who 'left' last month just happened to spot his name as soon as I was stupid enough to post it? this is in spite of his many repeated claims to be leaving, quitting, or retiring from the game and the vault. Of course, no big surprise because instead of leaving, he was watching daily via the Fable-owl account for mentions of his name since he 'retired'.Ā  Ā 

So Noamineo,

We can see his past patterns, and all the times he got caught out, we can see his posts and attempts to delete posts, we can see the time stamps, and most importantly we can see the blatantly obvious way he posts when he is upset in both accounts.

We can see the remarkable coincidence that even 'retired' he somehow manage to spot his Kelltore name posted immediately and used the opportunity to jump back in.

And we can see his delightful use of Norse.Owl on discord and Fable-owl when he created his new account here, gosh that Kistilan is just so clever.

Do I expect you to walk it back now Noamineo? of course not. You have just posted that you are on Kelltore's side, I got to say from all I've read Kistilan must be laughing his ass of after reading how you are on his side! From all I've read in the posts from 2020 and 2021 you seemed really proud of yourself for helping drive him out right? and now that guy has you on retainer via a couple of accounts that an hour of search/reading would have exposed as Kistialn. Man, I guess it's no surprise that you can't afford to admit you were off, really you have such a blind spot and agenda-driven myopia on the Vault that you just can't afford to lose face. But Kelltore certainly has his revenge on you now, assuming you really were part of the possee who brought him down. Seeing how easily you misread or ignore available records I kind of doubt it.

As for me, I've only been around shy of a year, luckily I have no skin in the game here and I'm willing to look at posts, and records rationally and to take a minute to use search and send PMs to check people's bona fides. I may not matter much here but at least I am not so compromised that I can't call a spade a spade, or a kistilian a kelltore and a kelltore a Fable-owl.

Or should I say, A NORSE.OWL A FABLE-OWL?

BTW, sorry about the length. I could have tried to make this shorter, but I'm only doing this once and wanted to be sure I took the time to shut down any excuse someone might be desperate find in the absence of full coverage in an effort to save face.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #105 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 4:46am
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boxes wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 3:03am:
First off I want to make clear that I'm a newish Vaulter

Congrats.  Of all the gay motherfuckers on this gay-ass thread, you are absolutely the gayest of the gay.

Try to make it home without sucking any dick.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #106 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:00am
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boxes wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 3:03am:
First off I want to make clear that I'm a newish Vaulter, not even a full year here, my main interest in DDO and the Vault has been selling stock. Since the last Otto's box dupe method I had was fixed last summer and my stock became finite my main priority has been trying to identify good buyers and shift out problem buyers and mitigate access risk selling here and on Discord. For those reasons and others I am a bit pedantic and tend to keep track of things that catch my notice, any scams or inconsistencies that could somehow impact the market, my segment of it. That is to say, I watch and try to keep track of most things here and on various discord for selfish monetary interest,Ā  as opposed to a way of getting ahead in personal politics, ongoing agendas, or flame-wars.

Now with all that said I'll admit I can get personally engaged, for instance, I was pretty irked to read your posts Noamineo, and the off-hand and ill-informed manner in which they tossed off my efforts to clear the clouds of bullshit and dust being thrown up to obfuscate things here.

Ooof very off the mark Noamineo, but lets address the above along with another claim of yours on the subject:

Incorrect, as a simple search would show. Both of those accounts are active and one is not the other. As will be covered below, the 'weird O' Kelltore account changed it's name to killtard around the end of last month and the Fable-owl account has been Fable-owl since it was created by Kelltore just look at their activity and creation dates on their profiles. It is pretty funny how sure of yourself you posted without even checking:;username=6E7D6B...;username=1E191A...

See? two different accounts that are both posting... how do you make this kind of mistake? or are you that lazy??

A simple reading will show that the Kelltore with the 'weird o' appeared on the evening of Feb 12th 2023 just as the real Kelltore was imploding, and it did indeed put on a gay show while trying to troll Kelltore along with several other vaulters, jumping on the bandwagon if you will. Within just a few hours of that 'weird O' accounts joining in Kelltore gave up. On his way out Kelltore would try to claim he suddenly sold the 'up to then unsellable' $700 account for a grand and that he was 'retiring' from the vault.

At that point and for the next few days the 'weird O' Kelltore account attempted to make shit posts gloating that he had pushed Kelltore out with his imitation trolling, even though it was much more likely that the ass-kicking and humiliation that Gunga, Aah, liljiggy, DB, SSG, latetotheparty, etc... were handing out is what made Kelltore run for the hills (not chone).Ā 

So that's out of the way, but relevant to the bigger issue regarding Kelltore/Fable-owl. See Noamineo, unlike you I don't have anything invested in any of this. But it does annoy me when people are being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse or to run cover for some other agenda.

And I will own up to the fact that I won't stand around and accept it when someone trying to see only what they want me to see tries to say my links prove shit they clearly refute. so I will try to lay out this painfully obvious scenario for you one last time since you seem either unable or unwilling (more likely) to take ten minutes and use the search function that uncovers all bullshit. But hey, and if you want to feign ignorance or keep playing whatever game it is you are playing after having this laid out? cool. For my peace of mind here we go:

Lets take a look at your claim about Kelltore:

OG Kelltore as you call him joined in 2020 and never choned, something you yourself admitted to in a later post, as seen at the top of the page. But more importantly,Ā since joining in Nov 2020 he has tried to claim he wanted to buy or sell various accounts with no success, whether he was buying or selling depended on who responded to his posts, honestly going back over his posts is pretty sad and transparent reading. Some guy looking for attention from a bunch of people on the vault by claiming this or that, often sharing waaay too much about fabricated life story conditions that regularly contradict each other.Ā 
Never sold, never choned,Ā  In fact here is a little time-line with links to help you see:

-He joined in Nov 2020 claiming he wanted to buy a triple completionist account

-Then at the end of Dec 2020Ā  he started claiming he had 75+ boxes of every type to sell (look at his other posts around the same time, guy couldn't keep his story straight was asking for boxes at the same time as well)

-Then after going radio silent for three months for 5 days in Mar 2021 he starts making drama-trap posts about cheaters, and never selling boxes, and blah blah blah, basically drama stuff, I can't even be bothered to summarize look at his 7 batshit dumb posts Mar 17 2021- Mar 21 2021

-Then nothing from him for nearly a year, finally in Feb 2022 he is back selling what he calls: 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist- All Released Content Owned (this from the guy who was trying to buy an account previously ). Predictably he gets just trashed by the vault at large for the obvious contradictions and mocked mercilessly for a couple of days, eventually, he tries to delete all his posts and disappears again trouble is many of his deleted posts were quoted in that thread and paint a batshit crazy/dumb picture of a guy caught out. Here is the thread with one remaining post of his, the others are all in quotes from other posters on the same thread, including his initial post to start the thread, he tried to delete that one as well but it was saved via quotes, look at the entire thread.

-Ten months later in Dec 2022 he is back, hoping everyone forgot his last little attempt, but right off the bat he messes up by posting that opposed to the 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist now it has 93 reaper points and just one of the many inconsistencies, pretty clear he is counting on people not to remember, keep track, or use the search button (which after reading your take I'm thinking isn't an unreasonable assumption on his part Noamineo).

Keep in mind that in Dec he claims that the 'account' is for sale for $700 and that just a few months later in an effort to save face on the way out the door on Feb 12 2023 he will claim to have suddenly sold that account he had been unsuccessfully trying to sell for the last three months for over a grand. Honestly its like the guy never remembers or reads what he has posted before

-Inevitably he gets caught and spanked for several days (Dec 6-9 2022) and once again deletes a pile of posts and bails till Feb 2023

-Then in early Feb 2023 he comes back again (same account) after claiming he recovered his phone and PC, whatever that means and is back to sell that account, in the course of that return post from Feb 6th 2023 he says serious buyers should contact him at... wait for it:

* ya see that Noamineo? Norse.OWL how clever eh?

-After that its basically a shitshow from Feb 6th 2023 til Feb 12th 2023, where he just gets shitcanned and attempts to shitcan back various vaulters, just more blah drama, culminating with a dozen and a half ever increasingly freaked-out posts over the course of 8 hours on the 12, when he finally posts he is 'retiring from' the game and vault (and as well all saw today he didn't)

- Of note during that 6-12 Feb 2023 period, although claiming he was back to sell an account for $700, the whole time was mostly Kelltore being bitchslapped by Gunga, liljiggy, and Aah as well as spazzing back and forth with DB, latetotheparty, etc... and then on the 12th, on the last day of the shitstorm Kelltore was still posting and a couple of hours before Kelltore would try to claim he was 'retiring' somebody started the faux Kelltore account with the 'weird O'Ā . Apparently in an attempt to troll him and make the whole thing even more confusing, lame and gay. Whatever the case may be, before Kelltore ran away the night of the 12th claiming he was 'retiring' his last post was him whining about the 'weird O' accounts posts, so maybe it did bother him some. And for the sake of thoroughness that faux account with the 'weird O' is calling itself Killtard now, it switched names around the end of February when it started asking girls to show their tits.

- 9 days later, after seeing his name still being shit on and laughed at kistilan/kelltore would crawl back and to make two more posts desperately trying to pretend it was all a joke and had been so much fun and how he is going to 'leave the game and the Vault' again (yet again). He gets zero traction in the threads, and much worse for him at this point, several Vaulters point out yet again in posts that Kelltore is Kistilan, nobody is buying his rebrand. Just 15 mins after he makes that post, and just 10 mins after he logs out for the next month (it was on his record till today's post) Kistilan/Kelltore creates the account called Fable-owl

You get that Noamineo? Fable-owl... wow Fable-owl, instead of Norse.Owl oooh so clever, nobody will spot that will they?? (facepalm)

-For the next month except for his attempts in the initial 10 post to pretend to be someone else on his Fable-owl account he inevitably falls back into the exact same shit he always does with the same people in the exact same posting style, commenting on older stuff and issues in spite of the fact that it is supposed to be a 1-month-old account, as pointed out by one of our brethren here. Go look for yourself, around post 10 he just gives up the pretence, and everything since then is plain old Kistilan/Killtore faff.Ā 

So Kelltore had a bad month last month and started a new account but couldn't help himself and fell back into the same pattern.

But at this point, I should apologize because I have done us all a disservice. See in an effort to maintain the paper-thin charade Kistilan/Kelltore didn't post as Kelltore during the last 28 days, just using his Fable-owl account. That was until Kelltore was called out and mentioned in a post by me last night (sorry all), which gave him the excuse to start posting as Kelltore rather than to have to use Fable-owl again:

Whoops on my part because Kelltore running as Fable-Owl spotted his name in that post right away.

But isn't it funny that we are supposed to buy that a guy who 'left' last month just happened to spot his name as soon as I was stupid enough to post it? this is in spite of his many repeated claims to be leaving, quitting, or retiring from the game and the vault. Of course, no big surprise because instead of leaving, he was watching daily via the Fable-owl account for mentions of his name since he 'retired'.Ā  Ā 

So Noamineo,

We can see his past patterns, and all the times he got caught out, we can see his posts and attempts to delete posts, we can see the time stamps, and most importantly we can see the blatantly obvious way he posts when he is upset in both accounts.

We can see the remarkable coincidence that even 'retired' he somehow manage to spot his Kelltore name posted immediately and used the opportunity to jump back in.

And we can see his delightful use of Norse.Owl on discord and Fable-owl when he created his new account here, gosh that Kistilan is just so clever.

Do I expect you to walk it back now Noamineo? of course not. You have just posted that you are on Kelltore's side, I got to say from all I've read Kistilan must be laughing his ass of after reading how you are on his side! From all I've read in the posts from 2020 and 2021 you seemed really proud of yourself for helping drive him out right? and now that guy has you on retainer via a couple of accounts that an hour of search/reading would have exposed as Kistialn. Man, I guess it's no surprise that you can't afford to admit you were off, really you have such a blind spot and agenda-driven myopia on the Vault that you just can't afford to lose face. But Kelltore certainly has his revenge on you now, assuming you really were part of the possee who brought him down. Seeing how easily you misread or ignore available records I kind of doubt it.

As for me, I've only been around shy of a year, luckily I have no skin in the game here and I'm willing to look at posts, and records rationally and to take a minute to use search and send PMs to check people's bona fides. I may not matter much here but at least I am not so compromised that I can't call a spade a spade, or a kistilian a kelltore and a kelltore a Fable-owl.

Or should I say, A NORSE.OWL A FABLE-OWL?

BTW, sorry about the length. I could have tried to make this shorter, but I'm only doing this once and wanted to be sure I took the time to shut down any excuse someone might be desperate find in the absence of full coverage in an effort to save face.

Could have made this shorter? Bro from the dumb ass who was calling me out for how long my responses were this was so in depth than compared to me. All of you are hypocritical and so easily manipulated into doing what I want itā€™s funny, my entire goal is to destroy two people, KELLTORE AND Grand. And I sincerely appreciate the work you put into this post as it makes me look more credible. You are still the cum stain that wonā€™t wash off though. I hear bleach is a effective method of getting stains out and making the shit you spout brighter.  Grin Grin
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Korthos Resident

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #107 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:03am
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liljiggy wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 4:46am:
Congrats.Ā  Of all the gay motherfuckers on this gay-ass thread, you are absolutely the gayest of the gay.

Try to make it home without sucking any dick.
If we are gay here atleast spread them checks for me son, You are on the wrong App now if you are not. This would be the GRINDER Side of the Vault and Iā€™m ready to push it in to make you squeal, itā€™s ok Iā€™ll be gentle.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #108 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:10am
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boxes wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 3:03am:
First off I want to make clear that I'm a newish Vaulter, not even a full year here, my main interest in DDO and the Vault has been selling stock. Since the last Otto's box dupe method I had was fixed last summer and my stock became finite my main priority has been trying to identify good buyers and shift out problem buyers and mitigate access risk selling here and on Discord. For those reasons and others I am a bit pedantic and tend to keep track of things that catch my notice, any scams or inconsistencies that could somehow impact the market, my segment of it. That is to say, I watch and try to keep track of most things here and on various discord for selfish monetary interest,Ā  as opposed to a way of getting ahead in personal politics, ongoing agendas, or flame-wars.

Now with all that said I'll admit I can get personally engaged, for instance, I was pretty irked to read your posts Noamineo, and the off-hand and ill-informed manner in which they tossed off my efforts to clear the clouds of bullshit and dust being thrown up to obfuscate things here.

Ooof very off the mark Noamineo, but lets address the above along with another claim of yours on the subject:

Incorrect, as a simple search would show. Both of those accounts are active and one is not the other. As will be covered below, the 'weird O' Kelltore account changed it's name to killtard around the end of last month and the Fable-owl account has been Fable-owl since it was created by Kelltore just look at their activity and creation dates on their profiles. It is pretty funny how sure of yourself you posted without even checking:;username=6E7D6B...;username=1E191A...

See? two different accounts that are both posting... how do you make this kind of mistake? or are you that lazy??

A simple reading will show that the Kelltore with the 'weird o' appeared on the evening of Feb 12th 2023 just as the real Kelltore was imploding, and it did indeed put on a gay show while trying to troll Kelltore along with several other vaulters, jumping on the bandwagon if you will. Within just a few hours of that 'weird O' accounts joining in Kelltore gave up. On his way out Kelltore would try to claim he suddenly sold the 'up to then unsellable' $700 account for a grand and that he was 'retiring' from the vault.

At that point and for the next few days the 'weird O' Kelltore account attempted to make shit posts gloating that he had pushed Kelltore out with his imitation trolling, even though it was much more likely that the ass-kicking and humiliation that Gunga, Aah, liljiggy, DB, SSG, latetotheparty, etc... were handing out is what made Kelltore run for the hills (not chone).Ā 

So that's out of the way, but relevant to the bigger issue regarding Kelltore/Fable-owl. See Noamineo, unlike you I don't have anything invested in any of this. But it does annoy me when people are being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse or to run cover for some other agenda.

And I will own up to the fact that I won't stand around and accept it when someone trying to see only what they want me to see tries to say my links prove shit they clearly refute. so I will try to lay out this painfully obvious scenario for you one last time since you seem either unable or unwilling (more likely) to take ten minutes and use the search function that uncovers all bullshit. But hey, and if you want to feign ignorance or keep playing whatever game it is you are playing after having this laid out? cool. For my peace of mind here we go:

Lets take a look at your claim about Kelltore:

OG Kelltore as you call him joined in 2020 and never choned, something you yourself admitted to in a later post, as seen at the top of the page. But more importantly,Ā since joining in Nov 2020 he has tried to claim he wanted to buy or sell various accounts with no success, whether he was buying or selling depended on who responded to his posts, honestly going back over his posts is pretty sad and transparent reading. Some guy looking for attention from a bunch of people on the vault by claiming this or that, often sharing waaay too much about fabricated life story conditions that regularly contradict each other.Ā 
Never sold, never choned,Ā  In fact here is a little time-line with links to help you see:

-He joined in Nov 2020 claiming he wanted to buy a triple completionist account

-Then at the end of Dec 2020Ā  he started claiming he had 75+ boxes of every type to sell (look at his other posts around the same time, guy couldn't keep his story straight was asking for boxes at the same time as well)

-Then after going radio silent for three months for 5 days in Mar 2021 he starts making drama-trap posts about cheaters, and never selling boxes, and blah blah blah, basically drama stuff, I can't even be bothered to summarize look at his 7 batshit dumb posts Mar 17 2021- Mar 21 2021

-Then nothing from him for nearly a year, finally in Feb 2022 he is back selling what he calls: 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist- All Released Content Owned (this from the guy who was trying to buy an account previously ). Predictably he gets just trashed by the vault at large for the obvious contradictions and mocked mercilessly for a couple of days, eventually, he tries to delete all his posts and disappears again trouble is many of his deleted posts were quoted in that thread and paint a batshit crazy/dumb picture of a guy caught out. Here is the thread with one remaining post of his, the others are all in quotes from other posters on the same thread, including his initial post to start the thread, he tried to delete that one as well but it was saved via quotes, look at the entire thread.

-Ten months later in Dec 2022 he is back, hoping everyone forgot his last little attempt, but right off the bat he messes up by posting that opposed to the 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist now it has 93 reaper points and just one of the many inconsistencies, pretty clear he is counting on people not to remember, keep track, or use the search button (which after reading your take I'm thinking isn't an unreasonable assumption on his part Noamineo).

Keep in mind that in Dec he claims that the 'account' is for sale for $700 and that just a few months later in an effort to save face on the way out the door on Feb 12 2023 he will claim to have suddenly sold that account he had been unsuccessfully trying to sell for the last three months for over a grand. Honestly its like the guy never remembers or reads what he has posted before

-Inevitably he gets caught and spanked for several days (Dec 6-9 2022) and once again deletes a pile of posts and bails till Feb 2023

-Then in early Feb 2023 he comes back again (same account) after claiming he recovered his phone and PC, whatever that means and is back to sell that account, in the course of that return post from Feb 6th 2023 he says serious buyers should contact him at... wait for it:

* ya see that Noamineo? Norse.OWL how clever eh?

-After that its basically a shitshow from Feb 6th 2023 til Feb 12th 2023, where he just gets shitcanned and attempts to shitcan back various vaulters, just more blah drama, culminating with a dozen and a half ever increasingly freaked-out posts over the course of 8 hours on the 12, when he finally posts he is 'retiring from' the game and vault (and as well all saw today he didn't)

- Of note during that 6-12 Feb 2023 period, although claiming he was back to sell an account for $700, the whole time was mostly Kelltore being bitchslapped by Gunga, liljiggy, and Aah as well as spazzing back and forth with DB, latetotheparty, etc... and then on the 12th, on the last day of the shitstorm Kelltore was still posting and a couple of hours before Kelltore would try to claim he was 'retiring' somebody started the faux Kelltore account with the 'weird O'Ā . Apparently in an attempt to troll him and make the whole thing even more confusing, lame and gay. Whatever the case may be, before Kelltore ran away the night of the 12th claiming he was 'retiring' his last post was him whining about the 'weird O' accounts posts, so maybe it did bother him some. And for the sake of thoroughness that faux account with the 'weird O' is calling itself Killtard now, it switched names around the end of February when it started asking girls to show their tits.

- 9 days later, after seeing his name still being shit on and laughed at kistilan/kelltore would crawl back and to make two more posts desperately trying to pretend it was all a joke and had been so much fun and how he is going to 'leave the game and the Vault' again (yet again). He gets zero traction in the threads, and much worse for him at this point, several Vaulters point out yet again in posts that Kelltore is Kistilan, nobody is buying his rebrand. Just 15 mins after he makes that post, and just 10 mins after he logs out for the next month (it was on his record till today's post) Kistilan/Kelltore creates the account called Fable-owl

You get that Noamineo? Fable-owl... wow Fable-owl, instead of Norse.Owl oooh so clever, nobody will spot that will they?? (facepalm)

-For the next month except for his attempts in the initial 10 post to pretend to be someone else on his Fable-owl account he inevitably falls back into the exact same shit he always does with the same people in the exact same posting style, commenting on older stuff and issues in spite of the fact that it is supposed to be a 1-month-old account, as pointed out by one of our brethren here. Go look for yourself, around post 10 he just gives up the pretence, and everything since then is plain old Kistilan/Killtore faff.Ā 

So Kelltore had a bad month last month and started a new account but couldn't help himself and fell back into the same pattern.

But at this point, I should apologize because I have done us all a disservice. See in an effort to maintain the paper-thin charade Kistilan/Kelltore didn't post as Kelltore during the last 28 days, just using his Fable-owl account. That was until Kelltore was called out and mentioned in a post by me last night (sorry all), which gave him the excuse to start posting as Kelltore rather than to have to use Fable-owl again:

Whoops on my part because Kelltore running as Fable-Owl spotted his name in that post right away.

But isn't it funny that we are supposed to buy that a guy who 'left' last month just happened to spot his name as soon as I was stupid enough to post it? this is in spite of his many repeated claims to be leaving, quitting, or retiring from the game and the vault. Of course, no big surprise because instead of leaving, he was watching daily via the Fable-owl account for mentions of his name since he 'retired'.Ā  Ā 

So Noamineo,

We can see his past patterns, and all the times he got caught out, we can see his posts and attempts to delete posts, we can see the time stamps, and most importantly we can see the blatantly obvious way he posts when he is upset in both accounts.

We can see the remarkable coincidence that even 'retired' he somehow manage to spot his Kelltore name posted immediately and used the opportunity to jump back in.

And we can see his delightful use of Norse.Owl on discord and Fable-owl when he created his new account here, gosh that Kistilan is just so clever.

Do I expect you to walk it back now Noamineo? of course not. You have just posted that you are on Kelltore's side, I got to say from all I've read Kistilan must be laughing his ass of after reading how you are on his side! From all I've read in the posts from 2020 and 2021 you seemed really proud of yourself for helping drive him out right? and now that guy has you on retainer via a couple of accounts that an hour of search/reading would have exposed as Kistialn. Man, I guess it's no surprise that you can't afford to admit you were off, really you have such a blind spot and agenda-driven myopia on the Vault that you just can't afford to lose face. But Kelltore certainly has his revenge on you now, assuming you really were part of the possee who brought him down. Seeing how easily you misread or ignore available records I kind of doubt it.

As for me, I've only been around shy of a year, luckily I have no skin in the game here and I'm willing to look at posts, and records rationally and to take a minute to use search and send PMs to check people's bona fides. I may not matter much here but at least I am not so compromised that I can't call a spade a spade, or a kistilian a kelltore and a kelltore a Fable-owl.

Or should I say, A NORSE.OWL A FABLE-OWL?

BTW, sorry about the length. I could have tried to make this shorter, but I'm only doing this once and wanted to be sure I took the time to shut down any excuse someone might be desperate find in the absence of full coverage in an effort to save face.

My Discord Name WAS Norse.OWL you are correct AS IT WAS A NEW DISCORD MADE FOR THIS SALE ONLY AND WAS NEVER MY Main  and I have only messaged a few people it for sales as it was specifically made to make a sale because I was aware shit like this would happen on the vault because there are Salty mother fuckers here. You are doing a lot of investing in something you supposedly do not care about. And doing a lot to prove that Iā€™m supposedly these four to five people. KELLTORE is my RPG name for pen and Paper D&D and was my in game character name in DDO. And since I suspect the person I pissed off and has been doing this dumb assery since I have been gone is someone that had all this little information they have done a shit ton of footwork to make this look like itā€™s me and legit. Itā€™s alot of effort from a pathetic POS, And Personally the fact he has someone like Boxes believing this shit to the point he writes a dissertation on this forum with all this ā€œProofā€ is absolutely astounding to me. That Discord was made specifically for a sale and my PlayStation Network Account Name. It was never my primary discord as I give that to people who actually matter.

Iā€™m not here for Clout or Drama, Yet am Consistently Called out for it. My personal issue is not with the Vault but with People who think they are the most intelligent on a Forum when in Reality they are just the Loudest and Most Annoying who think itā€™s Ok to Bully People when they are dumber than a Box of Jugs- Errrm Rocks.
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #109 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:16am
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FABLE-OWL wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:00am:
Could have made this shorter? Bro from the dumb ass who was calling me out for how long my responses were this was so in depth than compared to me. All of you are hypocritical and so easily manipulated into doing what I want itā€™s funny, my entire goal is to destroy two people, KELLTORE AND Grand. And I sincerely appreciate the work you put into this post as it makes me look more credible. You are still the cum stain that wonā€™t wash off though. I hear bleach is a effective method of getting stains out and making the shit you spout brighter.Ā  Grin Grin
. I donā€™t get you dude, I get Grande because he maybe didnā€™t give you a free exploit or some free shit and his personality is Abrasive at best when he is putting you in check but wtf did I do to you to warrant such a fucking show? I mean this level of fan boy service is just Ludacris, I was never a mass seller of anything, I never had exploits to sell or even know any. The only thing I could think of is you were butt hurt when I was here last.

Iā€™m not here for Clout or Drama, Yet am Consistently Called out for it. My personal issue is not with the Vault but with People who think they are the most intelligent on a Forum when in Reality they are just the Loudest and Most Annoying who think itā€™s Ok to Bully People when they are dumber than a Box of Jugs- Errrm Rocks.
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Snu Snu
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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #110 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:22am
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FABLE-OWL wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:00am:
my entire goal is to destroy two people, KELLTORE AND Grand.

You want to destroy 2 people by posting brainfarts on the Vault?!
Is this some I-suck-your-braincells-through-some-cable concept? Because I still got some tinfoil hats lying around. I made them myself, fyi, for all these special people out there.

Bored Byond Belief
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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #111 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:23am
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Standing Stone Games wrote on Mar 21st, 2023 at 12:00am:
Kistilan = Kelltore = FABLE OWL, then?

Ok. I can believe that.

It appears Kistilan has always been a little bitch.
Ooo Yes who am I? Am I Kistilan? Am I last box, Am I a DragonBorn Sock? I donā€™t know myself apparently but the conjectures about my posts and grammar and paragraph structures has been intended from the start. You imitate what you love thatā€™s Life so when Iā€™m trying to ruin someone and leave people guessing you take all the small details and copy them to a degree that makes it look like you are someone else entirely. But I got back the people I wanted here so in reality I was given everything I wanted. I told you all that I would get him back a few weeks ago. He canā€™t resist and itā€™s so beautiful when everything works out the way I wanted it too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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Snu Snu
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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #112 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:23am
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liljiggy wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 4:46am:
Try to make it home without sucking any dick.


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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #113 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:24am
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since we're taking poles, raise your hand if you didn;'t read that long ass shit
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #114 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:28am
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Snu Snu wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:22am:
You want to destroy 2 people by posting brainfarts on the Vault?!
Is this some I-suck-your-braincells-through-some-cable concept? Because I still got some tinfoil hats lying around. I made them myself, fyi, for all these special people out there.
Seriously agree with you here Snu Snu, Iā€™m seriously at a loss for this type of Idiocy and it borders on legitimate Psychosis for this person apparently, and I seriously question how they think posting here will destroy me personally or even Grande, I personally might take you up on that tin foil hat idea it might keep me safe from people like this šŸ˜‚

Iā€™m not here for Clout or Drama, Yet am Consistently Called out for it. My personal issue is not with the Vault but with People who think they are the most intelligent on a Forum when in Reality they are just the Loudest and Most Annoying who think itā€™s Ok to Bully People when they are dumber than a Box of Jugs- Errrm Rocks.
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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #115 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:31am
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Shunned wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:24am:
since we're taking poles, raise your hand if you didn;'t read that long ass shit

I skimmed it šŸ‘‹ myself but Iā€™m smarter than the average bear Boo Boo.
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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #116 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:35am
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Kelltore wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:28am:
Seriously agree with you here Snu Snu, Iā€™m seriously at a loss for this type of Idiocy and it borders on legitimate Psychosis for this person apparently, and I seriously question how they think posting here will destroy me personally or even Grande, I personally might take you up on that tin foil hat idea it might keep me safe from people like this šŸ˜‚
  You are all pawns in my game of chess here. I was slighted by Kelltore  when I was unable to purchase his account because he said my offer was too low, and Grande passed over me multiple years for his give aways. But thatā€™s all the info you get from me šŸ˜ that tinfoil hat should look amazing on you when I try to tap that ass from behind later!!!  Grin Grin
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Waterworks Kobold

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #117 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:39am
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FABLE-OWL wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:31am:
I skimmed it šŸ‘‹ myself but Iā€™m smarter than the average bear Boo Boo.

How the fuck does any of this make you intelligent? And you felt slighted I wouldnā€™t sell my account to you and by grand by not giving you freebies? This is your whole reasoning to do this shit? I canā€™t with your pathetic ass, Iā€™m going to work I have a life outside of DDO, But seriously all of this because you couldnā€™t get free shit from people?? Wow, Just WOW.

Iā€™m not here for Clout or Drama, Yet am Consistently Called out for it. My personal issue is not with the Vault but with People who think they are the most intelligent on a Forum when in Reality they are just the Loudest and Most Annoying who think itā€™s Ok to Bully People when they are dumber than a Box of Jugs- Errrm Rocks.
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Korthos Resident

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #118 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:46am
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Kelltore wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:39am:
How the fuck does any of this make you intelligent? And you felt slighted I wouldnā€™t sell my account to you and by grand by not giving you freebies? This is your whole reasoning to do this shit? I canā€™t with your pathetic ass, Iā€™m going to work I have a life outside of DDO, But seriously all of this because you couldnā€™t get free shit from people?? Wow, Just WOW.

Free Shit and More Son! But donā€™t disappear we both know you are a 50 year old man who weighs 400lbs and does not work and needs those checks clapped! I want to tickle your throat with my dick by ramming it in your ass.
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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #119 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:56am
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boxes wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 3:03am:
First off I want to make clear that I'm a newish Vaulter, not even a full year here, my main interest in DDO and the Vault has been selling stock. Since the last Otto's box dupe method I had was fixed last summer and my stock became finite my main priority has been trying to identify good buyers and shift out problem buyers and mitigate access risk selling here and on Discord. For those reasons and others I am a bit pedantic and tend to keep track of things that catch my notice, any scams or inconsistencies that could somehow impact the market, my segment of it. That is to say, I watch and try to keep track of most things here and on various discord for selfish monetary interest,Ā  as opposed to a way of getting ahead in personal politics, ongoing agendas, or flame-wars.

Now with all that said I'll admit I can get personally engaged, for instance, I was pretty irked to read your posts Noamineo, and the off-hand and ill-informed manner in which they tossed off my efforts to clear the clouds of bullshit and dust being thrown up to obfuscate things here.

Ooof very off the mark Noamineo, but lets address the above along with another claim of yours on the subject:

Incorrect, as a simple search would show. Both of those accounts are active and one is not the other. As will be covered below, the 'weird O' Kelltore account changed it's name to killtard around the end of last month and the Fable-owl account has been Fable-owl since it was created by Kelltore just look at their activity and creation dates on their profiles. It is pretty funny how sure of yourself you posted without even checking:;username=6E7D6B...;username=1E191A...

See? two different accounts that are both posting... how do you make this kind of mistake? or are you that lazy??

A simple reading will show that the Kelltore with the 'weird o' appeared on the evening of Feb 12th 2023 just as the real Kelltore was imploding, and it did indeed put on a gay show while trying to troll Kelltore along with several other vaulters, jumping on the bandwagon if you will. Within just a few hours of that 'weird O' accounts joining in Kelltore gave up. On his way out Kelltore would try to claim he suddenly sold the 'up to then unsellable' $700 account for a grand and that he was 'retiring' from the vault.

At that point and for the next few days the 'weird O' Kelltore account attempted to make shit posts gloating that he had pushed Kelltore out with his imitation trolling, even though it was much more likely that the ass-kicking and humiliation that Gunga, Aah, liljiggy, DB, SSG, latetotheparty, etc... were handing out is what made Kelltore run for the hills (not chone).Ā 

So that's out of the way, but relevant to the bigger issue regarding Kelltore/Fable-owl. See Noamineo, unlike you I don't have anything invested in any of this. But it does annoy me when people are being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse or to run cover for some other agenda.

And I will own up to the fact that I won't stand around and accept it when someone trying to see only what they want me to see tries to say my links prove shit they clearly refute. so I will try to lay out this painfully obvious scenario for you one last time since you seem either unable or unwilling (more likely) to take ten minutes and use the search function that uncovers all bullshit. But hey, and if you want to feign ignorance or keep playing whatever game it is you are playing after having this laid out? cool. For my peace of mind here we go:

Lets take a look at your claim about Kelltore:

OG Kelltore as you call him joined in 2020 and never choned, something you yourself admitted to in a later post, as seen at the top of the page. But more importantly,Ā since joining in Nov 2020 he has tried to claim he wanted to buy or sell various accounts with no success, whether he was buying or selling depended on who responded to his posts, honestly going back over his posts is pretty sad and transparent reading. Some guy looking for attention from a bunch of people on the vault by claiming this or that, often sharing waaay too much about fabricated life story conditions that regularly contradict each other.Ā 
Never sold, never choned,Ā  In fact here is a little time-line with links to help you see:

-He joined in Nov 2020 claiming he wanted to buy a triple completionist account

-Then at the end of Dec 2020Ā  he started claiming he had 75+ boxes of every type to sell (look at his other posts around the same time, guy couldn't keep his story straight was asking for boxes at the same time as well)

-Then after going radio silent for three months for 5 days in Mar 2021 he starts making drama-trap posts about cheaters, and never selling boxes, and blah blah blah, basically drama stuff, I can't even be bothered to summarize look at his 7 batshit dumb posts Mar 17 2021- Mar 21 2021

-Then nothing from him for nearly a year, finally in Feb 2022 he is back selling what he calls: 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist- All Released Content Owned (this from the guy who was trying to buy an account previously ). Predictably he gets just trashed by the vault at large for the obvious contradictions and mocked mercilessly for a couple of days, eventually, he tries to delete all his posts and disappears again trouble is many of his deleted posts were quoted in that thread and paint a batshit crazy/dumb picture of a guy caught out. Here is the thread with one remaining post of his, the others are all in quotes from other posters on the same thread, including his initial post to start the thread, he tried to delete that one as well but it was saved via quotes, look at the entire thread.

-Ten months later in Dec 2022 he is back, hoping everyone forgot his last little attempt, but right off the bat he messes up by posting that opposed to the 96 Reaper 3/3 Completionist now it has 93 reaper points and just one of the many inconsistencies, pretty clear he is counting on people not to remember, keep track, or use the search button (which after reading your take I'm thinking isn't an unreasonable assumption on his part Noamineo).

Keep in mind that in Dec he claims that the 'account' is for sale for $700 and that just a few months later in an effort to save face on the way out the door on Feb 12 2023 he will claim to have suddenly sold that account he had been unsuccessfully trying to sell for the last three months for over a grand. Honestly its like the guy never remembers or reads what he has posted before

-Inevitably he gets caught and spanked for several days (Dec 6-9 2022) and once again deletes a pile of posts and bails till Feb 2023

-Then in early Feb 2023 he comes back again (same account) after claiming he recovered his phone and PC, whatever that means and is back to sell that account, in the course of that return post from Feb 6th 2023 he says serious buyers should contact him at... wait for it:

* ya see that Noamineo? Norse.OWL how clever eh?

-After that its basically a shitshow from Feb 6th 2023 til Feb 12th 2023, where he just gets shitcanned and attempts to shitcan back various vaulters, just more blah drama, culminating with a dozen and a half ever increasingly freaked-out posts over the course of 8 hours on the 12, when he finally posts he is 'retiring from' the game and vault (and as well all saw today he didn't)

- Of note during that 6-12 Feb 2023 period, although claiming he was back to sell an account for $700, the whole time was mostly Kelltore being bitchslapped by Gunga, liljiggy, and Aah as well as spazzing back and forth with DB, latetotheparty, etc... and then on the 12th, on the last day of the shitstorm Kelltore was still posting and a couple of hours before Kelltore would try to claim he was 'retiring' somebody started the faux Kelltore account with the 'weird O'Ā . Apparently in an attempt to troll him and make the whole thing even more confusing, lame and gay. Whatever the case may be, before Kelltore ran away the night of the 12th claiming he was 'retiring' his last post was him whining about the 'weird O' accounts posts, so maybe it did bother him some. And for the sake of thoroughness that faux account with the 'weird O' is calling itself Killtard now, it switched names around the end of February when it started asking girls to show their tits.

- 9 days later, after seeing his name still being shit on and laughed at kistilan/kelltore would crawl back and to make two more posts desperately trying to pretend it was all a joke and had been so much fun and how he is going to 'leave the game and the Vault' again (yet again). He gets zero traction in the threads, and much worse for him at this point, several Vaulters point out yet again in posts that Kelltore is Kistilan, nobody is buying his rebrand. Just 15 mins after he makes that post, and just 10 mins after he logs out for the next month (it was on his record till today's post) Kistilan/Kelltore creates the account called Fable-owl

You get that Noamineo? Fable-owl... wow Fable-owl, instead of Norse.Owl oooh so clever, nobody will spot that will they?? (facepalm)

-For the next month except for his attempts in the initial 10 post to pretend to be someone else on his Fable-owl account he inevitably falls back into the exact same shit he always does with the same people in the exact same posting style, commenting on older stuff and issues in spite of the fact that it is supposed to be a 1-month-old account, as pointed out by one of our brethren here. Go look for yourself, around post 10 he just gives up the pretence, and everything since then is plain old Kistilan/Killtore faff.Ā 

So Kelltore had a bad month last month and started a new account but couldn't help himself and fell back into the same pattern.

But at this point, I should apologize because I have done us all a disservice. See in an effort to maintain the paper-thin charade Kistilan/Kelltore didn't post as Kelltore during the last 28 days, just using his Fable-owl account. That was until Kelltore was called out and mentioned in a post by me last night (sorry all), which gave him the excuse to start posting as Kelltore rather than to have to use Fable-owl again:

Whoops on my part because Kelltore running as Fable-Owl spotted his name in that post right away.

But isn't it funny that we are supposed to buy that a guy who 'left' last month just happened to spot his name as soon as I was stupid enough to post it? this is in spite of his many repeated claims to be leaving, quitting, or retiring from the game and the vault. Of course, no big surprise because instead of leaving, he was watching daily via the Fable-owl account for mentions of his name since he 'retired'.Ā  Ā 

So Noamineo,

We can see his past patterns, and all the times he got caught out, we can see his posts and attempts to delete posts, we can see the time stamps, and most importantly we can see the blatantly obvious way he posts when he is upset in both accounts.

We can see the remarkable coincidence that even 'retired' he somehow manage to spot his Kelltore name posted immediately and used the opportunity to jump back in.

And we can see his delightful use of Norse.Owl on discord and Fable-owl when he created his new account here, gosh that Kistilan is just so clever.

Do I expect you to walk it back now Noamineo? of course not. You have just posted that you are on Kelltore's side, I got to say from all I've read Kistilan must be laughing his ass of after reading how you are on his side! From all I've read in the posts from 2020 and 2021 you seemed really proud of yourself for helping drive him out right? and now that guy has you on retainer via a couple of accounts that an hour of search/reading would have exposed as Kistialn. Man, I guess it's no surprise that you can't afford to admit you were off, really you have such a blind spot and agenda-driven myopia on the Vault that you just can't afford to lose face. But Kelltore certainly has his revenge on you now, assuming you really were part of the possee who brought him down. Seeing how easily you misread or ignore available records I kind of doubt it.

As for me, I've only been around shy of a year, luckily I have no skin in the game here and I'm willing to look at posts, and records rationally and to take a minute to use search and send PMs to check people's bona fides. I may not matter much here but at least I am not so compromised that I can't call a spade a spade, or a kistilian a kelltore and a kelltore a Fable-owl.

Or should I say, A NORSE.OWL A FABLE-OWL?

BTW, sorry about the length. I could have tried to make this shorter, but I'm only doing this once and wanted to be sure I took the time to shut down any excuse someone might be desperate find in the absence of full coverage in an effort to save face.

Iā€™m glad you went through such a detailed post seriously. I tried very hard to make it seem like FABLE-OWL is Norse.OWL and glad someone was able to notice how much effort I put into this Charade. Seems like Kelltore has another Hater besides me, but if you never cared about him like you suggested you wouldnā€™t have put such a long dragged out response to it, to me it seems like someone is desperate to prove this was him and not the fact I did this deliberately from playing off his discord name, his mannerisms and I even copied some of his responses almost word for word in some of my posts to make it seem like this. See what I mean now? Iā€™m playing chess, you are playing checkers! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ hereā€™s the cookie šŸŖ for your hard work though!
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Abbot Raider

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Re: Norse.owl is Fable-owl? lol
Reply #120 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 11:57am
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FABLE-OWL wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:00am:
Could have made this shorter? Bro from the dumb ass who was calling me out for how long my responses were this was so in depth than compared to me. All of you are hypocritical and so easily manipulated into doing what I want itā€™s funny, my entire goal is to destroy two people, KELLTORE AND Grand. And I sincerely appreciate the work you put into this post as it makes me look more credible. You are still the cum stain that wonā€™t wash off though. I hear bleach is a effective method of getting stains out and making the shit you spout brighter.Ā  Grin Grin

There's a certain level of irony in there about keeping things shorter and quoting that entire essay.
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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #121 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 1:27pm
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With my post here, I'd be shocked if more than 5 human beings are behind the content of this entire page thus far. I don't know how I'm still amazed by this. But, I am. If you were counting, there are 9 distinct screen names so far on this page.
« Last Edit: Mar 22nd, 2023 at 1:29pm by Head-Meat »  

Strake wrote on Mar 31st, 2020 at 1:51pm:
Like every group, there are schlubs and there are stars, and a lot in between. Pick your cause and I can say the same thing about the associated group.
Gunga wrote on Oct 5th, 2022 at 2:27am:
Bitcoin. lul
--Who is luling in March 2025?
*Proud FORCCer*
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Completionist (i.t.p.)

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #122 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 1:52pm
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Shunned wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 9:24am:
since we're taking poles, raise your hand if you didn;'t read that long ass shit


Head-Meat wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 1:27pm:
With my post here, I'd be shocked if more than 5 human beings are behind the content of this entire page thus far. I don't know how I'm still amazed by this. But, I am. If you were counting, there are 9 distinct screen names so far on this page.

Five is about right. Are we counting just this page of the thread or just this page? The sock activity is surprisingly low, just a lot of mouthing off from the same 4 socks.

I'll never understand the propensity of people to brag about being good at a video game. Its a toy you play with for fun. The only person who should be proud of you is your mother. If you're 3.
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Titan Demolisher

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #123 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 2:21pm
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Head-Meat wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 1:27pm:
With my post here, I'd be shocked if more than 5 human beings are behind the content of this entire page thus far. I don't know how I'm still amazed by this. But, I am. If you were counting, there are 9 distinct screen names so far on this page.

I remember a time where if two guys wanted to suck each other off, they'd go to the bathroom and do it quietly through a glory hole.  Not sure why they feel the need to make sure everyone knows they're blowing each other.
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Subtle. I know.

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Re: did lynn quit or get fired?
Reply #124 - Mar 22nd, 2023 at 2:36pm
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noamineo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2023 at 1:52pm:
Five is about right. Are we counting just this page of the thread or just this page? The sock activity is surprisingly low, just a lot of mouthing off from the same 4 socks.


Strake wrote on Mar 31st, 2020 at 1:51pm:
Like every group, there are schlubs and there are stars, and a lot in between. Pick your cause and I can say the same thing about the associated group.
Gunga wrote on Oct 5th, 2022 at 2:27am:
Bitcoin. lul
--Who is luling in March 2025?
*Proud FORCCer*
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